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2013-08-05 10:57 4003170 Anonymous GOODREADS! (Nikola_Tesla.jpg 273x400 10kB)
Hey /lit/, Any of you guys have goodreads accounts? I find it useful to help discover new authors through friends you may not of discovered otherwise. So post your account/make one and we'll add each other

1 min later 4003176 Anonymous (territory.jpg 500x630 43kB)
http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/ 21675244-stian Here you are. Anyone else hyped for BB?

3 min later 4003186 Anonymous
>>4003176 >Anyone else hyped for BB? Fuck yes! When is it, the 9th?

7 min later 4003198 Anonymous (thom yorke.gif 397x215 1449kB)
>>4003186 August 11th, I think, although I might be wrong.

7 min later 4003199 Anonymous
>>4003176 BB?

12 min later 4003216 Anonymous (breaking feel.jpg 600x600 87kB)
>>4003199 Breaking Bad.

14 min later 4003225 Anonymous
>>4003216 Man I still need to watch all of it..

14 min later 4003228 Anonymous (Breaking-Bad_Wallpaper-2.jpg 1920x1200 239kB)

15 min later 4003230 Anonymous (1368102625249.jpg 384x512 37kB)
http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/ 22283385-enda

16 min later 4003234 Anonymous
>>4003198 I live in the UK so have to wait till the next day to stream it anyway. Can't believe it's been a year. I'm going to have to re-watch the last episode to refresh myself.

19 min later 4003243 Anonymous
>>4003216 >[F ]eeling [Ba]d Why did they make that using [F] - fluorine, instead of [Fe] - Iron? The kerning would look so much better with [Fe]

27 min later 4003256 Anonymous
I've been actively avoiding goodreads for a while because Facebook is a plague and the seem pretty interconnected. is possible/ not pointless w/o Facebook?

36 min later 4003276 Anonymous
>>4003256 You don't need a facebook account to use goodreads.

54 min later 4003315 Anonymous
>>4003276 It's kind of like the facebook of books though like i can't believe that when I click on "i own this book" it comes up with a little tooltip allowing me to specify what condition the book is in, where I purchased it originally, etc. like who the hell cares about that it's just showing off stupid things about the stuff you read that's all completely tangential to the actual content of the book i can't remember seeing a single stimulating thing on that site, all the reviews are boring and innocuous. i can't for the life of me discern what the purpose of this site is for someone who's primary purpose when reading is to read and understand

57 min later 4003320 Anonymous
>>4003176 Nah, I watched that show for a while and it was decent but it got really action-orientated and I thought all the subtlety went out of the window.

1 hours later 4003360 Anonymous
Why would /lit/ like this site? Most of the readers actually read and follow contemporary lit, they don't just circlejerk over the canon

3 hours later 4003842 Anonymous
>>4003256 You can disconnect Goodreads from Facebook so everyone doesn't know you're reading 120 Days of Sodom.

4 hours later 4003912 Anonymous
>>4003315 I care for my own personal bookkeeping. Some people just read for fun and like being in a community of people that just read for fun.

8 hours later 4004583 Anonymous
>>4003912 but like I guess but they aren't really talking about reading like for fun at all like i guess the whole "reading" thing seems pretty corollary to the experience of good'reads' which seems i dunno at least a little off maybe i'm just not getting it

8 hours later 4004600 Anonymous

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