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2012-09-05 10:06 4339438 Anonymous (1346797342474.jpg 1200x2400 750kB)
Is my understanding that a game is running on this boards, am I right? Looking for info.

3 min later 4339482 Dungeon Master
I often run sessions of this game on here, starting between 8-9 central time.

6 min later 4339521 Anonymous
>>4339482 So you mean, GMT+0/+1? looks perfect for me. Looking forward to your next game thread then.

11 min later 4339576 Dungeon Master
>>4339521 On weekdays the games usually last between 3-5 hours, on weekends they can last far longer. Players usually drop out as time passes, and occasionally new ones jump in. We aren't doing a campaign right now, so we're not in the middle of any story (though I'll probably start one soon). Besides campaigns, I also do "one-shots", where its just a single session self contained story, which is usually short (3-4 hours). I probably won't do a game tonight, but I'm not sure yet. As to gameplay, I run a simplified version of the combat system. Everything else is pretty much as that pic says. Do you know the rules? Or do you have any questions?

15 min later 4339645 Anonymous
>>4339576 I do, I already played it and also have a Character ready with 1.1 ruleset, I should be good.

18 min later 4339680 Dungeon Master
>>4339645 K. What's your character name so I'll recognize it if I see it? I also play the game as a player, "The Emperor", who is basically the Emperor of Mankind, except pony.

26 min later 4339781 Anonymous
>>4339680 Sylt, an Omniseer. I never joined a thread here on /mlp/, but I introduced myself and played a one shot on mlpg.co

31 min later 4339837 Dungeon Master
>>4339781 Do you have Improved Spellcasting? If so, haha, no fourth wall. Epic power. I've done alot of sessions on here, probably about 12 by now. I sent the party through Tartarus, which I based on Dante's Inferno. One player killed Tirek and took over Hell. I sent the party to a vampire tomb, and most of them got killed the vampire leader, Alucard from Helsing. The party got kidnapped by Pony Glados and went through her testing chambers. And other such things.

32 min later 4339853 Anonymous
>>4339837 Indeed, here's my char sheet. Name: Sylt Race: Unicorn Gender: Female CM: A few, scattered sparkles. (+2 to teleport) Class: Omniseer Skills: -Improved Spellcasting -Teleport (Mass Teleport) -Sight Beyond Sight (Fourth Eye) -Unicorn Telekinesis (Improved Telekinesis) Alignment: Caotic Neutral Inventory: Simple Longbow and Wooden arrows. Knife, not for combat Dual Daggers, made of common metal Leather barding (Inventory varies based on what the DM allows, but this is a basic template) Physical description: Quite short, robust frame, cream fur, small horn easily concealed by the brown mane, kept straight on the right side of her head at knee-height, slightly curled near the end. Brown eyes. RP stuff nobody cares about. Archeology fascinated her since fillyhood, when she'd dive into the forest, looking for clues on lost civilizations or remains of misteryous monsters of old. Despite her small horn her magic always proved strong, but she's never been able to learn anything outside of teleportation magic, and that too was possible only due to the shock of a "fight or flight" situation in her early years. Occasionally, she'd suffer from short losses of memory, of nothing more than a few minutes. Ponies who witnessed her blanking out said that she started "Blabbering nonsense" and didn't seem to lose her ability to walk.

34 min later 4339894 Dungeon Master (Emperor_of_Mankind_by_genzoman.jpg 734x950 257kB)
Here's mine. The Emperor Unicorn Male Mage Cutie Mark: A floating suit of armor (no armor penalty on Telekinesis/Improved Telekinesis) Lawful Good (Godless) Skills: Scholar Improved Spellcasting Spell Focus Telekinesis (Racial) Improved Telekinesis (Improved Racial) Inventory: 1h Flame Sword 1h Lightning Claw Golden Terminator Armor (Heavy) 1000 bits 5 Health Potions Codex Biologica (A book detailing all life I know of/have encountered) Codex Daimonica (A book detailing all demons/monsters I know of/have encountered) Codex Technologica (A book detailing all machinery I know of/have encountered) Codex Arcana (A book detailing all magic I know of/have encountered) Traits: Rationalist, Scientific, Atheist, Vaguely Racist. Pic Related: I'm the pony version of this guy.

37 min later 4339930 Ebenezer
Sorry to bother. In the pic the "Check the Multiclass chart" refers to an official rule book or do you have a pic for this one?

37 min later 4339932 Anonymous
>>4339894 Kinda hard not to know who TEH EMPHRAA is. Well I'll wait for you to make a thread then, will be lurking around.

42 min later 4340014 Dungeon Master
>>4339930 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AjN5fGlS0E2rdGhrdnNpQ1hFUzFDNkowelJ2U0szNFE&output= html Multiclass chart.

52 min later 4340141 Anonymous (-MLPDnD Class Alignment Guidelines.png 1086x2951 729kB)

54 min later 4340164 Anonymous
>>4340141 mixed classes have to adhere to the alignement of both, right?

56 min later 4340214 Ebenezer
>>4340014 Many thanks

1 hours later 4340459 Anonymous (GROFICS CHAT.jpg 163x240 8kB)
>>4340164 Exactly. There aren't actually many conflictions in multiclass alignments, except when dealing with Paladins, Necromancers and Shamans...

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