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2013-04-03 04:15 32748841 Anonymous (IMG_20130402_201425.jpg 212x145 11kB)
Friendly reminder that you could've been a millionaire.

2 min later 32748897 Anonymous
>>32748841 Virtual currency >Pretending to be rich No matter how hard you try, you're still gonna live in your mom's basement for 45 more years.

3 min later 32748929 Anonymous
>>32748841 >implying you could sell that many

4 min later 32748973 Anonymous
>>32748897 you can excahnge them for real dollars you idiot

5 min later 32748981 Anonymous
>LEWL YU CANT BUY NOTHIN WITH IT LEWL the point is if you'd have speculated on it years ago you could cash out for tens of thousands now, maybe even more

6 min later 32749025 Anonymous (image.jpg 500x375 43kB)
>>32748973 Nobody's buying

7 min later 32749034 Anonymous
>>32748981 So, it's not a currency anymore, it's some weird speculated pretend gold. Awesome, I guess?

7 min later 32749042 Anonymous
>>32748981 >Implying BitCoins were created in 1999 lmfao

9 min later 32749099 Anonymous
>>32749034 >>32749042 >>32749025 >>32748929 In other words... >>32748897 Deal with it, OP; you're wasting your time playing with electronic Monopoly money, while you can move out of your mom's house & get a couple of hookers for yourself (using real money, of course).

13 min later 32749188 Anonymous
>>32749025 That's bullshit because if nobody was buying bitcoins would be 0$

14 min later 32749213 Anonymous
>>32749042 What? Are you fucking retarded? >>32749099 Which is funny, because speculators actually have money to throw around. I doubt you do.

14 min later 32749220 Anonymous
>>32749188 That's the point; it IS $0. It only looks like more money because you're only looking at a number on your screen & not how many bills are in your wallet.

15 min later 32749259 Anonymous
>>32749220 I just cashed out a few bitcoins that I had mined a while ago today (had to look for my old wallet), made around $400

16 min later 32749264 Anonymous
>>32749025 >Nobody's buying http://bitcoinity.org/markets here, you can watch every single bought coin live.

17 min later 32749283 Anonymous
>>32749259 And it's still not enough for you to move out of your mom's house, OP. Nor would it even be enough for a hooker to give you a blowjob without passing you any STDs.

17 min later 32749289 Anonymous
Hindsight is 20/20 OP. There's no way you could have predicted that Bitcoins were going to be a success, you just got lucky.

18 min later 32749327 Anonymous
>>32749283 I'm not OP Funny how you resort to insults when you get told. I'm not hinging on the $400 I made, I just put it in savings. I live in my own apartment and don't need hookers.

18 min later 32749330 Anonymous
Sorry to point it to you, OP... >>32747602 LiteCoins are now the wave of the future.

19 min later 32749337 Anonymous
>>32749283 Fuck the haters. Its better than nothing isn't it. And someone just proved you can cash them out, so fuuuuuuuuuuck you! HAHA

20 min later 32749361 Anonymous
>>32749327 >Expecting others to believe what you post on 4chan lel I'm sure you still sleep with your mom... Unless you user her instead of a hooker!

21 min later 32749383 Anonymous
>>32749337 >Butthurt from the truth Oh, the humanity!

21 min later 32749386 Anonymous
>>32749361 I don't expect you to believe anything, but those are the facts.

21 min later 32749401 Anonymous
>>32749330 >tfw LiteCoins are more stable & valuable than BitCoins My sides.

22 min later 32749412 Anonymous
>>32749264 oh leave them alone, these people dont know what the fuck theyre saying

22 min later 32749429 Anonymous (3-20-2012 9-07-48 PM.jpg 754x639 118kB)
>>32749383 u so jelly right now, so mad. your tears, they're delicious

23 min later 32749446 Anonymous (gdc287.png 595x353 49kB)
Friendly reminder

25 min later 32749477 Anonymous
>>32749446 didnt the crash happen because security was lax? this price will only level off, it wont crash again until there is a serious security breach. deal with it

26 min later 32749506 Anonymous
>>32749477 sure thing buddy

26 min later 32749515 Anonymous
>>32749429 >Implying I don't have an IT job >Or make more money than a typicall NEET on /g/ Enjoy your tears, old man; they will be your last.

27 min later 32749552 Anonymous
>mfw I had 1000 BTC >mfw I sold them when it hit $1 >mfw I have no face

28 min later 32749571 Anonymous
>>32749477 >some random shitty website gets hacked >price drops by 80% yes this is certainly a reliable store of value, definitely no speculation going on here

28 min later 32749581 Anonymous
Crashing now

29 min later 32749600 Anonymous
>>32749581 huehuehue >>32749571 mtgox isn't a random website, moron

29 min later 32749602 Anonymous
>>32749581 >All-time high >$119.92

30 min later 32749622 Anonymous (usd_vs_eur.png 729x463 32kB)
Is the price of the bitcoin going up, or the price of the dollar going down?

32 min later 32749663 Anonymous
>>32749600 it's like if bankofthewest.com got covered in goatse and a cheeseburger suddenly cost $300

34 min later 32749703 Anonymous
>>32749622 Both Dollar and Eur are going down.

36 min later 32749739 Anonymous
Yep, I'm buying 7970s. This is fucking crazy.

36 min later 32749750 Anonymous
>>32749703 Well what else is there to compare to? Usually, other currencies uses a pool of currencies to determine it's value. But what does bitcoin do?

37 min later 32749762 Anonymous
>>32749739 It's all trading now, mining isn't profitable anymore

38 min later 32749775 Anonymous
>>32749762 You could always find something people would be willing to buy with bitcoins and sell it.

40 min later 32749822 Anonymous
>>32749775 Why would people spend their bitcoins if it's going up?

41 min later 32749835 Anonymous
>>32749822 >Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal covers the still-soaring price of Bitcoin – which has now broken $100 – and puts an interesting spin on the situation: the Bitcoin economy is now suffering hyperdeflation. He writes: >>So a few weeks ago, a pizza might have cost you one Bitcoin. Today it might only cost you a fifth of a Bitcoin, which sounds great, but then if you're looking at the above chart, why would you spend anything? >>Why would you buy a pizza (or pot or anything else) when tomorrow your Bitcoin will be worth more? With this kind of chart, you'd be insane to do anything but horde your coins. >>So yes, all the hype is great for some folks in the ecosystem, but ultimately there's a reason that over time, government prefer to see their currency slowly depreciate. A surging currency leads to hoarding which kills real transactions.

41 min later 32749839 Anonymous
sup guys, i live in my mom's basement and owe her 200 dollars, i have a 7870, how long would it take me to earn that?

41 min later 32749844 Anonymous
>>32749822 Drugs.

41 min later 32749846 Anonymous (Untitled.png 321x104 4kB)

42 min later 32749858 Anonymous
>>32749762 lol? I'd be adding to the 6ghash I already have running.

43 min later 32749875 Anonymous
>>32749762 mining litecoins is profitable now (over 400% relative to bitcoin) http://dustcoin.com/mining

43 min later 32749885 Anonymous
>>32749835 you don't buy pizza with gold nuggets. same goes for bitcoins.

44 min later 32749900 Anonymous
What good are they to someone who doesn't have a gaming computer. If I have to drop $700 of more just to get started, it doesn't seem worth it. How fast could a $700 desktop pay for itself in bitcoins?

45 min later 32749932 Anonymous
>$121 What in the actual fuck

48 min later 32749972 Anonymous
oh my god for the love of christ I want to buy some LTC but getting funds into OKPay is retarded I want to use BTCE can some one please share their methods

50 min later 32750006 Anonymous
>>32749885 You do, if you are a miner.

51 min later 32750039 Anonymous
I'm currently short 1000 bitcoins at $114. Seeing as the price is $122, I'm currently in the red. However, I have enough cash to keep my position until BTC reaches $240. I believe I will be proven right.

52 min later 32750053 Anonymous
>>32750039 oops, short 100 coins, not 1000.

52 min later 32750059 Anonymous (evilcoin.png 900x900 446kB)
BITCOIN IS THE WORK OF DEMONS AND THE DEVIL!!! Save your Soul Anon and transfer ALL your Bitcoins here: 1C9UqWjKTDDj7S7ywq5XetEZY23WeLqLx4 It MUST be exorcised by a HolyAnon like me. It's your only Chance!

53 min later 32750089 Anonymous
>LTC >3.86406 US$ WTF it broke $1 just a day ago

54 min later 32750106 Anonymous
>>32750089 Better buy before it gets too expensive.

54 min later 32750132 Anonymous
>>32750059 sent ;)

55 min later 32750152 Anonymous
>>32749900 With the money you'll spend in electricity afterwards, you'll be in deep debt by the time you mine half a coin

55 min later 32750155 Anonymous (Untitled.png 323x106 4kB)

56 min later 32750159 Anonymous
>>32749900 like 2 days dude

56 min later 32750170 Anonymous
>>32750039 >>32750053 jesus why would you do that

57 min later 32750187 Anonymous
>>32749289 but the investment was very little. Even without a mining rig, or the 1 free bitcoin that dude was giving away for a while, it was such little effort to get some decent side cash. I think I found out about bitcoin like 3 years ago, if I had mined or even just remembered my wallet, I could have maybe got a couple of hundred today. Oh wells. I followed the pessimism on /g/, something I'm learning not to do.

57 min later 32750199 Anonymous
>>32750039 what are you using to short bitcoin? so you're down $1000 so far? top lel you're literally giving money to people who buy bitcoins right now.

58 min later 32750210 Anonymous
>>32750170 That's what makes a market. People who believe the price is low, and otherwise believe it's too high.

59 min later 32750226 Anonymous (1342212633916.jpg 863x752 159kB)

59 min later 32750233 Anonymous
>>32750199 I'm only down $1000 if I capitulate.

1 hours later 32750258 Anonymous
>>32750233 >buying at the height of the market >trying to justify it

1 hours later 32750266 Anonymous
Brb getting a loan from my bank

1 hours later 32750268 Anonymous
>>32750233 what's your exit price? I want to know, don't worry, you won't be Bill Ackman HLF -ed, you don't have enough money for anyone to care, you won't be giving anything up by telling us except your pride.

1 hours later 32750275 Anonymous
>>32750039 Look into Litecoins, they jumped from $2 to $4 today, but now they're hovering around $3.8.

1 hours later 32750278 Anonymous
>>32750258 >he thinks shorting something means buying it. reported for underage

1 hours later 32750285 Anonymous
>>32750258 not >>32750233 , but you're a fucktard. can you read? that guy was short.

1 hours later 32750287 Anonymous
>>32748841 Even if I had over 9000 bitcoins, it would be difficult to sell them all at $100 apiece, especially without severely disrupting the market.

1 hours later 32750295 Anonymous
>>32749283 you can get a studio for a few months for $400

1 hours later 32750301 Anonymous
If people are getting so rich from buttcoins where are the screencaps of their real bank account balance in the millions?

1 hours later 32750324 Anonymous
>>32750210 I guess you're right, but it seems economic news right now favors bullish BTC

1 hours later 32750329 Anonymous
>>32750301 >If people are getting so rich from buttcoins where are the screencaps of their real bank account balance in the millions? because that would be tacky as fuck. all you need to do is look at the multi-hundred block trades on mtgox. you figure the rest out.

1 hours later 32750332 Anonymous
>>32750268 My position will be called away if BTC hits $240. I plan on closing the position (buying back BTC) when it reaches $10.

1 hours later 32750333 Anonymous
>>32750295 $400 gets you a couple months in a barn. You are living in nigeria

1 hours later 32750339 Anonymous
>>32750324 >I'm an economist on all things buttcoin

1 hours later 32750344 Anonymous
>>32750039 what poor soul have you convinced to lend you 100 btc?

1 hours later 32750345 Anonymous
Bitcoin - Biggest Ponzi scheme ever

1 hours later 32750352 Anonymous
Well shit I should make my own crypto-currency I shall call it....Titcoin

1 hours later 32750354 Anonymous
>>32750324 If you're so good are predicting markets, why aren't you rich yet?

1 hours later 32750355 Anonymous
>>32750332 god bless you if this happens. make sure all your neighbors rub your head for good luck if it does

1 hours later 32750360 Anonymous
>>32750332 what are you using to short? I'm curious about ways to short bitcoins probably won't do it myself, but just wondering. i didn't realize a short market even existed that can do multi-thousand dollar transactions.

1 hours later 32750362 Anonymous
I stacked up 5 bitcoins hoping that the price would go up a few months ago. Sold em for about 12$ each. Fuck.

1 hours later 32750372 Anonymous
>>32750345 just because it is a Ponzi scheme doesn't mean you can't cash out big time. In fact, as long as you aren't last, the Ponzi scheme will be a success for you

1 hours later 32750380 Anonymous
>>32749839 2ish months on litecoin

1 hours later 32750393 Anonymous
>>32750360 >>32750344 Private transaction with a friend.

1 hours later 32750407 Anonymous (bitcoin.png 355x204 21kB)

1 hours later 32750409 Anonymous (1285887845202.jpg 150x164 8kB)
>>32750329 >excuses >no screencaps of millionaire bank accounts >not being tacky as fuck on /g/

1 hours later 32750426 Anonymous
>>32750372 >>32750345 ponzi scheme has a specific definition. bitcoin is not that.

1 hours later 32750427 Anonymous
>>32750354 too poor to gamble speculating on markets, that's why

1 hours later 32750428 Anonymous (muh-soul.jpg 661x737 63kB)

1 hours later 32750437 Anonymous
How the fuck do you even buy these fucking things? Nobody accepts any payment method that makes sense. I want to make some money off of nerds who don't know how to speculate

1 hours later 32750454 Anonymous
>>32750427 Well you seem to know if various assets are in bull modes or bear modes, surely you can profit with your very unique skill. Unless you're just bullshitting on 4chan about having any idea about where the price is going.

1 hours later 32750466 Anonymous
>>32750437 Go through mt.gox website. I know, I had to fuck around a lot too.

1 hours later 32750472 Anonymous
>>32750437 best way right now if you live in the USA is to use bitfloor. mtgox takes 3 weeks to deposit because there's too many people waiting to get verified. coinbase ran out of coins to sell as nobody's selling.

1 hours later 32750490 Anonymous
>>32750301 if i was a millionaire i'd have better things to do than brag about it on /g/

1 hours later 32750493 Anonymous
>>32748841 I had 150 dollars when I first learned about bitcoins. They were going for 1.50$ a pop. >tfw

1 hours later 32750498 Anonymous
>Friendly reminder that you could've been a millionaire. Yeah, no, I never had a chance. I was unable to buy Bitcoins in my country while they were cheap, I never had the hardware to mine them in large numbers, and to this day, I barely have money to invest. I've been watching Bitcoin for years now, eager to get in on an early level, and now that I finally have some, my profits are lower than $500. I almost hate myself for not trying harder; maybe encouraging some American to invest on my behalf. Fuck this gay Earth. I'd leave, but even if such a thing were possible, I probably couldn't afford it.

1 hours later 32750517 Anonymous
i have a slow ATI card. i have no money. I have no one to help me with it. tfw buttcoins are one of many things i could have done to succeed but was unable to do it. tfw im completely indifferent to bitcoins

1 hours later 32750519 Anonymous
>>32750454 well it doesn't take a genius to see that the price has gone up rapidly and more positive attention shone on it from crisis in Cyprus, etc. you are getting way too snidely butthurt about this, mate

1 hours later 32750533 Anonymous (jp.jpg 190x264 17kB)
>>32750517 all of those feels

1 hours later 32750538 Anonymous
>>32750498 Just remember. if you have even one bitcoin you are the 1% if bitcoin ever has a market cap of even 10-15% of the US dollar.

1 hours later 32750540 Anonymous
>>32750466 >>32750472 fuck >tfw not american

1 hours later 32750545 Anonymous
>>32750519 >it's a good idea to buy high Thanks for the protip chief

1 hours later 32750560 Anonymous
>>32750540 are you yuro? bitcoin-24 is good, they take SEPA.

1 hours later 32750561 Anonymous
>>32748897 >ple ple ple don mak my monoply $ ppoor ple ple ple LE PLUMTY DUMPTY BLUMPTY FACE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

1 hours later 32750569 Anonymous
>>32750560 canadian

1 hours later 32750572 Anonymous
>>32750545 this. bitcoins are at an all time high, buying now is stupid.

1 hours later 32750584 Anonymous why so mad? (1341182152363.jpg 250x250 17kB)

1 hours later 32750615 Anonymous
>>32750569 suck for you, you gon get raped on CaVirtex with high fees. your best bet would be to drive to the US and deposit on bitfloor if you don't want to pay like a 5% premium.

1 hours later 32750616 Anonymous (1392615483463.jpg 300x301 17kB)
Why doesn't /g/ make it own virtual currency?

1 hours later 32750618 Anonymous
>>32750584 I'mt not mad, if I lose my wager, I lose my wager. It's not the end of the world, and it won't impact my life. It's a friendly bet that I am prepared to lose, if necessary.

1 hours later 32750621 Anonymous (Danger high voltage.jpg 349x144 14kB)
Official soundtrack of the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a4g yJsY0mc

1 hours later 32750632 Anonymous (bitcoin.png 347x213 21kB)

1 hours later 32750638 Anonymous
>tfw bitcoin becomes world currency >my 1 btc suddenly worth $2 million

1 hours later 32750647 Anonymous
People in this thread are so dumb it hurts

1 hours later 32750658 Anonymous
>>32750632 It's at $125, not $127.

1 hours later 32750660 Anonymous
bubble burst immediate. fuck, no sleep for me tonight.

1 hours later 32750669 Anonymous
>>32750638 reminder that google's market cap is over 268 billion if bitcoin's valuation was similar to google's it would be $24,396 per coin. top lel.

1 hours later 32750671 Anonymous
>>32750616 Because anything /g/ touches turns to shit.

1 hours later 32750692 Anonymous
I don't know if the bubble pops at $150, or $1000, but it is guaranteed to end in tears for many. Delicious tears that I will drink.

1 hours later 32750711 Anonymous
aaaand its crashing

1 hours later 32750712 Anonymous
>>32750647 Yeah, its sad that people are deluded enough to think this will crash. The regret is hilarious to watch as people miss on this opportunity.

1 hours later 32750736 Anonymous
>>32750712 You're right, it's probably going to $1m per coin, which is why I dumped my life savings into it a few minutes ago.

1 hours later 32750744 Anonymous
>>32750711 SELL SELL

1 hours later 32750745 Anonymous (1359726938363.jpg 863x752 134kB)

1 hours later 32750755 Anonymous
>>32750712 if you're for real, i feel bad for you

1 hours later 32750769 Anonymous
I'll code for bitcoins.

1 hours later 32750775 Anonymous
>tfw bought for 124 and sold at 127

1 hours later 32750782 Anonymous
>>32749361 edgy/10

1 hours later 32750785 Anonymous
>>32750712 >miss on this opportunity If you weren't mining the first month this started, you missed out. It's not hard to have missed out, either.

1 hours later 32750820 Anonymous
I sold about 5.5 BTC at $44 I could've bought at $46 for days after I sold I could've bought at $60 I could've bought at $70 I could've bought at $85 I could've bought at $95 I could've bought at $105 I could've bought at $115 and now I can buy at $125 but it feels like it's too late h-hold me /g/

1 hours later 32750836 Anonymous
>>32750820 nah dude just buy, it's ok

1 hours later 32750845 Anonymous
>>32750769 you R Demnnnn >>32750059

1 hours later 32750849 Anonymous (1293215582073.jpg 320x272 26kB)

1 hours later 32750875 Anonymous
>>32750820 Surprise surprise, the only way to get in on this is taking a risk. Its impossible to know the precise point it will crash, or if it will.

1 hours later 32750895 Anonymous (Basic Patterns.png 1286x388 61kB)
>>32750836 >buy now No. You stupid fuck. Look, I'm not saying it's going to crash, but look at this graph. See how it's going up? (not the line, that's volume traded). That means it's a TERRIBLE time to buy. You gambling way too much, assuming it will keep rising enough to make it worth the expense.

1 hours later 32750920 Anonymous
>>32750895 nah u wrong, we just gettin started here. BTC gonna be $1000

1 hours later 32750927 Anonymous
>>32750895 It just dipped from 127 to 124, now's a great time to buy.

1 hours later 32750963 Anonymous
>>32750039 How do you short? I'm looking to do the same.

1 hours later 32750966 Anonymous (1344265737330.gif 294x335 506kB)
>mfw I have been pumping bitcoins all over the place just so I can watch maximum butthurt when the bubble pops

1 hours later 32750967 Anonymous
>>32750927 >a 3-dollar dip How about you wait for it to even out. Or just sit and observe for a little longer. If you want to invest safely, you have to wait and observe patterns. Also, read all news associated with the thing you're investing in and predict how the market will react to certain things.

1 hours later 32750996 Anonymous
shitcoin infrastructure fucking sucks. everytime there's an increase in activity the exchanges are overloaded, orders are delayed and ticker feeds lag. can't at least mtgox buy proper servers with the millions they made on trading fees?

1 hours later 32751015 Anonymous
>>32748841 Fuck you. Don't remind me.

1 hours later 32751019 Anonymous
>>32750963 find a sucker willing to lend you bitcoins

1 hours later 32751026 Anonymous
>>32750967 There is no "safe" time to buy bitcoins. No matter where you buy at, the crash could be right after. Likewise you can't predict when it will rise, but you can see when it goes down, which make those the best points for buying in even though its still a risk.

1 hours later 32751028 Anonymous
>/g/ after the Buttbowl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxFG hQsaSwI

1 hours later 32751083 Anonymous
>>32748841 I found about Bitcoin at a time when I had no income and a lot of debt; back in 2011 march when GPU mining started getting widespread. I made 20-30 btc a week back then, but had to sell it all quickly in order to be able to pay the rent. If I had steady income at the time, I'd have ~200 btc to use now.

1 hours later 32751125 Anonymous
So is there any proff of anyone actually making ,oney on bitcoins? I wold love to see the proof.

1 hours later 32751152 Anonymous
>>32751083 No you wouldn't, you would have sold them like everyone else because you'd have been stupid to keep money at the time. This "Gosh darnit, could have made 100 trillion dollars if I had done X!" posts are getting old. Before it happened, you couldn't have known. Hindsight is 20-20, etc.

1 hours later 32751163 Anonymous
>>32751026 >the crash You talk like that's inevitable. Do you understand commodity markets at all?

1 hours later 32751175 Anonymous
119 now. Buy now.

1 hours later 32751176 Anonymous
I dont fucking get it I have applied for numerous xchange sites Western union and WCHFS or w/e I just wan tot add money to my okpay account how the fuck can i do so

1 hours later 32751196 Anonymous
If I seriously funneled in the kind of money to make a million dollars, it'd crash the market and I'd get $200k at best.

1 hours later 32751197 Anonymous
total buttcoins noob here. Let's say i nee to buy drugs that are 50USD. How do I do that with buttcoins, since one is 109USD?

1 hours later 32751204 Anonymous
>>32751163 If you're so certain there won't be a crash, then why not just put your life savings into it? There may be a crash. There might not. That's why its not safe.

1 hours later 32751218 Anonymous
>>32751197 pay approximately 0.45 buttcoins

1 hours later 32751221 Anonymous
>>32751197 buttcoins can be divided. you can give someone .5 or .01 or whatever btc

1 hours later 32751222 Anonymous
>>32751204 >put my life savings into a single commodity that I've done no research on >assuming that I'm barring the possibility of a crash You're a dense one aren't you. I just got finished saying not to invest until a pattern emerges.

1 hours later 32751231 Anonymous
>>32751197 You can divide bitcoins to eight decimal places. just pay with 0.4 BTC

1 hours later 32751236 Anonymous
>>32751175 no, sell now. this is the crash.

1 hours later 32751255 Anonymous

1 hours later 32751264 Anonymous
>>32751218 >>32751221 >>32751231 I see. tnx If I get mining on HD5850 and HD7960-how much could I get in a week? (i don't pay for power)

1 hours later 32751268 Anonymous
>>32751236 I'd say it might go down to 115, maybe 112. Anywhere in here is a good time to buy back in. Don't be stupid kid.

1 hours later 32751270 Anonymous
>>32749025 Well someone must be or else the bitcoin price would be nothing.

1 hours later 32751272 Anonymous
>>32751264 *7950

1 hours later 32751274 Anonymous
I don't want nice people to lose money, but it's inevitable, and it's the only way you'll learn about a pump and dump scam. Sorry nice people.

1 hours later 32751276 Anonymous
>>32751222 I can guarantee there is no pattern that someone way smarter with more resources than both of us wouldn't have found and exploited faster than both of you could realize it existed.

1 hours later 32751281 Anonymous
>>32751264 Fuck all, mine LTC instead.

1 hours later 32751287 Anonymous (bitcoin.jpg 800x518 102kB)

1 hours later 32751301 Anonymous
>>32751287 the hard part is guessing where on that graph we are right now.

1 hours later 32751326 Anonymous
>>32751301 The same place it has always been, delusion.

1 hours later 32751336 Anonymous
>>32751268 You seem to have a keen eye for trading, perhaps you should invest in the stock market where you can easily route money in and out?

1 hours later 32751339 Anonymous
>>32751301 enthusiasm

1 hours later 32751353 Anonymous (bitcoinbitcoin.png 800x518 175kB)

1 hours later 32751361 Anonymous
>>32751336 I'm just guessing. It's a much better guess than "it's crashing lol." It's not going to crash, I'll bet you everything I have.

2 hours later 32751377 Anonymous
>>32751287 I'll buy in despair time

2 hours later 32751390 Anonymous
>>32751361 You don't need to bet me anon, you just need to buy some bitcoins if you're very confident. Best of luck to you.

2 hours later 32751414 Anonymous
What happens if everybody stops mining BTC? The smaller the number of miners, the higher probability of finding one?

2 hours later 32751415 Anonymous
>>32751361 Register an account on this site so you can track your predictions. http://predictionbook.com/predictio ns/10963 Feel free to make your own w/ higher numbers.

2 hours later 32751417 Anonymous
>>32751390 I bought in at 28, 600 coins.

2 hours later 32751439 Anonymous
>>32751417 Excellent! I have bad news for you during tax time though when you're audited :3

2 hours later 32751442 Anonymous
Should I buy another 6970 to mine litecoins or is it not worth it?

2 hours later 32751444 Anonymous
>>32751377 you and everyone else. good luck guessing where the floor is.

2 hours later 32751451 Anonymous
>>32749885 Some guy bought 2 pizzas for 10,000 BTC years ago

2 hours later 32751452 Anonymous
>>32751414 If everyone stopped, no transactions could occur.

2 hours later 32751469 Anonymous
Where do I see the value of LTC?

2 hours later 32751473 Anonymous
>>32751439 I'll pay my taxes, it's no big deal. Not sure what you're getting at.

2 hours later 32751482 Anonymous
>>32751469 it has none

2 hours later 32751488 Anonymous
>>32750362 I sold one for $19 and another .5 for $35 ;_;

2 hours later 32751502 Anonymous
>>32751482 Where do I see how many US dollars people are wasting on litecoins?

2 hours later 32751506 Anonymous
>>32750538 I have .08 BTC ;_;

2 hours later 32751515 Anonymous
>>32750287 Well yeah that's 9 million dollars

2 hours later 32751532 Anonymous
>>32750775 No way

2 hours later 32751540 Anonymous
>>32749220 I almost pitty your stupidity and ignorance.

2 hours later 32751543 Anonymous
>>32750785 I was still mining a BTC every 2 days with 100 mhash/s like a year after BTC came out

2 hours later 32751548 Anonymous (Ackbar_HS.jpg 360x480 41kB)

2 hours later 32751549 Anonymous
>>32751442 Any help on this? I have asked the same thing on several threads with no answer.

2 hours later 32751565 Anonymous
>>32751152 It's still fun to think about

2 hours later 32751567 Anonymous
>>32751549 Buy as many cards as possible. If it doesn't work out, consider it a life lesson. If it does work out, then profit.

2 hours later 32751569 Anonymous
>>32751549 No you shouldn't, Nova. Just invest the next time Bitcoin takes a dip.

2 hours later 32751589 Anonymous
>>32751287 We are at the bear trap now

2 hours later 32751606 Anonymous
>>32751569 Nova? Who is Nova?

2 hours later 32751612 Anonymous
>>32751589 No we're not, there is no fucking crash. Jesus you kids are never going to learn. Every. Damn. Time. It's the same shit with you people. Why do I even try.

2 hours later 32751616 Anonymous
>>32750775 Whoa there slugger

2 hours later 32751620 Anonymous
>>32751515 Actually 900,000 Which is something I'm curious about. How can you trust bitcoin as a stable currency when converting just short of a million dollars (price of a moderately expensive home) severely fluctuates its price?

2 hours later 32751621 Anonymous
>>32751606 You are.

2 hours later 32751622 Anonymous
>>32751612 Go to bed Josh

2 hours later 32751643 Anonymous
>>32751620 You don't It's pretty obvious that everyone in this thread gave up on the currency angle, and not just use it as speculative pretend gold to cash out get rick quick investments.

2 hours later 32751646 Anonymous (reading books.jpg 680x460 71kB)
>>32751620 >buying your house with bitcions

2 hours later 32751653 Anonymous
>>32751612 It was a joke you faggot

2 hours later 32751665 Anonymous
>>32751353 neat, so i'll plan on cashing out at $200 then

2 hours later 32751668 Anonymous
>>32751646 In about a year you could buy a house with 1 coin.

2 hours later 32751669 Anonymous
If you would have bought 15 minutes ago you would have made $2

2 hours later 32751675 Anonymous
>>32751668 That seems logical. Better hold and not sell.

2 hours later 32751679 Anonymous (bitbubble.jpg 1200x900 138kB)

2 hours later 32751690 Anonymous
>>32751646 >cash out 9000 bitcoins to pay for a house >cause market to dip

2 hours later 32751738 Anonymous
>>32751620 >trust bitcoin as a stable currency i'm confident that no one does.

2 hours later 32751781 Anonymous
so you can't buy anything but drugs and illegal stuff with bitcoins right?

2 hours later 32751805 Anonymous
>>32751781 pretty much.

2 hours later 32751818 Anonymous
>>32751781 That's exactly right

2 hours later 32751842 Anonymous
>>32751781 That and 4chan passes.

2 hours later 32751857 Anonymous
>>32751781 and computer parts, and food, and clothes, and video games, and houses

2 hours later 32751858 Anonymous
>>32751781 I read that like 85% of BTC spent is on 4chan passes, 8% of beef jerky, and 7% on drugs

2 hours later 32751862 Anonymous
>>32750820 i sold 75.7 coins at $28, after it fell from 36. I thought i was getting out of the crash but it was the bear trap

2 hours later 32751869 Anonymous
>>32751842 Buy in my country it's legal to fuck 15 yearolds...

2 hours later 32751873 Anonymous
>>32751781 you can buy dollars with them, that's all that matters.

2 hours later 32751875 Anonymous
>>32751858 That's correct

2 hours later 32751876 Anonymous
>>32751858 No way, silk road has to be bigger than the nerds paying for 4chan passes.

2 hours later 32751890 Anonymous
>>32751873 If I wanted dollars why would I have bought bitcoins in the first place?

2 hours later 32751903 Anonymous
>>32751876 4chan gets like 440 million uniques a month, with about 40 million uniques a day

2 hours later 32751912 Anonymous
>>32751890 because bitcoins are for delusional faggots who think they'l be able to buy more dollars then they payed for them with.

2 hours later 32751924 Anonymous
>>32751890 because easy money you retard

2 hours later 32751934 Anonymous
>>32751287 Bear trap was about 2 1/2 weeks ago, or more I'd say nearing the peak of delusion

2 hours later 32751984 Anonymous
>>32748841 So what does moot do with the bitcoins he gets through 4chan? >yfw he cashes them out daily

2 hours later 32752040 Anonymous
>>32751903 But if those percentages are true, couldn't someone find exactly how much money is spent on silk road (assuming its possible to do that), and then extrapolate it to determine what moot is making to see if he's lying or not?

2 hours later 32752051 Anonymous
>>32751984 He never sees bitcoins, they're exchanged automatically by a service.

2 hours later 32752106 Anonymous
>>32752040 there is no way to tell what transactions are done on the silk road unless someone announces what the transaction is for. Otherwise it's just a addressA ---> AdressB 15 BTC transaction

2 hours later 32752110 Anonymous
I want to buy bitcoins but I can't get all that bank shit sorted, can't get ID uploaded to verify accounts either because no scanner. It's embarrassing, I was going to buy at $80 but I just couldn't get my accounts BIC number. Sucks to be a banking noob. Are there any bitcoin sellers that sell through Visa?

2 hours later 32752249 Anonymous
>>32752051 i'm pretty sure he can set it to hold a certain percentage as bitcoins

2 hours later 32752261 Anonymous
>>32752110 do you live in the US? use bitfloor if you're buying less than a couple hundred dollars worth.

2 hours later 32752268 Anonymous
>>32752249 Why would he do that? He wants real money that can pay for things in the real world that aren't drugs and passes for his own website.

2 hours later 32752279 Anonymous
>>32752268 because BTC are going to reach $1000

2 hours later 32752291 Anonymous
>>32752268 >i'm so mad that I didn't listen to /g/ >i could've sold hundreds of bitcoins for $120 USD each lol

2 hours later 32752307 Anonymous
>>32752291 Let's see your bank account, with all dat bitcoin monaay

2 hours later 32752316 Anonymous
>>32752291 I don't think moot even knows bitcoins are worth a lot more now.

2 hours later 32752377 Anonymous (mysteryman.png 274x290 11kB)
>>32752279 devious financial speculator detected

3 hours later 32752445 Anonymous
>>32752377 >not believing in the new world currency

3 hours later 32752459 Anonymous
BTC-e vs MTgox Which one is better?

3 hours later 32752483 Anonymous
>>32752459 btc-e is a shady russian site. mtgox takes 3 weeks to deposit cash right now. coinbase is convenient because it directly links with your bank account via ACH, but they ran out of bitcoins. the only places that you can deposit in the US quickly: bitinstant, but they charge a 4% fee bitfloor, but it's not feasible to buy more than a couple hundred dollars worth in europe, they have it a bit easier because they have bitcoin-24 which links with SEPA

3 hours later 32752498 Anonymous
>>32752483 meanwhile us canadians get shafted and have to use shitty american services

3 hours later 32752500 Anonymous
>>32752459 MTgox has no money and works by reselling the coins you give them at a higher price. When the price gets too high : You dont get your money

3 hours later 32752506 Anonymous
>>32752498 drive to america and deposit there, it's the land of freedom. cavirtex charge high fees because you're a socialist country, i have that on good authority

3 hours later 32752518 Anonymous
>>32752500 >literally has no idea how every single fucking exchange works. /g/ why did you take advice to not buy bitcoins 2 years ago from people like this

3 hours later 32752534 Anonymous
>>32752518 Because I enjoy not living in a gutter.

3 hours later 32752559 Anonymous (italian hitler winding up rope.gif 160x123 620kB)
>According to Reuters, undisclosed documents indicate that banks such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have visited bitcoin exchanges as often as 30 times a day. Employees of international banks and major financial organizations have shown interest in the bitcoin markets as well.[52] They just need to add it into their programs and your shit gets jewed immediately.

3 hours later 32752580 Anonymous (1360975823572.jpg 420x300 15kB)
>>32751934 bear trap was the last crash at like $60/btc this is the real hype phase.

3 hours later 32752584 Anonymous (thefucks.png 479x245 20kB)
Posted in other thread. Do I let this finish? I mined some coins 2 years ago. But thought I bought name coins with them. Quit mining and forgot. After this recent surge I searched for my wallet file. I'm not sure how these coins got here? Do I let it finish? I'm already over muh bandwidth cap

3 hours later 32752618 Anonymous
>brother literally has over 1000 bitcoins from being early as hell into minning in early >told me to as well, I dismissed him thinking it was a waste of time >he forgot about them >he no longer has the wallet files from his comp since he fucked up his computer once and I made a backup before I wiped it >backup HDD is at parent's house a couple hundred km away. I NEED to find that shit to see if it's there

3 hours later 32752624 Anonymous
>>32752584 it won't show your current balance until it's caught up to the current block. you may have sold those bitcoins at a later block.

3 hours later 32752633 Anonymous
>>32752584 why the hell not?

3 hours later 32752639 Anonymous
>>32752618 search for a file called wallet.dat, that's where the private keys for the bitcoins are located.

3 hours later 32752640 Anonymous
I can still be when I short them.

3 hours later 32752650 Anonymous

3 hours later 32752651 Anonymous
>>32752624 k then that means I should have a bunch of namecoins flying around then. How the fuck do I go about accessing muh namecoin wallet.

3 hours later 32752676 Anonymous (smile-3.jpg 418x467 38kB)
>mfw I have 1488 bitcoins

3 hours later 32752701 Anonymous
>>32752676 lel

3 hours later 32752705 Anonymous
>>32752651 did you use the commandline namecoin app? because there isn't an official namecoin gui i don't think. reinstall that shit and it should be there, no?

3 hours later 32752708 Anonymous
well you could've made easy money every time something became more valuable in a short amount of time

3 hours later 32752718 Anonymous
>>32752676 why don't you sell em? nobody buys? ur so rich man im so jelly

3 hours later 32752723 Anonymous
Actually, if you own at least 10 bitcoins you are guaranteed to become a millionaire. Bitcoins will eventually reach $100,000. Potentially a single bitcoin could be worth millions, but that's only if most of the world uses it, which is improbable. But if bitcoins cover at least 2% of the world GDP, a lot of people are going to become instant millionaires.

3 hours later 32752730 Anonymous
>>32752708 except in this case, it was simply a matter of clicking a couple buttons and paying for electricity, extremely low risk since mining was always profitable if you sold 2/3 your coins every month

3 hours later 32752736 Anonymous
>>32752718 I'll sell them @ ~150

3 hours later 32752748 Anonymous
something's happening here

3 hours later 32752750 Anonymous
>>32752730 buying stocks isn't much harder than a few clicks either

3 hours later 32752752 Anonymous
>>32752736 What if everyone else is selling at 149 to beat the suckers like you?

3 hours later 32752762 Anonymous
>>32752736 And what if they go up to 300? Then you pissed away money.

3 hours later 32752765 Anonymous
>>32752752 Sell at 148.

3 hours later 32752776 Anonymous
>>32752752 >>32752762 I have inside knowledge of when the big sell-off is going to happen. Protip: It's not a price

3 hours later 32752781 Anonymous
>>32752750 yes but that costs money, this was pretty much free with no risk if you sold 2/3 your bitcoins every month to pay for electricity. it had massive potential with near zero costs (the primary risk is one month's worth of electricity, after the first month you've probably made enough to cover subsequent months). it's pretty fucking funny how adamant some were against bitcoin mining, when there's such little risk and so much potential.

3 hours later 32752785 Anonymous
>>32752776 So logically if you had inside knowledge of that sort, wouldn't you be trying to get us to sell directly after you do?

3 hours later 32752795 Anonymous
>>32752640 Implying anyone would buythe other half of your contract.

3 hours later 32752801 Anonymous (coin.jpg 295x300 61kB)
Does the market slow down at night in America? I bought a bunch of LTC but the price basically dropped a bit and is staying stable.

3 hours later 32752820 Anonymous
>>32752785 I'm not trying to manipulate anyone or care when /g/ sells their coins. People here can't effect the market.

3 hours later 32752823 Anonymous
>>32752801 It's goin' down the pooper. You were too late.

3 hours later 32752838 Anonymous
Go lite coins go

3 hours later 32752840 Anonymous
>>32752801 nobody knows about LTC because the market is so small, volatile, and lack of history. bitcoin usually gets active in early morning EST, like 4-7AM when mtgox (who are located in japan) start their day and begin approving deposits. there's usually another batch in the evening EST.

3 hours later 32752950 Anonymous
>>32752801 for the past 3 days there's been a dip in price before the Russians wake up and pump the shit out of it. It's doubled every day for the past 3 days because of this.

3 hours later 32752956 Anonymous
>>32752584 >3 thousand dollars let it fuckin finish, man.

3 hours later 32752995 Anonymous (thumb[1].jpg 1280x720 416kB)
why didn't I mine bitcoins

3 hours later 32753001 Anonymous
>only have a 550ti and a 2500k Well I'm useless. Best I can do is buy a buncha Litecoins and hope they go up?

3 hours later 32753013 Anonymous
>>32753001 or PPCoins if you're feeling adventurous

3 hours later 32753032 Anonymous
>>32753013 >ME TOO coins nah

3 hours later 32753044 Anonymous
>>32753013 no. the only reason you're seeing a runup of LTC and NMC is because mtgox is testing support for it. PPC isn't being tested for trading by mtgox.

3 hours later 32753050 Anonymous
>>32753032 >not buying ME TOO coins in the early stages of hype

3 hours later 32753102 Anonymous
>>32753050 >what is oversaturation

3 hours later 32753114 Anonymous
>>32753102 >what is being smart enough to know when to cash out

3 hours later 32753131 Anonymous
I thought Buttcoin was shutdown by the US Government? lel this garbage is still going on? I left /g/ because of the buttcoin shit back a year or two ago when it crashed after hitting like 33 USD per shitcoin. God damn the panic was glorious as fuck.

3 hours later 32753133 Anonymous
>>32753050 it will go straight from early stages of hype to late stages of crash.

3 hours later 32753179 Anonymous
>the same 1,000 retards keep paying eachother more and more for bitcoins its fun to watch at least

3 hours later 32753188 Anonymous
>>32753133 if you say so. I'll let you know what it's like getting thousands of % return in a month or so.

3 hours later 32753190 Anonymous
The bull trap and crash phase will start and end in a few hours. Whatever we're seeing right now is just the price going up.

3 hours later 32753241 Anonymous
>>32753114 oh boy, a total profit of .13USD

3 hours later 32753243 Anonymous (rich saudi arab making it rain.gif 254x209 2077kB)
>mfw buying thousands of ixcoins for cheap >mfw they reach $10 and I have enough money to buy a rental property

3 hours later 32753288 Anonymous
>>32752261 Not him but Im from Puerto Rico. Sadly bitfloor only accepts transfers from Bank of America banks. I have the money to invest on bitcoins but its such a fucking hassle.

4 hours later 32753308 Anonymous
>>32753288 You can use BitInstant but you will get charged a 4%. Still if it keeps growing that will pay for itself.

4 hours later 32753313 Anonymous
>>32753241 >not buying thousands of coins when they're practically worthless >not watching them grow to 14 cents each >not getting insane return on something so cheap.

4 hours later 32753365 Anonymous
Trying to get into this, but seriously overwhelmed. How the fuck do I buy Bitcoins? bitfloor wants me to deposit money into some account, but how do they know who made the deposit?

4 hours later 32753377 Anonymous
>>32753308 Still I dont have a car so my nearest Moneygram is 30 minutes on foot. I could go there thursday but I got a feeling that by then it will be too late.

4 hours later 32753385 Anonymous (ss (2013-04-03 at 02.19.33).jpg 1230x321 81kB)
>dat exponential growth

4 hours later 32753404 Anonymous
>>32753377 You might get lucky then. If the bubble burst you could buy at really cheap prices.

4 hours later 32753425 Anonymous
>>32753404 You and every other shmuck

4 hours later 32753434 Anonymous
>>32753404 Not really, I want to use the exponential growth to make proffits. My idea would be to buy 100 USD worht of bitcoins. Wait a day, with the current growth it will increase 50% at least, and sell my bitcoins for USD, rinse and repeat. The problem is that it every exchange I do will take an 1h of my time.

4 hours later 32753476 Anonymous
>>32753365 Anyone use bitfloor?

4 hours later 32753511 Anonymous
>>32753476 they're pretty good for a couple hundred dollars worth, more than that you'll want to use mtgox.

4 hours later 32753520 Anonymous
>>32753476 Spicbro here, I will use it on Thursday at 3:00pm (UTC -4). I will post like on 5pm about the experience. Will take pics of the process. Until then you are on your own.

4 hours later 32753608 Anonymous
>>32753511 Do I need to be verified to use mtgox?

4 hours later 32753633 Anonymous
>>32753608 if you want to do USD<->BTC you have to be verified on mtgox. that takes about 3 weeks. the fastest way for americans is currently bitfloor and bitinstant

4 hours later 32753653 Anonymous
Question, is coinbase buying bitcoins? Let say, I use bitinstant to buy bitcoins, can I sell coinbase bitcoins?

4 hours later 32753669 Anonymous
>>32753653 yes, coinbase would LOVE your bitcoins, they ran out. It's only going from dollars to bitcoin that has a big delay

4 hours later 32753742 Anonymous
>>32753669 So how do I sell them BTCs? There isnt a wallet transfer in their page.

4 hours later 32753805 Anonymous
>>32753742 https://coinbase.com/payment_method s deposit bitcoins, then sell them. make sure you set up your bank account to link with coinbase before sending your bitcoins to make sure everything's hunky dory first.

4 hours later 32753836 Anonymous
Guys I sure hope you know how all this works. Every time there is a seller there must be a buyer. Money isn't being created, it is simply transferred from one person to another. Now all of you can buy low and sell high and be well off, for one person to make money is for another to lose that much. Also, the market doesn't favor a majority group, EVER!

4 hours later 32753912 Anonymous
>>32753836 No shit sherlock.

4 hours later 32753941 Anonymous
Jesus it's gonna reach 150 by morning.

4 hours later 32754045 Anonymous
OP here, I haven't seen this thread since I started it, how the fuck did it get this big?

4 hours later 32754098 Anonymous
>>32754045 It's a buttcoin thread. Dreams of easy money attracts everyone.

4 hours later 32754181 Anonymous
>bitcoins at $137 and still rising >litecoin price broke $4 again >but LTC/BTC still the same Goddammit, why?

5 hours later 32754275 Anonymous
>>32754181 Wait, it's catching up slowly.

5 hours later 32754277 Anonymous
>>32754181 you still have more in USD, though.

5 hours later 32754318 Anonymous
>>32754181 That means LTC and BTC are roughly increasing at the same proportional rate.

5 hours later 32754744 Anonymous
>>32754181 >Goddammit, why? ltc/btc arbitrage is fast.

6 hours later 32755413 Anonymous SERIOUS QUESTION (330.jpg 680x510 66kB)
so they are worth 117 per coin but who the fuck actually buys them? doesnt that meany our just stuck with imaginary money? its not like amazon accepts bit coins...

6 hours later 32755698 Anonymous
>>32755413 Get with the times, they're worth 141 per coin.

7 hours later 32756932 Anonymous
>>32755698 lol who the fuck is going to buy them for that much? is this a ruse? i dont know shit about stocks, so what the fuck? you sell 141 bit coin for like? 10% of what its worth? even than that seems to high for something that really isnt worth anything. it would have to be 5% or lower. is this how stocks work though or what? anyone want to explain it as briefly as they can?

8 hours later 32757120 Anonymous
>>32756932 Bitcoin isn't a stock. The money people put into bitcoin doesn't get invested in anything, it just goes to someone else.

5.729 0.307