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2012-09-23 07:41 3002226 Anonymous (e3c3c8f14aingway.jpg.jpg 485x628 39kB)
Maybe we could go hunting, with my favorite shotgun!
6 min later 3002246 Anonymous
>tfw even if you could hang out with Hemingway, he'd probably think you're an unmanly waste of space
13 min later 3002260 Anonymous
>implying he didn't go out drinking with wimpy James Joyce
15 min later 3002267 Anonymous
Never gets old.
20 min later 3002279 Anonymous
Joyce used to start fights for Hem to finish.
There's always one.
26 min later 3002297 Anonymous
Hemingway was a tryhard poser. Probably why he killed himself.
47 min later 3002331 Anonymous
Deal with him, Hemmingway! Deal with him!
1 hours later 3002482 Anonymous (Francis_Scott_Fitzgerald_1937_June_4_(1)_(photo_by_Carl_van_Vechten).jpg 1074x1506 268kB)
He knew he could never be as good as pic-related, and that motherfucker died eating a chocolate bar.
1 hours later 3002536 Anonymous
We can't even get close to a story like that in the 21st century.
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