4chan archive /mlp/ (index)
2013-03-12 02:05 9007260 Anonymous (1346618533377.jpg 480x633 151kB)
>Hasbro cancels MLP
>Bronys freak out and demand the show to be brought back
>Hasbro refuses
>riots ensue
>USA enforces marshal law
>UK and Canada follow
where are you in all of this?
1 min later 9007293 Anonymous (1359333929924.gif 500x375 179kB)
2 min later 9007348 Anonymous
I'm calling TCR to hear what the host has to say.
6 min later 9007447 Anonymous
I'll be crying a corner.
9 min later 9007554 Anonymous
I'll be leading a small revolution to overthrow the government and take the state capitol building. Then maybe burn down Hot Topic.
12 min later 9007623 Anonymous (feels 3.jpg 500x738 92kB)
fuck you
17 min later 9007738 Anonymous
I'd be at home fapping to ponies like every other day.
27 min later 9008003 LunAnon
I am your host, the man they call Ghost
30 min later 9008073 Anonymous
Now we have an excuse to be in house without being antisocial
32 min later 9008118 Anonymous
Remembering the laughter...;_;
33 min later 9008150 Anonymous
Fuck, where'd my spoilers go? They're on to us!
53 min later 9008749 Anonymous
I'll be right alongside you. Let's steal some booze while we're at it.
53 min later 9008754 Anonymous
no there not
53 min later 9008778 Anonymous
0.756 0.028