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2013-03-08 12:02 32094739 Anonymous BUTTCOIN GENERAL (images.jpg 235x215 6kB)
$40 and rising
Why haven't you purchased the currency of the future yet /g/?
2 min later 32094778 Anonymous
>currency of the future
>$40 and rising
A good currency is a stable currency. Sure, it has a chance of being a currency of the future, and technically it always is, but the true standard worldwide currency will always be raw metals, be it silver, gold, platinum, diamond, whatever.
4 min later 32094818 Anonymous
You say it's not "stable" that's true since even the infrastructure has yet to be put in place. How often do you hear "bitcoin" in public? How often do you hear fishwives babbling about investing their spending money in a few coins? It's because a easy-to-use transaction system has yet to be put into place.
5 min later 32094834 Anonymous
jesus rabbi, can't you leave us alone?
5 min later 32094847 Anonymous (bubble-lifecycle.jpg 500x324 21kB)
a bit too late to invest now.
>all that butthurt when it enters into denial
7 min later 32094874 Anonymous
not even, bitcoins will be worth thousands in ten years. it's a long-term investment. I can't wait for /g/ to cry when it dips and then reaches $200 in two years
8 min later 32094889 Anonymous (so_cute_a_beemo_by__coldfusion_-d4gifa4.jpg 800x968 283kB)
Because it's fucking dumb, the pleb who created doesn't want to be known for a reason, stop trying to crash the world economy faggot, it's only a matter of time until that shit becomes illegal.
9 min later 32094928 Anonymous
Didn't you hear? In the future, Currency doesn't exist and everything is built with nano bots pulling energy from the ether.
And or we all die from radiation soon.
Currency is greed is poison of the future. Only reason you are telling people to buy is because you own and want to go up. you are a greedy jew. if you sold you would be scaring people to sell in hopes to get in cheaper.
40$ and rising? it was 46-33$ intraday price spread. It can easy go back down to 20$ and then u risking 50% loss? Or 50 - 33 in 36 hours? So when you say future you imply investing and NO
10 min later 32094946 Anonymous
who gives a fuck? OG trainwreck don't pay for itself
12 min later 32094978 Anonymous
yur dumb
12 min later 32094989 Anonymous (stone_money.jpg 338x450 45kB)
seeing how bartering isnt illegal... nope.
generally it doesnt matter what your "currency" is as long as there's someone who will accept it.
pic related, curreny.
12 min later 32094991 Anonymous
It's a private currency, just like the US dollar. So if they make bitcoin illegal they'd have to make Federal Reserve Notes (a private bank) illegal as well.
14 min later 32095020 Anonymous
People do WAY more illegal shit with American dollars and that doesn't change anything
15 min later 32095045 Anonymous
yeah that will stimulate the economy for sure
open an econ 101 textbook kid
17 min later 32095094 Anonymous
Do not make me come whoop you with a tally stick sonny!!!!
22 min later 32095210 Anonymous
this thread is getting retarted fast
I suggest anyone wanting to get into bitcoins or other digital currencies read this article:
http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/ 02/ff_futureofmoney/
educate yourselves and do not troll plz
25 min later 32095268 Anonymous
I like how there's so many threads about bitcoins now, trying to get more idiots to invest so the few people actually holding a shitton of them can get even richer when they induce the crash.
25 min later 32095272 Anonymous (95u.png 80x82 11kB)
I would rather invest my money on chocolate and fucking lollipops.. since it's a much more stable currency.
26 min later 32095287 Anonymous
so you want it to crash so that you can buy some? Who's the greedy bastard now?
27 min later 32095320 Anonymous
>woman on G
29 min later 32095343 Anonymous
how can that be? You'll eat them and they'll disappear. The chocolate melts and gets gross over time. Who are you emailing?
32 min later 32095412 Anonymous
http://seekingalpha.com/article/125 6441-bitpay-integrates-bitcoin-paym ent-with-amazon-com?source=google_n ews
amazon accepts bitcoins
34 min later 32095454 Anonymous (BMO (1).jpg 504x293 152kB)
>That's part of the joke.
I swear to god, /g/ has no sense of humor.
34 min later 32095463 Anonymous
watch the value go up to $50 in a week
35 min later 32095481 Anonymous
do you think you could get a trip so I can filter you?
46 min later 32095693 Anonymous
I always keep this open
http://bcchanger.com/bitcoin_price_ feed.php?feed_type=text¤cy=US D
1 hours later 32096642 Anonymous (1357752277868.gif 500x366 486kB)
How the hell do I buy a large number of coins at once?
1 hours later 32096713 Anonymous
buy a small number of coins over a period of time. This is actually a good thing, it helps prevent bear runs
1 hours later 32096930 Anonymous (1362372060399.jpg 989x716 195kB)
I want to MINE btc not buy em. what do I buy right now? I don't wanna pre-order shit
1 hours later 32096976 Anonymous
>Literally the only reason anyone buys things with BTC is because BTC middleman tax is less than Real world IRS Capital Gains Tax + Sales Tax (Double taxation fucking lmao)
confirm / deny is this true
1 hours later 32097017 Anonymous
Do you even know what a bear run is? Also, you can't short so um no. The only type of threat to downside is when there is little to no bid support and a big seller decides he wants to sell in a hurry.
If by bear run you mean large sellers dumping, then yes.
Buying small number of shares over a period of time wont prevent or stop this however.
1 hours later 32097086 Anonymous
No fucking idea bro, i can't buy coins en masse anywhere.
1 hours later 32097200 Anonymous
the open market? sure you can't. 10million coins and you can't get any. how many are you trying to buy anyways.
lulz easy peasy then
2 hours later 32097219 Anonymous
also so fuckers can scam people and run off with their money
>>ASICS will ship june 2014
2 hours later 32097249 Anonymous
i mean, last time i checked. you can buy all you want from magic the gathering.
2 hours later 32097287 Anonymous
2 hours later 32097302 Anonymous
BFL can't scam / run off with the money, it's through PayPal.
2 hours later 32097377 Anonymous
paypal is that shakiest transaction system on the planet. There are thousands of horror stories involving the loss of thousands of dollars from that site. I feel no remorse for people that trust that shit
2 hours later 32097558 Anonymous
WAY more trustworthy than buttcoins.
2 hours later 32097816 Anonymous
scared of radiation...pfft.
bro, radiation is only harmful at certain frequencies and amplitudes. here's a fact for you, you can't live without radiation. Too much radiation can kill you, too little can kill you. Radiation is light. Light is energy. Light even makes up the sub-sub-sub-atomic particles, when bosons latch onto it, that is. dude, don't complain about light. don't be scared of light just because people call it "radiation" radiant energy is something we need, there's a reason people tell you to step outside and get some sunshine now and then, raises your vitamin d and stuff or whatever damnit all of a sudden i feel funny
energy is ok, i need to lie down
2 hours later 32097946 Anonymous (23.jpg 400x384 86kB)
Sure, if you are talking about Non-ionizing radiation. I'm talking about the Ionizing radiation, you know alpha beta gamma and such?
I'm talking Fukushima Reactor 4 spent fuel pool type radiation.
yfw you thought visible light and radio waves are the same as plutonium alpha particles.
2 hours later 32098013 Anonymous
I never thought they were the same, but radiation is ALL light, the entirety of the spectrum. Ionizing or not, radiation is light.
2 hours later 32098043 Anonymous
Alternative currency is illegal in many countries, and if you engage in its trade you will probably be caught up in the USA's international net and prosecuted anyway.
Enjoy pound-me-in-the-ass prison, buttcoinfags.
2 hours later 32098149 Anonymous
alternative currency illegal?
yea maybe in korea, but you're not suggesting it is illegal anywhere where the people actually matter, like the USA, right?
2 hours later 32098214 Anonymous
invisible death soul sucking light in a spectrum we can't see with our weak tiny squishy eyes.
3 hours later 32098253 Anonymous
Learn American laws, kid.
It's illegal to deal in alternative currency.
3 hours later 32098282 Anonymous
400 diamonds per miles into a car of walls
3 hours later 32098409 Anonymous
that... either you're lying, or the country is fucked up. How the fuck is that constitutional? The federal government has the power to create currency, but they should NOT have the power to require use to use it exclusively.
3 hours later 32098444 Anonymous
Because it's going to crash soon. I'll buy some then and wait until it's this high again to sell.
3 hours later 32098486 Anonymous
uh, MtGox?
3 hours later 32098500 Fiber "Boulderâ„¢" Optometrist (1349637293861.gif 500x75 111kB)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I knew I should have bought a bunch of Bitcoins about six months ago when they were ~10 USD per Coin...
3 hours later 32098520 Anonymous
remember a few years ago spend a few hundred thousand bitcoins on a pizza? lel.
3 hours later 32098565 Anonymous
or 2$ after the hacker crash
3 hours later 32098587 Anonymous (1346530671212.gif 504x566 12kB)
>investing in digital currency who relies on nothing
>not buying gold
Good /g/oyim
3 hours later 32098875 Anonymous
Could we see a crypto coin war happen,like how there was and there is a currency war going on right now?
5 hours later 32101198 Anonymous bump
6 hours later 32101697 Anonymous
Can i mine bitcoins in a group? I got a pentium 4 and 2 GB of ram. Also intel integrated graphics. Thank you
6 hours later 32101758 Anonymous
Yes, but you'll bleed money.
6 hours later 32101834 Anonymous
>currency of the future
>Can't remain even remotely stable for even 5 minutes
8 hours later 32104301 Anonymous (image.jpg 600x446 119kB)
Pro butt nugget miner reporting in. I just synched all my ios devices in sli and now im running at 250k gigahash. If i keep up a tis rate i will be raking in about 3520 butt nuggets per day, leaving all of u shit diggers scrapping over 40 nuggets. I amthe one with the new sli technology to make ios devices hashou all my butt nuggets"
9 hours later 32104344 Anonymous
Big point about bicoins is the privacy, why buy from amazon?
9 hours later 32104349 Anonymous (Unbenannt.png 669x334 15kB)
Any way on limiting the gpu-usage on this thing?
If I run it, even browsing will become choppy because it uses up the entire power, to the max.
Even Browsing becomes choppy.
I'd like to set it to use only 75% of the gpu and leave the rest to other programs.
9 hours later 32104360 Anonymous
>If I run it, even browsing will become choppy because it uses up the entire power, to the max.
>Even Browsing becomes choppy.
Haha, the fuck am I writing. I should sleep more.
9 hours later 32104370 Anonymous
9 hours later 32104378 Anonymous
pssh gurl I just bought some land with lindon coins on second life
9 hours later 32104385 Anonymous (images (3).jpg 225x225 8kB)
you can sleep when you're rich nigga know what I'm sayin'? GET MONEY BITCH what would Anita do?
9 hours later 32104406 Anonymous
Im hashing up too many good butt nuggets to be bothered by pics. Plus i wouldnt want to give away my butt mining secrets.
9 hours later 32104424 Anonymous
I have no idea what's going on.
I get money anyways, and I have no use for bitcoins right now anyways.
I'd just like to put the hours of browsing into getting some free bitcoins.
Without the browsing experience getting significantly worsened.
9 hours later 32104502 Anonymous
We have been stuck at 40$ for the last three days, what do you mean "and rising"?
9 hours later 32104513 Anonymous
|| >>32104502 ||
And it's not like it's slowing rising, we hit 49$ once but only briefly
3.463 0.121