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2013-03-27 02:57 32570793 Anonymous (Bitcoin.png 530x526 165kB)
> 80$
> It's happening!
0 min later 32570806 Anonymous
Forgot the link:
> http://bitcoinity.org/markets?curre ncy=USD&exchange=mtgox
1 min later 32570842 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBR rCY5uhWY
7 min later 32570964 Anonymous
yes, market manipulation is indeed happening
8 min later 32571008 Anonymous
$80 confirmed
12 min later 32571101 Anonymous
I have £70, Should I buy a bitcoin?
21 min later 32571330 Anonymous
Sure why not
22 min later 32571343 Anonymous
avalon batch #3 coming up soon, going to crash the market as literally several million usd worth of BTC are cashed out
23 min later 32571367 Anonymous
Just like all those people cashing out because they couldn't buy an Avalon right? Lolllol
25 min later 32571411 Anonymous
if I sign up for mt.gox and I want to add credit, I need to verify and shit
and do a bank transfer, wtf
isn't there an easier way to put money on bitcoins with a credit card or something?
25 min later 32571417 Anonymous
Nobody cashes out immediately since crashing the market like that would fuck them over as well.
Cashing out slowly while keeping interest in BC (and thus, the value rising) seems like a better plan for them.
28 min later 32571472 Anonymous
>Last price:$81.15000
Fuck, why did I cash out at $70
Oh well
>That one guy who bought a pizza for 10,000 BTC lost out on $811,500
28 min later 32571474 Anonymous
30 min later 32571511 Anonymous
thanks, I'll check those out
31 min later 32571523 Anonymous
go nuts, buy two
33 min later 32571579 Anonymous (Capture.png 313x128 3kB)
Whats your hashrate?
34 min later 32571588 Anonymous
Wouldn't the increase in difficulty up the price? Or are you assuming that their idiots and don't want to make their money back by crashing the market? The price will go up from here as asic miners intentionally throttle the supply of bitcoin, making it harder to get, and increasing their stockpile and the price.
36 min later 32571636 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2013-03-26 22:32:37.png 774x124 23kB)
Have them throttled back to control temps. 1300/1600 MH/s.
37 min later 32571655 Anonymous
Avalon need to cash out some ridiculous amount of BTC which is gunna flood the market
38 min later 32571677 Anonymous
I bought in at £60 newfag, still mining off the debt!
39 min later 32571692 Anonymous
If they're stupid about it and try to dump it (which they won't).
39 min later 32571704 Anonymous
I was just trying it out today for shits.
So is my score or amount suppose to go up every 25 hours or does it update every few minutes or what?
40 min later 32571726 Anonymous
>So is my score or amount suppose to go up every 25 hours or does it update every few minutes or what?
What are you talking about?
41 min later 32571743 Anonymous
You high bro
41 min later 32571754 Anonymous
I was just trying to look at my account and see what it's at.
And I was asking how often does it update.
I'm sick and I can't wrap my head around this right now.
42 min later 32571782 Anonymous
And I meant 24 hours...
47 min later 32571869 Anonymous
I take it you're mining in a pool then. Most pools update their user's balances once every hour. At your hashrate in a proportionally paid pool you'd only be making 0.03 - 0.04 BTC/24h. Don't expect big numbers.
49 min later 32571919 Anonymous
lel you retard, ASICs mean the price of btc is gonna drop like a rock
50 min later 32571943 Anonymous (6870's.png 814x537 170kB)
Ah, well thanks for the info.
I guess it doesn't seem very worth it since I use my computer a lot.
Maybe I'll let my 6770 run in another computer I have for a while.
These 6870's will make my room hot as shit.
52 min later 32571992 Anonymous
Just like when modern mining techniques led to the largest stockpiling and fastest production of oil int the late 70's early 80's right, gas got plentiful and cheap right?
52 min later 32572003 Anonymous
>i have no idea what i'm talking about
53 min later 32572026 Anonymous
I just don't get it. $30-40 made sense to me. $80 is just ridiculous, though.
55 min later 32572068 Anonymous
>missing the point this badly, not to mention not understanding mining
A) I was talking about how easy production and large stockpiles led to a market shortage and massive increase in price.
B) The network difficulty is adjusted every X blocks, not after every block, with the goal of balancing to 6B/h. It was at over 10B/h before this most recent increase.
57 min later 32572107 Anonymous
If someday hits $1000, dollar will be finished.
58 min later 32572132 Anonymous
No they aren't, blocks are mined at the same rate but every 4 years the number of coins in a block halves
1 hours later 32572183 Anonymous
It's pointless to mine now.
I remember six months ago I tried with both my 7850s.
Got hot as shit. After about a week I had maybe 0.025 bitcoins while in Slush's pool.
1 hours later 32572223 Anonymous
in fairness a 7850 gives a pretty shitty hashrate
1 hours later 32572260 Anonymous
350 whatever hash rate was better than my 6850 at about 275
I still don't understand how the older cards are better at this. Makes no sense.
Either way, it's still shitty to mine now considering the only way you'd turn a profit is if you don't pay for electricity and secondly, happen to have a farm of GPUs already.
1 hours later 32572277 Anonymous
So, the CPU is useless for bitcoin mining?
I have a C2D 3ghz and a nvidia 9600gt.
I'm thinking of buying some good graphics card for mining, what do you guys recommend?
1 hours later 32572324 Anonymous
Better understanding of the old architecture.
Give the new cards time.
1 hours later 32572335 Anonymous
They aren't the a 5850 has roughly 1.5x the number of shaders a 7850 does which is why it's better
1 hours later 32572465 Anonymous
2 6990s clocked down give me 0.1BTC/24h.
A year and half ago it was 1.5BTC/24h.
1 hours later 32572532 Anonymous (Butt2.jpg 600x549 104kB)
>$81 dollars
Jesus Christ its not stopping.
1 hours later 32572609 Anonymous
no, no matter how much power you throw at the network, you'll never get more then something like 3600 btc/day.
1 hours later 32572612 Anonymous
Awesome! now what can I buy with them besides child porn and shitty drugs?
1 hours later 32572613 Anonymous
I wipe my ass in toilet roll paid for in bittcoins, so this is true!
1 hours later 32572626 Anonymous
1 hours later 32572631 Anonymous
Pizza, Delicious waifus, R*ddit Gold accounts, 4chan passes, all that jazz
1 hours later 32572634 Anonymous
Cash out.
1 hours later 32572648 Anonymous
3600??!! wtf are you talking about? noo one is making that much a day!
1 hours later 32572669 Anonymous (tumblr_md4j0hoiUz1rrhjdzo1_1280[1].jpg 610x407 181kB)
Why didn't you buy bitcoins, /g/?
1 hours later 32572670 Anonymous
sellum to me
1 hours later 32572709 Anonymous
what goes boom, will go bust
pull out by the end of next week, or regret it
1 hours later 32572737 Anonymous
I'm a virgin, I can wait until I get laid with a rich waifu who willl marry me for 1000 BTC in 2017!
1 hours later 32572756 Anonymous
Exactly, dont get all excited that they are rising so fast because they will drop even faster
1 hours later 32572800 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVT 0iNcImlc
You had a choice /g/
1 hours later 32572820 Anonymous
>quoth /g/ for the nth time
1 hours later 32572828 Anonymous (wallet_screenshot.png 723x323 31kB)
u fags mad?
1 hours later 32572835 Anonymous
sorry i already invested all my money in penny stocks
1 hours later 32572845 Anonymous (Retarted smile.jpg 473x341 77kB)
I'll buy if you're selling
Lets make it a bargain at 50$??
1 hours later 32572850 Anonymous
your block count is way off
1 hours later 32572858 Anonymous
nope, they have been increasing in price for the last 3 months, it burst ups then goes down a bit then goes up alot again, gaining 5-7 dlls each time
1 hours later 32572879 Anonymous
how stupid do you think people are, that is a picture from google images, and its not even a current wallet
1 hours later 32572914 Anonymous
I actually get more money by mining litecoins. About 50 cents a day.
1 hours later 32572942 Anonymous (:(.png 464x494 12kB)
>mfw I lost my 450 bitcoins years ago
>mfw I refuse to buy, and I will feel silly when it hits $100, just like I felt silly when it hit $10, $20, $40, $50, and $70
At least I did not lose anything...
1 hours later 32572956 Anonymous
How did you "lose" your wallet?
1 hours later 32572963 Anonymous
How does it feel to lose $36,000?
1 hours later 32573010 Anonymous (rubbing-eyes.jpg 539x800 129kB)
http://newlibertystandard.wetpaint. com/page/2009+Exchange+Rate
How many coins were they actually mining then? Could you have actually bought thousands of coins, or are they just listing it that way to avoid tiny decimals?
1 hours later 32573011 Anonymous
I thought Resiser4 FS would be good enough for backups. Little did I know what they meant by "a killer filesystem"
Needless to say, I lost the 450 back when it was pocket change (I started mining within weeks of release), so I just said meh and forgot about it
I lost nothing. It was my uni's electricity, and the only thing I lost was potential profit.
1 hours later 32573014 Anonymous
is it possible to short bitcoins?
1 hours later 32573049 Anonymous
the technique of fracking led to much cheaper natural gas prices
1 hours later 32573146 Anonymous
bit coins are stupid and you are all wasting your money. Congratulations.
2 hours later 32573511 Anonymous
trading on an exchange?
2 hours later 32573523 Anonymous
i have 8280 µBTC coming my way whenever bitcoinget pays out. t'will be the most i've had at once, since i arrived too late to mine ;_;
2 hours later 32573727 Anonymous (technology-adoption-curve.png 685x243 27kB)
Bitcoin haters, can you tell me when you skeptics/laggards give up? I need to know when the dumb money donkeys capitulate so can time when to sell perfectly.
I hope you dumbshits give up at $1000/coin. Thanks.
2 hours later 32573732 Anonymous
only if you had a shitton of old coins and all the supercomputers in the world, and it would only short for a little while
2 hours later 32573745 Anonymous
> 64.7€
Holy fuck, the price keeps rising!
2 hours later 32573789 Anonymous
I will never buy bitcoin. I won't be selling either.
2 hours later 32573834 Anonymous
Bitcoin seems stupid to me. Sorry.
All this distributed computing power and you all are basically wasting it to crack useless hashes.
Why not put all this power to good?
2 hours later 32573853 Anonymous
What exactly is driving the price? i honestly dont understand
2 hours later 32573879 Anonymous
it's in a bubble
There's no way the silk road supports the demand.
2 hours later 32573885 Anonymous (bitbubble.jpg 1200x900 138kB)
constant shill threads on /g/ of course
2 hours later 32573904 Anonymous
Thanks, so we're not done, good to know.
Dumb money laggards is my best way to time market movements. When those dumb-money laggards gave up and finally bought an iPhone, I sold my apple stock. Laggards are the best people to bet against, you know those people that bought a house in 2006-2007. The people that think smartphones are stupid as fuck and are just a gimmick.
Please tell me when you guys finally give up and buy some bitcoins, thanks.
Also, one way hashes are a great way to be DIFFICULT to compute, but EASY to verify. The cost of computing protein folding is just as difficult to compute as it is to verify (and difficulty is heterogeneous). If you can think of a way to do good where it is difficult to compute but easy to verify, please tell us.
2 hours later 32573917 Anonymous
Sellers market wile they ration the supply people think it will only go up like real estate.
2 hours later 32573923 Anonymous
2 hours later 32573933 Anonymous
Sell around $120. It'll probably break $150, and crash after that.
but it might also break $200 before it crashes.
2 hours later 32573939 Anonymous (chart.png 940x348 9kB)
It started rising during the FinCEN announcement.
$ curl -I http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs /guidance/pdf/FIN-2013-G001.pdf
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 08:30:57 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 22:25:14 GMT
ETag: "34b41-44808-4d83a76762680"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 280584
Content-Type: application/pdf
see pic.
FinCEN officially legalized bitcoins for purchasing goods and services by defining buying shit with bitcoins as not money transmission
2 hours later 32573958 Anonymous
I don't care about your theories. I want to know when the dumb money gives up.
2 hours later 32574037 Anonymous
mtgox or btc-e?
2 hours later 32574049 Anonymous
What site do you guys use for trading/buying bitcoins?
2 hours later 32574067 Anonymous
If the bubble pops im going to buy an assload of these
2 hours later 32574085 Anonymous
btc-e is some sketchy russian shit. use coinbase if you live in USA. if you're buying in volume, your only option is mtgox.
coinbase is moving coins again, and is probably your fastest option, they link with your US bank account.
2 hours later 32574176 Anonymous
Lost 3k coins on a flash drive somewhere, chucked them on for a rainy day back when it was all of $3. Since then i've gotten back into it and i have about 100 atm.
2 hours later 32574294 Anonymous
i can't connect to coinbase to save my life is this the best option for trading in the US right now?
2 hours later 32574328 Anonymous
It's the best and fastest. The fees are reasonably low. Bitfloor is good too for US accounts, but their prices are a couple dollars more (and you need to set limit prices to make sure you don't overpay).
2 hours later 32574394 Anonymous
coinbase isn't a marketplace though, you buy and sell from coinbase.
2 hours later 32574485 Anonymous
okay so i just started GPU mining
like right now
i have the bitcoin client and the bitminer client
and bitcoin client is synchronizing with the network;
What should i be expecting?
I have a 7970 Ghz edition and an i5 3570k
and access to free power
2 hours later 32574544 Anonymous
There is no point in GPU mining right now, get an ASIC if you want to make it worth anything at all.
2 hours later 32574550 Anonymous
1)you're too late just leave no one wants you here
2)a long download
3)mommy's bank/dorm isn't free free power
I think these posts are more annoying than the beggars obvious saps falling for the hype
2 hours later 32574559 Anonymous
like 400
>cpu mining
Don't even fucking bother. You'd be frying your processor for no fucking reason.
3 hours later 32574584 Anonymous
you're trying to solo mine right now, not only is GPU mining about break-even right now, but solo mining is wrong and bad.
if you want to just break-even in power costs, you need to use a mining pool.
3 hours later 32574614 Anonymous
so what im getting from this is that
my computer will be producing .0414 bitcoins per day
based on the "approx. mint speed"
is that right?
3 hours later 32574626 ennui
yea that's about $4/day m8
>GPU mining about break-even right now
no it isnt
3 hours later 32574634 Anonymous
i see.
3 hours later 32574667 Anonymous
http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/ca lculator
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_h ardware_comparison#Popular_Mining_C ards
The 7970 does 600MHash/s at 0.25Kilowatts
You'll be getting $111 USD/month @ 600Mhash/s.
You'll be paying $86 in electricity costs (average $0.12 power costs. 0.12Kwh*0.25Kw*24h*30d)
3 hours later 32574676 Marker
>tfw got .7 bitcoin from random anon
>tfw free 12 bucks
I'll be a 7thousandair before long
3 hours later 32574683 Anonymous
damn, yo
so these niggas are all wrong
3 hours later 32574687 Anonymous
i haven't gotten into bitcoin yet. i think i saw a picture of someone who left $6 worth of bitcoin as a tip for a server at a restaurant.
how easy would something like that be? obviously the person would be pissed because they would have an extra step to return the value to a currency he/she uses daily... but would i be able to quickly move something using my phone, jot down a web address from there, and leave a note as a tip?
3 hours later 32574695 Anonymous
sweet. I'll be donating any profit i make. i just want to contribute
3 hours later 32574696 Anonymous
they'll be right in 2 weeks when difficulty jumps up again. So you'll have a little over a week or so to break even. I just used monthly calculation as a convenience. That's also only for the 7970. If you have a 6000 series cards it's not worth it
3 hours later 32574697 ennui
i have no idea where you're getting those power estimates from. it does not cost nearly $100 to run one gpu for a month.
3 hours later 32574723 Anonymous
I got those power costs from not being a fucking moron. I provided work dude. I linked to the mining card comparison list, it shows 250W, or 0.25Kw. Most homes are priced at 0.12 per Kilowatt hour.....
3 hours later 32574725 Anonymous
He also isn't going to be mining $111/mo on a 7970.
3 hours later 32574729 Anonymous
i downclocked my 7970 to use less voltage and now it's at about 550 mhps
3 hours later 32574743 Anonymous
it's probably just more worth it to buy it. A difference of around $25/month assuming difficult doesn't go up (it will), plus the hassle... just buy bitcoins on the market.
3 hours later 32574759 Anonymous
Where do you guys but them?
im in the US
3 hours later 32574784 Anonymous
it still won't be worth it in a week and a half (or less) when difficulty jumps up again.
coinbase is the best. they're a ycombinator funded company, so you know they're not some shady as fuck fly-by-night (the founders have their names publicly associated). mtgox is a pain in the ass, it's only worth it if you plan on buying/selling a lot
3 hours later 32574788 Anonymous
3 hours later 32574794 Anonymous
Thanks, m8
3 hours later 32574812 Anonymous
is that USA only, coinbase.
3 hours later 32574834 Anonymous
yes. yuros use bitstamp if it's low volume, mtgox if it's high volume
3 hours later 32574848 Anonymous
anyone on this one?
trying to learn how you can transfer a bitcoin in real life. would something like this be easy? could i just jot something down on a small piece of paper, hand it to someone, and they could make that transaction later in the day?
3 hours later 32574849 Anonymous
What about AUD?
3 hours later 32574863 Anonymous
>trying to learn how you can transfer a bitcoin in real life. would something like this be easy? could i just jot something down on a small piece of paper, hand it to someone, and they could make that transaction later in the day?
they have a QR code, print it out and give it to people or something like that, it'll be on credit cards when they get made mainstream thanks to kim dotcom
3 hours later 32574871 Anonymous
I could have bought it at $30
I could have bought it at $1
3 hours later 32574874 Anonymous
you could give someone a printed version/qrcode the secret key for a bitcoin address, then transfer funds into that bitcoin address.
3 hours later 32574882 Anonymous
1 year from now:
>i could have bought it at $82
3 hours later 32574931 Anonymous
so do you guys think this shit is gonna pop or what
I want to buy into this
but im scared ;-;
3 hours later 32574953 Anonymous
don't take financial advice from 4chan.
that said, if you genuinely believe in bitcoin, you could buy a certain amount once a week to spread out risk, but that's up to you.
3 hours later 32574967 Horn Loaded [ETERNAL PAIN AND SUFFERING]
Who's dick can I suck please?
3 hours later 32574976 Anonymous
Mine some to cover the costs you lose if it bursts...wait that doesn't work, unless you're clever about it and then if worst comes to worst you break even and lose your time.
3 hours later 32574985 Anonymous
you can suck mine
3 hours later 32574995 Anonymous
you can generate a brain wallet on blockchain.info or electrum, then deposit bitcoins from your real account into the brainwallet.
write down the list of 12 words, give to someone, they type in those 12 words in blockchain.info or electrum, they now can transfer the bitcoins in that wallet into their real wallet.
3 hours later 32575018 Anonymous
it most certainly is
3 hours later 32575019 Horn Loaded [ETERNAL PAIN AND SUFFERING]
About tree fiddy
3 hours later 32575020 Anonymous
no, his isn't, but mine is.
3 hours later 32575032 Anonymous
2500 MHashes/s? you can caluclate here:
http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/ca lculator
Reminder, that power costs will be more than your GPU costs really soon.
3 hours later 32575034 Anonymous
it's too late now
3 hours later 32575043 Horn Loaded [ETERNAL PAIN AND SUFFERING]
I love me some horn shaped cock to suck
3 hours later 32575049 Anonymous
3 hours later 32575061 Anonymous
Does anyone actually believe this isn't a bubble again?
3 hours later 32575063 ennui
>I got those power costs from not being a fucking moron
tell me why every other calculator i've used is wrong
3 hours later 32575069 Anonymous
When it pops im gonna buy a lot.
3 hours later 32575077 Anonymous
bitcoins are now legal according to the US government. buying a 4chan pass doesn't count as electronic money transmission.
3 hours later 32575098 Anonymous
because you're probably calculating mining cards for a 6000 series AMD cards, which aren't worth it. 7970s are one of the few cards that are breakeven
3 hours later 32575105 Anonymous
Everyone, EVERYONE had that in mind.
It's not going to pop because of that, people will hoard it when it's low, nobody will even sell it.
3 hours later 32575109 Anonymous
calculating mining costs, i mean
3 hours later 32575113 ennui
i was referring to the power costs
3 hours later 32575129 Anonymous
3 hours later 32575131 Anonymous
power costs are the denominator. the numerator is Mhash/s.
3 hours later 32575142 Anonymous
that is correct. i meant at the current moment. probably just a week left!
3 hours later 32575163 ennui
bro you are so far off from this discussion
>You'll be paying $86 in electricity costs
this is what i was disputing. running one 7970 for a month does not cost $86 @ $0.15kWh, it's more like $25
3 hours later 32575172 Anonymous
when it falls under 30 im buying.
3 hours later 32575189 Anonymous
in a week mining will become a dick load harder yes? prices will then.... go ... up?
3 hours later 32575211 Anonymous
Nobody can say for sure, the reasons for thinking that could lead to a recession.
3 hours later 32575212 Anonymous
Who's to say it's going to get harder?
3 hours later 32575215 Anonymous
oh sorry i'm a dumbfuck i calcualted it wrong. sorry. ignore everything. you're right.
3 hours later 32575240 Anonymous
More ASICs are coming online, which will cause difficulty to rise.
3 hours later 32575246 Anonymous
according to..?
3 hours later 32575272 Anonymous
>inb4 i trill u
Do you know how bitcoins work? If not use google and find out about how the cap and difficulty works.
3 hours later 32575275 Anonymous
My dude
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnz p7YdbJqo
3 hours later 32575285 Anonymous
more asics getting delivered means higher hashrate. higher hashrate means higher difficulty. what part of that do you disagree with?
3 hours later 32575295 Anonymous
just who is going to be "delivering" these asics?
3 hours later 32575299 Anonymous
fuck off ennui you stupid cunt
3 hours later 32575304 Anonymous
Swear to fucking god, the market spikes every time I'm in the middle of a transaction. A little stability would be nice.
3 hours later 32575305 ennui (1349782218047.jpg 640x480 63kB)
3 hours later 32575307 Anonymous
you can dick about all you want about which asic manufacturer is a scam, but to attribute the near doubling of hashrate this month as anything but ASICs coming online would be ridiculous. do you think the amount of asics coming online this month will not continue?
3 hours later 32575322 Ruby
82.42 USD, when commence the crash?
3 hours later 32575327 Anonymous
did you think that maybe it's that fact that there are now around 2700 workers instead of what used to be the around 1200
3 hours later 32575330 Anonymous
can anyone explain what exactly is happening here www.blockchain.info There are tons of 'transactions' that have rediculous $amts tied to them. I dont really understand it. I once saw one that had $100,000,000+ next to it??
3 hours later 32575337 Anonymous
Get off /fit/ and /g/ faggot
3 hours later 32575338 Anonymous
when you buy bitcoins. please don't buy until we hit $1000 plz k tnx
3 hours later 32575341 Anonymous
It won't
it'll drop to like 50 again but it'll go back up
it's just like stock market brah
3 hours later 32575346 ennui (1363153680101.png 702x464 502kB)
>being this mad on the internet
3 hours later 32575356 Anonymous
wtf are you talking about? link
3 hours later 32575374 Anonymous
are you looking at the latest tranasactions? There's a 0. in front of the amount of btc traded. that's a decimal point bro. 0.12345678 BTC is not 12345678 BTC
3 hours later 32575400 Anonymous
Lol it's gonna be $90 when I wake up. Crazy.
3 hours later 32575414 Anonymous (Capture.png 637x66 3kB)
i started an hour ago :]
3 hours later 32575421 Anonymous (image.jpg 1010x768 87kB)
So whats the deal on these 30000 dollar mining rigs? If everyone has these then wont mining just be pointless? Something tells me if invested 30 grand in this i would never break even.
3 hours later 32575431 ennui
they're vaporware
bfl has not produced an asic yet. assume they never will until the day they actually ship something.
3 hours later 32575464 Anonymous (Terracoin.png 1366x768 562kB)
Looks Legit
3 hours later 32575473 Anonymous
I hope you guys realize that this bubble will not pop.
over the next 2 years, the number of coins being produced will half
and the price will go up
production will go exponentially down
and price will go exponentially up
3 hours later 32575485 Anonymous (thumbspf.jpg 620x349 52kB)
4 hours later 32575495 Anonymous
The price of buttcoins has nothing to do with the 3600 per day being mined.
4 hours later 32575510 Anonymous
Yeeeep. It'll have it's good days and bad days, but there won't be a "crash" like most people are expecting. Investing about a year ago would have seemed crazy, but with how things are going now it'd be crazy NOT to invest.
4 hours later 32575515 Anonymous
I thought production was 3600 coins per day no matter what
4 hours later 32575522 Anonymous
Hey /g/ ,
If you call Walter about this, you can earn 100,000 a year.
http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/t ch/3695929724.html
4 hours later 32575533 Anonymous
production halves every couple years (every 210,000 blocks)
4 hours later 32575552 Anonymous
Obviously the cops pretending to be a druggy typing bad English.
4 hours later 32575556 Anonymous
Spending 30 dollars for a box of fans and a nexus 7
NO they are scammers.
4 hours later 32575558 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrlg w5KpkXM
4 hours later 32575561 Anonymous
I see, but still, that wont change the price.
4 hours later 32575565 Anonymous
yes... it will.
4 hours later 32575571 Anonymous
but the weed is legal here yo.
4 hours later 32575574 Anonymous
So what is the most trustworthy way of entering the BTC market at the moment?
4 hours later 32575577 Anonymous
4 hours later 32575580 Anonymous
I'm killing myself.
I thought this was a troll, but apparently if I would have kept it I would be sitting on over $10,000.
4 hours later 32575584 Anonymous
Make sure to buy when prices are high, you can't lose.
4 hours later 32575585 Anonymous (tfw.png 758x256 48kB)
Fucking forgot the picture.
4 hours later 32575586 Anonymous
Legal to use and own, not legal to sell or buy. Especially not legal to open a marijuana business.
4 hours later 32575592 Anonymous
new all time high of 83.40
4 hours later 32575595 Anonymous
If u click the amount (the green button) it converts it to $. I saw the amt after converting it
4 hours later 32575599 Anonymous
I'v been ming for 3 years now had over 300 coins. TFW i sold all of them long ago
4 hours later 32575601 Anonymous
>Imaginary currency suddenly worth $5 each? Holy shit they were worthless a few months ago! Sell sell sell!
I don't blame you. Given the risks, it made sense.
4 hours later 32575608 Anonymous
I just cant see how cutting out 1600 coins per day will make the value higher, maybe a little, but other factors are more important
4 hours later 32575610 Anonymous
And you'd be kicking yourself if it went to zero and you were out $600.
You can't predict full retard bubbles.
4 hours later 32575618 ennui (wat.png 1385x829 118kB)
4 hours later 32575625 Anonymous
So... They're $84 now... It was $75 this morning...
4 hours later 32575627 Anonymous
what the fuck is going on lol
4 hours later 32575628 Anonymous (25939785.jpg 400x400 70kB)
holy fucking monkey balls! Look at it go!
4 hours later 32575629 Anonymous
>hurr durr I've never heard of money supply.
The bitcoin market is rising (PQ) faster than increase in bitcoin supply (MV). But when the size of the market increases (Q) and the growth in money supply doesn't grow, guess what happens to the Price (P)?
4 hours later 32575640 Anonymous
s/doesn't grow/doesn't grow as fast/
4 hours later 32575645 Anonymous (Capture.png 1483x326 38kB)
>actually believing this is just a fucking bubble
4 hours later 32575646 Anonymous
The people on radditz crack me up
>I tried everything, i mean literally everything
I tried: Bitvisitor, Coinworker, Daily Bitcoins, BTCFaucet, etc etc etc.. Yet i still have low btc. Is there a website, which you recommend that will give a large amount of bit coins and it's not one time use? I'm getting desperate.
4 hours later 32575651 Anonymous (9238475934851.jpg 1514x961 301kB)
4 hours later 32575662 Anonymous
coinbase, you can buy using USD.
oh you wanted free money? fuck you.
4 hours later 32575663 Anonymous
How big is the current supply?
What percentage increase is 3600 added to that?
4 hours later 32575672 Anonymous
If you look at the growth rate since the start of this year then yes.
4 hours later 32575673 Anonymous
Lol. Remember when all of /g/ were laughing at us early adopters, claiming that it's nothing more than a pyramid scheme and you'd have to be full retard to consider investing?
4 hours later 32575674 Anonymous
Total BTC 10,955,175 BTC
You do the math.
The growth in bitcoin users/market is higher than the growth in bitcoin money supply.
4 hours later 32575692 Anonymous
Bought two new gaming rigs, heard about bitcoin mining.
Mfw .0002 BTC after 8 hours and my 2 year old laptop generates more Mhash/s than one of the desktops. T_T;
4 hours later 32575709 Anonymous
whats in your laptop
4 hours later 32575724 Anonymous
4 hours later 32575725 Anonymous
Sounds like somebody bought a Nvidia card.
4 hours later 32575726 Anonymous
do you have an AMD card? you should be GPU mining more than that. are you sure you're not CPU mining?
4 hours later 32575727 Anonymous
Desktops are both 660ti, laptop is a Radeon 5870m, but I can't see mining with that because it sits at around 78C (same as gaming, but come on...)
4 hours later 32575738 Anonymous
4 hours later 32575740 Anonymous
i assume you're a yurofriend.
it's more difficult to get money into bitcoin-24. bitstamp accepts SEPA transfers. bitcoin-24 is only good for some weird bullshit german banking link.
4 hours later 32575747 Anonymous
So it's adding 1/3000th of the total supply. And you think that losing this will suddenly make the market skyrocket?
I have 3000 beanie babies. I add 1 per day until I'm at 4500 beanie babies, at which point I don't add any more.
4 hours later 32575748 Anonymous
lol no gg don't bother, you'll be paying more in electricity.
4 hours later 32575763 Anonymous
Hope you like the Gubmint stepping in and regulating your shit.
4 hours later 32575770 Anonymous
except there's no advantage for trading beanie babies over using $100 bills.
there's advantages to trading using bitcoin, as it's electronic cash. also there's no central authority that can suddenly decide to make more beanie babies.
clearly you're not this stupid, right?
4 hours later 32575780 Anonymous
/g/ has been saying for months that bitcoin is JUST ABOUT to fail horribly and that everyone should cash out now. and at every point, /g/ has been wrong
why should anyone believe the doomsayers now?
4 hours later 32575783 Anonymous
>didn't read the FinCEN guidance legalizing bitcoin purchases for goods and services. doesn't realize mtgox teamed up with a bank. banks are exempt from money transmission regulations.
4 hours later 32575784 Anonymous
Yep. 660ti is definitely not suited for mining, I suggest selling and buying a couple of 7870s.
4 hours later 32575786 Anonymous
It doesn't make sense for it not to be the bubble. People are just hoarding buttcoins and not intending to use them. There was already a leaked email about speculators with 10k bitcoins just manipulating the market place with timed sells and buys.
A logical person would conclude that this indeed is a bubble and the current price cannot be trusted.
4 hours later 32575789 Anonymous
Yeeeah, that's kind of what I'm finding out. Shame. Would've been fun to play that Satoshi dice thing.
4 hours later 32575791 Anonymous
I bet Paypal is pissing in there mother fucking pants tonight
4 hours later 32575798 Anonymous
Lol, I bought them to play games on. Mining BTC just sounded cool.
4 hours later 32575804 Anonymous
Oh people are definitely using bitcoin.
4 hours later 32575805 Anonymous
http://siliconangle.com/blog/2013/0 3/25/us-government-seeks-to-regulat e-bitcoin-transactions-under-anti-m oney-laundering-rules/
4 hours later 32575819 Anonymous
>It doesn't make sense for it not to be the bubble. People are just hoarding stock certificates and not intending to use them. There was already a leaked email about speculators with 10k shares of SPY just manipulating the market place with timed sells and buys.
>A logical person would conclude that this indeed is a bubble and the current price cannot be trusted.
4 hours later 32575821 Anonymous
Yes, but mostly those who already were using it. Not people who actually drove the price from 30 to 80.
4 hours later 32575831 Anonymous
>mfw buttcoin users are eventually going to end up having to pay taxes on their buttcoins because to the Gubmint the idea of cutting programs to save money is a completely foreign idea to them, the only thing they understand is having to tax more
4 hours later 32575835 Anonymous
It's just like /pol/ predicting "the happening." It will have a minor burp and everyone will rush in to buy it which will stabilize the market and start the upward trend again. But in the meantime everyone on here will scream /g/ was right.
4 hours later 32575837 Anonymous
>citing some ignorant blog.
ok bro.. let's look at what the government actually says.
> A person that creates units of this convertible virtual currency and uses it to purchase real or virtual goods and services is a user of the convertible virtual currency and not subject to regulation as a money transmitter.
http://www.fincen.gov/statutes_regs /guidance/html/FIN-2013-G001.html
Buying a 4chan pass doesn't count as money transmission and is exempt from regulation. Mtgox is regulated activity, but they've linked up with a bank.
4 hours later 32575838 Anonymous
Just reading the idiots posting shit like
>best thing about bitcoins is that the price keeps going up
Thanks. If it wasn't obvious there's still a ridiculous demand for bitcoins, I would have sold a lot of me already
>Cyprus bailout means they'll want to invest in bitcoins!
Sureeee they do. Except that you can actually buy things with euros, even if they take 10% of it away.
4 hours later 32575842 Anonymous
And there are more disadvantages.
Most people do not hold much savings in cash, but you're clearly too stupid to know that.
4 hours later 32575851 Anonymous
Bitch please, I know the current M0 money supply off the top of my head. Eat a dick.
You're the one that made some idiot beanie baby analogy
4 hours later 32575859 Anonymous (1350839221398.png 953x575 39kB)
>drugs legalize
>bitcoin goes to zero
4 hours later 32575861 Anonymous
Yes. I maxed out my only credit card at the time buying GPUs. Spent $2k on them, paid them off 3 weeks later. They have been mining at 7ghash since. This was in 2010.
4 hours later 32575862 Anonymous (3904857345.gif 450x450 62kB)
4 hours later 32575873 Anonymous
SR transactions are apprx 1.3% of bitcoin transactions. Rest is gambling or speculatin. Some turd on leddit did the maths.
4 hours later 32575875 Anonymous
>citing some ignorant blog
Okay. You want more? I'll give you more.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013- 03-22/bitcoin-virtual-currency-ente rs-real-world.html
http://www.infowars.com/bitcoin-ale rt-the-u-s-treasury-announces-money -laundering-rules-apply-to-virtual- currencies/
http://venturebeat.com/2011/06/08/g overnment-crackdown-on-bitcoin/
Face it, Bitcoin is on Uncle Sam's radar, and they're already slavering at the jowls at the prospect of a new method of tax revenue. It's only a matter of time before you have to pay your dues to Big Daddy 'Merica.
4 hours later 32575878 Anonymous
You're the one who thinks that stopping at 14 million bitcoins will suddenly make the price skyrocket over 11 million bitcoins and adding 1/3000th per day.
4 hours later 32575884 Anonymous
Thanks. Sold my 0.003 bitcoins. Thank god I got out quick. That was my live savings!
4 hours later 32575887 Anonymous
Bitcoin will be the new world currency in 20 years.
Each one will be worth billions of dollars.
4 hours later 32575888 Anonymous
4 hours later 32575892 Anonymous (whatthefuckamireading.jpg 400x400 48kB)
>Spent $2k on them, paid them off 3 weeks later
>This was in 2010.
4 hours later 32575894 Anonymous
how fucking stupid?
The bloomberg article was very positive. It's about regulation implications for exchanges.
jesus fucking christ, does the bold caps help you understand?
4 hours later 32575902 Anonymous
>Goes down $2
>bubble popped
>The glorious feels when you listened to /g/, spent $600 on bitcoins when they were $20
>tfw I have 30 bitcoins
>no regrets
4 hours later 32575906 Anonymous
sent ;)
4 hours later 32575907 Anonymous
When PQ increases more than MV, then yes. This is like Macroecon 101.
Or are you saying that bitcoin's growth rate in userbase/market is declining? wtf.
4 hours later 32575909 Anonymous
Its a Fact look it up
4 hours later 32575930 Anonymous
In March 2010 there was a short period of time where you could buy a reference 6950, flash it to a 6970, and run it for about 3 days. It would pay itself off in that time. I'm not that guy, but I personally bought two 6950s after having read about that on /g/, took a risk, and sure as shit it paid itself off.
I know there were some crazy people buying racks and racks of shit. There was someone who had like 32ghash running back then, was making something like 10k a month. Of course the bubble popped, but if he kept mining he'd be a multimillionaire at this point (assuming he held).
4 hours later 32575934 Anonymous
>Bitcoins were intended to be the currency of the Anonymous, a way to buy things digitally without leaving any sort of telling trail
>And the Bitcoin users rejoiced for some reason
4 hours later 32575959 Anonymous
mark my words 10 years from all you non believers will want to stab yourself in the face for not buying in now.
4 hours later 32575973 Anonymous
>Implying Bitcoin wont be taxed to shit in a decade if it hasn't crumbled outright
4 hours later 32575981 Anonymous
nobody gives a shit what those randriod libertards believe. I'm talking about bitcoins, not ron paul.
you think it's basement dwelling randroids buying thousands of BTC in big blocks?
4 hours later 32575991 Anonymous
Bitcoin was all over BBC and Bloomberg the other day.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH2_ a-m1XLI
4 hours later 32576000 Anonymous
I am saying that as a percentage of the base, it is nothing. You can't seem to into math that we're at 78% of the total supply already. 100% is not going to be sudden scarcity.
4 hours later 32576001 Anonymous (1324183905184.jpg 300x327 53kB)
i'm scared /g/. i have over 10,000 bitcoins that i've been mining since the beginning.
should i sell now?
4 hours later 32576011 Anonymous
up to you but make sure your coins are secure.
4 hours later 32576016 Anonymous
and 78%-->100% is not a sudden glut.
4 hours later 32576027 Anonymous
how du i mine butts srs
4 hours later 32576028 Anonymous
Sell, get 850000, retire.
4 hours later 32576035 Anonymous
You what, mate?
4 hours later 32576037 Anonymous
The silkroad alone is expanding by a fairly constant 50+ sellers a month, last month it was 65. The users are growing even faster. This is just one of the hundreds of websites that utilise bitcoins.
4 hours later 32576041 Anonymous
It's beginning to drop.
I would sell if i were you.
4 hours later 32576042 Anonymous
Step it up now, I have 54,000 and I still use faucets
4 hours later 32576043 Anonymous
what the fuck are you talking about. can you clarify?
4 hours later 32576057 kitty
one can never say for sure if something will rise or fall
if i were you i would consider at least partially sell them, that kind of things can fall pretty fast and you can lose all your supposed hundred thousands
4 hours later 32576058 Anonymous
sell off some an keep some.
I'm personally going to wait when they're at 1 trillion
4 hours later 32576062 Anonymous
add to 4chanx filter comment:
/\b1([a-zA-Z0-9]){26,33}\b/ #bitcoin beggars
/\bL([a-zA-Z0-9]){26,33}\b/ #scamcoin beggers
4 hours later 32576065 Anonymous
how du i mine some butcoinz
4 hours later 32576089 Anonymous
Bro, how do bitcoins work? Like how the fuck do you get them and mine them and receive them
4 hours later 32576097 Anonymous
well its worth a shot
4 hours later 32576098 Anonymous
first you go to google.com
then you fuck off
4 hours later 32576108 Anonymous
It's not that hard to explain, theres always a cunt in every thread
4 hours later 32576109 Anonymous
http://blockchain.info/address/1MzD FxTt6SpKZBaPnmDwrPNayTKrwBkgRk
buy them on coinbase or google.com if you have an AMD card (you won't be able to mine for long though)
4 hours later 32576111 Anonymous
Anyone have any idea what my hashrate would with a 7970 overclocked to around 1200Mhz? Power is very cheap where I live so I my as-well put the card to use while I am idle.
4 hours later 32576117 Anonymous
how generous
4 hours later 32576126 Anonymous
http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/ca lculator
you probably don't want to OC that far though.
4 hours later 32576129 Anonymous
Bitcoin loophole:
Make another electronic currency. Do the same with better marketing.
It would be extremely easy actually. Imagine Google doing it, bitcoin down in a week.
Hell, even anyone with the experience of those distributed systems like SETI would destroy them.
Their tools and marketing are horrendous, plenty of people would do a better job.
4 hours later 32576136 Anonymous
forgot to add https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_h ardware_comparison
You'll probably do around 600Mhash/s
4 hours later 32576137 Anonymous
amd on my laptop, nvidia on the desktop. How do graphics cards affect this? Genuinely interedted
4 hours later 32576150 Anonymous
mining on laptop is probably not a good idea, don't bother, just buy it on coinbase.
4 hours later 32576151 Anonymous
The inflationary influx is a meaningless percentage of the total.
If I have 3000 beanie babies that were at $100, but the demand just doubled, what does adding one to the supply to make 3001 beanie babies do?
4 hours later 32576167 Anonymous
AMD cards' architecture has more stream processors and does more parallel processing. AMD cards are like brute force, they just throw stream processors at the problem, whereas NVidia cards tend to be smarter in how they render games.
However, since SHA256(SHA256()) computations are pretty dumb, that works in AMD's favor.
4 hours later 32576176 Anonymous
Has anyone on /g/ ever provided proof of decent earnings for buttcoin investments?
4 hours later 32576193 Anonymous
if you have free access to power, leaving a laptop idling is still a poor idea? i7 hd 4000.
4 hours later 32576201 Anonymous (83.00 USD · Preev.png 1263x906 111kB)
4 hours later 32576223 Anonymous
I sold 30 last week for 2k bucks. I sold aound 80 to 100 the year before and got a lawnmower and a laptop for my mom. I'v been mining since the price hit 26 bucks on the fist bubble.
4 hours later 32576227 Anonymous
dont mine with a cpu
4 hours later 32576232 Anonymous
If the market for beanie babies as a currency remains the same (e.g. purchase for goods and services or exchange into other currencies), then we would be (assuming the velocity of money and quantity of the goods remains constant)
By increasing the number of bitcoins, we would be:
3001V = >$100*Q (less than $100)
The value of one beanie baby decreases.
However, my point is that for bitcoin, Q is increasing dramatically. More dramatically than M is increasing. The primary issue of contention could be whether growth rate remains higher than increase in the monetary base, but considering the growth in monetary base declines over time, I don't see how that's an issue.
I hope that helps explain basic macroecon 101.
4 hours later 32576260 Anonymous (2000px-AWS_Simple_Icons_Compute_Amazon_EC2_Instances.svg.png 2000x2000 32kB)
How good is AWS for mining?
5 hours later 32576268 Anonymous
I'm in debt roughly 10k as well
i still am not begging for fucking bitcoins
5 hours later 32576273 Anonymous
I'd be jizzing
5 hours later 32576275 Anonymous
it's great if you want to lose money.
5 hours later 32576279 Anonymous
5 hours later 32576283 Anonymous
How do I mine them then? How does this shit work?
5 hours later 32576296 Anonymous
I was in debt $10k but paid it off with bitcoin mining. It took three years but I did it. Well, almost. I still owe $800 but that'll be paid off with my mining earnings in: .5 BTC mined/day, need 10 coins = 20 days.
5 hours later 32576299 Anonymous
i literally figured it out in 5 minutes
im not going to spoon feed you
Ive already made .004
5 hours later 32576307 Anonymous
Step 1: Do you own an AMD card?
If so, google.com look for how to mine on a mining pool.
Do you not own an AMD card? fuck off and buy some on coinbase.
5 hours later 32576308 Anonymous
how on earth are you mining .5/day?
5 hours later 32576321 Anonymous
I've been mining with 7ghash worth of GPUs for 3 years straight. That's not that much if you look at the big picture. I have them all racked in 4U rackmountable cases.
5 hours later 32576329 Anonymous
>More dramatically than M is increasing.
And you're not getting that it's increasing at a rate that makes the increase in M meaningless, yet you anchor on it as though once we max out the bitcoin supply that the lack of increase will suddenly make them infinitely scarce.
5 hours later 32576331 Anonymous
did i see you on youtube
5 hours later 32576363 Anonymous
Naw, my stuff is boring. It looks like server equipment. The folks you see on youtube have really awful setups filling their garage, or cables covering their kitchen, etc.
5 hours later 32576367 Anonymous
... i don't see what the problem is?
increase in the market without a commensurate increase of the money supply means prices go up. this isn't really up for debate.
5 hours later 32576371 Anonymous
sorry i meant like 2 hours
5 hours later 32576372 Anonymous
daily reminder that begging for donations is a bannable offense.
so is spamming, for that matter.
5 hours later 32576405 Anonymous (f6150743bfce9f3c6dc14b138c21d03e.jpg 1000x1412 1118kB)
its dropping
5 hours later 32576442 Anonymous (1362888127825.jpg 634x827 106kB)
5 hours later 32576445 Anonymous
I It mite rise and fall by as much as 20%. Market depth is very thin. With so much money moving in and out of the system it will be jumping around a lot.
5 hours later 32576448 Anonymous
>... i don't see what the problem is?
You thinking that BTC will be worth infinitely more at a supply of 14million BTC with no increase than 11million BTC adding 1/3000th of the total per day.
5 hours later 32576452 Anonymous
Thank christ that faggot got banned
5 hours later 32576505 Anonymous
You guys seriously are like gods to me
5 hours later 32576526 Anonymous
If i won the lottery i would put all of it into Bitcoin. knowing it mite fall back to 20 bucks in a month. Cause i know in the long run Bitcoin will come out on top and be the preferred world currency soon.
5 hours later 32576527 Anonymous
5 hours later 32576555 Anonymous (Lena Meyer-Landrut_wallpapers_HD (5).jpg 1600x900 134kB)
>tfw faggots trade hats in TF2 instead of trading bitcoins
5 hours later 32576564 Anonymous
This janitor is going a bit nuts
5 hours later 32576567 Anonymous
10/10 you are like a brother to me
Yeah but what if the world bank starts pushing a crypto currency?
5 hours later 32576569 Anonymous
I know right.
5 hours later 32576574 Anonymous
That can be good money.
I know, he's getting hell obsessive
5 hours later 32576589 Anonymous
Would mining be worth it with a 7970?
5 hours later 32576596 Anonymous
5 hours later 32576600 Anonymous
that's what im mining with
5 hours later 32576601 Anonymous
This is BS. I bought 500$ worth of bitcoins when they were still in 40's.
Sold at 65. Then bought some at 57, sold at 72.
I earned about 250$ from my investment. The thing is, now I am banging myself on the head for selling it too soon. But you do realize this would look like a bubble to any sane person? Like...I would buy again if it falls. It has to fall right? I mean, logically I did the right thing? We can't predict the future...fuck
5 hours later 32576613 Anonymous
825 Mhash/s, that'll do very nicely as a part time miner.
5 hours later 32576614 Anonymous
Might have to give it a go.
5 hours later 32576666 Anonymous
Bitcoin is the worlds first real currency it is human kinds greatest achievement. I have been preaching the Bitcoin gospel to every one I know for 3 years now. The First day i read about it i was calling my dad and barking at him like a mad man for hours. I never lost faith.
5 hours later 32576702 Anonymous
It'll die when some rich fag cashes in/.
5 hours later 32576707 Anonymous
>Bitcoin is the worlds first real currency
I don't know about calling it the world's first "real" currency, but it is the world's first viable digital currency.
*rephrasing for clarity
5 hours later 32576738 Anonymous
Bitcoin is the perfection of currency.
5 hours later 32576751 Anonymous
The pinnacle
5 hours later 32576777 Anonymous
jesus uses bitcoin to buy weed in heaven
5 hours later 32576785 Anonymous
nice triple
5 hours later 32576792 Anonymous
lol YOU will be forced to bow to the power of Bitcoin. In time every one will be forced to use it.
5 hours later 32576798 Anonymous (Capture.png 634x97 5kB)
whats NMC
5 hours later 32576840 Anonymous
NMC stands for Name coin
5 hours later 32576845 Anonymous
>0.0083329 BTC
5 hours later 32576869 Anonymous
is that something else or what
5 hours later 32576882 Anonymous (lena-meyer-g.jpg 3000x2000 1089kB)
5 hours later 32576923 Anonymous (320872.jpg 600x535 43kB)
check this out guys.
This is why i use Bitcoins.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGk5 ioEXlIM
5 hours later 32576945 Anonymous (NASA_Camp-6024And8more.jpg 466x700 121kB)
Also this film.
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp 6umQT58A
5 hours later 32576996 Anonymous
What are you going to buy when bitcoin hits $1000/coin?
6 hours later 32577065 Anonymous
I promised my friend I would buy some shitty cars for him when I'm a billionaire due to bitcoins. So I can't sell until its 2 million per coin.
6 hours later 32577107 Anonymous
>tfw you think a lower recorded wage gap has any sizeable effect on the economy
6 hours later 32577149 Anonymous
>You'll be paying $86 in electricity costs (average $0.12 power costs. 0.12Kwh*0.25Kw*24h*30d)
How the fuck did you come up with with that?
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/? i=.12*.25*24*30
>Result: 21.6
6 hours later 32577176 Anonymous
>replying to a comment hours old after it was resolved
6 hours later 32577187 Anonymous
As resolved that time too!
Anyways bitcoins have crashed to 34. Should have sold!
6 hours later 32577196 Anonymous
It's @ 85.01 now!
6 hours later 32577220 Anonymous
this thread is auto-saging.
get in here
6 hours later 32577222 Anonymous
This price jump makes me sick. Why did I sell? Why didn't I keep. I originally wanted to invest long term, but it seemed like such a bubble.
6 hours later 32577225 Anonymous
How exaggerated is this?
6 hours later 32577239 Anonymous
its not
6 hours later 32577293 Anonymous
Bitcoins at 87 bucks now.
6 hours later 32577397 Anonymous (1351397392602.png 700x700 176kB)
tfw have to wait 3 days to verify bank account
6 hours later 32577615 Anonymous
I would be disappointed if it did't hit 100 with in 2 weeks.
7 hours later 32578257 Anonymous (bruce reaction face.jpg 208x199 24kB)
> set ask at 63.73€ because why the fuck not
> wake up
> over 68€
It was just a single BTC to get a feel for marktet before I start investing (after the bubble pops), but holy fuck, dat price increase after it breached through the 80$ wall.
4.586 0.373