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2019-03-01 11:58 69999622 Anonymous iOS is better than Android (apple_eating_android.jpg 468x357 15kB)
Yes, it is.

25 min later 70000082 Anonymous (s-l1000.jpg 1000x961 45kB)
*AHEM* iToddlers BTFO

2 hours later 70001600 Anonymous (cisco.jpg 225x225 6kB)
>>69999622 >ios i agree

2 hours later 70001740 Anonymous (share.png 533x476 21kB)
Doesn't matter.

6 hours later 70003900 Anonymous
>>70001740 >implying pajeets with $80 samshits matter

6 hours later 70003903 Anonymous
>>69999622 >software so shit it can only run correctly on custom hardware

6 hours later 70003914 Anonymous
Nobody give a shit about phone OSes. Why did people keep arguing about such an irrelevant issue

11 hours later 70005697 Anonymous
>>70003914 >Why did people keep arguing about such an irrelevant issue For the same reason they argue about lots of things that wouldn't matter if you had months to live.

11 hours later 70005699 Anonymous
>>70001600 underrated

11 hours later 70005877 Anonymous
>>69999622 At least it's impossible to make malware on it because applications are so damn limited. And as soon as they are not in the foreground anymore, they can hardly do anything anymore. And when they're not even launched, the only thing they can do is display (but not react to) push notifications and, if you somehow got that permission from both Apple AND the user, significant location changes.

11 hours later 70005915 Anonymous
No it's not.

11 hours later 70005929 Anonymous
>>69999622 yes andoid is peace of shit. normies use IphoneX

12 hours later 70006234 Anonymous
>>69999622 Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Even if it is better, it's not worth the extra cost. I'm not paying 800-1000€ for an iPhone when I can get good Android phones for 200€.

12 hours later 70006261 Anonymous
waiting in line for the sataniaposter

12 hours later 70006335 Anonymous
>>69999622 Do applets really believe a bite mark is a mouth

13 hours later 70006965 Anonymous
>>69999622 Disagree, but i think apple is slightly better than google

14 hours later 70007011 Anonymous
>>69999622 Different strokes I’ve had both android and iOS and I prefer android for my actual interest in phones, but my day to day involves lots of social media. (I’m young what do you expect?) and the truth is apps are much better optimised for iOS. 99% of the stuff I need doing quickly at a basic level, iOS manages just fine. Android wouldn’t be any better. If anything it could be worse.

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