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2012-09-06 01:26 5803657 Anonymous (1346705860297.jpg 484x349 51kB)
Play 5aside in England during match I got: > sweared at > shouted at > kicked > threatened they would break my legs by these complete strangers > after final whistle refuse to shake hands with these uneducated scum they go mad.. seriously brits get your shit together

5 min later 5803699 Anonymous
>>5803657 what is 5aside?

6 min later 5803708 Anonymous
>>5803699 Football 5 on each team Like futsal

8 min later 5803726 Anonymous
>>5803708 i once played with some Romanians and they always shouted something like Piska puta madre at each other.

10 min later 5803744 Anonymous
>>5803726 well if it's at each other it's OK they're the same team But don't expect to be respected if you're not respecting the opposition

1 hours later 5804504 Anonymous
In the UK, football is serious business.

2 hours later 5804560 Anonymous (1346845206411.png 922x796 517kB)
you will never play 5 a side with your ladmates on a rainy afternoon in northumberland and wander into a pub after the game with your arse covered in mud and get the piss taken out of you by the owner

2 hours later 5804582 Anonymous
I played 5-a-side a lot when I was in Tuscany for a week, that was fun as fuck. It was on a holiday camp, so there were Germans, Dutch, Spanish and some local Italians playing (and me as the solitary Brit.) Football was the lingua franca.

2 hours later 5804692 Anonymous
>>5803657 you should go play chess if you don't like banter.

2 hours later 5804711 Mae (1325053814599.jpg 2396x3116 2495kB)
>>5803657 Are you new to football bro?

2 hours later 5804722 Anonymous
Soccer is dirty immigrant sport.

2 hours later 5804828 Anonymous
why don't you just play rugby instead ?

6 hours later 5806188 Anonymous
>>5804560 damn, that's a good pic

6 hours later 5806210 Anonymous
babby first street match....... come on........ > after final whistle refuse to shake hands with these uneducated scum "bawwww, I will call my mommy...." come on, again

6 hours later 5806367 Anonymous (willy_wonka.jpg 300x300 29kB)

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