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2018-12-21 02:16 69004797 Anonymous TV DXing (EnvĂ­o-Gratis-Tecsun-r-218-AM-FM-TV-bolsillo-sonido-Radios-receptor-con-altavoz-incorporado.jpg 800x800 42kB)
Hey, /g/. I live in Spain, and, while I know that there are no analog TV channels in most European countries anymore, I would like to try analog TV DXing. But I have no clue of how any of this works, and if I would receive anything in 2018. I would like to buy one of these handheld radio/TV sets like the one in pic related. I would probably put a longwire antenna on it, or something more complex if that would make this work. But I know that I would probably receive absolutely nothing on the TV band. I would like to know if someone is doing this in [current year] and if any of you knows if I could get any TV channels on Europe.

1 min later 69004815 Anonymous (map.png 1024x713 526kB)
It seems like there are *some* countries nearby with analog signals, like Morocco, Tunisia or Belgium. But I have never tried to receive anything.

30 min later 69005097 Anonymous
>>69004815 I don't know where you got that map, but there hasn't been an analogue signal in Belgium for almost 10 years now.

35 min later 69005140 Anonymous
>>69004797 Why not just buy a short wave radio?

44 min later 69005234 Anonymous
>>69005097 I think that map includes cable companies still using analog signals.

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