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2018-04-15 01:01 88270649 Anonymous (1523548926965.jpg 250x240 7kB)
Holy shit.
I just realized how many of you are actually /pol/tards.
You all browse /pol/, and then you come here and pretend that you don't. You're disgusting.
Am I the only one that doesn't go to /pol/?
0 min later 88270675 Anonymous
Kill yourself Anglo-Zionist filth.
0 min later 88270679 Anonymous
You're not alone my friend.
1 min later 88270698 Anonymous
racists and homophobes should be banned from /int/ unironically
1 min later 88270717 Anonymous (flat,800x800,070,f.jpg 800x800 92kB)
>Kill yourself Anglo-Zionist filth.
2 min later 88270732 Anonymous (1510023461966.png 469x452 283kB)
>it's another "/pol/ pretends to act retarded because they think they are "subverting the left" " episode
2 min later 88270733 Anonymous
I browse /leftypol/
2 min later 88270746 Anonymous
Hang your self.
2 min later 88270748 Turk
/int/ is a gay BLACK board
3 min later 88270750 Anonymous
Jannie seems to be doing a good job at keeping these subhumans (aka /POL/acks) in their containment board today :3
3 min later 88270760 Anonymous
3 min later 88270768 Anonymous
/int/ is what /pol/ originally was, ironic racists with a slight bit of actual racism. /pol/ is full of actual racists trying to out edge each other.
3 min later 88270780 Anonymous
fuck off, most of us aren't /pol/acks, quit concern posting
3 min later 88270781 Anonymous
5 min later 88270827 Anonymous (1523671212866.jpg 987x1431 258kB)
6 min later 88270892 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 845x712 110kB)
Please go back to /pol/.
You're not wanted here.
7 min later 88270925 Anonymous
how many times are you going to make this thread?
9 min later 88270989 Anonymous
reminder that the amerimutt is a /pol/ meme
10 min later 88271029 Anonymous (1500343693176.png 631x479 355kB)
/biz/ here, just passing by.
11 min later 88271060 Anonymous
cute frogpost /pol/ animal
go back to your subreddit
11 min later 88271062 Anonymous
But /int/ always stood for /int/olerance
12 min later 88271102 Anonymous
Feels like /int/ is sometimes even more racist than /pol/
12 min later 88271103 Anonymous
How new are you OP? I bet you haven't been here for more than half year.
12 min later 88271110 Anonymous
I only post on /tv/, /int/, /r9k/, and /fit/.
/pol/ is a mess. I can't imagine why anyone would want to post there. What's the appeal of being constantly angry, or wanting to go somewhere where everyone else is?
13 min later 88271136 Anonymous
Want me to tell you how I know you're new?
13 min later 88271139 Anonymous
Don't listen to the stupid germ's lies
13 min later 88271142 Turk
bitcoin dude BİTFUCKİNGCOİN asfkmaşfasşflafgğaomgğasdmgiasdgm
14 min later 88271176 Anonymous
No, I don't care about your opinion.
15 min later 88271189 Anonymous (1516225260972.png 800x1147 1515kB)
FUCKING MAXIMALIST. Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) or stay poor.
17 min later 88271284 Somali Norwegian Neocon Liberal GenderqueerPan Arabist Communist
>I just realized how many of you are actually /pol/tards.
other boards too, not just this one. This site has gone to shit ever since you and other /pol/edditors like you have started invading every single board to spam your worthless, uneducated opinions about everything. No one gives a fuck about your "happenings" now fuck off.
18 min later 88271351 Anonymous
Stay quiet, namefag.
19 min later 88271376 Anonymous
>I just realized how many of you are actually /pol/tards.
It used to be worst, a few years ago it was all about race.
those were dark times
21 min later 88271477 Anonymous
Exactly, this is the most hilarious thing of all, just two years ago this board was like /pol/ on steroids.
Unironically by then in /pol/ you had the MAGAPEDE tards opening threads about based Ben Carson and based Thomas Sowell.
21 min later 88271482 Anonymous (thhrt.jpg 601x508 337kB)
> le evil /pol/tard hurt my feefe
why are you complaining about /pol/ here? this is /int/, get the fuck back to /pol/ then fagot
57 min later 88272799 Anonymous
I sometimes post in /pol/.
Is it anything wrong?
58 min later 88272849 Anonymous
4chan is just different shades of/pol/
59 min later 88272884 Anonymous
There are also many racists here
What is different from /pol/?
1 hours later 88273803 Anonymous
you have to go out of your way to think that whites, Jews, and East Asians arent above everyone else.
hdi, crime rates, rape rates, every country not majority white or Asian being a shithole.
the only difference between me and pol is I'm not complaining that Jews are smarter than whites
1 hours later 88273866 Anonymous
>muh safe space
Back to tumblr, faggot
1 hours later 88273870 Anonymous
wh*tes aren't above anyone.
Jews and East Asians spit on the wh*toid -- for good reason, too.
1 hours later 88273932 Anonymous
I visit /pol/ when /int/ is boring
It's my greatest source of hate for Americans
1 hours later 88274241 Anonymous
Why don't you just go straight to the source, i.e r/T_D.
1 hours later 88274245 Anonymous
I go to /pol/ although I usually don't bring up my political views here unless someone else brings it up first or unless the thread is already about politics anyways.
1 hours later 88274246 Anonymous
I've never been uncomfortable in /pol/
Of course, most of Americans in /pol/ are normal.
In /int/, I don't know reasons, many Japanese hate thread were posted, and Japanese are bullied.
But, in /pol/ it is very rare.
For me, /pol/ is often more comfortable than /int/ which bullies Japanese.
1 hours later 88274300 Anonymous (ascas.jpg 850x400 95kB)
> thats what /pol/ complains about
hi kike
1 hours later 88274303 Anonymous
Kill yourself.
1 hours later 88274331 Anonymous
btw israel has a lower iq than uruguay
1 hours later 88274357 Anonymous
>the yellow monkey can't handle the banter
Typical for a /p*l/fag
1 hours later 88274415 Anonymous
Your post is a proof.
There is anon who post such a thing in /int/.
1 hours later 88274445 Anonymous
Asshurt nigger faggot
1 hours later 88274472 Anonymous (1517959161282.png 1200x1200 55kB)
>Asshurt nigger faggot
1 hours later 88274514 Anonymous
That's because Israel isn't 100% Ashkenazic Jews. Ashkenazic Jews in Israel are about 105 average, same as Asians. Not as high as you might expect but that's because America actually has a larger population of Ashkenazi Jews than Israel, while also having the more smart ones due to brain drain. The average IQ for American Ashkenazic Jews is around 110-115
1 hours later 88274544 Anonymous
>I American and post da mutt meme XDD
>not like the other Americans btw ;)))
1 hours later 88274560 Anonymous (1497400426579.png 476x401 146kB)
1 hours later 88274652 Anonymous
/brit/ /fr/ and /luso/ are poltards breeding grounds.
1 hours later 88274670 Anonymous
Is /int/ really a peaceful and respectful board?
There are many anons who discriminate against others by discriminative phrase in even this /int/ thread.
2 hours later 88274889 Anonymous
God I hate slant eye small dicked nip gooks so fucking much. Kill yourself you micro-penised zipperhead FAGGOT.
2 hours later 88275055 Anonymous
2 hours later 88275169 Anonymous
2 hours later 88275486 Anonymous
/int/ is also full of hatred
2 hours later 88275524 Anonymous
Wait, people here don't browse /pol/?
2 hours later 88275573 Anonymous
2 hours later 88275601 Anonymous
/pol/ is cringey retardation incarnate. I'm an educated and well-read misanthrope. I hate all races, so there's no discrimination to my shit.
2 hours later 88275645 Anonymous
the sort of people who post in/make these threads don't go browse anywhere but this board and Reddit. /pol/ is shit but only newfags have never lurked or posted there at some point in time.
2 hours later 88275696 Anonymous
/pol/ anons tell banters which look apparently banters than /int/
2 hours later 88275729 Anonymous (1510028729976.png 541x463 35kB)
>the sort of people who post in/make these threads don't go browse anywhere but this board and Reddit. /pol/ is shit but only newfags have never lurked or posted there at some point in time.
2 hours later 88275787 Anonymous
2 hours later 88275871 Anonymous
/int/ の悪口は、決して冗談には聞こえないし、実際に彼らは日本人を罵倒してるだ け
2 hours later 88275878 Anonymous
MAGAPEDES are anti-racist civnats, just the typical /int/ banter would get you instantly banned there.
2 hours later 88276073 Anonymous
その上/pol/の恒久童貞オタクには日本人を崇拝するから、お前らを嫌う はずない。
2 hours later 88276144 Anonymous
ほとんど人のいないスレッドにも何度も書き込んだけど、そんな経験は一度も ないよ
2 hours later 88276229 Anonymous
> jews are the smartest lets just not take into consideration the dumb ones
lol. sure thing m8.
and thats without going further into your ''claims'
2 hours later 88276287 Anonymous
this was a bad thread
2 hours later 88276318 Anonymous
俺の場合なら毎猿、雑種、麻薬商人などの苛めを受けても挫けないし、同じ程 度の払い戻しを与える。
3 hours later 88276711 Anonymous
でも実際には、/int/ は subhuman manlet slanteye shitskin ***monkey etc etc...で溢れてるよね?
こういうのは悪ふざけとは言わないし、これだったら /int/ は /pol/ と何ら変わらないよ
3 hours later 88276894 Anonymous
get back over the border pedo
3 hours later 88276916 Anonymous
pol is funny during big events, outside of that it's just rinse and repeat of boring threads
3 hours later 88276925 Anonymous
そのような侮辱が禁止されると4ちゃんは他の詰まらないサイトと共になるん だろう。
これだったら /int/ は /pol/ と何ら変わらないよ
/pol/が4ちゃん重視にしすぎるから、苛めている時には君を本気で嫌う って言う印象が強い
3 hours later 88277138 Anonymous
>そのような侮辱が禁止されると4ちゃんは他の詰まらないサイトと共になる んだろう。
/int/ と /pol/ は、そのための棲み分けだったんじゃないの?
3 hours later 88277174 Anonymous
You two can be alone together
3 hours later 88277371 Anonymous
3 hours later 88277543 Anonymous
最後に書くけど、/int/ のヘイト書き込みはユーモアじゃないよ
これらをユーモアと言うのなら、むしろ君は/pol/の方が性に合ってるん じゃないかな
3 hours later 88277617 Anonymous
3 hours later 88277708 Anonymous
3 hours later 88277711 Anonymous
/pol/ is just full of reactionary cancer and 2/10 bait threads
3 hours later 88277743 Anonymous
it's also full of people that are desperate to make wherever they live sound like a shithole (even great first world countries), and unfortunately that seeps into here too.
3 hours later 88277746 Anonymous (1514868973075.png 418x500 36kB)
can anyone tell me what is "/pol/"?
3 hours later 88277770 Anonymous
too low iq and unmoderated. it's reddit the board
3 hours later 88277795 Anonymous
Look I don't come here for a safe space, be as racist and rude as you want. But don't come here pol stupidity.
t. Black
4 hours later 88277817 Anonymous
This one
4 hours later 88277898 Anonymous
They've been spreading their cancer on other boards for a while, especially here, /b/ and /v/
Well, they always have been, but now they are trying harder.
4 hours later 88278141 Anonymous (kissyouontheback.png 587x405 275kB)
i only got to /k/ and /lgbt/ other than int
/int/ is my favorite
i really like you guys
4 hours later 88278150 Anonymous
>これだったら /int/ は /pol/ と何ら変わらないよ
その問題は色んな人々はとても批判に敏感から、怒られる。まるで迷子しちゃ って、ここはどんな場所が分からない
4 hours later 88278201 Anonymous
Aproveita aquele buraco traveco
4 hours later 88278313 Anonymous (Pol.png 1000x1050 441kB)
4 hours later 88278386 Anonymous
4 hours later 88278450 Anonymous
4 hours later 88278504 Anonymous
But a lot of the views they express are correct (not all of course), it's just that the people expressing the views are obnoxious idiots. Just ban people who can't express things in a sensible and coherent way.
4 hours later 88278528 Anonymous
I only browse here, and /k/
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