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2013-03-12 01:55 9006989 Anonymous (AppppplllleeeJack.jpg 633x345 58kB)
Can we has a vocaroo thread plz?
11 min later 9007326 Anonymous (270148-duke_nukem_004_1_.jpg 1024x768 117kB)
I can even do a pretty nifty Duke Nukem impersonation...
26 min later 9007731 Anonymous
33 min later 9007921 Anonymous
42 min later 9008157 Anonymous (pinkie_pie_icon_by_mocha_birdy-d5ku913.png 700x700 407kB)
47 min later 9008298 Anonymous
49 min later 9008336 Anonymous
I've never been in one of these threads..
So I just read a paragraph from the story, "Spiderses".
52 min later 9008447 Anonymous
You are now required to do a dramatic reading of the whole thing.
59 min later 9008663 Anonymous (joker_pie_by_worse_himself-d47p4ov.jpg 900x1019 171kB)
You are the hero this thread deserves.
59 min later 9008664 Anonymous (nixon.jpg 960x540 87kB)
1 hours later 9008697 Twidom (Twilight 80.png 544x510 217kB)
I just read the next paragraph of "Spiderses" for >>9008336 I'm sorry for not being original, I can never think of what to say.
1 hours later 9008730 Anonymous
1 hours later 9008904 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009257 Anonymous (t_die_nurse_redheart_This_Thread_1194.png 350x350 76kB)
1 hours later 9009384 Anonymous
Here we go.
Took two takes because of friends interrupting.
Decided to record with them there anyway.
I am so, soo sorry.
1 hours later 9009517 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009638 Anonymous
You are a natural
1 hours later 9009749 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009865 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009923 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010006 Anonymous
I've been told I do a decent breaburn
1 hours later 9010118 Anonymous (Frustratede.png 515x459 13kB)
Vocal shitposting is still shitposting.
1 hours later 9010189 Anonymous
Oh.. Thanks I guess.
1 hours later 9010519 Anonymous
Any femanons out there that sound like one of the mane 6?
2 hours later 9010707 Anonymous
2 hours later 9010838 Anonymous
I can sound like the Russian versions on some of them. Request the ones you want with a script and I'll do my best
I am pretty shy though
2 hours later 9010885 Disgustingly Nice Anon
2 hours later 9010965 Anonymous
2 hours later 9010979 Anonymous
I dunno
2 hours later 9011113 Anonymous
Give me something to read or sing. Also give me a voice to do it in.
2 hours later 9011139 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011160 Anonymous
sing The smile song in Flutterguy's voice
2 hours later 9011200 DJ Special K
So...anyone with an impersonation want to make a sweeper for my radio show?
I'll pay in consented rape dollars
2 hours later 9011207 Anonymous (1338767373379.gif 320x240 1201kB)
>Twilight Sparkle unicorn hero's girl. Unicode mapping error key royal capital of Pegasus and peaceful quest rear pin, we live pony lived in ~Yantarotto. However, Princess Ceres Tier Queen Twilight of the house reading, serious and "not just read a book to learn about friendship" from our , and he received a life, to accompany a spike in baby dragon, Kipos rural town in Biru then it will go ...... been involved in a lot of things there now? U, I wonder what kind of interesting to meet with friends? And, how you can learn about friendship?
2 hours later 9011262 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svAg SM9OJl4
2 hours later 9011361 Anonymous (1360619098034.jpg 600x446 126kB)
2 hours later 9011412 Anonymous
/mlp/ should have a skype group
2 hours later 9011594 Anonymous
I tried anon. I really did.
2 hours later 9011603 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011632 Anonymous
Very good.
2 hours later 9011677 Anonymous
we do AiE Genneral
2 hours later 9011724 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011750 The Once-ler
Does anyone have the "tango with the mando" vocaroo still?
2 hours later 9011760 Anonymous
I like your voice mister
2 hours later 9011812 Anonymous
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYA GB11YrSs
I think you've been watching this one a bit too much
2 hours later 9011822 Anonymous
Hello! ma baby
Hello! ma honey
Hello! ma ragtime gal
Send me a kiss by wire
Baby, ma heart's on fire!
If you refuse me
Honey, you'll lose me
Then you'll be left alone
Oh, baby, telephone
And tell me I'm your own!
You know the voice. And for the love of god, put some SOUL into it.
2 hours later 9011851 Anonymous (doyoulikeapizza+rolled+a+random+image+posted+in+comment+31+at+_91de807138d00f64656296955288ebed.jpg 300x169 11kB)
2 hours later 9011913 Anonymous
AiE has like. Four different chats. There's Grammar School, run by Moose, there's The Heretic Chat, run by Hesh, The General chat, i think run by Wuten or Void, and the normal Voice chat, run by Wuten.
Hi Naba!
2 hours later 9011949 Anonymous
Why did I think making an Arrested Development reference was a good idea
2 hours later 9011973 Anonymous
2 hours later 9012017 Anonymous (1345065386765.jpg 367x322 15kB)
2 hours later 9012045 Anonymous
Ugh. This is my first not-voice-whoring post, you ass. I'm violated now.
Whatever. Who has something for ol' Naba to terrorize people with
2 hours later 9012133 Anonymous (6290094284_954ae4782d.jpg 150x230 25kB)
Hey childhood, how you doing?
2 hours later 9012153 Moose
Do a Lovecraft quote. like "That is not dead which can eternal lie. Yet with strange aeons even death may die"
3 hours later 9012227 Anonymous
"Oh... it's the same set-up I have in my van..."
"Celestia, Fluttershy- you're still taping bum fights?"
"No, now I'm into something... darker."
3 hours later 9012266 Anonymous
"I want to come inside!" - Rainbow dash
3 hours later 9012278 Disgustingly Nice Anon
Anthropology, sung by D.N.A
3 hours later 9012322 The Once-ler (1359429546173.jpg 504x360 37kB)
You're a cool guy, but singing isn't your talent
3 hours later 9012342 Anonymous
Did something a little longer. Still Lovecraft. HONK.
3 hours later 9012408 Disgustingly Nice Anon ('v'.png 212x211 5kB)
I can agree,
not as a main singer anyways.
Still, Yeah not really good.
Thanks for your opinion.
3 hours later 9012714 Anonymous (DON'T STOP SKANKING.gif 380x298 399kB)
Thread revivial, coming through!
3 hours later 9012753 Anonymous
Keeps getting an error every time I try and record it..I'll keep trying.
3 hours later 9012880 Anonymous (avatar.png 1696x1652 176kB)
can my retarded OC skank along too?
3 hours later 9012920 Anonymous
I'm gonna read and critique this
>http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89 945/1/silence-of-the-ponies/chapter -1
I couldn't finish it was too hard to read.
I'll finish the chapter if people want but ugh.
3 hours later 9012971 Anonymous
that was magical
3 hours later 9012976 Disgustingly Nice Anon
3 hours later 9013041 Anonymous
3 hours later 9013096 Moose
If you want, I can try and pull off a full cover... No one will want me too.
3 hours later 9013115 Disgustingly Nice Anon (I dunno.png 702x748 15kB)
Doesn't really matter, just a short way to say "Disgustingly Nice Anon"
3 hours later 9013167 Disgustingly Nice Anon
mmm I could say you can try.
attempt to sing it many times, and post the one that sounds perfect, or as good as it can get.
there was no way I could do >>9012278
in one try.
3 hours later 9013243 Anonymous (27504325_.jpg 320x240 9kB)
It is true yes.
3 hours later 9013258 Anonymous
fuck i forgot the link
3 hours later 9013338 Moose
I have the song memorised... I just stopped there cause I kept on getting skype messages from people, and that caused so many fuck ups.
Also. yes. I have a shitty fake German accent.
3 hours later 9013354 Anonymous
God that was such a hassel.
3 hours later 9013398 Anonymous (MannJew.png 219x255 48kB)
Requesting a reading of this:
KIKE, KIKE, Weasel-like,
scheming since a hook-nosed tyke...
Counts his pennies day and night,
squeals if one rolls out of sight.
Promotes a thousand social ills,
for which you'll have to foot the bills.
...Eventually in love he falls,
and weds a shrew who swipes his balls...
Soon this pair of whining scum,
will beat their breasts just like a drum...
And lie about the loved ones lost,
in a myth they call "the holocaust".
Coarse and pushy...
greedy and trite...
3 hours later 9013472 Anonymous
3 hours later 9013546 Anonymous
3 hours later 9013547 Anonymous
3 hours later 9013564 Moose
3 hours later 9013568 Dom
3 hours later 9013586 Anonymous
For you.
3 hours later 9013607 Anonymous (39091.png 900x450 273kB)
Good night Anon! Sleep well!
4 hours later 9013850 Anonymous
Well.. sure, why not. Was testing mic quality anyway.
Anyone got tips on how to make this thing sound quality enough to perform "let's read"s of some stories?
no, not fallout equestria, that's too damn overdone.
4 hours later 9013954 Anonymous
I'm a lil tipsy,. keep it comming these are fun
4 hours later 9013966 Anonymous
*clap clap clap*
4 hours later 9014043 Anonymous
Damn. What kind of mic are you using?
captcha; CAlexp compared
oh shit captcha knows my name surround by CP.
4 hours later 9014075 Anonymous
WRong one
4 hours later 9014166 Anonymous
Fuck it I'm going to try to read this whole thing
>http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89 945/1/silence-of-the-ponies/chapter -1
4 hours later 9014323 Anonymous
If this thread doesn't do I'll come back and so come more
4 hours later 9014392 Anonymous (1357850358967.png 900x495 156kB)
die,,jeez i am tired. good night anons!
4 hours later 9014447 Anonymous
gnight anon!
4 hours later 9014672 Anonymous
ok time to find more bad stories.
4 hours later 9014808 Anonymous
4 hours later 9014844 Anonymous
And before you cry:
4 hours later 9015133 Anonymous
ok 'prolog' and chapter 1 of this story plus i guess the comments.
>http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89 884/1/fallout-equrastra-crimson-pla n/prolog
>http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89 884/2/fallout-equrastra-crimson-pla n/chapter-1-these-dark-gray-walls
There we are
Man that hurt. It was easier than the last one though.
4 hours later 9015189 Anonymous
5 hours later 9015833 Anonymous
5 hours later 9015926 Anonymous
Welp I'm tired goodnight dead vocaroo thread
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