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2021-01-11 02:50 137497662 Anonymous (2C37DB5D-D689-463E-9A3B-3EEA173DE6DD.jpg 828x1269 150kB)
Question for East Europeans. What was it like when friends, relatives, and neighbors were ratting each other out to the secret police?

1 min later 137497745 Anonymous
>>137497662 is it true that americans kick their kids out of the house when they are 18?

3 min later 137497822 Anonymous

3 min later 137497845 Anonymous (gigachad afghan btfo buddha.jpg 1122x1186 291kB)
>I would never rat out my family to law enforcement. Instead, I would viciously beat them until they realize the error of their ways.

42 min later 137499763 Anonymous
>>137497662 I hate these people, mainly due to their hypocrisy. These were the same people who months ago, felt it was right to tear down western society and replace it with a marxist-socialist police state, seeking to replace all institutions because they were too white, despising the US government for hurting le poor brown peepo, claiming that all law enforcement should be disbanded and or killed. Then they go rat out their "loved ones" to the state for protesting at the Capitol building, which they now love and is a sacred part of our democracy (which they hated the day before). Proof that there are people who WILL do anything if other people are doing it.

45 min later 137499945 Anonymous
>>137497745 >is it true that americans kick their kids out of the house when they are 18? Complicated question. Usually no, but for fake "Americans", i.e. people who immigrated here like a generation ago, a lot of them want to get rid of their kids as quickly as possible depending on the culture they came from, even though abandoning your kid at 18 basically means fucking him or her over in American society.

47 min later 137500039 Anonymous
>>137499763 There is no ideological consistency in the United States except for the libertarians, who are an organizational mess who aren't popular.

47 min later 137500040 Anonymous
The United States government is so strong that the people that proclaim to hate it will bend to it

48 min later 137500067 Anonymous
it was anonymus and it wasnt to the secret police announcing something like that publicly would land ten reportings on your ass as retaliation and theyd find something if they wanted thats why ppl didnt trust anyone, you had to be mindful what you say at all times, and if you didnt report overhearing something, that could later mean the state police comes for you next or lose your job or your kid suddenly cant go to uni etc

51 min later 137500300 Anonymous
>>137497662 >"antifascist" turns informer for a corporate regime america is a strange place

54 min later 137500424 Anonymous
How the fuck should I know lmao? I was born a decades after Stalinism ended.

55 min later 137500511 Anonymous
>>137500039 Because they’re retards

55 min later 137500529 Anonymous
>burning all bridges with your family for the approval of anonymous strangers online incredible i love social media

57 min later 137500604 Anonymous (ErPP0SFXMAEAMhV.jpg 702x572 166kB)
>>137500039 >except for the libertarians

58 min later 137500706 Anonymous
why didn't they wear masks to their protest? don't care about covid but obviously if you do something illegal out of protest you wear a mask

59 min later 137500769 Anonymous
>the united states is irrecoverably tainted by a legacy of racism and oppression of women and brown people and must be torn down >you violated the sacred temple of our beloved democracy by posing for selfies in a viking hat and are now an enemy of the state

1 hours later 137500849 Anonymous
>>137497845 based

1 hours later 137500856 Anonymous
>>137500706 Well the majority of the protestors didn't do anything illegal, and those that did go into the Capitol building were let in by police opening the door and inviting them. They weren't exactly criminal minds who would think of something like that.

1 hours later 137500975 Anonymous
>>137500604 I see you have decided to be retarded and ignore nuance like everyone who browses /pol/. The natural libertarian position is to be anti police violence. At the same time any libertarian will tell you that any destruction of property is wrong. Additionally black people are actually killed frequently by police, whereas the election being rigged is a fiction invented by conspiracy theorists who cannot conceptualize that mail in voting fundamentally changes election turnout and that Trump is unpopular because he is a self absorbed ass.

1 hours later 137501042 Anonymous
>>137500706 influence from the media and politics being made into entertainment means they think it’s an actual game with no consequences. i wish they made the news boring again.

1 hours later 137501044 Anonymous
>cracker uncle think about the butthurt relatives you're exposing yourself to before you marry that spicy latina, ameribros

1 hours later 137501209 Anonymous
>>137501044 he will probably be fined for that, because his low IQ only have a text that he typed himself as proof

1 hours later 137501324 Anonymous
>>137497662 constant state of paranoia and distrust up until 1956. people who ratted out others were usually lower than low jews the govt sadly hid their names when the regime changed

1 hours later 137501534 Anonymous
>>137500975 >black people are killed frequently by police According to Obama-era DoJ stats blacks are killed by cops at about the same rate as whites, in fact whites are slightly more likely to get killed by cops though that could just be statistical noise

1 hours later 137501579 Anonymous
>>137500975 >so anyways here's my paragraph about how I would've been a pussy snitching on the participants of the boston tea party to the english for being violent

1 hours later 137501664 Anonymous
>>137499763 this, this has made me hate most of my fellow lefties. its also disturbing how common the "temple to democracy" metaphor is. I get that most of the left is atheist but even atheists have to see an issue with deifying a system of government, even figuratively? for what it's worth, I think the capitol riot was based. they did the right thing for the wrong reasons. just wish the rest of the left could see it that way

1 hours later 137501730 Anonymous
>>137501579 Are you seriously comparing British denial of representation and quartering of soliders to "waaah we didn't win an election" Fuck off chud

1 hours later 137501787 Anonymous
>>137501730 Also I would never snitch on anyone to the government and the person in OP's post is a bootlicker

1 hours later 137501832 Anonymous
>>137501534 >(((Obama))) statistics discarded. a black man is shot to death by police in my city every several months. a white man is shot to death maybe once a year

1 hours later 137501892 Anonymous
>>137501787 if you'd just opened with this I would've agreed with you from the start

1 hours later 137501957 Anonymous
>>137501832 what are the demographics of your city? what is the crime rate (higher = more police interaction) of the different demographics?

1 hours later 137501969 Anonymous
>>137499763 They are anarchists, not Marxist-Leninist

1 hours later 137502014 Anonymous
>>137501832 He means as a percentage of police encounters while ignoring that police more often unfairly stop blacks so they're still more likely to be shot

1 hours later 137502194 Anonymous
>>137501730 I don't want to engage with you because you are too low IQ but consider this for a bit: you ("libertarian") are defending the destruction of private property, sanctioned by media, social media and finance monopolies and the government, while criticizing a protest that directly targeted the government and was the result of the perception that the previously mentioned monopolies and government conspired to subvert the republican process ie denying their representation.

1 hours later 137502246 Anonymous
>>137500604 I feel embarrassed to have ever thrown votes their way.

1 hours later 137502323 Anonymous
Snitches are the worst people.

1 hours later 137502384 Anonymous
>>137500975 Someone needs to slap that cock out of your mouth

1 hours later 137502391 Anonymous
>>137497662 so libs are pro state now? shit america make up your mind, which group is with the gov and which is anti gov? all of you people are bootlickers it seems

1 hours later 137502452 Anonymous
>>137502391 libs and leftist are always pro-state, most rigthies are also bootlickers

1 hours later 137502469 Anonymous
>>137502391 It's purely tribal. Americans are divided into Liberal tribe and Conservative tribe.

1 hours later 137502848 Anonymous
>>137502391 The liberal #resistance is now gleefully anticipating the creation of a patriot act 2.0. Yes they are that retarded.

1 hours later 137503235 Anonymous
>>137500604 Why do American left-wingers call themselves 'liberals'?

1 hours later 137503253 Anonymous

1 hours later 137503364 Anonymous
>>137503235 democrats are not leftists

1 hours later 137503380 Anonymous
>>137497662 Never actually happened. That was American propaganda. Which is quite ironic kek

1 hours later 137503433 Anonymous
>>137503235 For the socio-liberal movement I think

1 hours later 137503442 Anonymous
>>137502391 >report criminal to police >AHA SO YOU'RE PRO-STATE NOW? CHECKMATE LIBTARDS kys idiot

1 hours later 137503647 Anonymous
>>137503235 liberalism is left wing dummy where do you think the name "left wing" comes from

1 hours later 137503767 Anonymous
>>137502391 They have both always been pro big government. They just want their own version of big government.

1 hours later 137503856 Anonymous
Don't you get paid by the FBI if you file a correct report? How much are you willing to sell out your family for?

1 hours later 137503934 Anonymous
>>137499763 Don't forget how most of these ledditors pushed super hard to support the HK protests, but now that conspiraboomers did the same thing against their own cherished establishment, it's treasonous terrorism

1 hours later 137503984 Anonymous
>>137502391 Yes the socialists are nationalistic now and their pillars are ratting out your relatives, censoring wrong think and public execution for anybody who questions the state. I'm not even joking, this is their mainstream view now

1 hours later 137504076 Anonymous
>>137503442 dude, for 4 years lib/dem american twitter and the like social medias have been bashing and talking shit about the system and the goverment and how it has to be taken down and replaced, but now that they are the ones in the office is all cool and okay, and anybody who dont like it is a terrorist anti-democracy how is that sudden change in your mind normal? and come on, "criminal" i'm pretty sure the uncle on OP pic didnt kill and or did shit besides being in the capitol butthurt about the elections

1 hours later 137504107 Anonymous (1554100854062.jpg 442x525 26kB)
>>137497662 >get fucked lol

2 hours later 137504171 Anonymous
>>137503767 yeah thats the only thought it came to my mind

2 hours later 137504231 Anonymous
>>137497662 It was always minorities dealing with Russians by hands of the red terrorists. Now they all claim it was the other way around and that Russians were doing korenization, ukrainization and were basically killing themselves in millions annually for no reason.

2 hours later 137504407 Anonymous
>>137503984 >Yes the socialists are nationalistic now and their pillars are ratting out your relatives >socialists are nationalistic wtf are you talking about?

2 hours later 137504480 Anonymous
>>137504076 You're talking complete nonsense. Anti-democratic terrorist activity is not legitimized by whatever left-wing strawman you've concocted for this whataboutism you're trying to pull off. Everybody who attended that should be at the very least put on a watchlist and no amount of dindu bullshit or mental gymnastics is going to change that. It was a violent mob with guns and zip tie handcuffs who wanted a democratic election overturned. If they were muslim they would have all been either shot or never allowed on an airplane for the rest of their lives.

2 hours later 137504531 Anonymous
>>137504407 Reds were always the fascists.

2 hours later 137504560 Anonymous
>>137504407 Suddenly they love America again and our democracy is a sacred institution Nationalism

2 hours later 137504592 Anonymous
>>137503647 le anti bad guy

2 hours later 137504689 Anonymous
>>137503647 It is actually right wing mate. Muh freedom for corporations and very small state makes them right, not left.

2 hours later 137504704 Anonymous (suspect.jpg 1573x527 117kB)
>>137497662 i feel like this is fake and he did it for attention

2 hours later 137504765 Anonymous
>>137504560 that's patriotism nationalism is a preference for your kind

2 hours later 137504786 Anonymous
>>137504480 Sorta based ngl

2 hours later 137504798 Anonymous
>>137497662 >Fuck yeah, let's storm the seat of the government and hang the VP for not making my Dear Leader a dictator for life! Murder the media! Hang Pence now! >Oh no, why am I being treated like a terrorist now? I thought only brown people could be terrorists! I thought you retards were supposed to be all for Law & Order and Tough On Crime.

2 hours later 137504813 Anonymous (1590432705208.png 644x800 14kB)
>>137504076 >twitter

2 hours later 137504875 Anonymous
>>137504231 >korenization what's that

2 hours later 137504891 Anonymous
>>137504765 >identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. what the fuck are you talking about

2 hours later 137504960 Anonymous
>>137504480 >It was a violent mob with guns and zip tie handcuffs who wanted a democratic election overturned. This. Was it a democratic government? Then you hang for trying to overthrow democracy. Was is a tyrannical government? Then you hang cause that's what tyrannical governments do to loser dissidents. In any case, they should hang.

2 hours later 137504961 Anonymous
>>137500975 Bitch I will slap you in the titty shut the fuck up

2 hours later 137504967 Anonymous
>>137503647 Classical liberalism is center right

2 hours later 137504973 Anonymous
>>137497662 >cracker uncle you know this conversation is not real, right?

2 hours later 137505084 Anonymous (3z9eo5.png 498x419 265kB)
>>137504076 >dude, for 4 years lib/dem american twitter >giving a shit about twitter

2 hours later 137505213 Anonymous
>>137504704 Whites are obsessed with signaling their virtue. Because the second you are less virtuous than your neighbor, he can do humanitarian bombings on you.

2 hours later 137505247 Anonymous
>>137497662 Ratting out was only done during and right after WWII here and it was mostly to save face for collaborating with the wrong kind yourself.

2 hours later 137505289 Anonymous
Are Americans ACTUALLY mentally ill or just profoundly intellectually dishonest?

2 hours later 137505321 Anonymous
>>137504960 Just imagine if a mob of bearded armed Islamists with zip ties and pipe bombs stormed the Capitol yelling "Allah Ackbar" and calling for the Vice President to be killed. Trump fans would be demanding death penalty for all of them and immediate expulsion of all Muslims from the US.

2 hours later 137505355 Anonymous
>>137501832 >there are several men shot dead every year by the police in his city

2 hours later 137505436 Anonymous
>>137505321 > imagine > would be

2 hours later 137505597 Anonymous
>>137504967 There are at least two points of view to it. 1. Hitler was a standard commie dictator. Then classical liberalism is "center" right. 2. Hitler was a right wing something. Then classical liberalism is worse than Hitler. And center is a free ticket to GULAG.

2 hours later 137505625 Anonymous
>>137505436 Your point being, my illiterate Khanate friend?

2 hours later 137505717 Anonymous
>>137505625 Sapientiski satski.

2 hours later 137505799 Anonymous
>>137503647 When socialists gained relevance, liberalism became right wing.

2 hours later 137505875 Anonymous (you love to see it.jpg 828x1792 192kB)
>>137497662 When are Americans going to learn that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence?

2 hours later 137506085 Anonymous
>>137499763 YOU CAN'T JUST ELIMINATE YOUR POLITICAL ENEMIES QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY! I HAVE TO CLUTCH MY PEARLS EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT USING VIOLENCE LIKE IN ALL MY VIOLENT FANTASIES! Nobody is buying it anymore. The right wing ensured their own death. Looks like the party of personal responsibility is about to become reacquainted with the concept after many years dodging it. The left will continue its aims and goals regardless in the meantime.

2 hours later 137506212 Anonymous
>>137500529 >burning all bridges with your family for the approval of anonymous strangers online That describes right wing echo chambers more than twitter after Trump got elected lmfao.

2 hours later 137506259 Anonymous
>>137505875 didn't you need to provide a social security number to sign up for Parler? lmao what a honeypot

2 hours later 137506356 Anonymous (1577176422496.jpg 630x630 111kB)
>>137505875 hmmmm... the sweet smell of civil war in the air, i can breath it here as well

2 hours later 137506396 Anonymous
>>137506356 breathe*

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