4chan archive /g/ (index)
2018-12-21 05:02 69007773 Anonymous (1524118878603.jpg 987x970 167kB)
Oldfag thread. Who remembers when /g/ got dabbed on by jannies.

13 min later 69008166 Apollyon
>>69007773 >Shakes cane GET OFF MY LAWN, FAGGOT.

13 min later 69008175 Anonymous
Sorry, I came here after that.

36 min later 69008653 Anonymous
>>69007773 I member. sad it felt so brief

42 min later 69008752 Anonymous
>>69007773 I member.

42 min later 69008755 Anonymous
They did it for FREE

43 min later 69008763 Anonymous
>>69007773 newfag here. what's the story?

1 hours later 69009080 Anonymous
>>69007773 >dabbed

1 hours later 69009370 Anonymous
>>69007773 I remember when it happened back on 4chan. That's the website we were on before 4channel.

1 hours later 69009461 Anonymous
>>69008763 fuck off

2 hours later 69009560 Anonymous (battlestation_current.jpg 2048x1184 325kB)
If you have no idea what his trip was, you're a newfag.

3 hours later 69010314 Anonymous
>>69009560 >browsing the """battlestations""" thread >not filtering tripfags shiggy

5 hours later 69010851 Anonymous
>>69009560 I want pop tarts now.

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