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2013-03-12 02:49 32197402 Anonymous BITCOIND 0.8 IS FUCKED (bitcoin.jpg 270x309 22kB)
>I'm NOT trolling. Mt. Gox stopped deposits, S.DICE down as well. Everyone important in the Bitcoin world is in IRC solving this problem right now. Mining pools are reverting to 0.7 to support the non-buggy fork of the blockchain. This is as serious as it gets.
>I'm predicting a shitstorm of gigantic proportions for this. It will be solved soon but the consequences for Bitcoin reliability are grave.
>They are doing a magnificent job at solving this but I fear the consequences for Bitcoin price short term will be not good.
>NO LINK yet, everybody is working on it. Let's hope for the best.
IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 111111111
1 min later 32197442 Anonymous
2 min later 32197468 Anonymous
incoming shitstorm is imminent
2 min later 32197472 Anonymous (scrooge.jpg 297x293 37kB)
Time to buy!
5 min later 32197535 Anonymous (efg.gif 400x400 9kB)
8 min later 32197581 Fiber "Boulder™" Optometrist
Someone please explain to a Bitcoin newfriend?
9 min later 32197594 Anonymous
>There is currently an issue with the latest 0.8 bitcoin client. Miners please downgrade. Every be very careful about accepting any transactions for the the next few hours
10 min later 32197617 Anonymous (lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel.png 23x43 0kB)
+tip 0.025 BTC verify
15 min later 32197709 Anonymous
http://www.thebitcointrader.com/201 3/03/breaking-blockchain-has-forked .html
17 min later 32197745 Anonymous
So what's happened with .8 that's so fucking awful?
20 min later 32197812 Anonymous
a big block that is fucked/incompatible with older versions, so there is a fork in the blockchain.. now nobody should buy/sell bitcoins, and tomorrow we'll see headers like "Catastrophic Bitcoin bug, SELL SELL SELL"
20 min later 32197813 Anonymous
say goodbye to your freedombux, faggots
20 min later 32197822 Anonymous
>"unless you are solo mining or running a pool, you do not need to do anything."
On the theoretical level this matters, but it's going to work out pretty seamlessly.
21 min later 32197843 Anonymous
not only that "you do not need to" you SHOULDN'T do anything because it's dangerous
22 min later 32197847 Anonymous
BTC dropping like a rock. Down to 43.
24 min later 32197883 Anonymous
>release currency that's virtually open to counterfeit
>counterfeiting goes on like crazy
>counterfeiters bitch and complain that their counterfeits are now worthless because the market is flooded with fakes
Oh god. My sides.
26 min later 32197915 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 7.15.26 PM.png 850x622 122kB)
26 min later 32197921 Anonymous
But counterfeiting has nothing to do with this, you moron.
26 min later 32197929 Anonymous
27 min later 32197936 Anonymous (images.jpg 284x177 6kB)
Here is the problematic block: http://blockchain.info/block-index/ 357948/000000000000015c50b165fcdd33 556f8b44800c5298943ac70b112df480c02 3
Was mined by a French, a stinky fucking French..
27 min later 32197947 Anonymous
my wallet?
28 min later 32197972 Anonymous (136296473856.jpg 301x301 25kB)
28 min later 32197973 Anonymous
pls respond
29 min later 32197993 Anonymous (1300762516332.jpg 1280x800 170kB)
30 min later 32198022 Anonymous
>Bitcoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world.
From bitcoin.org
31 min later 32198026 Anonymous
31 min later 32198030 Anonymous
How new?
35 min later 32198117 Anonymous (1357509895432.jpg 708x664 147kB)
>le gangam style when bitcoin collapses and US gets nuked in the same week
Truly an act of God.
36 min later 32198145 Anonymous
isn't mt. gox shutting down all deposits?
36 min later 32198146 Anonymous (sd.jpg 356x157 11kB)
Meanwhile SatoshiDice is still DDoSing the network... this will take an hour I think
36 min later 32198155 Anonymous (1359726938363.jpg 863x752 134kB)
37 min later 32198171 Anonymous
i lold
38 min later 32198192 Anonymous
Wait, so how the hell does a block work, and why is it so important that mtgox had to shut down?
39 min later 32198226 Anonymous (wallet.png 1366x246 68kB)
I think overall I still trust it more than my 401k.
41 min later 32198264 Anonymous
>Data is permanently recorded in the Bitcoin network through files called blocks. A block is a record of some or all of the most recent Bitcoin transactions that have not yet been recorded in any prior blocks.
and also: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Blockcha in
42 min later 32198291 Anonymous
>twilight sparkle 420
42 min later 32198301 Anonymous (ieee_diagram.jpg 1871x1420 1456kB)
43 min later 32198304 Anonymous
>le sub prime bitcoin collapse face
43 min later 32198308 Anonymous
Oh shit.
43 min later 32198313 Anonymous
you did that on purpose you silly person
44 min later 32198327 Anonymous
my fucking sides/10
Needed a good laugh broski.
49 min later 32198474 Anonymous
Down to 38. It's over. It's done. Bitcoin is finished. Sell sell sell. While you can.
51 min later 32198501 Anonymous (1362637271679.jpg 257x200 15kB)
57 min later 32198641 Anonymous
>Lanky Kong porn
1 hours later 32198740 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 7.50.46 PM.png 1204x421 66kB)
1 hours later 32198789 Anonymous
>http://bitcoinity.org/markets?exch ange=mtgox
As someone who knows nothing about anything here, is it good for this number to be higher, or lower?
1 hours later 32198805 Anonymous
That's the number of U.S. Dollars that one Bitcoin buys.
Higher means Bitcoin is worth more.
1 hours later 32198822 Anonymous
i hate rolling cigarettes after the harvest because no matter how careful you are, your fingers will be sticky
1 hours later 32198835 Anonymous
It's gone up a bit, by about 30 cents.
Dead cat bounce?
1 hours later 32198956 Anonymous
Does this mean that we can literally break Bitcoins forever if we start mining and stay in the 0.8 client software?
1 hours later 32198977 Anonymous
1 hours later 32198985 Anonymous (jeudn.gif 501x585 12kB)
1 hours later 32198997 Anonymous
lets do dis
1 hours later 32199056 Anonymous
Do it!
1 hours later 32199061 Anonymous
actually is a good moment for many kind of attacks over the network, but I think that nobody was prepared for this and everything will be normalized in a few hours (except the value, of course)
1 hours later 32199074 Anonymous
Fuck you, I've already revved up my GPUs.
1 hours later 32199182 Anonymous
LOL it is a good opportunity to fork, that is for sure. But you won't be able to use any bitcoins on that chain in the new chain
1 hours later 32199216 Anonymous
I know, but if we all keep working at it, they'll never be able to catch up with us and then nobody will ever be able to use any bitcoins ever again.
1 hours later 32199239 Anonymous
So when it crashes fully I should buy up and wait?
1 hours later 32199255 Anonymous (image2.jpg 800x1197 170kB)
1 hours later 32199273 Anonymous
>yfw the crash is over already
1 hours later 32199409 Anonymous
>This shit is happening
>I still haven't got my BF SC Single.
1 hours later 32199455 Anonymous
its never comming
1 hours later 32199512 Anonymous
1 hours later 32199516 Ambien
ITT: People still playing a worn out game instead of actual investments
1 hours later 32199532 Anonymous
1 hours later 32199551 Anonymous
How do I get mining buttcoins?
I don't care if their value is deflating, it'll still be more money than I currently have.
1 hours later 32199595 Anonymous
Relax people. It's just a glitch. Nothing to see here. Move along, please. Move along.
1 hours later 32199600 Anonymous
You wont make any money, if you want money quit being such a faggot and get a job.
1 hours later 32199619 Anonymous
You can only make money if you have an AMD GPU or a specially fabricated bitcoin chip
1 hours later 32199623 Anonymous
buy an avalon ASIC or mine litecoins then convert to bitcoins
1 hours later 32199644 Anonymous
Can you still mine litecoins with a CPU?
1 hours later 32199654 Anonymous
1 hours later 32199657 Anonymous
Official Bitcoin song
1 hours later 32199671 Anonymous
But is it worth it?
1 hours later 32199690 Anonymous
oh yes
1 hours later 32199704 Anonymous
>convert litecoin to bitcoins
wait, who the fuck would buy litecoins if they're just a stepping stone to a superior currency?
How many can you produce with a C2D?
1 hours later 32199751 Anonymous (forkwar.jpg 1000x500 31kB)
0.8 is still hours away :D
1 hours later 32199753 Anonymous
I have a NVidia GPU and an i5 processor. How fucked am I?
1 hours later 32199834 Anonymous
you don't buy litecoins you mine them
1 hours later 32199848 Anonymous
Why would you mine them if nobody is buying them and you can't spend them anywhere?
1 hours later 32199857 Anonymous (penny[1].jpg 354x239 12kB)
You'll spend over $9000 on electricity to generate a penny.
1 hours later 32199879 Anonymous
To make a profit off old hardware, then convert to bitcoins, then spend on SR.
1 hours later 32199883 wut weeaboo
You're seriously better off just clicking on every free bitcoin faucet you can find.
A few clicks will net you about $0.06 worth of bitcoin.
1 hours later 32199905 Anonymous
How can you convert to bitcoins when nobody's buying litecoin?
Or are they magically converted through software?
1 hours later 32199929 Anonymous
currency exchanges they are worth pennies, its like if you traveled back in time to when bitcoin started
1 hours later 32199950 Anonymous
But who would trade you real cash money for a worthless currency?
1 hours later 32199982 Anonymous
1 hours later 32199986 Anonymous
If even the cost of electricity outweighs the net worth of the buttcoins I would receive, what's the big deal with them? How does ANYONE make even a nominal amount from them?
1 hours later 32199990 Anonymous
The fact someone would pay for it makes the currency not worthless by definition.
It's like second life cash/businesses. They're real things even if they only stand for pixels.
2 hours later 32200022 Anonymous
But you can't make any money from it if you can't resell those same bitcoins.
Why the fuck would anyone bother unless they hate money?
2 hours later 32200028 Anonymous
They are harder to mine every time one is successfully mined. At the beginning, they were basically free. Now they're a shitton harder to mine. AMD GPUs perform a hell of a lot better than Nvidia GPUs, though, so you might turn a small profit with AMD GPUs. Also, you can buy bitcoins from people who already mined them, wait for their worth to go up, and sell. They basically work like stocks which is another reason why people bother.
2 hours later 32200032 Anonymous
2 hours later 32200052 Anonymous
Exchange litecoins for bitcoins and then you can resell them? I don't understand your question.
2 hours later 32200101 Anonymous
I mine litecoins
I wanna trade for bitcoins.
One anon told me people will buy my LTC for pennies.
Another anon told me people will buy my LTC for BTC.
Now let's say we make a deal and I have some BTC.
They're stuck with LTC.
Nobody wants LTC.
It's literally a one-directional currency.
Why would they want LTC unless they hate money?
2 hours later 32200134 Anonymous
Because litecoins are technologically superior to bitcoins (skrype or whatever, built in resistance to ASIC/51% attacks.)
2 hours later 32200164 Anonymous
Is it over?
2 hours later 32200193 Anonymous
looks like the problem was resolved. bitcoin is doing fine and nothing terrible happened
/v/ was wrong again lel
2 hours later 32200244 Anonymous
That's been the low for over a week now derp
2 hours later 32200246 Anonymous
would I be pants-on-head retarded to mine bitcoins with an RPi?
2 hours later 32200258 Anonymous
Yes, dipshit.
2 hours later 32200279 wut weeaboo (step it up.gif 500x500 348kB)
It'd be about as effective as trying to make a redstone ASIC in Minecraft RasPi edition.
2 hours later 32200285 Anonymous
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_h ardware_comparison#ARM
2 hours later 32200322 Anonymous
I can't tell what the charts are representing.
2 hours later 32200334 Anonymous
It wouldn't be efficient at all, but it would definitely net you some geek points.
2 hours later 32200378 Anonymous
I guess this is why guiminer isnt accpeting shares for me?
2 hours later 32200395 Anonymous
>Redstone ASIC
I just want to see the MH/S on "Other" on hardware comparison.
2 hours later 32200408 wut weeaboo
It means you would literally make $0.03 USD with a solid month of mining.
Don't bother with a laptop either.
A T400 will net you 0.97 USD for a solid month of mining.
2 hours later 32200436 Anonymous
You are now my favorite tripfriend for helping me understand this stuff in plain english.
2 hours later 32200451 Anonymous
Also, I've heard there are circlejerks you can join that give you bitcoins in exchange for your help mining blocks.
Is there anywhere I could receive more info on this?
2 hours later 32200458 Anonymous
you are my least favorite for being unable to do simple math on your own
2 hours later 32200489 wut weeaboo
You help miners by joining in with your own GPU rig and mining as part of a pool.
When a block is discovered, the 25 BTC bonus is split across all of the participants minus a ~3% administrative fee.
2 hours later 32200493 Anonymous
That's okay.
2 hours later 32200519 Anonymous
Oh, because they are to bitcoins what bitcoins are to money. You mine or buy them, wait for their price to go up in the bitcoin market, then sell them to someone who expects to get a profitable return on investment by waiting for their value to increase.
2 hours later 32200774 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 9.26.28 PM.png 1186x485 92kB)
guys i'm freaking out why isn't it working
2 hours later 32200816 Anonymous
Because the morons who stuck with the buggy 0.7 version are trying to force a blockchain split, so they don't have to upgrade to the new scary version with fewer bugs.
2 hours later 32200830 Anonymous
so are my coins gone? It took like 2 weeks to mine that shit...
2 hours later 32200911 Anonymous
coinbase is not letting me buy btc. where else can i go?
2 hours later 32200973 Anonymous
Sometimes transactions take a while to clear. Don't panic yet.
2 hours later 32201029 Anonymous
I'ms ins your skynets, lollings away ats your futiles attempts ats mining on the 0.8 blockchain
2 hours later 32201089 Anonymous
fuck it I'm going to mine with my RPi. At least it won't be a dust-collecting paperweight anymore.
2 hours later 32201137 Anonymous
The devs are recommending people downgrade to 0.7 and abandon 0.8.
3 hours later 32201237 Anonymous
Oh man they really fucked up big time.
NO one panic! Your bitcoins are safe. They won't try to fuck with the Code again after this.
3 hours later 32201272 Anonymous (Schemingjew.gif 501x585 102kB)
Does anyone feel that the people who make these threads are trying to spread panic and get the price to fall for their own profit/enjoyment?
3 hours later 32201284 Anonymous (1357024245001.jpg 666x666 60kB)
3 hours later 32201292 Anonymous
>price falling
>that doesn't equal profit, son, unless it's something you can short like stocks - that's not possible with Bitcoins, the only profit is from rising prices
3 hours later 32201314 Anonymous
Guys don't fucking panic YES its bad but only for Public Relations.
All the mining pools are switching back to a working chain and once its longer the Fork will just be a really nasty "orphaned branch" (some one help me out whats a orphaned block called?
3 hours later 32201326 愛してるさわこ
>Release 0.8.1 that reverts to old behavior.
Is it really that hard?
3 hours later 32201473 Anonymous
Satoshi dice did this
They are the ones that pressured the mining pools
to increase The fucking block headers GOD DAM IT I SO FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS!
3 hours later 32201725 Anonymous
So for some time I have grown very curious about this.
Where should I start? Is it good to buy soon? Do I need to have a new $$$ system to mine or could I use the various old systems sitting around doing nothing but collecting dust?
I know this may not be the best time to ask, but its not like I am going to make a new thread for it myself.
3 hours later 32201853 Anonymous
its still not in bro what the fuck
3 hours later 32201884 Anonymous
It's going to take 3 to 4 hours to grow the old chain.
Mt. Gox should stop trading for a few hours till this is fixed. To avoid a panic sell off.
3 hours later 32201924 Anonymous
ok thanks for saving me all the panic anon
3 hours later 32201946 Anonymous
Why hasn't it Happened yet?
3 hours later 32201970 Anonymous
>orphaned blocks still count that means NO matter what client you used to send or recive bitcoins it will still count. Your bitcoins are safe. But this is a massive cluster fuck and the price of those coins are going to fall off a cliff in a few hours when people start to wake up.
This will be on every major tech website in the next 24 hours.
3 hours later 32201987 Anonymous
This is Bitcoins First 'HARD FORK"
This is news...
3 hours later 32202005 Anonymous
If you own a lot of bitcoins you better sell now or hold the fuck on.
3 hours later 32202044 Anonymous
>larry king porn
4 hours later 32202082 Anonymous
Your 0.8 client is still using what it thinks is the real chain, which is losing hashing power and being intentionally abandoned, so no miner has added a block with your transaction to what 0.8 sees as the real chain. Once the 0.7 chain catches up, the 0.8 client will see that the 0.7 chain is the correct one and you'll see your transaction in the 0.8 client too
4 hours later 32202115 Anonymous
only 5 blocks away now
almost there.
http://blockchain.info/blocks/13630 65731715
4 hours later 32202158 Anonymous
>http://blockchain.info/blocks/1363 065731715
Its already poping up on News websites
4 hours later 32202251 Anonymous
gonna wait until the crash, where others see sell-off, i see deals
4 hours later 32202295 Anonymous
in 3 hours you will start to see a massive fucking sell off. And over the corse of a few weeks The price will bottom out again. I hold bitcoins and I'm not selling but this still pisses me the fuck off
4 hours later 32202302 Anonymous
3 blocks away.
4 hours later 32202307 Anonymous
I bought a few bitcoins at 10$ should I sell?
4 hours later 32202398 Anonymous
if they fall below 10 bucks again I'm buying
4 hours later 32202458 Anonymous
1 more until matched. 2 until reorg.
Now this is important .
as every full node starts to reorder the block chain the power usage of the computers around the world will shoot up. Causing a massive world wide black out.
4 hours later 32202499 Anonymous
you are a jackass and don't understand how networks work
4 hours later 32202504 Anonymous
yup, part of the problem is that like any currency, bitcoin is still subject to speculation. this particular episode wasn't a big deal, but the news surrounding it was enough to create panic.
captcha; DECEASED ledatist
4 hours later 32202568 Anonymous
I was making a joke any ways its fixed now.
I hope them bitcoin PR guys can spin this
4 hours later 32202603 Anonymous
why don't the people on buttcoins site just unsticky the thread if it's catched up and "fixed" very soon? it's just going to cause shit when all the dumb american "news" reporters wake up and make tons of speculation..
4 hours later 32202628 Anonymous
I hope bitcoins crash so I enjoy the fallout on /g/
5 hours later 32203100 Anonymous
if they do crash to pennies at some point moot should spread the "Love"
5 hours later 32203355 Le stupido
>everybody and their dog says this.
this is the reason why it won't happen
And if it happens, the price will deflate from 10$ to 3-4$ until all the speculators are gone.
5 hours later 32203408 Anonymous
price dropped briefly to 37, i bought, now its back to 45. this is some funny shit
6 hours later 32204038 Anonymous (1359316197035.png 183x232 8kB)
>tfw missed the opportunity to use the hysteria to my own advantage
6 hours later 32204102 Anonymous
So, is this shit gonna drop or not?
7 hours later 32204958 Anonymous
11 hours later 32207301 Anonymous
It will cost you more in electricity to mine than the amount you'll receive. Might as well make your RPi into a public server.
12 hours later 32207624 Anonymous
12 hours later 32207653 Anonymous
buttcoi is a scam
every time it goes up in price
either mtgox gets "hacked" or some "virus" messes with a site, then buttcoin crashes
12 hours later 32207666 Anonymous
Just fucking DDoS the SatoshiDice website so no new people could get scammed but those mother fuckers.
2.055 0.184