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2013-04-08 04:29 32890677 Anonymous (habbening.jpg 320x141 6kB)
$200 here we come
4 min later 32890759 Anonymous
Get out before Cyprus removes capital controls. The Russians won't have any need for their bitcoins after that, and will sell. The market will flood, and the price will tank.
7 min later 32890813 Anonymous
that growth is not solely due to cyprus anymore.
8 min later 32890819 Anonymous
When are you selling /g/? I'm thinking $200-$250.
Or i might change it into LTC and wait for LTC to turn over it's own value a few times.
9 min later 32890846 Anonymous
never :3, I'm buying coke wholesale from silk road and living le scarred memeface lifestyle
9 min later 32890854 Anonymous
Link on when they're going to do that?
Yeah but once the Russians remove a massive amount of money from Bitcoin, the price will tank and cause a crash like we've never seen before. People will lose a LOT of money, it may be the death of Bitcoin as we know it.
10 min later 32890862 Anonymous
Is there an actual demand for the currency, or is mtgox making a bubble in order to make money, because no regulation yet on bitcoin?
10 min later 32890873 Anonymous (1364980250001.png 1000x444 550kB)
10 min later 32890877 Anonymous
I will sell at $100,000
11 min later 32890878 Anonymous
don't be mad that you missed it
sent ;)
there is definitely a demand, just look at all the other exchanges.
12 min later 32890887 Anonymous
The world's banks have taken notice and will kill bitcoins like a small dog pretty soon.
12 min later 32890898 Anonymous
I'm not mad, I made money off of it. But if what that anon said is true and Russians pull their money out of Bitcoin, it will tank because it can't withstand such a high volume being pulled. They drove the price up to $100, you know.
14 min later 32890922 Anonymous
And what makes you believe that?
14 min later 32890930 Anonymous
http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO -20130403-709551.html
>"Capital controls have been extended for a week," said Aliki Stylianou, a Cyprus central bank spokesperson.
>April 3, 2013
So Wednesday at the earliest, unless there is an extension (which is certainly possible).
15 min later 32890949 Anonymous
Are you retarded? The Russians are a large part of the current economy, so when they all sell it will drive the price down significantly. When the price starts falling fast, other people will start to panic sell. When that happens it's pretty much a downward spiral of despair, especially for people who bought in above $100 (because they can't afford for the price to go to $80 or below).
Bitcoin's in a bubble right now, and unfortunately that's how they burst. Either it will crash or have a severe correction, either way not good for the economy.
15 min later 32890950 Anonymous
Actual worth still $0
Soon to be illegal
Enjoy your jail
16 min later 32890958 Anonymous
anon pls
16 min later 32890964 Anonymous
Can we go short?
16 min later 32890969 Anonymous (1364072801625.jpg 800x533 45kB)
At $100 I felt pretty bad.
But now... ergh.
I was here when they crashed to pennies each... could have invested like $10 or some shit and turned it into quarter of a million? Wtf seriously
17 min later 32890971 Anonymous
sent ;)
for realz. 1 btc
17 min later 32890980 Anonymous (1352237427620.jpg 200x254 19kB)
Kim Jong Un was right, April 10 is surely the day of our reckoning.
17 min later 32890982 Anonymous
Just like how all those people sold when they can't buy an Avalon batch 3?
18 min later 32890999 Anonymous
>Comparing the Avalon shortage to a serious banking crisis
yea nah
19 min later 32891012 Anonymous
How do you even begin to regulate bit coin ? I doubt they can, the best they could do is put pressure on legit companies from accepting bitcoins as payment for something, putting it right back on the silk road and away from say amazon or whatever.
And until the currency becomes stable in terms of price, no real vendor wants to take it, why sell a $1000 dollar TV for 4 bitcoins when their value might drop like a rock a week later, or shoot up.
There are some middlemen (bitpay?) that will handle the BTC <-> USD side between say Amazon (so I hear ?) but in the end amazon wants money, not bitcoins, the company holding the bags is bitpay (or whatever the middleman is) and not amazon.
Granted there will be some problems with cashing out your coins, how do you explain to your tax agency that you suddenly have $100,000 in cash ? Or how you purchased your car in cash
Obviously they want their share of the pie through taxes.
19 min later 32891017 Anonymous
Well whatever I'll just pull out before that day and if everything is fine buy back n I'm riding on money I can afford to lose.
21 min later 32891039 Anonymous
Le sent face?
21 min later 32891041 Anonymous
Wonder how many bitcoins moot got from the 4chan subscriptions,
mofo must be a millionaire by now.
21 min later 32891051 Anonymous
Offshore accounts, claim gifts, etc. If you're pulling $100K though it may be better to state at least part of that on your taxes.
21 min later 32891060 Anonymous
stop being retarded
bitcoin buyers and sellers have said that there has been in the big picture of things, almost nobody caring with an ip adress from cyprus
22 min later 32891075 Anonymous (1365197327141.jpg 391x391 77kB)
Kind of a smart move really.
For him those subs are worth nothing anyway to hit a toggle and bam... but now... must be quite high
23 min later 32891097 Anonymous
feel the same way. For the price of a good sandwich and two shots of good scotch I could be ditching my fat wife and buy a god damn mansion.
Hell for 3 bucks i'd be rolling in a 80k truck by now.
26 min later 32891144 Anonymous
Link? I've never seen any Bitcoin buyer OR seller say that. Especially since they don't have access to IPs, only the exchanges do.
26 min later 32891146 Anonymous
We warned you.
Also 80k truck?? You do realize rich people buy expensive trucks only for the Section 179 depreciation deduction as a business expense right?
26 min later 32891147 Anonymous
Moot would never admit to keeping a stash of bitcoins (for tax fraud purposes ;)), but I suspect he had it set to 100% converted to usd, so he has nothing from the passes.
26 min later 32891153 Anonymous
so you will have 10,000 dollars?
26 min later 32891157 Anonymous
What is p2p?
28 min later 32891195 Anonymous
Why would anyone directly sell p2p? You sell from the wallet given to you by an exchange. not from your own personal wallet. Unless you're doing direct transactions or something.
Gotta try harder than that to spread disinfo man.
28 min later 32891199 Anonymous
What was the lowest ever bitcoin price?
I know they crashed entirely due to hackers, but was it actually possible to buy bitcoins at that moment for fractions of a penny?
29 min later 32891201 Anonymous
>Especially since they don't have access to IPs, only the exchanges do.
29 min later 32891208 Anonymous
I'm using this bubble for my own purposes (hint: profit in real currencies) only issue is actually getting the damn Bitcoins.
29 min later 32891209 Anonymous
How would it even count ? capital gains or regular tax rate ?
First world sort of problems, but paying 15% on 100K you got from 'nothing' is meh.
and thats why there is a huge hype with LTC, buy now retire a millionaire in 2 years.
Bitcoins are divisible to how many decimal points ? Do we really need a faster transaction time ?
Don't feel too bad, remember that dude that traded 10,000 coins for 2 pizzas ?
Or that dude that sold his share in apple for a few hundred bucks ~30 years ago
OP here
I've got 5.3 coins sitting around, that I mined long time ago and forgot about them
I've got a FT job, so this coin business is kind of meh to me, if it keeps shooting upwards, thats cool, if it plunges back to penny status , nothing lost.
30 min later 32891223 Anonymous
Capital gains I'm pretty sure. You're not working for the money.
30 min later 32891224 Anonymous
Look up how bitcoin-qt works, there are places where you can get lists of all full bitcoin clients.
That's why paranoid people run bitcoin-qt behind tor
31 min later 32891251 Anonymous
Isn't everything based on IRC, your client communicated with a bunch of other boxed in some irc channel hosted in a server.
decentralized my ass
32 min later 32891256 Anonymous
Is it a good moment to get into bitcoin mining? Or buying?
32 min later 32891267 Anonymous
If you leave them in bitcoin or as a regular stock you don't have to pay capital gains and even then you only pay capital gains on the profit.
33 min later 32891274 Anonymous
That's been somewhat deprecated for DNS resolution, I think it's a backup but yes there is IRC as a bootstrap, but it's easier to just get a full picture of all countries representation via peer discovery
33 min later 32891284 Anonymous
mining has never been harder
prices have never been higher
35 min later 32891313 Anonymous
Get your initial investment plus some earnings out if you are so scared it's gonna pop.
36 min later 32891332 Anonymous (bittcoins.png 2560x1440 1262kB)
36 min later 32891343 Anonymous
I have nothing...
37 min later 32891354 Anonymous
As long as the euro crisis continues, and Germans impose austerity to th e PIIGS and at the same time mining vitcoins becomes impossible, price is gonna go up probably.
38 min later 32891369 Anonymous
One problem with that is you need to show some records of when you purchased and for how much.
Imagine if you purchased 50,000$ worth of BTC and it doubles to 100K and you sell it.
You should only be taxed on 50K worth, but without some proof you might end up being taxed on the 100,000K, what are you going to show as proof ? some screenshot ? some statement from some site operating in turkey ?
Of course with proper financial institutions all your dealings are automatically sent to the tax agency at during tax time and probably whenever you buy/sell too, so you can't lie about your Ford stock on your tax return since they have a copy from your bank.
With stocks and shit there is a level of openness to the whole thing, they might not know why people are buying or selling but they know who is and when. With bit coins there is none of that, it all takes place outside the scope of government
39 min later 32891400 Anonymous
sent ;) 0.5 btc
40 min later 32891403 Anonymous
Even if the cyprus thing blows over why would the "russians" just but their millions back in the banks that screwed them like that just few week ago.
I think that the banks lost the trust of the "russians"
40 min later 32891414 Anonymous
41 min later 32891433 Anonymous (bubblepop.jpg 1257x348 70kB)
can't wait till they're dirt cheap again so i can soak up a few
42 min later 32891447 Anonymous
We might be here in 6 months, complaining about how we failed to buy at 200$ and now it's 600$
42 min later 32891453 Anonymous (1003092012.jpg 1600x1200 823kB)
Use bitcoins to buy drugs on SR
Sell drugs for cash on the streets
IRS don't got shit on me nigger
42 min later 32891457 Anonymous
i want to believe that its a bubble, but what if it's not?
43 min later 32891464 Anonymous
44 min later 32891476 Anonymous
It begins
44 min later 32891479 Anonymous (192.png 1645x728 103kB)
Shit, as expected people dump before the value even reached $200.
44 min later 32891481 Anonymous
44 min later 32891482 Anonymous
what program is that?
44 min later 32891488 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 10.13.39 AM.png 1205x715 188kB)
it is...
does this look normal to you?
44 min later 32891492 Anonymous
sent ;)
45 min later 32891499 Anonymous
Is better
45 min later 32891505 Anonymous
http://bitcoinity.org/markets?curre ncy=USD&exchange=mtgox
46 min later 32891526 Anonymous
people keep trying to pump up the price by buying cents at a higher value hahaha
47 min later 32891534 Anonymous
Thank you sir, I will save that address and if one day fortune turns for me you will be repaid
47 min later 32891541 Anonymous
fucking LEL
bitcoins are pathetic
But I tip my hat to people who got rich off this
48 min later 32891543 Anonymous
is there one for ltc?
48 min later 32891545 Anonymous
on real markets it's usually algos doing this.
48 min later 32891546 Anonymous
someone just sold 100 units, imagine if he bought those right at the begining...
48 min later 32891551 Anonymous
blame the bots.
48 min later 32891554 Anonymous
ITT: People without basic understanding of economy trying to prove there's a bubble
49 min later 32891566 Anonymous
This seem all too familiar.
Do people really have that short term memory?
49 min later 32891572 Anonymous
But there is.
And it might be popping right about now.
49 min later 32891576 Anonymous
>tfw bought 15 butts at 52 dollars
quads checkem
50 min later 32891586 Anonymous
50 min later 32891588 Anonymous (1349376923415.gif 306x132 1427kB)
50 min later 32891592 Anonymous
Tfw no bitcoins or fist currency
Sucks to be poor as shit
50 min later 32891607 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 10.20.01 AM.png 325x584 83kB)
this is hilarious
51 min later 32891618 Anonymous
>7 minute lag on MtGox
that's a sure sign of a good time
51 min later 32891625 Anonymous
>That bot desperately trying to boost the price to 191.20
51 min later 32891628 Anonymous
52 min later 32891640 Anonymous
I posted this in the wrong (dead) thread:
04/08/13(Mon)11:20 No.32891594
Gavin likes to be coy with his tweets, if you haven't been paying attention. He makes a lot of veiled hints.
@gavinandresen: When will #bitcoin speculators start chasing another squirrel?
I think he just told us to buy litecoins.
52 min later 32891647 Anonymous (miss_1362550698.jpg 640x497 76kB)
53 min later 32891656 Anonymous
I have nice buy order in at 170 this going to jump right back very soon.
53 min later 32891665 Anonymous
>it's worth $182...
NO IT'S $191!!!
>no, really...it's $182...
>yeah, I agree... it seems to be going down...
53 min later 32891670 Anonymous
any one know where there's a tutorial to build an fpga miner? ive found some places that sell the boards and cpus (ztx) but I need guidance to make it work.
54 min later 32891675 Anonymous
dat MTGox trading lag
with this lag it makes panic selling harder
54 min later 32891676 Anonymous
>not setting buy order to $140
54 min later 32891678 Anonymous (1365415288286.jpg 1365x741 105kB)
Know that feel had $3000 AUD spare when bitcoins were $2 dollars. Still haven't used that $3000.
54 min later 32891680 Anonymous
I guarantee the rise in price is entirely because of Silk Road and the drug trade using btc. The instant drugs are legalized this entire black market currency will drop in value to mere pennies.
54 min later 32891681 Anonymous
I might go ahead and buy 10 litecoin just to see how this goes
54 min later 32891682 Anonymous
What's the best and easiest way to sell them?
I'm in germany.
I got 0.5 bitcoin and want my 90dollar.
54 min later 32891691 Anonymous (1362302176236.png 330x328 90kB)
I have over $300k in bitcoin.
I am scared and am cashing out NOW. I'll pay my capital gains tax buy a new car then put some towards a down payment on a house.
It was nice knowing you /g/.
55 min later 32891695 Anonymous
there are more then drugs that support BTC but yes its primarily from "black market" sales
55 min later 32891696 Anonymous
hook your account on a bitcoin trader and sell it
55 min later 32891698 Anonymous
Implying I have only one order in.
I have one at 160, 150 and 140
55 min later 32891699 Anonymous
Wtf, this currency is a joke.
How can a 0.0001 buy at 190 boost the price back up?
55 min later 32891702 Anonymous
Can I use mt Gox?
55 min later 32891705 Anonymous
>not buying litecoins when Gavin just hinted to everyone that's where speculators are headed for this week
55 min later 32891707 Anonymous (1365024924790.jpg 600x481 85kB)
pretty sure it's deliberate
56 min later 32891724 Anonymous
How to make money on bitcoins
1. Set a target price to crash to
2. Set buy orders around that price
3. Sell until 75% of target price
4. Profit.
56 min later 32891730 Anonymous
It's a wise move, anon. This currency is so volatile it could be down below $100 tomorrow, but getting to $400 (where you'd have your earnings doubled again) is doubtful for another 6 months.
56 min later 32891732 Anonymous
> what is bid/ask spread
56 min later 32891736 Anonymous
The buy orders between $181 and $190 were cleared out so someone buying 0.01 coins at $190 ask was enough to boost the price back up there.
Classic pump'n'dump, made even easier by Mt.Gox trading lag system.
57 min later 32891740 Anonymous
10 minutes now
I feel like this is highly negligent
57 min later 32891741 Anonymous
It cant. But yet again in can.
People just are stupid.
57 min later 32891743 Anonymous
It's the last price a trade has gone through. Welcome to any stock exchange or forex market of the world.
57 min later 32891745 Anonymous
This. If it will crash on $200, prepare to sell everything when the price is $190.
57 min later 32891746 Anonymous
>mtgox dead, api dying
>btc-e dead
>bitcoincharts dead
>irc flooded with retards
57 min later 32891748 Anonymous
its use as an actual currency is a joke. so many writers have pointed out that it's just far too volatile spend...
58 min later 32891754 Anonymous
Watch on bitcoin.clarkmoody.com for a better picture of bid/ask spreads
58 min later 32891757 Anonymous
why do the numbers chnage. Says someone bought 24.98 then it switched to 25.98
58 min later 32891776 Anonymous
Why aren't you inventing your own pseudo-currency, /g/?
59 min later 32891783 Anonymous
Someone else bought more at same price.
59 min later 32891787 Anonymous
too volatile to spend... you know what I mean...
1 hours later 32891797 Anonymous
I'm starving, please anon.
1 hours later 32891804 Anonymous
fuck I just put 5k in.
I should've never married this fat bitch, fuck my life.
1 hours later 32891807 Anonymous
Noob losing all their money. Some guy is probaply making 1000s with this dip.
Do people really not look at the chart any further than 3h?? This happens like every week...
1 hours later 32891809 Anonymous
All those sell orders crowding the system.
1 hours later 32891815 Anonymous
the market hasn't decided what to make of it yet. Eventually it will settle out.
1 hours later 32891817 Anonymous
> shit bricks
strings -n 10 blk00052.dat | grep onion | tail -10
onion links with CP in your blockchain, sweet :3
1 hours later 32891818 Anonymous
Send me litecoins pls
1 hours later 32891829 Anonymous
>using bitcoinity
1 hours later 32891830 Anonymous
well, buttcoins won't feed you by the time the transfer is over
1 hours later 32891831 Anonymous
it's supposed to be a currency
1 hours later 32891840 Anonymous
invest them all in LTC then, maybe you got a chance.
Should have done that 30 march, you would have 12000AUD now
riskers gonna win
1 hours later 32891841 Anonymous (yobas.jpg 288x288 31kB)
1 hours later 32891851 Anonymous
Fuck you Gavin just hinted us litecoins are going to get a massive influx of speculators this week
1 hours later 32891853 Anonymous
Also could you spare a buttcoin? :(
1 hours later 32891861 ௵
1 hours later 32891863 Anonymous (snabsnab.png 209x240 105kB)
>mfw I thought it would crash at $50
1 hours later 32891868 Anonymous
I've already lost 15lbs, I can't stand the starvation anymore, I-I think this is it..~
1 hours later 32891885 Anonymous
I don't get it
1 hours later 32891898 Anonymous
I find it really funny the way this drama has unfolded, i don't even have butcoins and i've been just following these threads since day 1.
Still, after the price going up %1000 there's people telling "it will drop, it will crash, i'm right because it will drop" and yet i've read across many boards about people buying stuff with the money they've made of this.
TL;DR it doesn't matter if the price drops, people that laughed at the beginning already lost because butcoin believers already have made a good ammount of money.
1 hours later 32891903 Anonymous
I thought it would crash at 86 rebought at 130 and sold today at 190.50
1 hours later 32891904 Anonymous
Seems like it's back to the pump phase.
I'm pretty sure Mt.Gox staff must be behind this pump'n'dump behavior because it always follows the same pattern.
1. Someone dumps coins, clearing all buy orders $5-10 downwards from current price.
2. Right at the same time someone buys coins at the ask price to increase the price back.
3. Value bounces a little between ask and bid and trading lag suddenly appears and the lag increases as long as the market is volatile.
4. When price stabilizes trading lag disappears.
5. Someone hikes the price up by always doing small 0.01 or 0.02 purchases at ask price.
1 hours later 32891912 Anonymous (1353400771333.jpg 344x341 26kB)
>mfw I sold everything i had at $50
1 hours later 32891926 Anonymous
Is this 24/7 ? or does it close like the normal markets?
1 hours later 32891927 Anonymous
>hurr I'll buy in at all time high, thats smart.
1 hours later 32891933 Anonymous
I too have been wondering about the trading lag like 300 seconds will disappear all at once. I however disagree that mtgox is doing it. If they wanted to steal for their customers they could do a better job.
1 hours later 32891936 Anonymous
please send your bitcoins to me so i can buy weed
1 hours later 32891939 Anonymous
The crash happened right after Gavin's tweet. Those of us who pay attention to his tweets know he lays down big hints.
/g/ why aren't you buying litecoins?
1 hours later 32891941 Anonymous
Lol its always open. How could you even close it??
1 hours later 32891946 Anonymous
>people that laughed at the beginning already lost
You don't seem to know the meaning of the word "lost".
1 hours later 32891948 Anonymous
no. You will waste them on drugs.
1 hours later 32891958 Anonymous
...by not accepting trades outside normal market hours?
1 hours later 32891963 Anonymous
Please.. I'm desperated ;_;
1 hours later 32891979 Anonymous
I don't understand.
>price is 180
>people pay 190
Why not just pay 180?
1 hours later 32891997 Anonymous
Sent ;)
1 hours later 32892001 Anonymous (1356574987039.gif 424x240 945kB)
>internet crypto currency
>normal market hours?
1 hours later 32892002 Anonymous
>what are bid/ask spreads and how do they work? What's the difference between liquidity takers and suppliers?
1 hours later 32892007 Anonymous (Untitled-1.jpg 1486x340 59kB)
This sure is a healthy market
That said, I'm keeping my 1 BTC until I can buy a house with it.
1 hours later 32892022 Anonymous (1364264274528.png 2400x1200 231kB)
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892023 Anonymous
Better put it into dvc while its under .000002. Going to jump to .000007 when we start pumping (2pm EST)
1 hours later 32892038 Anonymous (Capture.jpg 930x342 44kB)
>bitcoin can be a legitimate currency!
>this wild fucking bullride of a market
1 hours later 32892040 Anonymous
Word. If this is the next world currency we only need one my brothers
1 hours later 32892048 Anonymous
Even though Gavin pretty much told you speculators are going into altcoins like Litecoin soon on his twitter? Ok.
1 hours later 32892055 Anonymous
they want to drive the price up
1 hours later 32892057 Anonymous (buckingham.jpg 819x772 280kB)
>try to register on btc-e
>no confirmation email
>error when trying to resend from my profile
1 hours later 32892058 Anonymous
litecoin devs pls go
1 hours later 32892061 Anonymous
No mtgox isn't going to be announcing DVC soon. Only LTC.
1 hours later 32892065 Anonymous
I already have 400kDVC I bought at 0.0000011
1 hours later 32892069 Anonymous
If you put money in today you deserve to lose it. Its people like you that have inflated its value and made it a horrible currency. I cant buy or sell stuff without wondering what the price is going to be 3 days from now.
1 hours later 32892070 Anonymous
>implying you'll find someone to buy all your buttcoins at this exchange.
1 hours later 32892071 Anonymous
>implying value lolacoaster isn't good fort people as it allows them purchase wares at lower prices
1 hours later 32892072 Anonymous
yeah, if bitcoin crashes soon, I don't think the other similar currencies will amount to much...
1 hours later 32892073 Anonymous
>price drops 7%
>everyone freaks out.
1 hours later 32892074 Anonymous
This picture is so true.
1 hours later 32892076 Anonymous
Total newb here. Is the fastest way to buy BTC through Bitinstant? Can I set the pay to field to the address found under deposit btc on BTC-E, then convert to LTC? Is that the right way to get started?
1 hours later 32892080 Anonymous
Blame forced scarcity
1 hours later 32892091 Anonymous (litecoin.png 528x588 69kB)
haha litecoin
1 hours later 32892094 Anonymous
Is 271KH/s good for my 5850? (for litecoins)
1 hours later 32892095 Anonymous
90% of devcoin mining goes to creator. He can crash the market anytime. Nobody supports it
1 hours later 32892104 Anonymous
Told you weeks ago that it would go to $1000 and I still say that it will go to $1000 because there is no need for disclosure
but you keep doubting, sheep
1 hours later 32892105 Anonymous
>If they wanted to steal for their customers they could do a better job.
I think this pump'n'dump way would be the most profitable and cleanest way to do it.
It's long running; they can reap the profits for years.
It won't scare new people away from Bitcoin and new "investors" are needed to keep the price up. If they just stole all the money Bitcoins value would plummet and they would be tracked down and face legal action.
It also drives the volume up and Mt.Gox takes 0.6%+0.6% comission from each transaction.
1 hours later 32892109 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892124 Anonymous
who's Gavin?
1 hours later 32892128 Anonymous
Can bitcoin crash?
Seems MTGOX has some shady shit in place now to prevent crashing... MTGOX = the pumpers
1 hours later 32892136 Anonymous
This is so true. It was only 140 like less than two days ago.
Geez. Relax.
1 hours later 32892139 Anonymous
More like total crash back to $140.
1 hours later 32892147 Anonymous
We're like 3 minutes away from recovering to 190
1 hours later 32892154 Anonymous
>who's Linus Torvalds
Why are you even in this thread
1 hours later 32892173 Anonymous
MTGOX is just a huge fucking scam
The prices on MTGOX haven't shifted much, still claiming 190
1 hours later 32892184 Anonymous
>not using bitcoin.clarkmoody.com
1 hours later 32892191 Anonymous
oh god please someone uncover the mtgox scam already so the bubble can finally pop and i can laugh at those faggots who kept all their coins and won't be able to even purchase a pizza with them anymore
1 hours later 32892202 Anonymous
Notice how it never went below 180 at all.
1 hours later 32892214 Anonymous
>be tracked down and face legal actionIsn't the whole draw of this shit the fact that you can't take legal action against anyone?
1 hours later 32892221 Anonymous
What's the cheapest way to buy bitcoins (least deduction/fees)?.
1 hours later 32892234 Anonymous
ill believe
1 hours later 32892240 Anonymous (smug-007.png 500x500 245kB)
>Still falling for the scam
1 hours later 32892242 Anonymous
trade weed for them
1 hours later 32892247 Anonymous
Mtgox is totally fishy. How does my $182 order executes for some sells, but not for others?
1 hours later 32892261 Anonymous
Can't wait to see this cash and all you faggots cry just like you did last time.
Bitcoin is a scam
1 hours later 32892270 Anonymous
over 20k new accounts waiting to be verified on Mt.Gox. next week millions of new investors will flood into the market pushing it passed one thouand. WE TOLD YOU NOW ITS TO FUCKING LATE !
1 hours later 32892276 Anonymous
>Can bitcoin crash?
Yes, once flow of new "investors" stops. After that there's absolutely nothing supporting the price and it will go down.
At current prices the markets need $700k of fresh money per day just to negate the effect of new Bitcoins created by mining. To make the price go further up and negate the effect of early adopters releasing their holdings the market needs much more money.
I estimate currently the market is burning through atleast $2 million of fresh money every day. When that flow stops the price will come down crashing.
1 hours later 32892281 Anonymous
I can't wait to see the cash either, friendo.
1 hours later 32892282 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892286 Anonymous
It went below 182 for a bit
1 hours later 32892288 Anonymous (ulaffupay1btc.png 256x256 1kB)
I will suck you dry for some BTC ;)
1 hours later 32892300 Anonymous
people keep pumping it up. because of the limited number of coins, the price is pretty easy to manipulate.
cool story. my mom bought a new dress with some money she won with a scratch off once... she used to buy one a week. this is still gambling with an extremely volatile market.
unless you're one of the whales with enough coins to manipulate prices, all you can hope to do is jump ship at the right time. some lucked out, many won't.
1 hours later 32892305 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892308 Anonymous
Its to fucking late you its to god dam late you guys missed it. It takes 3 to 4 weeks to get money into bitcoin. by then it will be over 900 to one thousand each.
1 hours later 32892323 Anonymous
Reported to IRS.
1 hours later 32892334 Anonymous
I'm so scared
1 hours later 32892337 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892338 Anonymous
who's Gavin?
1 hours later 32892339 Anonymous
What's the best miing pool + miner?
Im currently using triplemining.com with diabloMiner
1 hours later 32892341 Anonymous
It will never go over $300.
People who purchase bitcoins are middle to low class they will never pay more than$300, sorry son but you will never become a millionarie
1 hours later 32892343 Anonymous
I can't believe you faggots are still falling for shit LOL
1 hours later 32892346 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892356 Anonymous
Is it better to work in a pool or by myself?
1 hours later 32892361 Anonymous
>It'll never go over $1
>It'll never go over $10
>It'll never go over $30
>It'll never go over $100
>It'll never go over $200
1 hours later 32892364 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892366 Anonymous
Current lead developer for bitcoin, why don't you just google?
1 hours later 32892370 Anonymous (wow.png 869x344 78kB)
yeah, this doesn't look volatile at all
1 hours later 32892380 Anonymous
Can someone explain what the fuck is happening?
Why would the price fall to 180, then go back to 190?
Surely it should keep going down as people buy it as low as possible?
1 hours later 32892393 Anonymous
god you are
so dumb
1 hours later 32892402 Anonymous
because someone paid a buck ninety for a bit cent to drive the price up.
1 hours later 32892405 Anonymous
The drop happened right after Gavin's tweet, people think he might be hinting speculators are going to be going to litecoins next.
1 hours later 32892435 Anonymous
If he's the lead developer why does he talk shit on BTC all the time on twitter? Wouldn't he want to put it in a positive light even if it's crashing. I smell a ruse
1 hours later 32892444 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892449 Anonymous
He's quite the master at it too.
>Releases new version of bitcoin client that causes a fork
>Buys bitcoins when they crashed 25%
>Send out a way to recover from the fork
1 hours later 32892457 Anonymous (39386pikabitch.gif 50x50 50kB)
if bitcoin falls then so will all the copy cats.
1 hours later 32892468 Anonymous
He isn't talking shit. He makes hints on the prices all the time for the past few years. The hint previous to this one was a couple days ago about exiting the market slowly, don't sell at once and don't hold everything.
1 hours later 32892472 Anonymous
Congrats on ur trips!
1 hours later 32892476 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892480 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892488 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892492 Anonymous
>implying people won't just escape to other crypto currency
Having more than one mainstream currency would make the entire market more stable.
1 hours later 32892493 Anonymous
>that drop from 195 to 180
1 hours later 32892503 Anonymous
I got a bitcoin app ages ago for my phone. Ive got 0.00.15
Which is worth about 0.0.284 or something
1 hours later 32892523 Anonymous
I see a lot of hidden comments, so don't forget your filters:
/\b1([a-zA-Z0-9]){26,33}\b/ #bitcoin beggars
/\bL([a-zA-Z0-9]){26,33}\b/ #scamcoin beggers
/sent ;\)/;stub:no
1 hours later 32892527 Anonymous
please respond.
1 hours later 32892536 Anonymous ([Commie] Attack on Titan - 01 [C1A7B58D].mkv_snapshot_07.51_[2013.04.09_02.08.24].jpg 1280x720 134kB)
>/g/ is full of kids begging for virtual money
1 hours later 32892538 Anonymous
sent :)
1 hours later 32892544 Anonymous
Thank you sir
1 hours later 32892547 Anonymous
sent :)
1 hours later 32892554 Anonymous
Have you ever used numbers before?
What does 0.00.15 mean?
1 hours later 32892555 Anonymous
hue hue hue
1 hours later 32892562 Anonymous
currencies with absolutely no fail-safes and regulations... yeah, I don't think it's going to work.
1 hours later 32892568 Anonymous
>that peak and drop
holy shit wtf is happening.
1 hours later 32892582 Anonymous
Just another day in the BTC exchange.
1 hours later 32892598 Anonymous
the fail-safes and regulations are built into the algorithm
I trust mathematics much more than a bank.
1 hours later 32892600 Anonymous
These figures stink.
So much fake shit
So much pump
So much manipulation
So much fake lag
Fuck bitcoins
1 hours later 32892603 Anonymous
My mtgox account is fucked up. I've got $6400 and can't get the order confirmed because "Not enough funds"
1 hours later 32892607 Anonymous (P-.jpg 1143x296 71kB)
1 hours later 32892614 Anonymous
When will #bitcoin speculators start chasing another squirrel?
Speculators - someone who makes conjectures without knowing the facts.
Translation - When will the neckbeard from 4chan move on to LTC and stop spreading disinfo about BTC?
1 hours later 32892618 Anonymous
they just limit supply, nothing more. that's not a fail-safe, and doesn't have any real regulatory power.
1 hours later 32892626 Anonymous
>thinking you'll ever get your money from mtgox
1 hours later 32892638 Anonymous
I've been watching Gavin's tweets for a while, he's straight up telling us speculators will be moving into an alternative cryptocurrency soon, the most likely candidate IMO is litecoin.
1 hours later 32892641 Anonymous (1365018933104.jpg 666x666 163kB)
Mega crash if it dips below 180
Wait for it
1 hours later 32892664 Anonymous
>that artificial floor at 180
Fucking lel
MTGOX is confirmed scam
1 hours later 32892685 Anonymous
Buying at 180.1000, then selling at 180.00001
all dis market manipulation
1 hours later 32892689 Anonymous
Most likely hundreds of people trying to sell and not getting the transactions processed "because of lag".
1 hours later 32892690 Anonymous
>complain about failing currencies
>Bitcoin fluctuates 1/18th of its value in less than 10 minutes
1 hours later 32892691 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 9.16.43 AM.png 257x33 11kB)
1 hours later 32892704 Anonymous
Good then let them move to LTC. That doesnt mean we should
1 hours later 32892709 Anonymous
it's a psychological barrier... no one that's invested wants them to dip below that unless they're trying to drive the price down to buy cheap in the hopes they can drive it back up.
considering how volatile this is, no one wants to risk that.
1 hours later 32892716 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892719 Anonymous (nvidia.jpg 660x829 77kB)
1 hours later 32892721 Anonymous
180 is gone (as of 4 minutes ago cause of lag)
1 hours later 32892722 Anonymous
sent ;) >>32891983
1 hours later 32892741 Anonymous (1345065628924.png 400x314 147kB)
Burn it down.
1 hours later 32892759 Anonymous
>all these strings of trades that are for 180 even
>not thinking the market is being manipulated
1 hours later 32892761 Anonymous
Market depth is surprisingly shallow. 15K coins to 150.
1 hours later 32892776 Anonymous
This is in essence how the MTGOX scam works.
>create artificial lag
>people desperately want to sell
>give out fake "errors"
>people give up
>price doesn't crash
1 hours later 32892784 Anonymous
Are we in bear markets yet?
1 hours later 32892785 Anonymous (1362383869726.gif 500x275 626kB)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wko- 4KDG6hY
Bitcoin Millionaire
1 hours later 32892793 Anonymous
Sorry 0.0015
Someone make me up for a full coin?
1 hours later 32892803 Anonymous
Nope, bots are keeping it above $180.
1 hours later 32892806 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892819 Anonymous (Screen shot 2013-04-08 at 11.22.41 AM.png 208x199 14kB)
>de manipulation
1 hours later 32892821 Anonymous
mandato ;)
1 hours later 32892836 Anonymous
>goes down
>BACK to 180!!!
>goes down
>BACK TO 180!!!1
>goes down
>NOPE 180!!1111
1 hours later 32892844 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892849 Anonymous
What does sell:180 mean?
That you can't sell if bitcoin doesn't reach that price?
1 hours later 32892852 Anonymous
sent ;)
1 hours later 32892860 Anonymous
reso ;)
1 hours later 32892867 Anonymous
Which one is correct?
1 hours later 32892880 Anonymous (1364486624350.png 433x431 17kB)
1 hours later 32892885 Anonymous
le desperated sent face
1 hours later 32892892 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892894 Anonymous
it's crashing
1 hours later 32892899 Anonymous
It means someone is trying to sell the buttcoins at $180.
If someone agree to that price, he can buy it.
1 hours later 32892902 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892916 Anonymous
Down 10% so far.
1 hours later 32892917 Anonymous
>$140 on some websites
It's over!
1 hours later 32892930 Anonymous
>what is a trading bot
1 hours later 32892943 Anonymous
1 hours later 32892945 Anonymous (gendo_face.jpg 399x276 17kB)
Shut it down.
1 hours later 32892962 Anonymous
Who matches the bids and collects the difference? mtgox?
1 hours later 32892963 Anonymous
Personally I am waiting for NiggaCoin. It uses the KFC-256 algorithm... and is backed by chicken
1 hours later 32892967 Anonymous (crash.png 1622x730 125kB)
Well, even a kid can understand what will happen by just seeing the charts.
1 hours later 32892968 Anonymous
oh so that's the price you can buy their bitcoins
1 hours later 32892973 Anonymous
Nope, 140€
1 hours later 32892976 Anonymous
Gotta love the LTC shills at BTC-e.
50% of them are probably miners that bash other cryptocurrencies to sell their coin, and the other 50% are the screaming idiots that buy and complain when the price dips 3 times a day.
2 hours later 32892994 Anonymous
and buy:176
is the price you can sell yours?
2 hours later 32893000 Anonymous
Mt.Gox just shut down trading.
2 hours later 32893003 Anonymous
oh sides
2 hours later 32893004 Anonymous
its going down down down
2 hours later 32893019 Anonymous
2 hours later 32893021 Anonymous
>market wants a sell-off
>mtgox says oh boy time for lag
>still thinking this isnt manipulated
2 hours later 32893030 Anonymous
sell sell now while you still can $172!!
2 hours later 32893031 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32893044 Anonymous (Screen shot 2013-04-08 at 11.31.41 AM.png 349x255 30kB)
its over
2 hours later 32893073 Anonymous
>its over
Nope, Mt.Gox just decided the price must go up.
2 hours later 32893090 Anonymous
prostagma ;)
2 hours later 32893099 Anonymous
So much market manipulation. Look at the sell orders on BTC-E.
2 hours later 32893110 Anonymous
Important levels. Although it's grim if it falls to $145. I personally bought at $173.
2 hours later 32893113 Anonymous
vulome ;)
2 hours later 32893130 Anonymous
bouraeg ;)
2 hours later 32893132 Anonymous
посланный ;)
2 hours later 32893177 Anonymous
envoyé ;)
2 hours later 32893215 Anonymous
주어진다 ;)
2 hours later 32893227 Anonymous
Guy must think he's a fucking millionaire by now.
2 hours later 32893238 Anonymous
elküldve ;)
2 hours later 32893261 Anonymous
hakuna ;)
2 hours later 32893302 Anonymous
2 hours later 32893337 Anonymous (lasagna.gif 429x416 3011kB)
It's over $180!!! you guys that sold got scammed GOOD!
2 hours later 32893368 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32893374 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32893393 Anonymous
2 hours later 32893411 Anonymous
Just die in my sleep already.
2 hours later 32893451 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32893469 Anonymous (Untitled.jpg 1531x337 113kB)
Oh you bitstamp!
2 hours later 32893505 Anonymous
>inb4 bitcoin becomes technological singularity
2 hours later 32893523 Anonymous
;) اُرسِل
2 hours later 32893575 Anonymous
>5k in at $170
>$186 now
> $500 profit
2 hours later 32893583 Anonymous
Everything is back to normal. The road to the 200 wont be stoped!
2 hours later 32893605 Anonymous
Goyim corp please...
2 hours later 32893649 Anonymous
>attempt to cash out
>no one buys
2 hours later 32893669 Anonymous
The Jews did indeed do this.
2 hours later 32893705 Anonymous
my problem with bitcoin is this:
since it is PURELY speculative, and has no inherent value, the value of the coin is directly tied to its function as a currency, and nothing else.
since the prices are so unstable, it is impossible for it to perform this function, meaning it seems like it will have to fail eventually. the price only goes up due to greed and the hopes of selling for a profit, not because of the coin's spending power, unlike other currencies.
I honestly do not see how this can succeed.
2 hours later 32893730 Anonymous
>since it is PURELY speculative, and has no inherent value, the value of the coin is directly tied to its function as a currency, and nothing else.
Just like the US dollar.
2 hours later 32893777 Anonymous
I very poor soul please spare a bitcoin
2 hours later 32893795 Anonymous
It's planned to be stable in the future.
2 hours later 32893804 Anonymous
the US dollar has stable spending power and is the most frequent reserve currency. its spending power changes due to inflation, not speculation. the US dollar is not speculative unless you're talking about collector coins and bills.
2 hours later 32893826 Anonymous
SeNt ;)))
2 hours later 32893852 Anonymous
>those trips
sent ;)
2 hours later 32893853 Anonymous
This can either happen in one of two cases:
A. The price of bitcoins gets so high that a hundred dollar change doesn't mean a 200% increase in value.
B. The Federal Reserve stops printing billions of dollars.
2 hours later 32893856 Anonymous
with no regulatory bodies and no fail safes, I don't see how it can be... ya know?
I mean I get that the simplicity is supposed to be what makes it stable and appealing, but it seems its simplicity also makes it exploitable.
2 hours later 32893870 Anonymous
The US dollar became a speculation backed currency when the gold standard was abolished. Literally nothing but faith backs this currency up and if the OPEC would drop the petro-dollar the US dollar is finished.
2 hours later 32893890 Anonymous
I agree... as long as the price fluctuates so much, it will be useless as a currency, and I think that if it goes on like that long enough, it will crash since it's of no real value.
2 hours later 32893896 Anonymous
C. People stop trying to earn money from it.
2 hours later 32893938 Anonymous
the value is maintained by the Federal Reserve, not through speculation.
the way that the USD and bitcoin are valued are extremely different
2 hours later 32893959 Anonymous
plz I'm a poor IT student trying to fend off student loan debt.
2 hours later 32893973 Anonymous
From #mtgox@freenode earlier today (times are in UTC)
10:46 <@MagicalTux> today's full work of the AML team just barely kept the number of pending amls to the same number
10:46 <@MagicalTux> >.>
2 hours later 32893977 Anonymous
2 hours later 32893984 Anonymous
2 hours later 32894033 Anonymous
>the value is maintained by the Federal Reserve, not through speculation.
Thank you for proving my point. Nothing but the word of the FED and the faith of 'the market' in this words support the currency.
>the way that the USD and bitcoin are valued are extremely different
I didn't say anything contrary.
2 hours later 32894035 Anonymous
meaning there's still 14K people in line at mtgox:
from before the day started in Japan:
03:52 <@MagicalTux> [12:42:31] <stamit> MagicalTux, neofutur: do you really have 14K people waiting to be verified? <- yes :(
03:52 <@MagicalTux> more like 15k
2 hours later 32894040 Anonymous
I think that part of the problem is that since it's novel and tech-oriented, it draws attention from a lot of not so savvy investors that are very easy to manipulate.
2 hours later 32894075 Anonymous
you said they are both purely speculative, which isn't the case. fiat currency, by definition, derives its value by government regulation or law.
2 hours later 32894080 Anonymous
Is there any way to purchase BTC with only a credit card?
I have no checking or savings account, it's like a debit card, but it's credit.
I don't have checks so I can't obtain routing and account numbers to verify a bank account at Dwolla.
Can somebody help me with this?
2 hours later 32894109 Anonymous
>I have no checking or savings account, it's like a debit card, but it's credit.
how do you not have a checking account but have a credit card? how the fuck do you pay your credit card every month?
2 hours later 32894120 Anonymous
his mommy does
2 hours later 32894138 Anonymous
I've heard of people doing that with a money order, for some reason... but yeah...
probably this
2 hours later 32894170 Anonymous
I don't? It's free.
It's Money Network.
http://www.firstdata.com/moneynetwo rk/
I don't know if it's free for everyone, it was from when I was working at Walmart. They maintain my account, and the only fee is a small percentage for deposites.
2 hours later 32894218 Anonymous
well then he should get his mommy to go to a fucking bank with him and sign up for a checking account signed under his mommy as an account custodian
get a real bank account motherfucker, that shit is literally a scam you know that right? walmart signs you up so they can collect the 1.5% cashback whenever you buy anything holy shit they encourage you to sign up for that garbage to steal your money
2 hours later 32894300 Anonymous
nearly every single bank is free if you include direct deposit with your job. Chase is free if you have over $2500 in it i think in some states.
even better ask around for credit unions, those are usually awesome and nice to you and aren't interested in fucking you over
you're being fucked over and you have no idea holy shit. they put that shit in front of you and make it easy to sign up for because not getting scammed requires work. you have to work to open a checking account at a credit union because nobody makes money off that shit.
did NO ONE tell you to ask walmart to pay you a real paycheck? you have some shitty parents/friends if you told them about how you were getting paid. you should've signed up for a real credit card and gotten 1% cash back or whatever for a while now instead of letting walmart pocket that shit.
4.528 0.242