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2013-04-07 01:41 32862027 Anonymous (new high.png 347x143 5kB)
4 min later 32862087 Anonymous
>tfw was ignorant and have zero coins at all
5 min later 32862102 Anonymous (1364670709847.png 354x286 4kB)
>tfw didn't give a fuck and thought it was a fad
7 min later 32862131 Anonymous (large downfall blu-ray0x.jpg 1920x1080 337kB)
Bitcoin is sustainable as an investment. There is no speculation. It has intrinsic value. Keep onto your coins.
8 min later 32862153 Anonymous
in during pump and dump
isn't market manipulation a crime?
8 min later 32862155 Anonymous
Crash incoming.
8 min later 32862156 Anonymous
Inflation at its best.
At least those faggots will realize how laughable is pretty much any currency in the world.
8 min later 32862159 Anonymous
Would you rather have had 10,000 coins 3 years ago and spent them on a pizza?
9 min later 32862173 Anonymous
I wouldn't have spent them at all, sir.
10 min later 32862181 Anonymous
Isn't all interaction with a market technically market manipulation?
10 min later 32862183 Anonymous
>10000 coins
stop it ;_;
10 min later 32862187 Anonymous
I wouldn't eat Papa John's pizza if someone paid me to.
11 min later 32862201 Anonymous
>mfw having 10000 coins was pretty standard thing
>mfw 10000 coins are worth $1 490 000 right now
12 min later 32862217 Anonymous
It's at 154 already
12 min later 32862223 Anonymous (guy counting money.jpg 640x427 34kB)
>mfw I have 300K btc
12 min later 32862224 Anonymous
I've already cashed out and put most of the profits back into Litecoin.
Bitcoin will be done soon enough.
13 min later 32862231 Anonymous
>mfw everyone set automatic sell at 150
look at the fluctuation it is going to fall motherfuckers
13 min later 32862241 Anonymous
>implying you'd be able to sell 10000 coins anyway at this point
13 min later 32862243 Anonymous
If I had 10k bitcoins I'd sell about half of them now, and stick around with the other half for a while to see where it's going.
14 min later 32862250 Anonymous
try harder with your lies. There's less than 11million BTC out there.
14 min later 32862253 Anonymous
Can you even cash 10000 coins out for real money?
14 min later 32862255 Anonymous
The fuck is litecoin?
14 min later 32862257 Anonymous
And how is this any different from stock market speculation? In fact, if you are lucky you can get a lot more of money in less time, I don't see how bitcoin is so special, just because it is tech related and something you guys can understand?r
15 min later 32862260 Anonymous
The fuck is google?
15 min later 32862264 Anonymous
Do you honestly think LTC will survive a buttcoin-crash?
15 min later 32862270 Anonymous
I don't know. If only there was a search engine of sorts on the internet so I could find out. I'll try askjeeves.
16 min later 32862278 Anonymous (nigger.jpg 340x510 50kB)
Fine. Don't believe me. Everyone laughed at me 3 years ago. Now who's laughing?
16 min later 32862279 Anonymous
Now I only wish I had bought when it was at 100
16 min later 32862284 Anonymous
Bought 27 coins at 98$ last week
16 min later 32862285 Anonymous
stocks have always been discussed on /g/
16 min later 32862290 Anonymous
Hey, why don't you just Bing it?
16 min later 32862292 Anonymous
I have trouble understanding that a lot of people must be buying bitcoin right now.
17 min later 32862298 Anonymous
because you misunderstand the risk to reward ratio.
most of us had an AMD card. It was profitable to pay for electricity costs EVERY SINGLE MONTH for the past two years (minus 1 month where it was nearly breakeven). there was no risk after you mined for the first month because you'd be profitable.
find me a market where you can arbitrage that easily, where you can find free fucking call options.
face it, the people that didn't bother mining was tantamount to someone giving them FREE lotto scratcher and them saying "nope don't want it"
17 min later 32862302 Anonymous
Not while I've been here, and I've been here for the last 3 years...
17 min later 32862308 Anonymous
There are always dumbfags out there who don't know how economy works - they'll think it'll keep rising forever, and will try to hoard as many as possible.
18 min later 32862316 Anonymous
what makes the value of bitcoin go up this much?
i cannot comprehend it why would you invest in this
18 min later 32862317 Anonymous
then you just weren't paying close enough attention
18 min later 32862327 Anonymous
The kinds of people who put money into bitcoin aren't the kind happy to take it back into regular currency.
There will be a flight of capital from Bitcoin and I think it will end up at Litecoin as it's about to be on mtgox and has higher volumes which should stave off the bubble for a bit longer than BTC has.
19 min later 32862336 Anonymous
>implying even retards would pay $150 for a bitcoin
top lel
19 min later 32862345 Anonymous
Maybe at the very beggining, and at that time it was not certain bitcoin would survive. Since bitcoin hit $30 (before the crash) mining it is not worth it (unless you are the guy who runs a mining pool).
19 min later 32862347 Anonymous
you a couple months ago:
>implying retards would pay $15 for a bitcoin
19 min later 32862350 Anonymous
Would it be possible to buy 100 coins right now? I mean I have the dosh to play around with liquid cash right now so I guessed:
>it is at 150 now
>buy 100x
>spend $15000
>wait one hour
>it is at 160
>sell 100 coins
>make 16000
>profit: 1000
>in one hour
20 min later 32862356 Anonymous (b31.jpg 326x284 20kB)
god fucking damn it.
it will never come back to a reasonable level so i can actually buy some.
20 min later 32862357 Anonymous
anyone who told you that is disinfo, it's been VERY profitable to mine on an AMD card for the past 2 years assuming you already owned one.
20 min later 32862362 Anonymous
it's artificial. look at the buy and sell order prices, it's just some really richfag(s) trying to control the market.
21 min later 32862377 Anonymous
Seems to be bots if I'm not mistaken?
Jacking up the price, cashing out. Botting it up some more.
It seems to happen at set price points too which is odd.
23 min later 32862391 Anonymous
see >>32862350
23 min later 32862402 Anonymous
the bad thing is that the early percentage of coins (about 80% of the total) is in hands of early adopters and creators of the bitcoin software
so there is literally a 1% in the bitcoin ecosphere
it's capitalism all over again
bitcoin changes nothing
23 min later 32862403 Anonymous
24 min later 32862408 Anonymous
What's the best GPU for BTC mining? I guess that mining it's harder then ever right now.
24 min later 32862417 Anonymous
move to north korea if you want a communist paradise.
25 min later 32862426 Anonymous
>soon to be carpet bombed by murrcah
Yeah, go there
25 min later 32862436 Anonymous
26 min later 32862439 Anonymous
funny thing is that your murrcah is only propaganda spraying that to boost their markets
small world isn't it
28 min later 32862461 Anonymous
I was in the store the other day buying food and adding up my total in Bitcoin.
>it is coming.
29 min later 32862475 Anonymous
If this collapses, will the stock markets be affected? Like Dow(n) jones et cetera?
29 min later 32862488 Anonymous
It's easy money, i did it when it reached 90, can you believe /g/ said it was a stupid idea? Neither can i. Spent $500, waited for it to reach 130 and cashed out, think it was around 220 profit.
30 min later 32862504 Anonymous
>220 profit
don't spend it all at once timmy
31 min later 32862513 Anonymous (1363411136294.png 500x600 375kB)
I was close to buying at 100 USD but figured it'd pop and I'd lose.
Stop reminding me.
31 min later 32862515 Anonymous
>my murrcah
Scandinavia reporting.
32 min later 32862520 Anonymous
>220 profit
32 min later 32862522 Anonymous
no. the bitcoin market is too small to affect the wider stock market.
for comparison,
bitcoin's market cap is 1.6 billion
google's market cap alone is 258 billion
google's market cap is 160 times that of bitcoin. for bitcoin to have equal market cap as google, it would require bitcoins to be worth $23,000 per coin.
33 min later 32862534 Anonymous
Sold some BTC at 80-90$ to cash out some profits. Now I'm sitting on the remaining ones, a couple of dozen BTC so not set for life unfortunately.
34 min later 32862545 Anonymous
so 6 months then?
34 min later 32862546 Anonymous
where is the sticky?
35 min later 32862552 Anonymous
38 min later 32862583 Anonymous
Do you guys remember that one time it started to crash hard and the image from Fight club came up on the ticker? Dose any one have that image?
41 min later 32862630 Anonymous (bitcoin155.png 332x134 15kB)
how rustled?
41 min later 32862631 Anonymous (images.jpg 222x227 8kB)
42 min later 32862640 Anonymous (butcoin.png 346x142 6kB)
43 min later 32862650 Anonymous (Izfn01T.jpg 1200x900 353kB)
43 min later 32862658 Anonymous
not really
50 min later 32862733 Anonymous
>at 100$ told myself its too late
>friend told me to buy
>this morning I decided if it drops down to 90-100 I WILL buy
>its only gone up by like 20$ since I last checked
Be right back, ending myself
50 min later 32862740 Anonymous
>all those 0.4 BTC transactions at the same time
Could they be any more obvious?
51 min later 32862752 Anonymous
52 min later 32862764 Anonymous
>not getting the 300k reference with the guy counting money pic
How new can one be?
53 min later 32862767 Anonymous
>mfw first time I considered buy was when I could get a bitcoin for £29
>mfw right now I could have made £80 for nothing
I done goofed
53 min later 32862769 Anonymous
If I had 100k in coins right now I would sell them all at <85$, since it's a nice profit as it is and it would be nice to see all those neet faggots lose all thei money
53 min later 32862775 Anonymous
obvious of what?. Those are just bots trading. The bots have to do that to test the market depth or some thing.
54 min later 32862777 Anonymous
1000 0.4 BTC transactions have the same impact on price as one 400 BTC transaction.
56 min later 32862798 Anonymous
Someone out there is a millionaire now due to hoarding thousands of these.
Is it even legal to just cash in 1 million dollars?
56 min later 32862803 Anonymous
>everything is legal
57 min later 32862808 Anonymous
why the fuck would anyone care if you paid your taxes
57 min later 32862819 Anonymous
it is if you declare it as income and pay taxes
57 min later 32862820 Anonymous
>implying it would be possible
selling coins right now (how small the transaction is) will have an impact on the market
if you sold 100 coins each coin would have a different, lower value in dollars
58 min later 32862826 Anonymous
>Is it even legal to just cash in 1 million dollars?
It might raise a few eyebrows but no of course not, you are being stupid.
59 min later 32862837 Anonymous
wud deffnetly b laff
Consider the following though:
>go to your bank
>Hi! I just got a one million dollar transfer from the guys at the internet
>I'd like to cash them out so I can avoid taxes :3
59 min later 32862839 Anonymous
>Make OKpay account
>Look at not-verified limits
>Sending Limit of $300
>Withdrawal Limit of $0
>Nothing about adding funds
>Try to add funds
>Need to be verified
59 min later 32862841 Anonymous
what has happened to instawallet?
59 min later 32862843 Anonymous
selling 100 coins now would drop the price to 153.10 ... not much
1 hours later 32862860 Anonymous
the transaction logs are public other people will start selling too
1 hours later 32862868 Anonymous
They had to shut it down. Some hacker got really close to breaching the servers. All bitcoins are safe they well reopen soon.
1 hours later 32862871 Anonymous
>pay taxes
1 hours later 32862874 Anonymous
allegedly hacked, closed down indefinitely.
1 hours later 32862884 Anonymous
Why don't you use Liberty Reserve ?
There's no verification and limit like that.
1 hours later 32862891 Anonymous
1 hours later 32862896 Anonymous (spooner-didnt-sign-shit.jpg 500x545 44kB)
1 hours later 32862903 Anonymous
bitconity is down. use:
1 hours later 32862932 Anonymous (chart.png 1221x966 48kB)
>other people will start selling too
if the last mtgox DDoS didn't trigger the crash, nothing will. especially not a puny 100btc transaction.
1 hours later 32862939 Anonymous
or http://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/
1 hours later 32862957 Anonymous
>buy 10000 btc at $0.04 in 2009 to buy some stuff
>seller takes down listing
>forget all about it
>keep bictoins
>come on /g/ today
>see this thread
oh my god
1 hours later 32862969 Anonymous
You blokes should've invested in Uncoins. Everybody that has >0 Uncoins gets 1kg of rice a month!
1 hours later 32862970 Anonymous
try harder next time. nothing was for sale using bitcoins in 2009.
1 hours later 32862973 Anonymous
screenshots now
1 hours later 32862977 Anonymous
Yes. A friend just cashed in his 2k that he had from when Bitcoins were that cheap. 300k richer.
1 hours later 32862987 Anonymous
it's a bitcoinbotnet
1 hours later 32863037 Anonymous
Their is nothing evil about Trading bots.
1 hours later 32863079 Anonymous (whatthefuckamireading.jpg 400x400 48kB)
1 hours later 32863116 Anonymous
You realise that's like a cent, right?
1 hours later 32863136 Anonymous
>post gets deleted
>you get banned
1 hours later 32863182 Anonymous
1 hours later 32863392 Anonymous
Sent ;)
1 hours later 32863499 Anonymous
Were price of goods you could buy with bitcoins even reduced? I mean, what about things liek drugs and whatnot. DId the prices get reduced or what?
1 hours later 32863530 Anonymous
That's cool. Next crash I'm buying some.
1 hours later 32863533 Anonymous
prices are automatically adjusted to the USDon places like silkroad, and businesses that use mt. gox as a processor to cash out to USD instantly
find the silkroad wiki on tor I'm pretty sure it has a thorough explanation
1 hours later 32863536 Anonymous (1353082782549.jpg 1920x1080 548kB)
Daily reminder moot is now rolling in cash from buttcoin 4chan passes
1 hours later 32863573 Anonymous
Nope, he never gets buttcoins, the system exchanges the money in that same instant.
1 hours later 32863598 Anonymous
1 hours later 32863609 Anonymous
you can specify a % to keep
doubt he did so though, he gets butthurt about anything that doesn't like NVIDIA products
1 hours later 32863610 Anonymous
>Bitcoin is indexed on the dollar
>Just like the Bretton-woods era
>Thinking it won't crash
1 hours later 32863624 Anonymous
>How do I get paid?
>Merchants choosing to keep the bitcoins can be anywhere in the world. Merchants in some countries can choose to receive a direct deposit into their bank account.
moot can keep a percentage of his payments in bitcoins. for all we know he could've kept 50% of it.
2 hours later 32863704 Anonymous
If he kept my buttcoins could have 216$ now..or on the other hand. I could have had 216$ if I didn't pay for a pass in buttcoins..
2 hours later 32863767 Anonymous
I would be willing to bet 100 bucks it will pas 160 today.
2 hours later 32863814 Anonymous
The west coast is about to wake up. They are tech savvy over there. We will pass $160 maybe 175
2 hours later 32863845 Anonymous
All the new money hitting the exchange on Monday should push it over 200.
2 hours later 32863846 Anonymous
It's almost 7am here, so yeah. People should be waking up now.
Also I've got nearly 500$ in BTC now..I'm so tempted to cash out now. But what the fuck would I buy?
2 hours later 32863926 Anonymous
I repeat, This system will crash sooner and later as it is indexed on the dollar. Plus, there are politicians who are pushing to ban it all around the world.
2 hours later 32863984 Anonymous
Will we get a sticky when the inevitable crash happens?
Can we have a dance thread?
2 hours later 32863994 Anonymous
2 hours later 32863995 Anonymous
>still not verified on mtgox
2 hours later 32863999 Anonymous
>Will we get a sticky when the inevitable crash happens?
I hope so. Alto I don't think the crash will be as big as last time.
2 hours later 32864006 Anonymous
Don't you mean that everyone that has <0 Uncoins get 1kg of rice a month?
2 hours later 32864010 Anonymous
They have some thing like 10k new accounts on mtgrox waiting to be verified.
2 hours later 32864012 Anonymous
Ugh. I was going to buy some when it was like $80. I wait 2 weeks and it's 150? What the fuck? Can you even use these shits for anything other than silk road?
2 hours later 32864013 Anonymous
I don't care for shiny metals, I'd rather just keep holding.
2 hours later 32864016 Anonymous (3ad290a6088552c3ca6cd36.jpg 330x357 25kB)
>mfw i've 15k€ invested (it was 5k 7 days ago), next week it will reach the sky, stay mad ignorant faggots
2 hours later 32864023 Anonymous (1363806067285.jpg 960x1200 283kB)
shit, does any have an overabundance of bitcoins?
donate plox.
2 hours later 32864039 Anonymous
sent :)
2 hours later 32864043 Anonymous
No one here is ignorant... Some are just advising others not to gamble their savings...
Hope you make some money :)
2 hours later 32864049 Anonymous
Is it too late to mine Litecoins? I have a ton of idle P4 CPUs, as well as a few i3s and 4-core Phenoms, at work.
2 hours later 32864051 Anonymous
2 hours later 32864069 Anonymous
>CPU Mining
Yeah..Way too fucking late for CPU mining. Like months ago.
2 hours later 32864081 Anonymous
2 hours later 32864085 Anonymous
Can you even GPU-mine Litecoin?
2 hours later 32864091 Anonymous
depends on if "a ton" is like 15 or 1500
2 hours later 32864096 Anonymous
Yep, CPU mining has been dead for months.
2 hours later 32864101 Anonymous
dude are you sure you sent me them? i didnt receive them. how the shit do you redeem them?
2 hours later 32864120 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32864158 Anonymous
Better get into devcoins while they're still under a penny.
2 hours later 32864162 Anonymous
sent :)
2 hours later 32864163 Anonymous
Any one remember when the price was stuck at 17 dollars for like 3 fucking weeks?
2 hours later 32864185 Anonymous
Still feeling generous?
2 hours later 32864187 Anonymous
Damn it's so hard to add funds to my BTC-E account. I just wanna buy some litecoins :(
2 hours later 32864192 Anonymous
like anyone gives a shit about developers
2 hours later 32864202 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32864212 Anonymous
He doesn't send you anything. Just a troll.
2 hours later 32864233 Anonymous
sent ;)
2 hours later 32864244 Anonymous
2 hours later 32864268 Anonymous
Don't have to get into it for developers. Get into it because it will rise 1000% like I told you all litecoins would.
2 hours later 32864279 GOMADWarrior
why doesn't this explode the memory?
I'm making one thing inside another infinitely
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://raw.github.com/NobleJS /setImmediate/master/setImmediate.j s"></script>
function makecont(outer){
return {outer:outer};
function f(cont){
setImmediate(function(){f(makecont( cont));});
2 hours later 32864289 Anonymous
nobody mines devcoins, it's dead as fuck. no miner wants to pay 90% of the coins to the guy who created it.
2 hours later 32864300 Anonymous
Oh shit it's crashing.
2 hours later 32864336 Anonymous (afklar_dig_med_det.jpg 200x200 10kB)
You'll be saying the same when we hit 200, 500 and 1000.
2 hours later 32864360 Anonymous
I wish there was an alternative that I could just buy and then down the road, when it's worth more, I could sell.
2 hours later 32864389 Anonymous
bitcoin is going to have the same market cap as silver eventually
2 hours later 32864391 Anonymous (what.jpg 479x358 23kB)
so you're saying I wish I could make some money.
no fucking shit.
2 hours later 32864405 Anonymous
You mean like... reversed short selling?
Mane dat wud b kewl as fuk.. Id be me som Apple at 0.00000007$ anyday
2 hours later 32864412 Anonymous
This. Are there any alternatives out there where we can have a market with as well?
2 hours later 32864440 Anonymous
Someone needs to make a new digital coin that's worth like, a penny. Then up the price to like, 30 cents. Let more people invest, up the price again to 45 cents, rinse and repeat.
2 hours later 32864447 Anonymous
2 hours later 32864464 Anonymous
>up the price
do you even know what a market is
2 hours later 32864491 Anonymous
Should I buy Litecoins? I expect them to go up if/when Bitcoin crashes.
2 hours later 32864515 Anonymous
yes, invest your mortgage like the pros
2 hours later 32864525 Anonymous
Is there a market for Litecoins? Where can we compare its value in USD?
2 hours later 32864551 Anonymous
2 hours later 32864570 Anonymous
It's lovely with all these retards entering the market. Easy money ahead boys
3 hours later 32864584 Anonymous
3 hours later 32864585 Anonymous
>only valuable being when compared along side bitcoin/concept of cryptocurrency
>if bitcoin bursts, proving it was a just a pump and dump, implying LTC's already miniscule value won't become nothing
Maybe best to keep your money there bud....
3 hours later 32864626 Anonymous
Buying LTC right now. It's only going up, too. Right now, it's like, 3.76. It will go up to at least 10. That's double my money, easy.
Suck a fat one cock gobblers.
3 hours later 32864649 Anonymous
reminder that this is why 4chan cannot have a /fin/ance board.
3 hours later 32864686 Anonymous
>I expect them to go up if/when Bitcoin crashes.
arbitrage between btc and ltc markets is almost instant.
if the btc crashes, people will try to cash out by first converting to ltc and then to usd.
this will make it crash just as fast.
3 hours later 32864702 Anonymous
Except it won't crash. Dickwad.
3 hours later 32864711 Anonymous
did someone just buy $150,000 worth of bitcoins?
3 hours later 32864722 Anonymous
that happens all the goddamned time nowadays. it doesn't even really affect the market
3 hours later 32864732 Anonymous
How do I _actually_ understand all of this stuff?
I mean, I know the technical side (I studied cryptography for a while) but I don't understand the market. Should I read a book on finance? If so, which one?
3 hours later 32864734 Anonymous
I don't know but your mom just bought $150,000 worth of cock
3 hours later 32864743 Anonymous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrami d_scheme
3 hours later 32864750 Anonymous
3 hours later 32864754 Anonymous
3 hours later 32864756 Anonymous
>tfw did not really look into it and always assumed that it was some kind of pyramid scheme
3 hours later 32864780 Anonymous
That's a shallow answer. Even if it is a pyramid scheme the market behaves in a rather complicated way; I mean, this is no MMM.
3 hours later 32864784 Anonymous
lol no. its mega high right now because everyones finding out about it and hyping the hell out of it. let it simmer down for a bit and it will stabilize to a reasonable price (around $10-$20)
3 hours later 32864792 Anonymous (crash.png 1221x657 15kB)
you appear to be mad for some reason.
let me refresh your memory.
3 hours later 32864804 Anonymous
That's a very hard question to answer.
It's like saying "I don't know much about computers, how do I understand programming".
I mean there's pointers on books but really... uhh....
(and you know people giving you advice are probably fucking retards too)
If you have a strong math background, I'd go straight into the deep end and start learning about risk pricing.
Finance is fundamentally about pricing future risk (that's what interest rates are). IMO the best thing for you would be to look up Series 7 study guides or even CFA study guides. People telling you anything else is guiding you the wrong way.
3 hours later 32864809 Anonymous
>let it simmer down for a bit
That'll take months.
3 hours later 32864810 Anonymous
Any LTC bros want to help a brother out?
I'll buy too if interested.
3 hours later 32864819 Anonymous
yes, sell them as a block to some bloke for way under market value so he thinks he's getting a good deal.
3 hours later 32864841 Anonymous
sent ;)
3 hours later 32864851 Anonymous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pump_a nd_dump
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_ mania
>inb4 durrr we saw these 2 years agoooo
Bitcoin is intended as a cryptocurrency. It has value in that around $10~ whatever it sat at.
However Bitcoin is being used now as a Pump and Dump.
People do not give a fuck about cryptocurrency. They just want free money.
They want it badly enough to inflate it to $150.
Do you honestly think anyone here values cryptocurrency @ $150? That they give a fuck whether the coin succeeds after they've sold?
Doesn't matter what Bitcoin was intended for. It's now intended to be a Pyramid Scheme/Pump.
All the little currencies popping up around only have value when compared with Bitcoin.
So when it crashes again(and it will) they'll be even more worthless.
The only reason people are investing in these other Cryptocurrencies is because they realize they missed the BTC train.
And are trying to ride the lightning with their 'knowledge' gained from watching buttcoin train leave station.
Alternate coins only have value in speculation and are pure pump and dumps.
LTC, the most popular alternate, is only so because Mt.Goy announced they'll be carrying it 'in the future'. Which basically means whenever it's going to be most profitable(read:they've bought enough themselves).
People flock to LTC because it can't be mined by the new mining machines.
None of this is for the actual value/purpose of the Cryptocurrency. It's all pump and dumps.
3 hours later 32864899 Anonymous
bitcoin has built in deflation. even if it crashes now, it will eventually rise again.
since it's distributed, it can never really dissapear.
3 hours later 32864906 Anonymous (1343079800117.jpg 360x480 29kB)
>let it simmer down
>implying this is going to cool/go to actual value within the next 6 months
$100 was the tipping point. You throw $100 in peoples faces and they go nuts.
Combine with the whole alternate coin bullshit.
Combine with 'fool me twice' bullshit.
The fact it's shown it can make a come back/bubble again means people will be less likely to leave.
3 hours later 32864921 Anonymous
hi. it's >>32864804 again.
this guy >>32864851 is like someone who installed truecrypt and thinks he's a crypto god, but doesn't know the difference between zero knowledge proof and his own brain.
i mean does something like
>It has value in that around $10~ whatever it sat at.
pass your smell test?
3 hours later 32864931 Anonymous
Everyone one of you is retarded. BTC is never going back down.
3 hours later 32864934 Anonymous
this vids for u
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UKC 7iaBKvs
3 hours later 32864985 Anonymous
a fool and his money...
3 hours later 32864987 Anonymous
>If you have a strong math background, I'd go straight into the deep end and start learning about risk pricing.
>Series 7 study guides or even CFA study guides.
I do have a background in math (thought it's in graph theory and ODEs and not in probability/stats or game theory), so that is an option for me. Since so much of what I read about the BTC market, especially here, sounds like overemotional bullshit, math just might be my salvation. Thank you for giving me actual advice.
3 hours later 32864999 Anonymous
Most retarded comment on 4chan.jpg
3 hours later 32865017 Anonymous
>i mean does something like
>>It has value in that around $10~ whatever it sat at.
>pass your smell test?
Frankly, for me it's really hard to tell.
3 hours later 32865031 Anonymous
So, except for the junkies buying drug, every other single person is sitting only on their BTC?
3 hours later 32865095 Anonymous (chart.png 940x348 20kB)
Yep sure as fuck didn't look like it sat @ $10~ after the first bubble and until this most recent bubble.
Oh no! Wait. You're right I was wrong. It actually sat at less than $10 for most of it!
You're the one who reeks retard.
3 hours later 32865098 Anonymous
i sold .36 btc for 50 bucks yesterday
3 hours later 32865110 Anonymous
np. that should at least bring you up to speed enough to be able to trade on the market, doesn't give you a trading edge.
honestly, being knowledgeable at math and programming gives you big advantages in the stock market if you can get a datafeed (hint: Interactive Brokers has the cheapest API out there), most people are drawing lines and other bullshit when you can test their methods algorithmically. the amount of bullshit superstition is incredible and you won't be used to that.
just take a data-first approach and you'll be fine, don't treat it like a mystery but a system of data points like you're predicting/modeling the weather. most people use their specialties in finance, people use deep knowledge in fourier transforms, optimizing massive matricies, or whatever. you can use your knowledge in graph theory as an edge, honestly if you know how to apply it correctly.
3 hours later 32865123 Anonymous
I mean, people are just trying to get money out of this? No real currency usage?
3 hours later 32865137 Anonymous
pretty much, its hyperdeflation, why sell now when you think it will still go up.
I haven't bought my coins, I mined them months ago and I've been sitting on them since, I don't care which way BTC goes as long it becomes stable.
Avalon doubled their money from their last batch sale, let's take a moment to think about everyone who took in bitcoins as payments for something months ago ( 4chan pass anyone?) and how much money its 'worth' now
3 hours later 32865138 Anonymous
If people started selling stuff for BTC (aside from drugs and assassination contracts, that is), I'm certain people would start using BTC instead of money.
3 hours later 32865256 Anonymous
>just take a data-first approach and you'll be fine
Will do! FWIW, I'm already trying to take that kind of approach with my life (e.g. through quantified self). When you think about it, BTC is a strange and fascinating as far as markets go because of how much data is there in the open. Hell, my college friend bred stock market trading bots using genetic algorithms for his M.Sc. Once I learn more about finance maybe we'll get together for a project on them 'coins.
3 hours later 32865284 Anonymous
I guess BTC will become a good way for investment.
Especially once precious metal become abundant.
3 hours later 32865394 Anonymous
I'm tired of speculating on these alt currencies. Back to selling on the margin again. Just cashed out $800, so that's nice for a week's "work".
3 hours later 32865563 Anonymous
yes throw all your money into it
4 hours later 32865732 Anonymous
>tfw BTC-E not trading in GBP
>tfw MTGOX not trading in litecoins
4 hours later 32865759 Anonymous
About to sell 4.7BTC, which is what I scooped up speculating on PPC. Not bad for $20 investment on PPC a couple weeks ago.
4 hours later 32865767 Anonymous
What the fuck man, I swear it was less than half of that a week ago...
4 hours later 32865773 Anonymous
at least I could finally get my shit out of vircurex finally
4 hours later 32865860 Anonymous
It's $159 now, you're late.
4 hours later 32865870 Anonymous
RIP bitcoinity chart I guess..
4 hours later 32865878 Anonymous
Guys what the fuck are these incredible amounts of microtransactions of 0.2~ bitcoins.
This is super artificial.
4 hours later 32865890 Anonymous
Bot trading, duh
4 hours later 32865894 Anonymous
4 hours later 32865914 Anonymous
Good luck actually selling it for $149, faggots.
No one's gonna buy your overvalued chuck-e-cheese tickets.
4 hours later 32865928 Anonymous
So buy BTC now, add them to btc-e, and trade for LTC? I might put $1000 into this.
4 hours later 32865934 Anonymous (1270472727042.png 255x280 115kB)
http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/05/b usiness/us-starts-investigation-bit coin-money-laundering/index.html?hp t=ibu_c2
4 hours later 32865947 Anonymous
Geez you faggots, take the risk and buy in now or cry forever. Even if you lose some money you would atleast have participated. If it goes up and you miss it again you are gonna complain.
4 hours later 32865975 Anonymous
now I know you're joking, but this is definitely going to happen if BTC keeps gaining popularity.
I wonder what happens when the governments decide they want a piece of this?
4 hours later 32865977 Anonymous
>We're sorry! This page is not available. Please visit the CNN homepage or use the search box below.
Nice ruse Bateman.
4 hours later 32865978 Anonymous
Is BTC Guild limiting speeds currently? I heard some shit about that
4 hours later 32865981 Anonymous
it will go up to 2000 dollar and the will not rise for months. I don't know g, it is time to accept that the mainstream is starting to get into bitcoin.
4 hours later 32865987 Anonymous
It isn't a viable investment for most people anymore, 150 for 1 BTC.
The train is long gone.
4 hours later 32865988 Anonymous
4 hours later 32866013 Anonymous
Fuck you /g/ why is no one talking about my double sevens.
I'm ecstatic you assholes.
4 hours later 32866014 Anonymous
Sold $750 worth right as I saw that. Bretty gud for speculatin'.
4 hours later 32866027 Anonymous
>It isn't a viable investment for most people anymore, $156,330 for 1 BRK.A share.
>The train is long gone.
4 hours later 32866045 Anonymous (724724845.jpg 114x116 4kB)
Making too much money
4 hours later 32866051 Anonymous
My point was most on /g/ dont even have 160 dollars to spend on 1 BTC.
If you have a lot of money, you can make a lot of money easier
4 hours later 32866058 Anonymous
Is there an EU funding that doesn't need fucking bill verification or SEPA bullshit?
4 hours later 32866059 Anonymous
>Good luck actually selling it for $149, faggots.
do you even understand how market works? the price is $160 because people put in orders to buy bitcoins at 160$
4 hours later 32866060 Anonymous
>Implying you can't by 0.1 BTC
4 hours later 32866071 Anonymous
If you have a bank account in Europe they probably do SEPA.
You... do have a bank account right?
4 hours later 32866080 Anonymous
>bought 150 buttcoins when they were 11$ each
>selling now
feels good
4 hours later 32866086 Anonymous
I do, and I even tried SEPA transfer months ago, when they were still at 20$
Bank called me few hours later saying that it was a scam and that they had blocked the transaction.
Fucking jew.
4 hours later 32866100 Anonymous
Fuck this, I saw BitCoin when it first was becoming popular and thought it would blow over. How wrong I was.
Trying to get started on LTC, but I don't have money to buy dedicated mining stuff, so I've got to mine on my computer... most I can get is either 45 KH/s - 50 KH/s on my CPU, or 75 KH/s on my GPU.
What's a good way to get LTC, faster than this? I've been pool mining for a while, got about 0.15 LTC since yesterday.
4 hours later 32866105 Anonymous
your bank can't block you from sending money, tell them to fuck off and send it anyway. they'll do it if you insist.
use bitcoin-24 if you want to buy bitcoins, it's the fastest setup
4 hours later 32866106 Anonymous
Good for you bro, I mean it. Have fun with your money.
Why don't you keep 50 BTC in case it goes up though?
4 hours later 32866121 Anonymous
I refuse to believe someone would be stupid enough to buy buttcoins for $150, therefore their real value is much much smaller since nobody will actually buy for the theoretical $150 price.
4 hours later 32866125 Anonymous
>selling for under 2000
4 hours later 32866127 Anonymous
You buy them
4 hours later 32866131 Anonymous (all_time_high.png 327x140 5kB)
i can't wait for BTC to crash, then finally all of these threads will be gone.
it was about to, a few times already. but some mysterious trades kept it artificially up. whenever who is responsible for that decides that he made enough money, nothing will stop BTC from falling.
4 hours later 32866135 Anonymous
Good, because they're $161.60.
4 hours later 32866138 Anonymous
"hope is not a trading strategy"
4 hours later 32866142 Anonymous
I'm calling the crash at around $200.
4 hours later 32866151 Anonymous
Buy BTC, sell BTC for LTC when LTC low, sell LTC when high, rebuy when low.
4 hours later 32866154 Anonymous
>goes back down to $60
>see bitcoins are worthless
>goes up to $1000
4 hours later 32866162 Anonymous
Other than buying them.
4 hours later 32866166 Anonymous
I literally just sold enough bitcoins to buy a car.
Holy fuck. I can't believe this shit took off. I was able to get my wallet.dat off of a backup on my Windows Home Server (yeah, I know) which had 177BTC in it.
FUCK YEAH /g/!!!!
4 hours later 32866181 Anonymous
>mfw that's more than i make in a year ;_;
4 hours later 32866189 Anonymous
If nobody bought at $150 the price would go down.
The price of 1 BTC is $159 in MTGOX right now, guess what that means.
4 hours later 32866191 Anonymous
now don't be a dumbass and buy a car. The rule of thumb is to save/invest 80-90% of your windfall and to only waste 10-20% of it (because let's be honest you probably can't help yourself)
4 hours later 32866195 Anonymous
In the near future:
>bubble pops
>everyone who invested gets burned.
>The people who got burned don't want anything to do with crypto currencies anymore.
>All crypto currencies die.
>Great buttcoin crash of 2013 gets spoken for years in economy classes as the perfect example of a completely unregulated market.
A bright future.
4 hours later 32866207 Anonymous (1358121485882.jpg 1050x1329 499kB)
Can you guys take the heat? Can you?
83 degrees F. in my room yesterday, while it was 50 degrees outside.
You gotta be tough to mine dem coins too, can't be any geek off the street, gotta be handy with the steel if you know what i mean, earn your keep!
4 hours later 32866218 Anonymous
have you tried opening your window?
4 hours later 32866219 Anonymous
they are sold for that price every few seconds
4 hours later 32866220 Anonymous
Yup, let's just hope we can profit before it crashes.
4 hours later 32866222 Anonymous
>buying a depreciating asset
Yes, yes, I know. I am going to talk to my wealthy, self-made grandparents about their investments - but also take a nice trip to somewhere tropical for a week. Woo!
4 hours later 32866224 Anonymous
Consider donating a few uBTC:
4 hours later 32866232 Anonymous
4 hours later 32866238 Anonymous
it's not gonna crash you idiot
4 hours later 32866244 Anonymous
aaaaaaaaaaand mt gox is not respong
4 hours later 32866248 Anonymous
Never again will I wait before jumping on bandwagons like that.
I tried to get on it, but it was already too late and I would have made 1 bitcoin every 2 month or something.
4 hours later 32866253 Anonymous
>everyone who invested
that would be a very small minority...
4 hours later 32866263 Anonymous
>it's not gonna crash you idiot
Anon, 2013
4 hours later 32866266 Anonymous
just don't go to hawaii holy fuck is that place the worst fucking tourist trap in the world.
they'll probably tell you to use it for a downpayment for a house or some shit, interest rates are crazy low right now, so it's easy money. hedge funds like blackrock are blowing billions of dollars on single-family residences. just make sure the area you're buying isn't under rent control.
4 hours later 32866275 Anonymous
It means people with buttcoins are purchasing their own buttcoins to make fools like you believe the price is very high when it isn't at all, hoping that few losers will fall for it and actually purchase their bitcoins for that price.
Do i seriously have to explain to you basics of the con art?
4 hours later 32866286 Anonymous
geeee I sure do love me some market manipulation
4 hours later 32866294 Anonymous
My friends have a house in Hawaii so that would be pretty low-key. I was thinking Fiji as I'd love to swim the coral reef.
Jesus, is this what wealthy people feel like all the time?
4 hours later 32866307 Anonymous
will you still call it market manipulation when it drops back down to $149, or only when it goes up?
4 hours later 32866318 Anonymous
>the price is very high when it isn't at all
makes perfect sense. you must be really good at this stuff
4 hours later 32866326 Anonymous
Not really some shops like silk road adjust their prices along with bitcoin drops so people will be able to shop there for identical prices even if buttcoins will be worth $1, or $300, so nobody will get burned really..
4 hours later 32866328 Anonymous
>if the prize goes up, it's market manipulation
>if it goes down, it's legit marketing
Why are you fags so retarded?
4 hours later 32866335 Anonymous
mtgox conveniently lags out after any reasonably large sell-off
4 hours later 32866340 Anonymous
ooh if it's to visit a friend that's different, if you have to book a hotel and such and no one to show you around it's totally not worth it.
fiji is nice, honestly it'd be more fun to grab a couple of friends and pay half their share and go to mexico (at an all-inclusive resort).
4 hours later 32866350 Anonymous (bitcoins.png 1510x1117 681kB)
4 hours later 32866363 Anonymous
jesus what a waste of electricity
4 hours later 32866371 Anonymous
>not mining litecoins when it gives you double the coins when you convert it to BTC
try again
4 hours later 32866393 Anonymous
Not really, if it crashes it would literally fall faster than you get get rid of your coins.
Only the people who only mined, or bought in at like below 10 bucks will be able to gain some cash.
4 hours later 32866411 Anonymous
I have to laugh at losers who jump in now and try to mine coins.. well news flash faggots, unless you have access to a supercomputer for free you will make shit all..
I wonder though, if its worth it to mine lite coins, can someone tell me how hard they are mine for average gaming computer? Of course that will only pay off if they end up like bitcoins, but it's worth a shot to make some in the beginning.. so tell me..?
4 hours later 32866424 Anonymous
In a couple months I'll sell both cards for near their current value and probably mention "never overclocked! Gently used"
4 hours later 32866426 Anonymous
>Only the people who only mined, or bought in at like below 10 bucks will be able to gain some cash.
exactly. those people hold the vast majority of the existing coins
4 hours later 32866427 Anonymous
i can't wait until it goes down to $60 so all the haters can go gloat for some time, then shoots to $1000.
nothing would be better than giving one final chance to the haters, and have them be gloating when they should be buying hand over fist.
4 hours later 32866430 Anonymous
Do you by chance have a bipolar disorder?
4 hours later 32866432 Anonymous (1364685486370.png 900x1259 1191kB)
MFW nobody gets that everyone is just pumping money into this thing because they want to sell coins at a high price.
MFW everyone forgets that bitcoins are truly worthless for anything that you can't spend it on. Which is just a long way of saying "bitcoins are truly worthless."
Anyone who buys bitcoins is either a complete retard, or someone speculating to con retards (or other prospective resellers) by selling.
It's a money game of hot potato and the bomb grows and grows.
The ones who will be sorry are whoever is holding bitcoins when the value falls like a rock and everything just goes sky high.
So many idiots feeling their rightly deserved misery. The world is rarely just.
But when it is, it makes my dick rock hard.
4 hours later 32866452 Anonymous
4 hours later 32866467 Anonymous
welcome to investing you kissless virgin
4 hours later 32866475 Anonymous
i'm just being a little bit early for when mtgox formally makes their announcement hhhhehehehe
4 hours later 32866480 Anonymous
bitcoins != litecoins.
4 hours later 32866485 Anonymous
and this is the problem, bitcoin were supposed to be a currency, not stocks
4 hours later 32866487 Anonymous
>The ones who will be sorry
that would be you right now.
sooo many bandwagoning fags made a lot of money in the last week and are laughing their ass off at tards like you
4 hours later 32866504 Anonymous (1304483898576.png 256x246 2kB)
>mfw I planned on buying some when it was 5 dollars
What the fuck was I thinking
4 hours later 32866511 Anonymous
>sooo many bandwagoning fags made a lot of money in the last week and are laughing their ass off at tards like you
he's just mad that people actually bought bitcoins and sold them at $160 and are now cashing out to their bank acount
4 hours later 32866517 Anonymous
I have half of my 6ghash on LTC and half on BTC. We'll see what happens.
4 hours later 32866529 Anonymous
who gives a fuck, i'm making money off of these people
4 hours later 32866533 Anonymous
Is there a way to buy btc with paypal? I
4 hours later 32866538 Anonymous
no, chargebacks
4 hours later 32866541 Anonymous
You what?
4 hours later 32866552 Anonymous
I know how you feel, I just saw this thread and became instantly depressed.
4 hours later 32866570 Anonymous
Just wandered in here,
Okay, so lets say you have 30 000 bitcoins and want to turn them into bucks, how do you do it? Do you actually have to put an ad on the craig's list to find a buyer?
4 hours later 32866589 Anonymous
mtgox, sell it over a couple of days/weeks (you sure would've felt like a fucking asshole if you sold it all yesterday)
4 hours later 32866593 Anonymous
just sell them at mtg gox. wtf
4 hours later 32866599 Anonymous
If you try selling 30k BTC you will crash the market.
4 hours later 32866602 Anonymous
>on LTC
try again
4 hours later 32866614 Anonymous
Mt Gox, all at once, but with a sell order @ e.g. 162 per
4 hours later 32866621 Anonymous
I don't actually have any bitcoins i'm just curious.
So where does the mt gox get the money to pay you off?
4 hours later 32866631 Anonymous
3ghash breaks down to about 1.75khash, but I see your point.
4 hours later 32866632 Anonymous
with amounts that large, they'll send you a bank wire. it'll take like a couple days max.
4 hours later 32866635 Anonymous
from the money other people sent them to buy their coins
4 hours later 32866640 Anonymous
From the buyers. It's an exchange.
4 hours later 32866649 Anonymous
fuck it's early, 1750khash/1.75mhash. you see what I mean though
4 hours later 32866654 Anonymous
you dont have to buy integer values of BTC idiot
4 hours later 32866660 Anonymous
It's an exchange it doesn't pay you off, you trade your BTC for other people's dollars.
4 hours later 32866663 Anonymous
who the fuck is buying and selling corn futures? same difference.
4 hours later 32866669 Anonymous
the people who want to buy coins see your offer at mt gox and accept it, send you the money and once you received it, you send them the BTC
4 hours later 32866699 Anonymous
you can watch the exchange live here:
4 hours later 32866711 Anonymous (bfl.png 1628x891 69kB)
will i ever get it, /g/ ?
4 hours later 32866725 Anonymous
October, probably, yeah.
4 hours later 32866727 Anonymous
Why doesn't mtgox just stop exchanging bitcoins for money, but instead piles them up both for a day (as people send them in) then fakes a hack like the instantwallet did and runs off with couple of millions $?
4 hours later 32866740 Anonymous
Because they're a real business and everyone involved would go to prison.
4 hours later 32866743 Anonymous
because they charge 0.6% on each side for accounts trading less than 100 BTC (1.2% for buyers and sellers added together)
that's a shitton of money there from keeping the system going bro
4 hours later 32866747 Anonymous
Because then they'd be sued to hell and back.
Especially now that the mainstream is starting to trade.
4 hours later 32866760 Anonymous
I'm pretty sure staling bitcoins isn't illegal, they can return the money and keep the bitcoins and be rich and clean in the eyes of the law
4 hours later 32866766 Anonymous
Somebody just sold 500 btc.Damn
4 hours later 32866771 Anonymous (1349889477397.jpg 440x324 20kB)
Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose I really was talking up to you when I should be talking down.
I'll explain the subtext for you without using mommy and daddy words so that you can understand;
It is a certainty that bitcoins will eventually crash because they are worthless.
Therefore, because you can't know when that will happen, the investment is so risky that your potential returns would have to be much higher in order to be a good investment, on average.
It might turn out to be a good investment post fact, just like how a lottery ticket might be a good investment post fact.
This doesn't change that lottery tickets are a tax on stupid people.
Bitcoins are that, but with very, very large amounts of money. Which means it's a punishment for stupidity that scales with your income! It's nothing short of absolute justice.
Except for the ones that pull out early.
I want you to be there when the bubble goes "pop"
4 hours later 32866779 Anonymous
is stealing sheep illegal? what the fuck is the difference?
4 hours later 32866782 Anonymous
Is there a multicoin digital wallet for the desktop?
Or atleast for TRC, I can't find anything.
4 hours later 32866787 Anonymous
>October, probably, yeah.
Of the year 2453
5 hours later 32866819 Anonymous
>I'll explain
stopped reading there
there's nothing to explain
a lot of people made a lot of money and you are butthurt because you are too poor/paranoid
everyone is aware that there will be another crash, but that doesn't matter at all
5 hours later 32866821 Anonymous (1365020253204.png 1911x1079 1604kB)
if you weren't total faggot and mined just a little bit few years back,
<- this could be you today
how does that makes you feel?
5 hours later 32866824 Anonymous
>what is commodity money
>what is money
>i'm so fucking jealous, is it showing guise?
>why does Bloomberg and The Economist take bitcoin seriously, but I don't? Is it because I'm a fucking genius and know better than the magazine that has ads for positions at the World Bank, IMF and **FUCKING HEADS OF COUNTRIES CENTRAL BANKS**?
5 hours later 32866826 Anonymous (1365104972947.jpg 1280x720 79kB)
Please God,
crash the bitcoin/litecoin/whatevercoin market and make those people homeless. Bring your holy justice to this retardation.
5 hours later 32866847 Anonymous
Stealing sheep IS illegal, but will you able to sue and win me if i kill you in runescape and loot items from your corpse against your will? nope
bitcoins are same thing
5 hours later 32866849 Anonymous
I was there when the first bubble popped. I actually might have started the landslide. I sold a massive amount of coins when they hit $30 on the tail end.
I was there when it hit 0, and bought 5000 coins.
I was there when it cracked $32 again, and sold half.
I am here, today, with nearly $400,000 worth of Bitcoins. I don't give a shit what happens to this currency. But either way, I have already profited.
5 hours later 32866859 Anonymous
Again, 2 minutes of lag as soon as the sell-off occurs
mtgox is rigged
5 hours later 32866874 Anonymous
killing someone is allowed in-game, you can sue someone for stealing your account.
there's some case law with legality of in-game gains (it is legal), that's not relevant here
5 hours later 32866921 Anonymous
Very bad man
5 hours later 32866930 Anonymous
Oh god I didn't even see the bubble until the image loaded fully.
Did people panic after that?
Also how did it sound?
5 hours later 32866952 Anonymous (temp.png 233x262 7kB)
Guess where on this graph that transaction occured?
5 hours later 32866954 Anonymous
those are transactions on the blockchain. no different than paying for groceries with cash.
mtgox is like trading your USD for EUR.
5 hours later 32866974 Anonymous
> doesn't understand the difference between mtgox trades and blockchain transactions
5 hours later 32866999 Anonymous
How about you check your sources on that one, and you read real hard and real critically-like.
And then you come back here in an hour, and you tell me if they aren't just covering the story about this silly internet sensation, as opposed to somehow vouching for it like you're implying.
Of course they'll run the story. The story about a bunch of lunatics throwing their money out on the money equivalent of a game of Chicken happens to be thematically relevant to those magazines.
You seem to have an awfully invested interest in this. Could it be that maybe you have money riding on it, mister objectivity?
Wake me up when banks start exchanging bit coins for dollars. Maybe then the reason you'll go so far to make those claims won't be quite as piss-transparently wrong and conceited.
Just trying to be constructive here.
5 hours later 32867000 Anonymous
well where do you think that went?
protip: it's mt gox
5 hours later 32867029 Anonymous
>finally decide to buy .5 BTC at 159 to enter the game
>it wont stop going down
god dangit bobby
5 hours later 32867053 Anonymous
Yes because it's got nothing to do with the huge 10-fold spike in trading
5 hours later 32867057 Anonymous
5 hours later 32867058 Anonymous
mtgox takes at least 6 confirmations before a trade can take place (see: one hour)
5 hours later 32867061 Anonymous
5 hours later 32867062 Anonymous
oh god, fall down already you fucktard coin, i am tired of kissless handholdless jobless losers making thousands of dollars
5 hours later 32867083 Anonymous
You are sad.
5 hours later 32867102 Anonymous
we tried to warn you
5 hours later 32867107 Anonymous
people like this is why i hope bitcoin goes back down to $60 to give them a final chance to buy again.
5 hours later 32867108 Anonymous
I feel sorry that you can't enjoy this with us. Maybe this would help. +bitcointip 2 BTC ;)
5 hours later 32867112 Anonymous
I guess this is more like EVE online.
5 hours later 32867126 Anonymous
>+bitcointip 2 BTC ;)
this is going to be the new "sent ;)" isn't it
5 hours later 32867135 Anonymous
5 hours later 32867148 Anonymous
[spoiler]Sent ;)[/spoiler]
5 hours later 32867160 Anonymous
Hello, /v/.
5 hours later 32867168 Anonymous
5 hours later 32867174 Anonymous
so now that bitcoin is on its way back down to 148, is this market manipulation or what?
5 hours later 32867191 Anonymous
5 hours later 32867210 Anonymous
>The price is falling
"Time to warm up the bots, Jeff."
5 hours later 32867221 Anonymous
It means that legitimate market economy is taking over
5 hours later 32867248 Anonymous
>Could it be that maybe you have money riding on it
>le smugface
you're hilarious, pls ramble some more
5 hours later 32867252 Anonymous
when people say bots don't they mean
>the price is falling, now all of the people who had queued buys when the price hits a certain point are having their transactions trigger
5 hours later 32867258 Anonymous
... Connected to the buying and selling of what, exactly?
5 hours later 32867286 Anonymous
Not really. We can already see the order book. Bots can hide their orders by only sending the order when the price drops below a certain price.
5 hours later 32867309 Anonymous
Were they vouching for it or just covering it?
Were you wrong or were you right?
Will bit coins ever be a currency?
Reality check, bitch.
You'll get what's coming to you so maybe you should get a grip before it's too late.
5 hours later 32867396 Anonymous
>Will bit coins ever be a currency?
>bitcoins used as a medium of exchange
>literally the definition of currency
am i missing something here? oh right, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. just because you don't like the currency doesn't mean it isn't one
5 hours later 32867470 Anonymous
i already made 100% profit back when they were $6, now i don't have any money to invest, so really idgaf. i'm also not the guy who talking about the articles, so yeah, i don't know. but you sure are one of the most butthurt people i've ever encountered. bitcoins are a currency already btw
5 hours later 32867502 Anonymous
Did mtgox die?
5 hours later 32867568 Anonymous
By that same definition, Hello Kitty bracelets are a legitimate currency.
You can buy them for dollars, and you can sell them to other people for dollars. But you can't spend them on anything while you've got them; they just look pretty.
Perfect analogy actually, now that i look back at it; turned out better than i thought it would.
5 hours later 32867586 Anonymous
Bitcoins can be used to purchase things directly from sellers/stores. This is a fact, sorry you can't seem to understand this
5 hours later 32867685 Anonymous
They still have a value of 0 for every other object that you can't spend them on.
My little sister might let me trade her 1 Hello Kitty bracelet for 2 lollipops.
Question is, did i want pop rocks instead? because that's where the HK bracelet economy breaks down.
5 hours later 32867717 Anonymous
Those bracelets would be a terrible currency. They can be broken, they can be easily created from raw materials worth less than the bracelet, half a bracelet is worthless, so everything needs to be priced in integer bracelets. There's no way to verify that a bracelet is legitimate. One bracelet is not identical to another bracelet. And bracelets are huge and heavy to carry around.
5 hours later 32867786 Anonymous
Look at The Cayman Islands. The people who live there all work for Cayman Islands Dollars and spend them on the things they need, but they can't take CID and buy things in the US or any other country with it, they have to convert it.
But to your American citizen these dollars are worthless. They can't buy a single thing with them. It requires conversion.
The same is true for Bittcoins, except instead of only being on a small island (and thus only worth something there) its on the internet.
Your argument is terrible.
5 hours later 32867825 Anonymous
You can't buy shit in the USA with Euros without first converting them to USD. Does that mean Euros are not a currency?
Checkmate, atheists.
5 hours later 32867848 Anonymous
Alright, go down into your local bank and exchange your bitcoins for dollars then.
I'm sure they'll have a nice exchange rate.
Somewhere in the "get the fuck out" range, i wager.
5 hours later 32867866 Anonymous
>Alright, go down into your local bank and exchange your bitcoins for dollars then.
mt gox is the local bank
5 hours later 32867898 Anonymous
Right because inflating the a currency by creating plastic bracelets is somehow different from inflating a currency out of thin air using a computer.
5 hours later 32867899 Anonymous
I tried to exchange Canadian dollars for US dollars, and they said they'd need to mail it in and they can't do it there. Essentially, "get the fuck out".
5 hours later 32867906 Anonymous
You can't go down to your local bank and exchange Cayman Islands Dollars either, you ignorant fucking retard. You have to use specific places that will accept the currency and convert it.
aka just like Bittcoins
5 hours later 32867928 Anonymous
Aha, so you agreed with every other point in there then? Seeing as how you only picked up on the one point that didn't really matter? Validation of the currency matters, and you can't make fake bitcoins.
5 hours later 32867964 Anonymous
How long do TRC confimations take? I deposited some into BTC-e 90 minutes ago and still
>0 confirmations
5 hours later 32868125 Anonymous
6 to 8 weeks usually
5 hours later 32868204 Anonymous
Someone mined with an ASIC and messed it up. Lol. Scam coins tend to not have much thought built into them.
47.671 0.416