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2012-09-24 04:31 3003760 Anonymous (IMG_20120923_211618.jpg 2048x1536 889kB)
<--- Recent used bookstore haul. Win?

6 min later 3003779 Anonymous
>Jung lol

8 min later 3003786 Anonymous
>>3003779 fuck off /sci/ getting tired of this dogmatic materialist shit athiesm is pretty dogmatic

12 min later 3003799 Anonymous
>>3003786 You are dogmatic.

13 min later 3003802 Anonymous
>>3003799 Your mom is dogmatic.

23 min later 3003828 Anonymous
>>3003802 I fucked your mom doggy-matic style

33 min later 3003842 Anonymous
>>3003760 >Jung >Gibson You did good, son.

40 min later 3003849 Anonymous
>Marx & Engels Enjoy that utopian propaganda

41 min later 3003851 Anonymous
>>3003786 Holy shit that's a lot of assumptions in one post

55 min later 3003882 Anonymous
>>3003828 DAMN SON

1 hours later 3003923 Anonymous
>>3003828 lol'd >>3003849 fuck u and your shit

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