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2013-08-06 05:24 4005523 Anonymous (Theresalwaysmoneyinthebananastand.png 244x412 199kB)
ITT we find incredibly stupid reviews of books we like on goodreads. >This book was long and boring that did not go anywhere,. The reason for me was that it was too slow, epsically the fact that the whole book is centered around one event that in most books would have taken at most 1/4 of the book to get done. The interaction of the characters was always the same, the past lifes of the character did not matter to me for the main hcaracter to make his decision. >But on the other hand, it had a great impact on one person, James Oliver Rigney Jr. He was so impacted on this book that when he started writing back in the late 70s, he took up the name of the main character to become his main pen name, which better known to fans as Robert Jordan. Plus I feel like he writes in the same style has Hemingway did in For Whom the Bell Tolls, as he likes to make plots longer, over books, sometimes I think his character interactions are pointless. Overall I think Hemingway, and especially this book had a lasting impact on his live, it is one of those life changing books for him. Without this book, there would be no Robert Jordan. >Robert Jordan is the only reason that I gave this book a three stars not a four, without this book there would be no Wheel of Times and the man that we know today >epsically

23 min later 4005577 Anonymous
>You've got to be fucking kidding me. I read books so I don't talk like a cockney drug addict with paranoid schizoid tendencies. Twenty pages in, I worried about brain bleeding and decided that this was not how I intended to live my life. Yes, I'm sure it was a wonderful movie, some of my favorite people are junkies, etc. >sorry everyone i loved this movie but couldn't get passed the language of the book and i read clockwork orange for god sake

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