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2013-03-29 12:45 9531405 Anonymous (220px-2006_Nickel_Proof_Obv.png 220x220 59kB)
This is the ugliest coin the US has minted.
0 min later 9531428 Anonymous
The most beautiful I would say
1 min later 9531440 Anonymous
At least you don't have some old hag with a crown on your coins.
1 min later 9531451 Anonymous
2 min later 9531479 Anonymous
>Australian standard of beauty
It's a great feeling, get rid of the queen and become a real country Canada. Though I do like your quarter.
3 min later 9531504 Anonymous
how much is that? 50 cents? a dollar? do you even have dollar coins?
3 min later 9531511 Anonymous
at least i know who that hag is
i've no clue who the twat on that coin is
4 min later 9531525 Anonymous
It's 43 cents.
5 min later 9531549 Anonymous
5 cents, we do have dollar coins but they're not very popular.
5 min later 9531562 Anonymous
>not recognizing TJ
Do you even liberty?
oh wait, you're a britfat
6 min later 9531570 Anonymous (canada-penny.jpg 893x671 136kB)
I like your old pennies, with the young queen on them.
6 min later 9531576 Anonymous
Yeah the caribou is a majestic animal, but there's far too many people that like to kiss the crowns ass, or too many people that are apathetic to doing anything so we just carry on with the same old same old.
7 min later 9531612 Anonymous
it's worth exactly the amount of "Liberty", can't you read?
9 min later 9531645 Anonymous (1907-20-Dollar-Ultra-High-Relief-Saint-Gaudens-Double-Eagle-Gold-Coin.jpg 510x262 52kB)
This used to be our standard of beauty.
Elegant, simplistic, a real piece of art.
9 min later 9531659 Anonymous
Numbers to indicate worth are total pleb tier shit.
10 min later 9531665 Anonymous (6382110.jpg 620x400 108kB)
we used to have a king on them too.
10 min later 9531673 Anonymous (220px-LineartPresRev (1).png 220x221 108kB)
Yes, we have dollar coins, but they don't mint very many of them because Americans are too dumb to understand that it's possible for a coin to have a value of more than 25 cents.
I can only hope that changes someday... along with the existence of the penny.
10 min later 9531675 Anonymous
>Implying anybody actually uses nickels
10 min later 9531688 Anonymous
>tfw we mint coins of infinite value
11 min later 9531695 Anonymous
Fuck. That is really good looking. What the fuck is wrong with everything all the time forever.
11 min later 9531700 Anonymous
The dollar bill is superior, and the penny is a classic.
Fuck you and your "progressive" change.
11 min later 9531704 Anonymous (MURICA.jpg 300x263 22kB)
Should've made this a coin.
11 min later 9531709 Anonymous
My nigga.
I use pennies to throw at small animals. $1 coins are neat too, love them for vending machines
12 min later 9531728 Anonymous
More people than use pennies, I can assure you. You know a coin is essentially worthless when you need to carry 100 of them to buy a soda. Actually, since most vending machines don't accept pennies, and most cashiers won't even serve you if you try and pay with pennies, they're COMPLETELY worthless
12 min later 9531735 Anonymous
Or because bills are more convenient as they don't weigh down your pocket and all fit comfortably into a wallet.
Of course, paying by card is superior to cash payments, but sometimes you want the anonymity. Consequently, the only good use of change is for the coinstar machine.
13 min later 9531744 Anonymous
How is carrying a bunch of coins better than carrying a folded piece of cloth?
13 min later 9531752 Anonymous
>not saving pennies up and exchanging them for dollars
>is fucking stupid
14 min later 9531769 Anonymous
A coin lasts a lot longer than a flimsy piece of cloth.
15 min later 9531794 Anonymous
No one wants to carry a purse for their coins when they can stuff multiple dollars in their wallet.
What you should be advocating is the use of the 2 dollar bill. The forgotten top tier bill.
15 min later 9531798 Anonymous
So? The cost to print a bill is so tiny that the vast majority would be more than willing to put up with that cost for a convenient form of currency.
16 min later 9531815 Anonymous (BritishCoinage.jpg 389x599 50kB)
>wishing this much that you used superior British coinage
Stay pleb, Amerifats.
17 min later 9531843 Anonymous (1348623544764.jpg 579x527 70kB)
>has an institutionalized class system
>calls others pleb
22 min later 9531963 Anonymous (2-dollar-bill.jpg 598x255 71kB)
Speaking of 2 dollar bills, how often do these circulate?
You'll probably find only find one in circulation every 3 years or so.
24 min later 9532029 Anonymous
I almost never see these. The only time they're used is in the following
>bring $20 to bank
>get 10 $2 bills
>keep them because they're obscure and neat
>spend a few
26 min later 9532076 Anonymous
>keep them because they're obscure and neat
This is why we don't see them, everyone thinks they're special when they're just regular bills. Same thing with dollar coins.
Don't hoard! You're collectively keeping millions of dollars out of circulation.
27 min later 9532101 Anonymous
Heh, I used to travel a little aborad and I always went to the same currency exange house. They had a 2 dollar bill framed in a wall because it was so fucking rare.
27 min later 9532104 Anonymous
>Tacky as fuck
30 min later 9532159 Anonymous
>denies that class systems don't exist
>labours under the delusion that anywhere has actual equality
>insults countries who are grounded enough to admit it
30 min later 9532174 Anonymous
Do exist, even.
31 min later 9532186 Anonymous
I prefered the old ones.
31 min later 9532203 Anonymous (5_Silver_US_Dollars_1896.jpg 640x277 49kB)
We have shitty coins, but we do paper money well. This is my favorite banknote ever, right here.
32 min later 9532229 Anonymous (50_97.jpg 586x300 40kB)
I do miss the Bess & Britannia 50p.
7 hours later 9539277 Anonymous
I like to collect those but it seems nowadays the only place that has them is New York for the subway.
7 hours later 9539381 Anonymous (mone.jpg 800x674 287kB)
straya has best moneys deal with it
7 hours later 9539423 Anonymous (m3825892.jpg 689x351 41kB)
looks like our 50 cent piece
18 hours later 9548319 Anonymous
19 hours later 9550562 Anonymous (3165euro_coins.jpg 700x479 100kB)
This thread make me miss the old coins we had.
Euro coins are clearly the ugliest money in the entire world.
19 hours later 9550624 Anonymous
colorful, yes. best, fuck no,
19 hours later 9550674 Anonymous
>british coinage
20 hours later 9551180 Anonymous (ten_bit_coin___royal_equestrian_mint_by_tidalkraken-d5ydcl1.jpg 1600x900 277kB)
20 hours later 9551614 Anonymous (silve.png 1535x988 1931kB)
>Not paying in beautiful silver coins of European rulers.
20 hours later 9551647 Anonymous (butt.jpg 1200x1200 411kB)
Master race
20 hours later 9551662 Anonymous
Is that a mosque??
20 hours later 9551687 Anonymous
Nah, bitch, it's obviously Princess Celestia's castle, fuckin dumbass.
20 hours later 9551696 Anonymous (100f1991fh.jpg 600x600 50kB)
Give her the Francs
20 hours later 9551718 Anonymous
>trusting in God
>not trusting in science
20 hours later 9551734 Anonymous
>being a godless commie
20 hours later 9551738 Anonymous
eah money hS been getting uglier asof late
5 dollar bill acfually has pink on it -, something I used to love being MISSING from our fucking money
10 dollar bill now looks lie it was pissed on amd left out on a hot summer day
Seriously, it, is a rule to have everything be shitty after the 90s?
20 hours later 9551786 Anonymous
Our protestant culture is what drives the U.S
20 hours later 9551796 Anonymous
20 hours later 9551856 Anonymous
That's just what Fox News viewers who only speak in buzzwords believe.
20 hours later 9551864 Anonymous
>coinstar machine
or you can just go to your bank and not pay for the privilege of turning your coins into bills
20 hours later 9551914 Anonymous
Jesus Christ why is his hair turning into books that is NOT normal France that's a disease.
20 hours later 9551986 Anonymous
In God we Trust
> lol like Muslims
Federal Reserve Note
> Monopoly Money, federal as FedEx *lol*
20 hours later 9552065 Anonymous (euro.png 1389x1331 2181kB)
The worst thing about Euros is that they sound horrible.
British and American coins make a nice 'chink' when they hit off each other. Euros just sound dull.
They also look awful.
Please, we need a redesign of euros.
20 hours later 9552099 Anonymous
>we need a redesign of euros.
you mean like going off of them?
20 hours later 9552162 Anonymous
>Euros just sound dull.
Just like their design, dull and tasteless
21 hours later 9552634 Anonymous
21 hours later 9552663 Anonymous
>Implying Federal Reserve isn't best central bank.
ECB shit tier son.
21 hours later 9552689 Anonymous
>implying liberty has a price
>implying liberty is free
21 hours later 9552738 Anonymous (gfdhn.jpg 3264x1952 1935kB)
If I don't have a coin from your country, you pretty much live in a non-country.
21 hours later 9552767 Anonymous
Land of the peas, land of the beans,
Land of the four zones of occupation,
we sell you on the black market,
Much beloved Austria!
And up there over the Hermannskogel
gladly the federal bird flutters.
21 hours later 9552808 Anonymous
>mfw I have more nazi coins than a swiss person
are you even trying?
(I traded them for drugs to the grandson of nazis, had them appraised.)
21 hours later 9552891 Anonymous
I never actively collected them, I would just keep interesting coins that found their way into my hands. So no nazi coins I'm afraid ;_;
21 hours later 9552915 Anonymous
>those rupees
Really? What shit design
21 hours later 9553010 Anonymous (GreenRupee.jpg 200x200 5kB)
Ohh come on the one with the thumbs up is nice.
21 hours later 9553345 Anonymous (coin.jpg 531x800 120kB)
There's a lot of non-countries then.
Pic related, my small collection
22 hours later 9553515 Anonymous
>Descartes' hair is made out of books
captcha: sisters dedSvou
If only I had a sister to apply the phallus to...
22 hours later 9553864 Anonymous (uglyasscoins.png 1890x600 1283kB)
Why don't we still use this?
OP, ugliest US coins are Idaho, Alabama, and New Hampshire state quarters.
A lifeless bird, some creepy deaf-mute, and a rock shaped kinda like a person.
Fuck the mountains or the journey of Lewis and Clark or the Nez Perce tribe. Forget the Tuskegee Airmen or the Marshall Space Flight Center. There's literally no way you could make a worse coin for New Hampshire.
22 hours later 9553911 Anonymous
Fuck yeah, freedom!
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