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2013-04-01 11:42 32715655 Anonymous Litecoins (2ak0hnm.png 1022x512 498kB)
Anyone know how to buy litecoins? Or just info about litecoins in general? Like how does this code work? LQKkrkNcGkhHvLzzu3EuHy55Mdctoc4A9f
1 min later 32715699 Anonymous
Also, what is mining and how do I do it?
1 min later 32715721 Anonymous
>allowing beaners in
so this is what it has come to
2 min later 32715736 Anonymous (1351191571041.jpg 1224x1632 420kB)
sent ;)
also i'm buying LTC for $2USD
email in field if interested
above market value because paypal
4 min later 32715782 Anonymous
I don't see the need for racism I'm probably as American as you are.
4 min later 32715806 Anonymous
sent ;)
6 min later 32715849 Anonymous
You buy it through certain bitcoin traders. I don't want to give out links, but many of the large bitcoin exchange sites also let you buy litecoins, too.
6 min later 32715868 Anonymous
>How do I buy money?
>What's google?
>Doesn't link to the post they're referring to.
>How does an address work?
>Uses they're real email.
7 min later 32715872 Anonymous
not with a name like that
also, sent an email to your helpdesk explaining that you're making threatening sexual advances towards me but that i'm afraid to come forward in person, and instead am asking for help from the school
7 min later 32715873 Anonymous
>thinking about buying litecoins yesterday
>Go up 100% today
pls be april fools joke.
7 min later 32715882 Anonymous
That's the thing, is there any way to directly buy litecoins through the use of a credit card or paypal?
9 min later 32715912 Anonymous
Yeah, just email your credit info to a seller or post it here, as moot made 4chan work with Bitcoins and Litecoins.
The website automatically sends the post to their servers instead of posting it here.
9 min later 32715918 Anonymous
sent ;)
9 min later 32715932 Anonymous
I know that feel, man.
Almost certainly not, since you can chargeback with credit cards and paypal. It's too risky for most exchange sites. You can buy them pretty easily with a bank deposit, though.
10 min later 32715935 Anonymous
sent ;)
10 min later 32715936 Anonymous
April Fool's? Good thing you just admitted to doing that on here.
11 min later 32715955 Anonymous
Who are you even talking to? You have to link posts.
11 min later 32715959 Anonymous
I just think litecoins are the next bitcoins... I mean from 1 to 105 dollars in 3 months? Who knows...
11 min later 32715960 Anonymous
this wetback can't even quote, lol
14 min later 32716022 Anonymous
inb4 "I was just trolling"
15 min later 32716042 Anonymous
Wow thanks guys today was my first time on /g/ and I thought it was cool because it was a bunch people interested in technology... Forgive me for showing interest and not knowing how to quote or whatever.
16 min later 32716070 Anonymous
>It's my first day on /g/
Lurk for a year, then start posting, or you look like you do now.
A fool.
A foolish fool.
17 min later 32716078 Anonymous
kill yourself op
17 min later 32716090 Anonymous
Fuck off.
18 min later 32716125 Anonymous
Ignore this.
I enjoy fondling children.
19 min later 32716149 Anonymous
You will fit in perfectly here, then!
20 min later 32716168 King of Shitposting
20 min later 32716174 Anonymous
I'd rather look like a fool for a day or two than having to lurk for a while because I don't want to miss the opportunity from the potential profit that can come from litecoins.
21 min later 32716194 Anonymous
21 min later 32716203 Anonymous
Never been on reddit, I spent a lot of time on /b/
22 min later 32716229 Anonymous
Then ask some place that's more open to new people acting like down syndrome kids who have spent the past hour eating rocks like le reddit.
Yes I am talking to myself.
23 min later 32716260 Anonymous
24 min later 32716277 Anonymous
I started mining with my desktop in my room and everything went well
I moved to a computer in another part of my house connected via wifi with the same graphics card and I'm getting connection problems when I try to mine. The internet connection with that computer is fine, can anyone help?
24 min later 32716299 Anonymous
Were you using WiFi while it was in your room?
25 min later 32716308 Anonymous
Yeah kinda disappointed for not exploring outside of /b/ all these years...there's a lot cool stuff. Starting to realize how much time I actually waste on /b/
25 min later 32716318 Anonymous
How can I buy that shit with paypal?
29 min later 32716397 Anonymous (1278991902568.jpg 446x400 44kB)
ITT: Newfaggotry
36 min later 32716569 Anonymous
Is that interkassa thing on btc-e safe? I want to buy some litecoins.
39 min later 32716641 Anonymous
From what google translated it seems like it's not working
39 min later 32716645 Anonymous
im a stupid sweaty nigger
41 min later 32716693 Anonymous
PayPal allows charge back, so no.
48 min later 32716849 Anonymous
no it was connected with ethernet, but I don't see how wifi could be causing the issue as the computer itself can connect to the internet just fine
48 min later 32716855 Anonymous
does this fucking retard actually not know how to quote? holy shit
52 min later 32716934 Anonymous
I would love to buy litecoins and pay via paypal at 3 dollars per 1 litecoin
Why should you trust me?
I'm a nice person.
Check comments here:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/kaysin dre
53 min later 32716963 Anonymous
This thread is EXACTLY why I hate these coin threads
half of bitcoin threads LATE at night are currency arguing and market speculation
Every other coin thread is bullshit teens and poorfags begging and/or thinking they can do anything with a fucking laptop and 2 bucks
53 min later 32716969 Anonymous
54 min later 32717001 Anonymous
Go back to /b/.
56 min later 32717080 Anonymous
make me
57 min later 32717092 Anonymous
Any help on this?
57 min later 32717097 Anonymous
250+ LTC masterrace reporting in.
58 min later 32717136 Anonymous
$420? Nice
1 hours later 32717169 Anonymous
Alright seriously, $500 to throw around right now. Who will send me litecoins and I send you money on paypal?
1 hours later 32717195 Anonymous
why the fuck do litecoins even exist?
stop being greedy niggers, this is going nowhere
1 hours later 32717225 Anonymous
No one. No one is going to exchange a currency with you when you're using a service that allows chargebacks. Go back to /b/ and do a wordpress scam or something.
1 hours later 32717232 Anonymous
Aw yeah. Know what I'd buy with that
1 hours later 32717236 Anonymous
It honestly seems like a Ponzi Scheme but it's not going anywhere so might as well make some money of it
1 hours later 32717276 Anonymous
Moneygram. I just did it thru bit instant
$300. comes out to about 2.7 BTC
1 hours later 32717283 Anonymous (eatmydick.jpg 2448x3264 2366kB)
1 hours later 32717357 Anonymous
thanks anon
1 hours later 32717454 Anonymous
Bump again.
1 hours later 32717610 Anonymous (Screen shot 2013-04-01 at 6.00.57 PM.png 827x201 23kB)
In the same boat
2 hours later 32718729 Anonymous
Walk up in the club start passin out money.
2 hours later 32718800 Anonymous
watch out! your iphone is about to fall
2 hours later 32718894 Anonymous
Anyone want to help us?
4 hours later 32722118 Anonymous
I'm making ~5 litecoins/day with just my 3570k and 7970, and still able to use my computer for web browsing. If I upped the aggression I could make even more. Why aren't you guys mining yet?
4 hours later 32722218 Anonymous
What aggression? Also what miner?
4 hours later 32722287 Anonymous
aggression is at 20, makes it feel like using my old p4 system, but I can still browse 4chan good enough. I let it run while I'm out or while I sleep, so about 10-15 hours/day. Using reaper, with burnside's pool. here's a link, explains pretty good.
4 hours later 32722290 Anonymous
When I run CGMiner, I get "All devices disables, cannot mine" error. How do I fix this?
4 hours later 32722346 Anonymous (1341549027001.jpg 597x589 35kB)
>Why aren't you guys mining yet?
I have a GTX 570 and an i5 760\
Nothing like ~.3 LTC a day.
4 hours later 32722429 Anonymous
What hashrate are you getting? Also could you show me your reaper settings? I have pretty much the same setup hardware wise as you it seems.
4 hours later 32722452 Anonymous (ss (2013-04-01 at 09.15.45).png 938x27 2kB)
4 hours later 32722618 Anonymous
I have a 920 at 4ghz. A 5770, 560 and 670. What card do I use to mine?
4 hours later 32722659 Anonymous
You can get 200kH from the 5770, NVIDIA blows
4 hours later 32722690 Anonymous
4 hours later 32722704 Anonymous
Ofc the card that runs the hottest and loudest...
4 hours later 32722833 Anonymous
I'm getting ~594-98kH/s with my 7970
host ltc.kattare.com
port 9332
user Dosh.2
pass x
protocol litecoin
worksize 256
vectors 1
aggression 20
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 28
lookup_gap 2
gpu_thread_concurrency 24576
long_polling yes
and reaper.conf:
kernel reaper.cl
save_binaries yes
enable_graceful_shutdown yes
long_polling yes
platform 0
device 0
mine litecoin
4 hours later 32722834 Anonymous
>tfw my 6870 scores 210kH/s
How can I make my 6870 mine faster?
4 hours later 32722908 Anonymous
you have to mess with your configs, search for the optimal settings for your card.
4 hours later 32722982 Anonymous
also make sure you reboot before you start mining, if I start mining after gaming, I get 150kH/s unless I reboot, then I get 600
4 hours later 32723006 Anonymous
I am using ScryptMiner GUI and nothing happens after the output "Miner started". What am I doing wrong? I got it to work on another computer.
4 hours later 32723036 Anonymous
Thanks mate! I'm trying those settings out now.
4 hours later 32723110 Anonymous
Just an FYI, litecoins have multipliers similar to bitcoins, when you send litecoins to certain addresses they're sent back at different rates.
The following one is a really popular one, it's a 1.1x multiplier on all amounts.
4 hours later 32723138 Anonymous
Sent ;)
4 hours later 32723147 Anonymous
you're going to want to join a pool.
I couldn't get a my cpu miner to work, a kindly /g/entleman told me to try this in cmd and it worked.
c:\coinminer\minerd --algo scrypt --userpass Dosh.1:x --url http://ltc.kattare.com:9332/ --retries 0 --debug
coinminer is the folder my mining software is in, minerd.exe is the miner itself, Dosh is my username on the pool, Dosh.1 is the default first worker name, x is the default password, ltc.kattare.com is the pool's website, 9332 is the port, --retries 0 kept it from restarting every 30 seconds if it didn't work, --debug makes it tell me what it's doing.
4 hours later 32723180 Anonymous
4 hours later 32723187 Anonymous
that's a pretty clever scam, but nobody who's smart enough to have already mined any litecoins is going to fall for it.
5 hours later 32723272 Anonymous
>implying there are not 14 year olds mining on their $300 GPUs their parents bought them
5 hours later 32723296 Anonymous
Anyone know how to buy a large amount of bitcoins/litecoins in Canada quickly? I've created a CaVirtex account, but am awaiting verification which can take 2 days.
I'd like to invest in litecoins before they hit $2
5 hours later 32723370 Anonymous
why the scrypt statement, is it better than default?
5 hours later 32723410 Anonymous
I don't know, I have no idea what it is.
5 hours later 32723416 Anonymous
I already joined a pool. I have it working in my first laptop, but it does not work on my second. Instead I got the output below.
2 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
HTTP request failed: couldn't connect to host
json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
5 hours later 32723447 Anonymous
It is the algorithm used for litecoin mining.
5 hours later 32723481 Anonymous
What kind of laptop and what kind of kHash/s? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how many LTC do you mine per day?
5 hours later 32723497 Anonymous
that's exactly what happened to me, and I don't know what the problem is, but somebody told me to do this and it worked. Try changing some of the values so that it fits your situation, then type it into cmd
5 hours later 32723529 Anonymous (Untitled.png 833x571 93kB)
>read up on how to mine
>get all the shit needed
>Have no clue what im doing
I have no clue what do put in these spots.
5 hours later 32723613 Anonymous
Shitty laptop with Intel i7. 18kHash/s. At the rate I am mining, it will take me a week just to get 1 LTC, but I am using free power at my workplace so why not.
5 hours later 32723678 Anonymous
Is it not economical to use a few Amazon EC2 sessions to mine?
5 hours later 32723682 Anonymous
Go to https://github.com/litecoin-project /litecoin/wiki/Comparison-of-mining -pools and join one of the pools. The site will tell you the host and port. You will need to create an account and create workers.
5 hours later 32723685 Kewel
fuck interkassa is down
5 hours later 32724165 Anonymous
>have $90
>LTC value rising
worth it?
5 hours later 32724204 Kewel
yes, people are going to tell you no though but look at what happened to BTC
5 hours later 32724240 Anonymous
I guess, anyone have any experience with interkassa.com?
Don't wanna go through the whole bank transfer ID validation shit
5 hours later 32724413 Anonymous (btc-e.png 772x544 171kB)
oh shit
2.919 0.089