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2013-04-09 05:20 32907811 Anonymous (images.jpg 197x255 9kB)
Ask someone who has 6255 BTC in his wallet anything.
1 min later 32907842 Anonymous
( I mined them early on , then invested, then bought Litecoins when they were 0.89 USD, then sold them back to BTC )
2 min later 32907861 Anonymous
Why make a thread?
3 min later 32907880 Anonymous
To help people make BTC. I won't send BTC but will give advice.
4 min later 32907907 Anonymous
How does it feel knowing you are pretty much made for life?
4 min later 32907912 Anonymous
What fucking advice can you give that the constant BTC and LTC threads can't
5 min later 32907936 Anonymous
when are you going to sell?
5 min later 32907949 Anonymous
If you haven't actually cashed them out, they're worth nothing at all. Until you get cash in the hand you can do something with, nobody gives a fuck but you.
And you're full of shit and everyone knows it or else you would have posted a (doctored) image of your wallet.
After 3 years of this shit, we know how to spot stupid fucking people, OP, and you are most definitely in the spotlight right this moment.
6 min later 32907954 Anonymous
sell now
6 min later 32907955 Anonymous
why do you lie on anonymous imageboards?
7 min later 32907980 Anonymous
Because I have no furiends and want attention.
9 min later 32908021 Anonymous
How can we make buttcoins without mining them or buying them?
The only obvious way I can see if making products or selling services, but there seems to be a risk of getting fucked out of your time because of the bubble.
15 min later 32908152 Anonymous
So I'm 18, but since I'm an ameribabby, I still get my cash from my parents. I've told them a lot about BTC and how they should invest/let me invest, but they keep saying it's too risky, not real, etc.
What are some good arguments I can give for why bitcoins are good/safe?
Also, what would you recommend I use to buy BTC? (MtGox, bitinstant, etc)
16 min later 32908164 Anonymous
Just fucking sell
16 min later 32908175 Anonymous
They're not safe, they're just a glorified gamble.
17 min later 32908187 Anonymous
Investing at this point is hopeless.
Then again they told me that at $12.
18 min later 32908195 Anonymous
They're not safe.
If you don't have money to gamble, and your parents don't want to gamble, shut up about it.
18 min later 32908209 Anonymous
Give me one of them and I will send you some LTC.
19 min later 32908235 Anonymous
Feels weird. I don't know what to spend it on. I'm thinking of moving to Tokyo.
20 min later 32908248 Anonymous
Forget about BTC & LTC. Keep track of new coins. One of the new alts will be a winner. You can purchase tens of thousands when it's still small.
21 min later 32908259 Anonymous
Only going to sell 25%. I believe in the technology so I will wait until I can use BTC directly to buy what I want .Call me a fool.
21 min later 32908267 Anonymous
>OPs face when he has to pay 30% capital gains tax when he cashes out
Sorry, did you want that $360,000?
22 min later 32908284 Anonymous
No, I believe in crypto-currencies.
I genuinely believe I will be able to pay my bills in BTC in a few years. Call me a fool but I didn't get to here without reason. I got here because I believed in the technology
22 min later 32908290 Anonymous
I have like .001 BTC, I can't believe it's now 10 cents.
fuck, I should have invested early.
23 min later 32908299 Anonymous
how many pounds of cocaine can you buy?
23 min later 32908303 Anonymous
how many coins did you stop mining at and where did you invest?
24 min later 32908315 Anonymous
>I genuinely believe I will be able to pay my bills in BTC in a few years
HA. Unless thems is some bills from the silk road, no.
25 min later 32908342 Anonymous
Bills for your virtual house durr.
25 min later 32908343 Anonymous
OK guys OP here I'm willing to send 15 BTC to the first who replies with a hash addr. not trolling. To prove I'm for real
26 min later 32908363 Anonymous
27 min later 32908367 Anonymous
>inciting le sent ;) shitposting
27 min later 32908376 Anonymous
28 min later 32908405 Anonymous
Oshi- I really got it... waiting for confirmations now. Thanks op!!!!
For once op is not a fag and delivered
I'll post screenshot to prove. I'm so happy lol
30 min later 32908428 Anonymous
obvious samefag
30 min later 32908440 Anonymous
Cash a few of em and let us now how it goes.
31 min later 32908460 Anonymous
- Ѿᵺ /10
32 min later 32908491 Anonymous (1359020107125.jpg 640x480 177kB)
Hey rich OP, Is there any chance you can hook a poor student like myself up with a few bitcoins to pay my overdue bills?
Eternal gratitude and good karma will be your reward.
34 min later 32908526 Anonymous
> Paying the full capital gains rate
35 min later 32908542 Anonymous
I'll zuck your dick
36 min later 32908571 koilnzel
crash the market NOW
36 min later 32908576 Anonymous
sent ;)
38 min later 32908610 Anonymous (1365395812606.jpg 499x690 330kB)
True happy merchants approve of spreading the wealth
39 min later 32908631 Anonymous
sent :-)
40 min later 32908651 Anonymous
sent xD
40 min later 32908656 Anonymous
just to prove op won't send me anything
40 min later 32908671 Anonymous
40 min later 32908673 Anonymous
sent :3
41 min later 32908687 Anonymous
sent :)
41 min later 32908688 Anonymous
Let's see if OP is lying
42 min later 32908705 Anonymous
Ill jump in front of a train!
43 min later 32908710 Anonymous
thanks op
44 min later 32908746 Anonymous
OP is a fag, no transactions to that address when searching the block chain
45 min later 32908765 Anonymous
What's the fastest way to cash out 10,000 buttcoins?
What sites allow cash out and for that matter are legit and not a scam
48 min later 32908808 Anonymous
What other coins are there?
50 min later 32908845 Anonymous
53 min later 32908889 Anonymous
not sent
56 min later 32908936 Anonymous
>nothing sent yet
>tfw for some reason i actually hoped i was going to get 15 btc ;_;
56 min later 32908946 Anonymous
wait, OP is sending bitcoins now?
57 min later 32908964 Anonymous
yeah same here :|
57 min later 32908966 Anonymous
3 BTC sent as I am feeling quite generous
58 min later 32908984 Anonymous
you will have my eternal gratitude OP
59 min later 32908996 Anonymous
2 BTC sent
59 min later 32908998 Anonymous
I'm...not seeing it? How long does it take normally?
1 hours later 32909019 Anonymous
anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours
1 hours later 32909020 Anonymous
1 hours later 32909034 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32909044 Anonymous
If you continue to feel generous OP.
1 hours later 32909064 Anonymous
since you sound nice
4 BTC sent
1 hours later 32909088 Anonymous
not sure if legit, but... hell.
1 hours later 32909134 Anonymous
How do you plan on selling them?
1 hours later 32909173 Anonymous
wow, you're awesome OP
did you mine all these yourself?
1 hours later 32909192 Anonymous (Untitled.jpg 1230x333 43kB)
So /g/, I have this on Blockchain. If it ever becomes worth anything what's the best way to sell it for money?
1 hours later 32909200 Anonymous
op is not a faggot
1 hours later 32909205 Anonymous
You know OP, it occurs to me that if you are telling the truth, you could probably cause a market fluctuation if you sold everything off. Then again, i don't know how many bitcoins are in "circulation," so that's just speculation on my part. But the sudden sale of 6000 coins could be enough to cause others sell, which could drop the price down. Then, you could use some of that money to buy shit up low again. Or, you could cash out some and donate it to cancer research or something philanthropic like that.
1 hours later 32909208 Anonymous (69596_521445381241513_1118444950_n.png 468x312 217kB)
Ask someone who has .009 BTC in his wallet but feels compelled to mine because it is getting increasingly profitable anything?
For a nominal fee of course?
Captcha: treadme statistics
1 hours later 32909225 Anonymous
May as well give you my address as well.
1 hours later 32909226 Anonymous
If I got anything at all from this thread I'd freak out. I can't even imagine someone on /g/ being generous.
1 hours later 32909228 Anonymous
that's... not really that much. I wouldn't bother unless you can get some more.
1 hours later 32909251 Anonymous
but I'm gullible, so 193qow9W4q6KxeDBb7YLSMZTqEb5eeMju9
1 hours later 32909284 Anonymous
I'm gullible though, so 193qow9W4q6KxeDBb7YLSMZTqEb5eeMju9
1 hours later 32909288 Anonymous
please send me coins ;_:
I made 50 cents mining over 2 months
1 hours later 32909305 Anonymous
I lol'd.
1 hours later 32909317 Anonymous (220px-Wink.jpg 220x242 9kB)
Sent ;)
1 hours later 32909323 Anonymous
sorry, it glitched out on me
captcha: now poopyme
1 hours later 32909331 Anonymous
Thanks man!!!
1 hours later 32909387 Anonymous
he has less than 1% of the market
1 hours later 32909396 Anonymous
i'm a poor student
1 hours later 32909412 Anonymous
I know it isn't much, but if Bitcoins really take off and that becomes worth hundreds then I want to be able to sell it.
1 hours later 32909431 Anonymous
Still waiting for verification...hoping I can confirm OP is not a faggot.
While we wait...where'd you get all these?
1 hours later 32909447 Anonymous
Thanks :DDD
how long does it take for a transaction to complete guise
1 hours later 32909455 Anonymous
they usually go for a lot more on ebay than anywhere else, and you are almost guaranteed to sell them there.
1 hours later 32909513 Anonymous
is the OP still here?
1 hours later 32909547 Anonymous (3ppLt.png 600x535 33kB)
anyone posting a bit wallet will be banned in 10 mins
1 hours later 32909564 Anonymous
anyone not posting a bit wallet will be banned too.
1 hours later 32909647 Anonymous
>nobody posting screens of recieved buttcoins
oh boy, i wonder why
1 hours later 32909699 Anonymous
litecoins are the only alt coin that has any potential at making it big
it might go up to $10, could even hit $20 eventually, who knows
those other coins (terracoins, ppcoins, devcoins, etc) don't have a chance, i thought namecoins could possibly grow when i first heard of them a while ago when they were just for buying shitty domains but nope they're worthless too
whatever happened to the older bitcoin clones, like solidcoin or ixcoin? although litecoin is pretty old too. i should've gotten into it back in 2011 when i first heard about it (from /g/ of course)
1 hours later 32909723 Anonymous (peppers.gif 523x346 39kB)
here you go
1 hours later 32909731 Anonymous
Lol. you wouldn't have gotten into shit. You aren't getting into any of the other altcoins for practically the same reasons you didn't get into litecoins.
1 hours later 32909791 Anonymous
I don't always do business in bitcoins, but when I do I use http://coinescrow.org/ to avoid being scammed.
1 hours later 32909799 Anonymous
seems legit
1 hours later 32909829 Anonymous (1339616960958.gif 419x313 2981kB)
please respond
1 hours later 32909920 Anonymous
it's been like 40 minutes and nothing has showed up. leaning towards fake
1 hours later 32909934 Anonymous
it took you 40 minutes to come up with that conclusion?
1 hours later 32909942 Anonymous
How many have you actually been able to sell?
1 hours later 32909943 Anonymous (1354663978808.gif 255x191 2814kB)
1 hours later 32909953 Anonymous
I'm gullible, and optimistic.
1 hours later 32909957 Anonymous
what would you do if the price started to fall precipitously?
1 hours later 32909960 Anonymous
How are you going to declare them on your taxes?
(If you're trying to dodge taxes - Do you think the IRS is going to somehow miss you getting hundreds of thousands of dollars?)
1 hours later 32909986 Anonymous
Greedy capitalist bastard. The proletariats of /g/ will rise up and distribute the wealth among the people.
1 hours later 32910005 Anonymous
1 hours later 32910028 Anonymous
i.e. everyone gets an equal share. What are you, some kind of idiot?
1 hours later 32910049 Anonymous
yeah but what wealth does the proletariat have
1 hours later 32910090 Anonymous
Someone answer this. I see all these buttcoin threads but 0 proof anyone's been able to make an actual cent off them.
1 hours later 32910098 Anonymous
you know people can actually look at the blockchain to see if a transaction was made with this address, right?
1 hours later 32910100 Anonymous
Listen, it was a joke. But if you really must know, the proletariat do have some wealth, just very little. Most of it goes to the land owners/the guy with 6000 bitcoins.
1 hours later 32910114 Anonymous
Alright I get it, I was merely being picky.
This argument is settled gentleman.
2 hours later 32910141 Anonymous
You're fucking stupid and your parents should be disappointed in you
2 hours later 32910196 Anonymous
Roth IRA right?
>lol 10% "penalty" which completely avoids tax
2 hours later 32910222 Anonymous
>buy mining PC
>write off PC and electricty as costs for tax purposes
>claim bitcoin sellings as income / capital gains
>only have to pay tax on profit, if any (e.g. 5000$ hardware + 1000$ electricty, mined 10,000$ = pay tax on 4000$)
this is right, right
2 hours later 32910229 Anonymous
If your still feeling generous but if so
I'll love you forever and ever?
2 hours later 32910343 Anonymous
pl0x OP
2 hours later 32910477 Anonymous
Hell, why not.
Send me something. Would love to buy a new case for my S3. :)
2 hours later 32910556 Anonymous
If you are still feeling generous.. There's no point not putting this out there!
(I'm an extremely poor comp sci student financially fighting my way through a masters)
this whole bitcoin thing is fascinating, such a shame i missed out on stocking up when prices were like £10, a few months ago!
2 hours later 32910583 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32910617 Anonymous
2 hours later 32910619 Anonymous
Begging thread?
Begging thread!
Living with girlfriends parents and have half built-computer sitting in my garage for the last 9 months!
2 hours later 32910628 Anonymous
I am so gullible yet so poor so I will give this a shot
2 hours later 32910634 Anonymous
I'd ask for one but a) I know it won't happen and b) I am not even registered for that shit. Wife needs two fillings at $95 each next week so that money would be awesome to have since we'll have to delay her getting them till we have the funds.
Oh well, maybe some miracle will happen, sometimes they do.
4.066 0.128