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2013-04-02 09:43 32739637 Anonymous (Its happening.gif 312x213 996kB)
APPLE IS FINISHED! The worst thing that could possibly happen to Apple has now happened: The company has run afoul of the authoritarian government of China. Gatekeepers of the world’s largest and one of the fastest growing markets for every product Apple makes, the Chinese Communist Party-controlled government has decided to stop and reverse Apple’s growth in the country. Read more at http://www.cultofmac.com/221696/why -apples-china-disaster-is-worse-tha n-you-think/#ats7Kwj4MwsgSIth.99

12 min later 32739970 Anonymous
>>32739637 Yes! YES!

14 min later 32740026 Anonymous
I bet that kid who sold his kidney for an iPad is seriously regretting it now.

15 min later 32740048 Anonymous
>>32739637 Stock is plummeting Real question: With apple gone and Google/Microsoft/Blackberry/Samsung taking over... will innovation continue?

16 min later 32740074 Anonymous
>>32740048 Yes.

21 min later 32740170 Anonymous
> one-year warranty > good because they also use it in Murrica Apple can go and eat shit.

23 min later 32740203 Anonymous
JUST NEW IN: > http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-34227_1 62-57577563/goldman-plucks-apple-st ock-from-preferred-list/

26 min later 32740309 Anonymous
It's only natural, Apple had a good run, now they must die and make room for something new.

29 min later 32740358 Anonymous (apple.png 553x307 16kB)
Thank you based China

30 min later 32740387 Anonymous (1342930056070.jpg 356x321 10kB)
India still exists, guys.

31 min later 32740415 Anonymous (China-Ubuntu-350x200.png 350x200 19kB)
Meanwhile, China moves to Ubuntu.

37 min later 32740570 Anonymous
>>32740048 You mean it will now start after that Apple is out of the picture.

40 min later 32740652 Anonymous
Apple has enough money in the bank to float as a company for 10 years. DOING NOTHING.

42 min later 32740681 Anonymous (1348989651774.gif 300x149 1301kB)

43 min later 32740708 Anonymous
>>32740415 Fitting that China would use a distribution that rapes you of your right to freedom. Pieces of shit, and I'm not talking about the Chinese gov't.

44 min later 32740742 Anonymous
>>32740415 I was right all along, Linux IS for communists. Now if I spread this around long enough the US government will act.

45 min later 32740762 Anonymous
>>32740708 China aren't going to recommend Trisquel, sorry rms.

45 min later 32740774 Anonymous
>>32740742 But many capitalists user Linux too anon.

46 min later 32740798 Anonymous
>>32740570 Because Windows Mobile was so innovative amiright?

48 min later 32740828 Anonymous
ITT : A bunch of butthurt neckbeards soiling themselves now that big bad apple is having a little manufacturing difficulty. muh-muh-galaxy!

50 min later 32740863 Anonymous
>>32740828 Stay mad applefag.

53 min later 32740928 Anonymous
Can we get this thread stickied?

53 min later 32740937 Anonymous (1315435742826.jpg 184x184 12kB)
ahhh good news i hope that anti american shitheap company goes down a peg or two.

53 min later 32740945 Anonymous (1263938280347.jpg 250x250 10kB)
>>32739637 Now the same must happen to the botnet.

55 min later 32740992 Anonymous
>>32740928 this mods please

57 min later 32741030 Anonymous
>implying Apple can buy half of China. Or at least half of the Chinese officials. Go back to bed, kids.

59 min later 32741060 Anonymous
Oh look, an april fools joke.

59 min later 32741076 Anonymous (frustmacro.jpg 800x1004 265kB)

59 min later 32741080 Apple
A-awww, whats my trip gonna be after muh Apple rots ;-;

1 hours later 32741099 Anonymous
>>32741080 just kill yourself end like them

1 hours later 32741100 Anonymous
we've had these "APPLE IS FINISHED" threads a lot. nothing is going to happen to apple, as always. you're all just morons believing everything you read word-to-word.

1 hours later 32741123 Anonymous
>>32739637 serves them fucking right for the price they charge for their shit ass product, that kind of quality has no business in china in the first place. the fact they're that fucking cheap is just a dumb. you really cant expect to get away with something like that. their products should have always been made here in the first place. hope this costs them billions and they all get fucked hard in the ass meh, nobody even really cares about apple

1 hours later 32741126 Anonymous
>>32741060 I don't think so. Today is April 2nd, the article was published March 30th.

1 hours later 32741158 Anonymous
Foxconn is moving to America. Google hired them to build Google Glass in America.

1 hours later 32741160 Anonymous (APPLE DUN GOOFED.png 400x684 331kB)
... This is glorious.

1 hours later 32741166 Anonymous
>>32741100 With no one to make thier product and no buyerbase in the East, this is HUEG

1 hours later 32741208 Anonymous
Gg no re

1 hours later 32741211 Anonymous (Lol 4.jpg 200x200 10kB)
>>32739637 Best day of my life.

1 hours later 32741221 Anonymous
>>32741166 see >>32741158 Also they have factories in Brazil

1 hours later 32741240 Anonymous
>>32741166 apple will get what they want and this shit will be resolved in no time.

1 hours later 32741243 Anonymous
>>32739637 http://www.theverge.com/2013/4/2/41 75054/apple-to-begin-producing-new- iphone-in-second-quarter-says-wsj you wot m8?

1 hours later 32741294 Anonymous (1299024204652.jpg 297x358 68kB)
>>32739637 Absolutely Perfect

1 hours later 32741314 Anonymous (goddamn right.gif 300x168 157kB)

1 hours later 32741318 Anonymous
Doesn't Apple have like 700B in the bank? lol

1 hours later 32741326 Anonymous
>>32740828 I love how you are so angry and defensives you cant even grasp what is actually going on here. 8/10 if troll 11/10 if mad retarded ifag.

1 hours later 32741345 Anonymous
>cultofmac.com >shrineofapple.com What's up with macfags seeing religion on their computers?

1 hours later 32741358 Anonymous
ITT: a bunch of kids who don't know shit about the real world inb4 mad Macfag -- fuck Apple, you're just stupid if you think they'll be hurt by any of this

1 hours later 32741365 Anonymous
>>32741345 Lack of oxygen at birth due to delivery issues.

1 hours later 32741367 Anonymous
Can we get a mod in here to ban the OP that keeps samefagging his own thread?

1 hours later 32741392 Anonymous
>>32740798 >WHAT IS WINDOWS 8

1 hours later 32741399 Anonymous
>>32741358 We can only hope.

1 hours later 32741402 Anonymous (Dont-Give-A-Fuck.png 492x543 64kB)
>>32741358 >a bunch of kids Stopped reading right there, you're trying far too hard. inb4 you call me kiddo to assert your age and wiseness further.

1 hours later 32741406 Anonymous
>>32741392 >>32741392 .. Shit?

1 hours later 32741408 Anonymous
>>32741126 If it isn't, any non-Chinese company should be pretty damn worried. This implies that any major company that isn't Chinese could face closed doors to a very important market right now. Not to mention how the US and EU will react to this. This is not a good thing, and this thread is full idiots failing to realize the consequences or a samefag trolling an aprils fools joke.

1 hours later 32741483 Anonymous
>1 year warranty motherfucking jesus here in EU even the cheapest crap from china needs to have 2 years. Its mandatory for lots of products.

1 hours later 32741545 Anonymous
>>32741483 I heard Brussels forced that on Apple, but they still offer you payed AppleCare on purchase and don't mention the 2 years, unless asked explicitly.

1 hours later 32741643 Anonymous
>>32740203 This is good.

1 hours later 32741734 Anonymous
THANK YOU BASED CHINA http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2013/03 /16/apple-weibo-china-cctv/

1 hours later 32741804 Anonymous
"As Cult of Mac columnist Mike Elgan has already explained, China is trying to screw Apple for potentially three reasons: 1) The iPhone is the “greatest tool for freedom and democracy movements, and simultaneously the greatest tool for suppressing dissent, tracking dissidents and monitoring the conversations and movements of political troublemakers.” 2) Apple “draws a persistent spotlight on unsafe and inhumane conditions for factory workers in China. ” 3) China doesn’t want Apple to kill domestic competitors that can be controlled by the government, like Huawei." http://www.cultofmac.com/221125/the -communist-chinese-press-attacks-ap ple-for-being-empty-and-self-praisi ng/ This is what macfags actually believe.

1 hours later 32741847 Anonymous
>>32741545 >I heard Brussels forced that on Apple everything that's sold in EU must have two years warranty. there are no exceptions. no one forces apple to sell their crap in EU. >but they still offer you payed AppleCare on purchase and don't mention the 2 years any idiot who falls for this deserves it.

1 hours later 32741912 Anonymous
>>32741804 The distortion field is strong with this one.

1 hours later 32742001 Anonymous
>>32741804 Don't generalize, I enjoy the apple products I own but fan sites like that just creeps me out. Also, a lot of people like conspiracies.

1 hours later 32742078 Anonymous (1359596999971.jpg 265x231 9kB)
Based China. Feels great man.

1 hours later 32742188 Anonymous
>Best Korea shelters TPB >China goes Linux >Kills Apple >USA monitors your connection and empowers corporations I can see a trend here lately.

1 hours later 32742324 Anonymous (Steve jobrone.jpg 401x397 36kB)

2 hours later 32742685 Anonymous
So Apple has pissed off china who are doing their best to try and ruin their reputation (not very well), and you faggots think it's going to kill them? Apart from their stock price dropping a little due to lower expected growth in China, i don't see how this is going to fuck apple up.

2 hours later 32742777 Anonymous (richard-stallman[1].jpg 1200x1200 256kB)
Thank you Based China You are our greatest Ally

2 hours later 32742925 Anonymous (Fu.jpg 203x248 8kB)
Glory to the Si-Fan!

2 hours later 32742931 Anonymous
shit is going down! fuck, abandon ship, sell stocks, buy Bit Coins. There aren't any life boats on this Ship.

2 hours later 32742957 Anonymous
>>32742685 That is based on the assumption that China is a democracy, which it isn't. As far as I've heard the middle class Chinese these days, that can afford day to day expenses, tend to save up and cash out on recreational goods. Now imagine how much alternative income that would yield to China if these savings didn't get spent on the latest iShiny?

2 hours later 32743065 Anonymous
>>32740048 You mean these companies won't have some nigger to try and patent troll them? Probably.

2 hours later 32743098 Anonymous
>>32742685 Because it's not going to fuck them up. Largely out of wishful thinking, everyone here who hates Apple sees their demise in everything that even looks vaguely like a setback for them.

2 hours later 32743266 Anonymous

2 hours later 32743343 Anonymous
This is great news!!!

2 hours later 32743412 Anonymous
>>32740652 They havy a lot more money than that.

2 hours later 32743422 Anonymous
ITT: retards

2 hours later 32743525 Anonymous
>huuuuurrrrr oppel is finnish!11!!1 >ghuuuuuuu ur rite!1!! lel i hat oppel >nngghhuuu oppel sux XDDD >dey r finnish this is hardly a dent you guys

2 hours later 32743571 Anonymous
>>32740387 too poor. they still run 95

2 hours later 32743610 Anonymous
>>32743571 And too dark. Wogs are Microsoft territory.

2 hours later 32743642 Anonymous (pan_style.jpg 450x326 15kB)

2 hours later 32743666 Anonymous
>>32743525 but it has a knock on effect you tool. apple stocks decline, they sell less and less eye candy shit in based China, less profit, less shares, less apple.

2 hours later 32743803 Anonymous (Kurtz.gif 500x309 77kB)
My God, the genius of that! The genius! The will to do that! Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men, trained cadres — these men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love — but they had the strength, the strength to do that.

2 hours later 32743977 Anonymous (1301083531490.jpg 385x346 86kB)
Sent from my ThinkPad®

2 hours later 32744081 Anonymous
>>32742188 The NK TPB bs is just a clever DNS trick. Look it up, retard.

2 hours later 32744095 Anonymous

3 hours later 32744150 Anonymous (apple.gif 320x180 1854kB)

3 hours later 32744177 Anonymous (1364258569436.gif 500x377 866kB)

3 hours later 32744229 Anonymous
>>32739637 China is not the largest Apple market in the world.

3 hours later 32744285 Anonymous (1326775825045.png 299x288 86kB)
>>32739637 Have you never seen or heard of an Apple product? Are you knew to this planet? >Apples makes money by charging huge markup on hardware and software. Thinks selling in China is hurt because they won't be expanding more. >>Apple just charges more in developed countries after it add a hat to current lineup.

3 hours later 32744309 Anonymous
>>32741345 cultofmac.com if they think macs are so good why is there server running linux Running : AXIS Linux 2.6.X (94%), Linux 2.4.X|2.6.X (94%), Aruba ArubaOS 3.X (92%), FON Linux 2.6.X (92%),

3 hours later 32744360 Anonymous
>>32744309 You'd think they'd at least use BSD to keep a partial illusion.

3 hours later 32744376 Anonymous (1364859439796.png 960x720 739kB)
[spoiler]apple environment is the best environment[/spoiler]

3 hours later 32744676 Anonymous
>>32744309 Ha someone should tell them that.

3 hours later 32744782 Anonymous
> sticky this

3 hours later 32745207 Anonymous
>>32744782 Do it mods!

3 hours later 32745308 Anonymous
>>32740358 source on this? would like to see the 1 year stock value.

3 hours later 32745318 Anonymous
>>32740652 they could probably last 1000 years if inflation wasn't a thing.

3 hours later 32745386 Anonymous
>>32739637 That article is written by the same guy that wrote the polemic "my son is considering buying two ipads to multitask" article. I know because I have him added in Google+,

3 hours later 32745434 Anonymous (1361130149093.jpg 546x546 24kB)
Not long now, brothers.

4 hours later 32745468 Anonymous
>>32745386 google+? really?

4 hours later 32745537 Anonymous
>>32745468 It was really fun in the closed beta days and a few months after that. Now it is becoming the new facebook. I go there when in extreme boredoom or once every two weeks.

4 hours later 32745609 Anonymous
>>32745537 I signed up, and searched so many people, found no one. it's so shit too, poor UI and sponsored shit everywhere.

4 hours later 32745880 Anonymous
>>32745609 I feel I could teach you a few things that might make you comfortable with google+ but I don't wish to waste my time and yours in things like social networking. If you still wish to try it, then you can still find 'tutorials' of how to use it in youtube.

4 hours later 32746066 Anonymous (jew face.jpg 362x467 72kB)
>Apple purposly angers China >get production and growth cut off from China >Apple plays the victim card >The American government will not stand for this because "muh jobs" >The American government helps subsidize American labor and factories for Apple >Apple products now bare the logo "We USA now" >Apple's popularity shoots through the roof, record sales and revune >Apple invented "made in the USA" Just as planned

4 hours later 32746437 Anonymous
>>32740048 Implying Apple innovated beyond marketing

5 hours later 32747193 Anonymous
Can someone please ban the fucking OP for same fagging this awful thread?

5 hours later 32747555 Anonymous
If you think this is really going to hurt apple you're confirmed retarded. There would need to be a LOT of other shit go very wrong for apple to be hurt.

7 hours later 32750649 Anonymous

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