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2013-03-15 05:02 9183754 Anonymous (image.jpg 290x371 47kB)
USA is third most developed country after Norway and Australia, knocking Netherlands into fourth How does this make you feel? Pic not related

29 min later 9184356 Anonymous
USA is not the third most developed country though.

38 min later 9184514 Anonymous
>>9184356 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_ Development_Index#2013_report >implying inb4 >this is counter to my preconceptions of USA, so wikipedia must be lying

42 min later 9184594 Anonymous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o f_countries_by_inequality-adjusted_ HDI Here we go.

48 min later 9184699 French anon
>>9184514 >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human _Development_Index#2013_report >Israel much higher than it should be >USA 3rd >Belgium higher than glorious France This list is dildoes.

51 min later 9184745 Anonymous (imad.jpg 610x396 55kB)
>mfw I saw that yesterday Does Guernsey also have his own flag here?

52 min later 9184769 Anonymous (List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.png 355x24 1kB)
>>9184699 Why do you do this to glorious Libya?

52 min later 9184774 Anonymous
>How does this make you feel? breddy good :DDDDD

53 min later 9184792 Anonymous
>>9184514 What happend in Liechtenstein?

54 min later 9184807 Anonymous (1313598258789.png 203x225 3kB)
>>9184774 >mfw if USA allowed other countries to rape its natural resources, we would have socialist paradise as well those fucking liberals who block mining and drilling are hurting America

55 min later 9184816 French anon
>>9184769 >an Arab and Berber country taking for its flag the Black Panther flag allofmynope.jpg

55 min later 9184822 Anonymous
It doesn't make any sense, why did the US gain so much

56 min later 9184846 Anonymous (1359313260551.png 345x369 34kB)
>>9184822 Jealous, number 7?

57 min later 9184863 Anonymous
>>9184846 We're number 5 but you gained 0.027 points which is a lot Why

58 min later 9184891 Anonymous
>>9184807 >imblying straya is socialisd nighdmare

1 hours later 9184917 Anonymous
>>9184863 jews

1 hours later 9184920 Anonymous
>Inequality adjusted >mattering at all for OECD nations with wealthier people >>9184863 Unemployment dropping Test scores increased as well

1 hours later 9184947 Anonymous (5 (1).jpg 191x234 6kB)
>>9184863 Because Obama is magic Jesus Deutschland, why don't you have ein schwarzer Kanzler yet so you can have progress in your country?

1 hours later 9184950 Anonymous
>>9184807 dude, there's a .001 difference in HDI between Australia and the US, I'm sure that is well within the margin of error, they are effectively the same.

1 hours later 9184975 Anonymous
>>9184920 Well it matters for the US since you're one of the countries with the biggest inequality >Test scores increased as well Are those even taken into account, it seems to be only 3 factors

1 hours later 9184993 Anonymous
This is better as you can see which place is the best for your priorities http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org Australia, USA, and Netherlands are best for me

1 hours later 9184994 Anonymous
>>9183754 >U.S. developed the highest number of fat people the largest number of prisoners 2nd number of murders by firearms 50 million people have no health insurance

1 hours later 9185001 Anonymous (obama[1].png 707x500 391kB)
>>9184947 soon

1 hours later 9185030 Anonymous
>>9184975 Inequality doesn't matter if the average incomes are objectively high, and people have a good standard of living. That's why the IHDI is stupid for OECD nations. It doest matter if 100 people are trillionaires if you have high standards of living and good social mobility (USA is 7th)

1 hours later 9185038 Anonymous
>>9183754 >>U.S. developed some states have executed 12 year olds kids

1 hours later 9185044 Anonymous
>>9184594 Thats the 2011 numbers we are discussing the new 2013 numbers.

1 hours later 9185051 Anonymous (1348773705283.jpg 480x480 45kB)
>>9184994 >commie being buttmad

1 hours later 9185062 Anonymous
>>9185038 no, no they haven't

1 hours later 9185073 Anonymous
>>9185038 My state has a higher HDI than any place in Europe Fuck off Trotsky

1 hours later 9185084 Anonymous
>>9185051 you bitch, I not a communist Communists killed millions of Russian, you insulted me

1 hours later 9185101 Anonymous
I keep telling you fags that America is the greatest country in the world, and you don't listen. It's true. Fucking recognize it already. God bless America.

1 hours later 9185102 Anonymous
>>9185030 Two countries, one has a trillionaire and nineteen with $40,000. The other has twenty with $40,000. The first one would have the higher IDHI, there is no penalty for having more rich people. >USA >high social mobility >>>/gop.com/

1 hours later 9185155 Anonymous (The_Great_Gatsby_Curve.png 1046x1063 53kB)
>>9185030 >It doest matter if 100 people are trillionaires Which will obviously mean that the numbers are skewed by few having plenty, I just wanted to point that out

1 hours later 9185159 Anonymous
>>9185102 >not using OECD numbers 7th is good enough for Social mobility Fuck off Obamabot

1 hours later 9185185 Anonymous
>>9185062 It has long been the judicial system of the United States was one of the most stringent in the world. Capital punishment in the United States is allowed by the Constitution. Moreover, executed not only adults but also children adolescents 13 years or 14 years (depending on state law), were sentenced to death. Moreover, American teenagers were sentenced to death until recently.

1 hours later 9185199 Anonymous
>>9185155 Yeah we know some people have exorbitant amounts of money. We just don't care since our living standards are high relative to the rest of the world Better to be financially unequal than equal in misery and squalor

1 hours later 9185221 Anonymous
>>9185185 they were sentenced to death for something they did when they were 13 or 14, but they weren't put to death until years later when they were past 18.

1 hours later 9185224 Anonymous
>>9185185 Lol what Stop talking to Best Korea Capital punishment is banned where I live btw

1 hours later 9185292 Anonymous
>>9185159 Well I just checked them; we're third worst. I don't know exactly what they mean by "Influence of parental background (socio-economic gradient taking cross-country distributional differences into account)" but if you go by that we're even worse than Britain

1 hours later 9185327 Anonymous
>>9185221 George Junius Stinney Jr., (October 21, 1929 - June 16, 1944) - The youngest offender was executed in the United States. African American. At the time of death he was 14 years old. Convicted of the murder of two girls. Steen wines of the crime is still in doubt.

1 hours later 9185442 Anonymous
>>9185292 http://www.oecd.org/eco/growth/4984 9281.pdf I stand corrected We're still top 10 though, which is better than crybaby liberals would suggest

1 hours later 9185511 Anonymous
>>9185199 >Better to be financially unequal than equal in misery and squalor I doubt that the IHDI works that way

1 hours later 9185548 Anonymous
>>9185327 >70 years ago If we're going there, then maybe I should bring up all the people that were slaughtered by the Soviets for less serious offenses.

1 hours later 9185624 Anonymous
>>9185442 Which chart are you looking that? Every single one of those that actually lists the United States has it either the very lowest in social mobility or near the very bottom

1 hours later 9185652 Anonymous
>>9185548 you executed 73 men aged 13-14 in the 20th century, Today in U.S. prisons sits 2,200 people for life, they were there at the age of 13-16 years >>9185548 in the history of the Soviet Union, was not executed person under 18 years

1 hours later 9185748 Anonymous (Russian_Royal_Family_1911_720px.jpg 720x599 75kB)
>>9185652 >in the history of the Soviet Union, was not executed person under 18 years I think I'm being bamboozled.

1 hours later 9185751 Anonymous
>>9185624 3rd from the bottom amongst the ones they list That still makes us 9th best in the entire world

1 hours later 9185798 Anonymous
>>9185751 Protip: There are more than twelve countries in the world

1 hours later 9185813 Anonymous
>>9185748 The rusemaster strikes again

1 hours later 9185828 Anonymous
>>9185751 >>9185798 And there are two where they list the entire OECD and we do very poorly there. OECD stats are the same as all the others in showing very low social mobility for the US

1 hours later 9185854 Anonymous
>>9185748 Read up when the SU was founded, faggot

1 hours later 9185890 Anonymous
>>9185854 allow me to correct my fellow ameribro, >In post Tsarist Russia.

1 hours later 9185924 Anonymous
>>9185890 Well, the post tsarist era started after they dies, guess why it is called post tsarist

1 hours later 9185939 Anonymous
>>9185854 >no one younger than 18 ever died in the gulags >no one was ever forcibly pressed into military service >families were never erased form existence GDR pls go

1 hours later 9185982 Anonymous
>>9185939 But that is not what i said, stop arguing with yourself

1 hours later 9186067 Anonymous
>>9185939 I'm talking about formal execution

1 hours later 9186150 Anonymous
>>9185924 My mistake, we count the start of it when Nicholas II abdicated.

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