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2013-03-29 08:31 32627972 Anonymous (litecoin.png 550x550 381kB)
Hey /g/... so there have been a lot of litecoin threads lately. im going to answer some Q&A, as well as post some links on how to set up litecoin.
0 min later 32627977 Anonymous
Where can i buy them?
0 min later 32627981 Anonymous
first off, what litecoin is and is not. litecoin is a cryptocurrency like bitcoin, however the algorithem it uses is very memory dependent which makes it ineficient to mine on gpu's and fpga's.
this does not mean you cant mine on gpu's... however the performance gain is 2-3 times what you would get on a cpu, compared to the hundred fold gain bitcoin has.
aka, it is still better to mine bitcoin on your gpu!!! however, the btc mining on your gpu does not require much cpu usage, so the cpu on your mining rig is waisted profit.
thats were litecoin comes in... you can mine litecoin on your cpu and transfer that to usd / btc for a little extra income. OR you can hold onto them for when they are worth more.
"but litecoin is a scam coin" this is what everyone said about bitcoin, but look at where it is now! bitcoin started off slow, only being worth a few cents, and in my oppinion, litecoin will have a similar jump in value. probubly not as much as btc, but it will be big.
1 min later 32627991 Anonymous
so how do i start mining? well, the first thing to do is go to litecoin.org and download the litecoin-QT client. however, this does not have a mining client included. theres a few out there, and i have tried them all.
the best on my cpu was a miner that is all coded in ASM. was about a 2x boost over all the others. im on an amd cpu, however on intel cpus it is like a 10x performance boost... thers a few dll's it needs, so i made a self extracting archive for you all.
http://www.mediafire.com/?t961qse4m v5xq1r
download the above (replace the x's with t's). and run it. when it asks where to extract to, choose your litecoin-qt folder.
next, you need a pool. i recommend ltc.kattare.com why? because its free (optional donation). thus you get all your litecoins. the online monitoring is also fairly good. not as good as other pools, but it doesnt have a 5% fee.
if you want a different pool, you can find a list here: https://github.com/litecoin-project /litecoin/wiki/Comparison-of-mining -pools
happy mining /g/!
2 min later 32628006 Anonymous
i have always used https://btc-e.com
i have been mining them for a few months now, after seeing them go up in price, i spent .3 btc on some... as they are increasing in price faster than all the other coins (devcoin, solidcoin, ect..)
8 min later 32628043 Anonymous
You can mine on the litecoin qt client.
How often will I hit a block by mining solo? I haven't hit anything yet and it's been running for about 4 hours at 2300 hashes/second. For pool mining do I need to download anything or do I just change the .conf details?
10 min later 32628070 Anonymous
Please fuck off and die with your spam
17 min later 32628128 Anonymous (love-guru-poster-big1.jpg 500x699 253kB)
you need a minerd for pool mining. which is what that mediafire link is.
and well, you would need to mine for months to get a block. the dificulty is low, but the hash rate you have is also low.
ill go calculate it. brb
21 min later 32628178 Anonymous
1.3 months is your 50% success.
with a 0% fee pool, you will have a much higher profit.
assuming you get the coins in 1 month, you will make a tiny profit over the pool... however, if it takes longer than 1.3 months, you will loose profit. and as more people join up, the longer it will take and the more at a loss you will be
22 min later 32628193 Anonymous
can you use the guiminer for bitcoins with a litecoin pool?
24 min later 32628210 Anonymous
1.3 Months? The converter says I will be getting a block every 16 hours..
24 min later 32628217 Anonymous
litecoin uses scrypt as a crypto algorithm. where bitcoin uses sha256.
if you use cgminer, you have scrypt support, however its the memory clock on your card that matters. not the core clock. some other miners might have scrypt support, but to be honest, you make more money mining bitcoin on the gpu
28 min later 32628245 Anonymous
oops, im sorry... i messed up on the block generation, i typed in 10 minutes, which is for btc... where litecoin is 2.5 minute generation.
double checked this time, and your looking at 50% chance of finding a block every .32 months. so every week and a few days.
29 min later 32628258 Anonymous
stop trying to make a bubble
30 min later 32628266 Anonymous
btw, you can mine while the blockchain is downloading. just extract the files to your bitcoin-qt folder and set it up to mine with a pool.
31 min later 32628288 Anonymous
you rly think the increased generation rate from people on /g/ mining will cause a bubble??? the network is a few gigahashes, and each user will add 50-100 khash or so.
also, who the hell would sell their coins... hold onto them man
32 min later 32628291 Anonymous (1362437211368.jpg 720x480 28kB)
I don't know, I smell a trick.
34 min later 32628311 Anonymous
its a self extracting archive. it should have a minerd exe and some dlls in it.
just extract it to your litecoin-qt folder
36 min later 32628338 Anonymous
There's already a thread about this.
38 min later 32628364 Anonymous
virus scan it. its clean. if you still think its a virus, find your own minerd, just trying to compile resources into one area. instead of having you get an exe from some forum, and dll's from some other forum, i just tested all the minerd's found the best one, and added it to a self extractor that checks for updates and auto extracts.
ty bro for answering b4 me.
41 min later 32628394 Anonymous
get over it and make another desktop thread.
also, hes saying to use scryptminer. the asm minerd is faster. not many people know this.
im getting 32 khash on a fucking laptop apu, i was getting 9 with scrypt miner.
45 min later 32628453 Anonymous
Oh ok I gotcha. So let's say I let it mine for a day then I stop and pick up a few days later, am I basically starting over by doing that?
49 min later 32628474 Anonymous
well, you would be working on a different block... however its the same probability you will find the block. so, it would be a bad idea... but hypothetically you could still find blocks.
the problem comes from more people joining a network. if you mine in a pay per share pool, you can start and stop as you will, and you will get however many litecoins you get. if you mine solo, more people will join the network, and thus lowers your chance of finding a block.
52 min later 32628499 Anonymous
So is there a miner which doesn't take several hours just to set it up? I read the P2pool guide from the litecoin forums and it seems a mess.
53 min later 32628511 Anonymous
There's is ALREADY a fucking thread about your stupid newfag scam.
59 min later 32628566 Anonymous
congratulations. i didnt notice that from the first 3 people who told me that.
however the idiots there dont realise that reaper is not optomized for cpu, and slows down mining. and my voice will not be heard in a thread with 200+ comments. so calm your tits and stop getting mad that you bought shit hardware that cant mine
1 hours later 32628591 sage sage
>Implying I care
Listen, you fat fuck aspie, hard of hearing newfag, 13 I.Q. bitch.
There isn't much room on the front page of /g/.
When you make two FUCKHUGE threads with the EXACT SAME topic.
1 hours later 32628597 Anonymous
What's the best way to mine with CPU and GPU at the same time?
1 hours later 32628604 Anonymous
Q.Q oh boo hoo, i cant see all of rms's beautifil pictures because people are talking about something better than my obsesion
1 hours later 32628620 sage sage
It's the same fucking reason you don't see 14 battlestation threads, or 13 CP threads on /g/.
1 hours later 32628631 Anonymous
-minerd for CPU
-reaper for GPU (make sure you disable CPU mining for this)
1 hours later 32628636 Anonymous
use cgminer to mine with your gpu. run the self extractor i posted above (the mediafire link) to extract the minerd into your bitcoin-qt folder. then use the built in mining function to mine cpu
1 hours later 32628658 Anonymous
or like this anon said, reaper is another gpu miner.
however i seem to get higher speeds on cgminer with less hw errors
1 hours later 32628689 Anonymous
What are the chances of these going up to the prices of bitcoins?
1 hours later 32628712 Anonymous
I just bought cheap PC parts and a 7950 literally an hour ago. Going to see I I can profit from mining litecoins
1 hours later 32628716 Anonymous
We'll just have to wait and see. Unless somebody with a working crystal ball comes and tells us.
1 hours later 32628720 Anonymous
Question: would it be a better to only either,
Only mine litecoins
Only mine bitcoins
or alternate between the 2?
1 hours later 32628723 Anonymous
well, i dont think it will go up to the price bitcoins will... however i think bitcoins are getting close to the max price they will be at for a long while.
now... litecoins are fairly low, and showing some fast signs of growth. i remember when the graph for bitcoins looked just like litecoins, and i bought into that "its a scam" bullshit.
i hate myself for not jumping on when i could have. not missing my chance again
1 hours later 32628730 Anonymous
please read what i posted above. mine btc on gpus and ltc on cpu
1 hours later 32628741 Anonymous
By the way, this is a virus, do not download
Op get a better crypter and try again
1 hours later 32628761 Anonymous
its a self extracting archive bro... read above. if you dont trust it, find another minerd online.
1 hours later 32628812 Anonymous
I want to fund my account on btc-e with USD. Is interkassa the best way to go?
1 hours later 32628822 Anonymous
Alright, I already had reaper working; I'm trying to setup minerd, but it doesn't seem to work with localhost.
>HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 401
Does minerd require an online pool or something?
1 hours later 32628829 Anonymous
What is the best mining pool? I am thinking suprnova.cc at the moment but I am not sure.
1 hours later 32628855 Anonymous
idk. never tried local mining with it.... try LOCALHOST as well as
if that doest work ,you can modify your hosts files and make some random url like ltc.localhost.com point to
i always just sent bitcoins to them, then bought litecoins. i can vouch for btc-e but i have no idea how legit the funding sources are
1 hours later 32628864 Anonymous
0% fee, however i do a 1% donation.
1 hours later 32628932 Anonymous
I do Dwolla $> Mt Gox ฿> BTC-E Ł> BTC-E ฿> Mt Gox $> Dwolla
1 hours later 32629089 Anonymous
I'm trying to pool mine using minerd but it's returning
HTTP request failed: couldn't connect to host
json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
any tips?
1 hours later 32629101 Anonymous
what minerd are you using???
did you include http://?
1 hours later 32629118 Anonymous
and yes.
1 hours later 32629132 Anonymous
>json_rpc_call failed
by chance you behind a proxy? or do you have random shit in iptables?
1 hours later 32629138 Anonymous
Yeh, I get the same shit. I was trying solo mining at first ( >>32628822 ), but it does the same even after switching to pool mining.
I'm on windows.
Anyone have examples of json.cfg or startup .bat files?
2 hours later 32629439 Anonymous
no proxy, not sure what you mean by iptables.
3 hours later 32630254 Anonymous
Does exist any litecoin wallet in which i don't have to download the blockchain, as Electrum with btc?
3 hours later 32630321 Anonymous
nevermind, I got it working. I was just not using the tools correctly. Thanks for trying to help though. really appreciated.
7 hours later 32632964 Anonymous
I tried to send my ltc from my pools website into my btc-e wallet but its been an hour now and it never showed up yet. What did I do?
9 hours later 32634991 Anonymous (litecoin.png 716x250 84kB)
9 hours later 32635017 Anonymous
My reaper miner gets lots of errors / stalls.
How do I into a good setup for reaper?
9 hours later 32635403 Anonymous
9 hours later 32635452 Anonymous
lower aggresiveness
9 hours later 32635505 sage sage
This thread is shit, you are shit and you should all feel like shit for posting this shit.
10 hours later 32636024 Anonymous
What the best way to buy LTC with real monnies ?
I tried BTC-E, but all fucking payment providers are disabled or do not accept wire/paypal.
10 hours later 32636186 Anonymous
Interested in that too.
Is there a way to buy them anonymously, eg with ukash or something?
10 hours later 32636683 Anonymous
See >>32628932 . It's ridiculous, but the only way to avoid the sketchy services.
11 hours later 32637629 Anonymous
Do you have a similar route for europe ? Dwolla needs a US phone number sadly.
2.907 0.086