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2013-03-12 02:00 9007117 Anonymous (987959875.jpg 360x480 53kB)
Anyone planning on making one of these?

11 min later 9007455 Anonymous
If I didn't have to go to the mall, push through a bunch of 4-year old girls and their overprotective suburban moms and leave without causing a giant spaghetti fest, sure.

21 min later 9007708 Anonymous
>>9007455 Don't worry. Half of the line will be autistic neckbears, so you'll fit in fine. I like this idea though of making your own pony plush. There's some MLP fans who want plushies on e-bay sometimes and collectibles from McDonalds and grab bags.

21 min later 9007714 Anonymous (hueheuhueh.png 138x78 20kB)

22 min later 9007729 Anonymous
>>perfectly placed autism speaks

23 min later 9007763 Anonymous (1357941217684.gif 250x250 1163kB)
>>9007117 >Autism Speaks >Ponies lel

25 min later 9007795 Anonymous
I wish they would have made a Fluttershy one available.

25 min later 9007808 Anonymous (1359682791849.gif 200x200 1041kB)
>autism speaks

25 min later 9007823 Anonymous
>autism speaks makes me wonder if we have an autist pony. I mean, we have chocolate pony, pizza pony, tracey, milky way, that one mlpg pony, and that other general pony.

26 min later 9007850 Anonymous
>shit pones no thanks

29 min later 9007914 Anonymous (1358753040984.gif 400x395 1875kB)
>>9007708 If it's build-a-bear, they're bound to come with clothes and shit too.

30 min later 9007956 Anonymous
>>9007117 >perfectly placed autism add >my sides nowhere to be found

31 min later 9007970 Anonymous (1361915197813.gif 500x235 472kB)
fuck yeah im getting a pinkie one and an autism bear shiiiiiiiet

32 min later 9007992 Anonymous
>>9007117 >implying you, a grown man, can just walk in there like you own the place, and build a my little pony doll

32 min later 9008012 Anonymous
>>9007117 >Arriving April 1st I call bullshit.

34 min later 9008059 Anonymous
>>9007992 >Implying I, a grown man, won't walk in there like I own the place and cum inside my brand new Rainbow Dash doll in front of everyone

35 min later 9008080 Anonymous
Looks better than the hasbro offerings at least, but I prefer to keep my autism a private affair. Maybe if they offered Rarity. Maybe.

36 min later 9008110 Anonymous
>>9008059 >Not raping the cashier on your way out How beta are you?

40 min later 9008217 Anonymous (20120124221321!Applejack_blushing_S2E14.png 471x347 151kB)
Maybe if they had Applejack

41 min later 9008256 Anonymous
>tfw no Applejack.

46 min later 9008384 Anonymous
I can't tell if their manes are good from that pic.

47 min later 9008400 Anonymous
Knowing you fags I'm surprised nobody here has revealed plans to add a fleshlight to one.

49 min later 9008492 Anonymous (1355175135938.jpg 500x334 110kB)
>>9007117 >Autism Speaks >Sides Maybe I'll get a Pinkie Pie

50 min later 9008521 Anonymous (1354992685429.jpg 544x408 46kB)
>>9008400 Now I do

51 min later 9008538 CapperGeneral
>>9007117 Autism / April Fools placement. I love everything about this

1 hours later 9009412 Anonymous (IMG_20130311_221740.jpg 1600x1200 743kB)
>>9007117 > autism > mlp

1 hours later 9009460 Anonymous
>>9007117 i would a Rainbow Dash one

1 hours later 9009489 Anonymous (rainbowfacepalm - Copy.jpg 333x333 59kB)
>>9007117 Oh god damn it.... I really want one but I would hate putting my spaghetti on display in front of kids and their parents.

1 hours later 9009511 Anonymous
>>9009489 >that feel

1 hours later 9009523 Anonymous
>>9009489 Not going on a school day when it's guaranteed to be deserted... seriously?

1 hours later 9009639 Anonymous (1357449775253.gif 500x281 417kB)
That place doesn't have an age limit right? Right?

1 hours later 9009680 Anonymous
>>9007117 Yes. I'm going with 15+ other people that are in my local meetup group.

1 hours later 9009721 Anonymous
>cyber bullies not allowed at build-a-bear guys. http://youtu.be/Xnk3rU_5G9A

1 hours later 9009773 Autisman2.0 (T0fHw.jpg 219x230 8kB)
>>9007117 >autism speaks

1 hours later 9009800 Anonymous (1347989142868.png 1000x1000 193kB)
>>9009680 I feel sorry for you and the workers that day.

1 hours later 9009835 Anonymous brony dected
>>9009680 Good god the horror.

1 hours later 9009842 Anonymous (222847.png 461x600 93kB)
>>9009721 why is this video so funny

1 hours later 9009895 Anonymous (fluttershywhy.png 504x502 90kB)
>mfw brony neckbeards inevitably have a party at Build-a-Bear and the spaghetti hits the net. http://youtu.be/FMBOk7qGIbQ

1 hours later 9009935 Anonymous (1362631864531.png 500x471 138kB)
>>9009835 >>9009800 The workers at the mall are actually pretty chill about it. My meetup is not the generic ponychan may may spouting sperglords that everyone on this board seems to think. Okay maybe one or two, but they are too antisocial to attend this one.

1 hours later 9009961 Anonymous (1358708987512.png 512x384 310kB)
>>9009721 >Don't do anything online that you wouldn't do in real life

1 hours later 9010024 Anonymous
>>9009895 >tfw I saw all those skipping girls as morbidly obese neckbeards Fuck you anon. Fuck you twice.

1 hours later 9010048 Anonymous
Just find some kid with their parent in the mall and pay them 10 bucks to pretend that kid is yours while you go in

1 hours later 9010049 Anonymous (1348027529740.jpg 457x759 53kB)
>>9009895 No. Just... No.

1 hours later 9010122 Anonymous
I kind of want to go just to see what other MLP fans show up

1 hours later 9010139 Anonymous (1354471621958.gif 300x174 1856kB)
>>9007117 >'Autism Speaks'

1 hours later 9010147 PonyDelight
>>9009895 that would be amusing

1 hours later 9010168 Anonymous (jappleacksad - Copy.gif 336x349 130kB)
>>9009680 No... pls, don't. Just...don't

1 hours later 9010172 Anonymous
>>9010048 >Just find some kid with their parent in the mall and pay them 10 bucks to pretend that kid is yours while you go in uh huh paying other people's kids that you don't know to do things for you how could that possibly go wrong

1 hours later 9010180 UNICORNjt
>>9007823 They're simply known as Bronies.

1 hours later 9010226 Anonymous
>>9009680 Did you know that a gathering of Spaghetti is still just called Spaghetti?

1 hours later 9010570 PonyDelight (autism_pony_by_twotigermoon-d3bd71b.jpg 894x894 66kB)
>>9007823 >makes me wonder if we have an autist pony. here you go

1 hours later 9010653 UNICORNjt
>>9010570 Oh, she's totally adorable!!

2 hours later 9010748 Anonymous
>>9010570 >Not a alicorn 2/10

2 hours later 9010749 PonyDelight
>>9010653 http://twotigermoon.deviantart.com/ art/Puzzles-200489951

2 hours later 9010787 PonyDelight
>>9010653 >>9010748 not mine btw, just googled searched it and got the first one that came up

2 hours later 9010824 Anonymous (1359174616206.jpg 1809x806 424kB)
>>9010168 >>9010226 see >>9009935

2 hours later 9010912 Anonymous
I wish they had Fluttershy but I would definitely go for Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. Especially Rainbow Dash. I just find her so adorable.

2 hours later 9011364 Anonymous
>>9010912 same here. I want one

2 hours later 9011409 Anonymous (thepartynvrends - Copy.jpg 512x512 208kB)
>>9010824 >>9009935 That still sounds like the spaghetti storm of the century to me.

2 hours later 9011533 Anonymous (1293772977825.jpg 358x302 79kB)
>>9010824 >TRY ME

2 hours later 9011717 Anonymous (How to play scout.gif 288x161 1821kB)
>>9010824 >those nigger lips

2 hours later 9012038 Anonymous (1360657415417.png 900x506 727kB)
>>9011409 >>9011409 It's not like everyone is jumping around and singing. We just stand in line and talk. Oh FUCK I hope they have clothes made for these plushies. I want to get them with their Gala dresses

2 hours later 9012097 Anonymous (1362133737131.png 452x422 9kB)
>>9012038 as much as i hate to admit it, that would be awsome

3 hours later 9013268 Anonymous
>>9012038 I would hope they had the gala dresses. Anything else would just be stupid.

6 hours later 9017527 Anonymous (When meth cooking gives you feels.jpg 600x600 94kB)

6 hours later 9017549 Anonymous (4d TS.jpg 710x355 28kB)
>>9009489 You could order one online. Or wait for these

6 hours later 9017614 Anonymous (Maximum Ogredrive.jpg 1376x934 232kB)
>>9017549 Or both

7 hours later 9018072 Anonymous
>>9017549 I really should not want to spend money on this, i really shouldn't. But it beckons to me like the sirens of legend.

7 hours later 9018122 Anonymous

7 hours later 9018281 Anonymous (4de mlp.png 882x953 160kB)
>>9018122 http://www.4thdimensionentertainmen t.com/content/press-release-4th-dim ension-entertainment-introduces-new -line-high-end-specialty-plush-toys

7 hours later 9018328 Anonymous
>>9017549 Y'know, I'm not really into clop, but I wonder if there's a viable business in sewing fleshlites into these.

7 hours later 9018574 Anonymous
>>9018328 Somehow I feel that you could be the next Bill Gates. Imagine it, every home from California to Maine will possess the patented Twatchlight Sparkle sexdoll. Husbands will leave their wives to escape the nagging and delve into sweet horse pussy. Wives will run for the hills when they hear of the new lesbonic pony plush collection. Dildos, dildos everywhere. The horn would puff power globs like magic. Refills sold separately.

7 hours later 9018631 Anonymous
>>9018574 i want to clap and cheer, anon, but i have only one hand free and i want to thank you for it

7 hours later 9018634 Anonymous (1361773603906.gif 340x340 2801kB)

7 hours later 9018641 Anonymous
>>9009680 Put it up on youtube.

7 hours later 9018691 Anonymous
>>9011717 >how to play scout >double force-a-nature instead of scattergun You sicken me

7 hours later 9018698 Anonymous
>>9018641 Journalists far and wide are setting up shop at Build-A-Bears everywhere, looking for the next big scoop of spaghetti

7 hours later 9018749 Milk

7 hours later 9018762 Anonymous

8 hours later 9018873 Anonymous
>>9007914 >implying you wont buy them just to rip them off later I hope they are machine wash

8 hours later 9018893 Milk
Why are you faggots so afraid of people knowing you like MLP? If you just act like a normal fucking person and act casual about it, nobody is going to give a shit, and in some circles, you'll even get bonus points for being unique and uncaring about what other people think. I was on a date last weekend with a girl I had been talking to for about a month, and halfway through the date she noticed an MLP button on my messenger bag. She simply asked "Is this Derpy?" and I said it was and moved on in the conversation. Just act like a normal person, and nobody will give a shit. If you act like you're ashamed, then people are going to think less of you, even if you act normal about anything that isnt MLP.

9 hours later 9019622 Anonymous
>>9018893 You have a valid point.

9 hours later 9019893 Anonymous
I really want to go in there and put organs inside the empty skin of my new pony fetish object.

10 hours later 9020051 Anonymous
I mean it is hard to say from that tiny pic but those look like the best plush's I've seen anywhere. I just don't think have the balls to go up there by myself (because no friends of course) and still expect to build my own rainbow dash. The creepyness is just off the charts.

10 hours later 9020302 Anonymous
>>9020051 bro, all you have to do is be slick about it. Be sure to turn your phone off >walk in store pretending to be on phone >wait in line for some help >act like you're talking to little sister/niece or someone family related who is a girl. >tell said person to hold on while you talk to employee >act like you don't know what they are called >say something like excuse me, my niece/sister is looking for one of those pony stuffed animals named *go to phone*what's her name *insert niece/sister name here* pinky fly or rainbow slash lel...can't say rainbow crash because said employee might be a faggot brony and get the reference >act cool calm and collected >pay for said item >????? >profit

10 hours later 9020387 Anonymous
>>9020302 You my friend are a genius. I know what I"m doing april 1st when those pones come out

11 hours later 9020544 Anonymous
>>9007992 >implying we're all as spineless as your sorry ass >implying the majority of sales in the first few weeks won't be to grown men >implying I won't be first in line when this shit finally launched

11 hours later 9020584 Anonymous
>>9007117 >Rainbow Dash >Fluttershy's eyes Nope, not until the eyes are fixed.

12 hours later 9020951 Anonymous (image.jpg 1280x720 105kB)
>>9007117 I should not be this excited or eager to spend money on this. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD PINKIE MONEY HAVE PLEASE WHERE I CAN WHEN IF THEY HAVE HERE GALA DRESS I CAN'T EVEN OH MY GOD I MONEY HAVE PINKIE PLEASE And it would be kinda cool to see more bronies around here. I didn't know there was so many in my hometown of Co figure it out , Texas.

12 hours later 9021163 Anonymous
>>9020951 Texas has the second-highest concentration of bronies right after California. If you haven't met any other bronies in Texas, you're either not looking hard enough, never leave your house, or hide your powerlevel to an extent that an opportunity will never arise.

12 hours later 9021181 Anonymous (1362204317774.png 717x476 1937kB)
Wow, I want one, they are so cute! But wow...Me and my ex's favorite pones only? I can take her along to legitimize it and make it look like I'm just trying to nail her. No one will ever no I just want the Pinkie Pie. I'll lock my door and nobody will ever know I sleep with a pinkie pie.

12 hours later 9021190 Anonymous
>>9021163 Agreed. I'm not even in a big, populated state but I swear every time I wear an MLP shirt when I'm out and about, I run into at LEAST one or two people that say "Cool shirt, man" or "I like your shirt. Who is best pony?" I'm not saying to go around in full fursuit but you'd be amazed what simply wearing a shirt will do to help you meet fellow bronies (especially the ones overly concerned with their powerlevels).

12 hours later 9021195 Anonymous (8bittwi.png 150x150 1kB)
>>9009680 Wish I could be there to see that

12 hours later 9021201 Anonymous
>>9009680 Are you in Cincinnati by any chance? My local meet up group is planning the exact same outing.

12 hours later 9021228 Anonymous (1360729289112.jpg 1000x950 347kB)
I hope these come to Canada because i have a build a bear close to me. Gotta get me some dashie.

13 hours later 9021259 Anonymous (1360893398734.jpg 499x440 47kB)
>>9020302 Or just walk in, don't give a fuck and buy one. It's like buying the brushables from walmart. If you don't give a fuck about buying it then no one will care. Works everytime.

13 hours later 9021268 Anonymous
>>9021228 As a Canadian, I can confirm they are, my sister and I noticed the flyers at a build-a-bear by us when we went to the mall. The guy said they'd be around 25-30 bucks a pop.

13 hours later 9021274 Anonymous (1359900162566.png 1024x923 187kB)
>>9021268 Fucking awesome, thank you so much.

13 hours later 9021285 Anonymous (1362963431736.jpg 1500x1000 603kB)
>>9021274 Anytime, If you can I'd recommend getting there early in the morning when it opens on April 1st. When we asked about it, he mentioned that quite a few people were interested in them, and he wasnt sure how big the demand for it was going to be. Better to be safe than sorry, yeah?

13 hours later 9021293 Anonymous
Fifty bucks someone get's it and makes it a fuckable plush toy.

19 hours later 9025830 Buttcheese
>>9021293 What's the point of betting? You know someone already has plans to add a fleshlight. It's just a matter of time. On topic, I'm interested to see what clothes we're getting for the toys. If they wanted to pander to the fans of the show, they could add the Elements of Harmony necklaces.

19 hours later 9025876 Anonymous
>>9007117 no not brave enough

19 hours later 9026101 Anonymous
Pinkie and Dashy confirmed for 2 best ponies.

19 hours later 9026212 Anonymous (1326744641052.gif 720x540 656kB)
>mfw me and about 10 other people are going to a nearby BAB to make these See you guys on the internet! >>9020951 I'm assuming that's not near Austin. If you DID live there, you could join us, breh

19 hours later 9026300 Anonymous
>>9018281 >add to their MLP collection, said Bryony Bouyer shit, you actually had me there for a moment

19 hours later 9026328 Anonymous
>>9025876 We need a femanon to buy a lot of them for us and then pay her double for each one.

19 hours later 9026333 Anonymous
Can't you do the build-a-bear process online? Or is it a in-story only kinda deal?

19 hours later 9026470 Anonymous
>>9026333 >April 1st

20 hours later 9026913 Anonymous
>>9026328 How much would you be willing to pay.

20 hours later 9027460 Anonymous
>>9026470 yeah realize it might be an april fools joke Question was can you do the build a bear process online?

20 hours later 9027568 Anonymous
bumpy bump bump

20 hours later 9027660 Anonymous
If this ever comes to the UK I am so there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IDa M1UXCWM

20 hours later 9027747 Buttcheese
>>9027460 Yeah, there is a online store. http://www.buildabear.com/shopping/ home.jsp You can buy the bears, the clothes and other things. No ponies yet, though.

20 hours later 9027841 Anonymous
>>9027747 I thought there was a process where you can modify the bears in the shop, can you do that online?

21 hours later 9028383 Anonymous (1359268063290.png 1050x1500 190kB)
>>9020302 That is the most autistic thing I have ever seen. I'm wishing on a heart and kissing it too, fuck you guys. I can't tell you the wish though, otherwise it won't come true.

21 hours later 9028431 Anonymous (1359517311811.jpg 960x936 83kB)
>>9021201 Nope. West coast.

21 hours later 9028578 Anonymous
>>9009721 >can't comment on the video without uploader approval FUCK

22 hours later 9031135 Anonymous
If they have flutter or AJ ones I'm making one. Anyone know if they're rolling out quotes from the show in the little noise making heart things? That would be pretty awesome.

22 hours later 9031189 Anonymous
>>9009639 I went there with my dad and sister when I was 17 and got a build a bear too because fuck it why not.

23 hours later 9031400 Anonymous
>>9018893 >If you just act like a normal fucking person and act casual about it, nobody is going to give a shit, and in some circles, you'll even get bonus points for being unique and uncaring about what other people think. This so much. I've been showered in free pony merch from cute girls.

23 hours later 9031477 Anonymous
>>9021163 Where are numbers on concentrations of bronies?

2.500 0.109