4chan archive /lit/ (index)
2012-09-24 04:31 3003760 Anonymous (IMG_20120923_211618.jpg 2048x1536 889kB)
Recent used bookstore haul.
6 min later 3003779 Anonymous
8 min later 3003786 Anonymous
fuck off /sci/
getting tired of this dogmatic materialist shit
athiesm is pretty dogmatic
12 min later 3003799 Anonymous
You are dogmatic.
13 min later 3003802 Anonymous
Your mom is dogmatic.
23 min later 3003828 Anonymous
I fucked your mom doggy-matic style
33 min later 3003842 Anonymous
You did good, son.
40 min later 3003849 Anonymous
>Marx & Engels
Enjoy that utopian propaganda
41 min later 3003851 Anonymous
Holy shit that's a lot of assumptions in one post
55 min later 3003882 Anonymous
1 hours later 3003923 Anonymous
fuck u and your shit
2.495 0.048