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2013-03-07 05:27 32077253 Anonymous (bitcoin_big[1].jpg 656x576 105kB)
it keeps happening

1 min later 32077290 Anonymous
reminder buttcoins would literally coallpse overnight if the silk road went under because illegal drugs are the only useful thing you can buy with them (hurr lemme buy regular shit that is literally 50% cheaper with usd)

2 min later 32077321 Anonymous
what's the current network hashing power? I heard by the end of 2013 it will be over 1200 THash/second.

2 min later 32077325 Anonymous
>>32077290 I hope silk road does not go under.

3 min later 32077329 Jellocock
>>32077290 points and stuff

3 min later 32077334 Anonymous
>>32077321 isn't it like 90 THash/second right now? 1200 is fucking absurd.

3 min later 32077347 Anonymous
Mark my words, bitcoins over time are going to go up. Much higher than $50. Now I don't know if there's going to be more little bubbles or not, I guess probably, but in the upcoming months we may see up to even 70 bucks. Just warning you now.

4 min later 32077352 Anonymous
>>32077321 http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ Currently around 35Th/s

4 min later 32077356 Anonymous
So who's gonna man up and buy one of these? http://products.butterflylabs.com/h omepage/1500gh-bitcoin-miner.html

4 min later 32077359 Jellocock
>>32077334 when... ahem I mean if asics ever come out it will happen

4 min later 32077363 Anonymous
>>32077356 vaporware

4 min later 32077370 Anonymous
>>32077356 it's a scam

4 min later 32077375 Anonymous
>>32077359 asics are already out m8

5 min later 32077393 Anonymous
>>32077347 But how low will it drop (if any) in the meantime. The risk is buy in now or see if it drops

5 min later 32077400 Anonymous
>>32077356 >it runs android top lel

6 min later 32077408 Anonymous
>>32077356 >$29,899.00 lolwut. how long would it be before you made that investment back

7 min later 32077426 Anonymous
>it keeps happening if by "it", you mean "people shitting up /g/ with bitcoin threads", then yes. it does keep happening.

8 min later 32077444 Jellocock
>>32077408 at current difficulty less than 1 day

8 min later 32077456 Anonymous
>>32077408 don't bother. BFL is fucking run by retards. by the time you'd get an ASIC from them the network has would have LITERALLY gone up by 30-50x what it is. It would take you at least a year to make it back inb4 complete fucking double nigger retards try to run calculations based off the current PRIOR TO FUCKING MASS-ASIC-RELEASE DIFFICULTY

9 min later 32077461 Anonymous
15% gain in a matter of hours doing nothing from the 47-35 drop. Buttcoins r phun.

9 min later 32077469 Anonymous
>>32077456 FUCK ONE FUCKING RETARD BEAT ME >>32077444 you're a fucking idiot and wrong. BFL's shit won't pay back for months, if at all. Network global hash will be in excess of 300 THash/sec by the time you'd get muh asic!

12 min later 32077524 Anonymous
Will avalon batch #3 require me to pay in buttcoins or can i use real currency

12 min later 32077529 Anonymous
>>32077408 Assuming that you own one, don't pay for electricity, nobody else deployed ANY new mining equipment, bitcoins were worth $40, all the bitcoins in the world were evenly distributed to all miners and you weren't paying an electricity bill, it would take 4.8 days. But, it's going to be safe to assume that there are going to be many many more of them. If only 20 of them get deployed, your time to payout is going to be 8.9 days. 100 deployed and its 25 days. 1000 and it's 7 months,

12 min later 32077534 Anonymous
at what point does bitcoin become legit? when does bitcoin become anything but an intermediary means of exchange?

13 min later 32077535 Anonymous
>>32077524 They specifically say they only accept bitcoins.

14 min later 32077564 Anonymous
>>32077534 when websites like pay pal, amazon start accepting them as currency but then the price per coin would go down to almost a 1-1 ratio to the USD

15 min later 32077568 Anonymous
so that's what's driving the price up.

15 min later 32077580 Jellocock
>>32077444 >>32077469 That is why i said "at" current rates. I didn't state that difficulty wouldn't rise.

16 min later 32077589 Anonymous
>>32077564 >when websites like pay pal, amazon start accepting them as currency but then the price per coin would go down to almost a 1-1 ratio to the USD I'm holding off on calling you an idiot because you might start making sense. Please start making sense.

16 min later 32077595 Anonymous
>>32077564 Why do you assume that? Why can't 1 bitcoin be worth $10? or 100 bitcoins worth a dollar. Its just an arbitrary conversion. It would just mean that the price would stabilize, and not fluctuate anymore

17 min later 32077612 Anonymous
>>32077580 But, even then you are wrong. At the current difficulty, it would take almost 5 days.

18 min later 32077627 Anonymous
Do i need to buy 1500$ worth of bitcoin prior to Batch 3 going on sale?

18 min later 32077636 Anonymous
>>32077564 That would drive the price up. I don't think you understand the concept of supply and demand

19 min later 32077642 Anonymous
>>32077627 God no. Wait for the pop before you spend a dime on bitcoins. its dumb to buy right before the pop

19 min later 32077650 Anonymous
>>32077393 Right. Dunno.

19 min later 32077651 Anonymous
To the retards who are considering mining: Try to remember that new Bitcoins are introduced into the supply a fixed rate. 25 BTC per block, 6 blocks per hour, 144 blocks per day. All miners are fighting over the same 3600 Bitcoins each day. Every additional miner makes it less likely for any one miner to receive any of those Bitcoins. All of these people selling hardware promising "YOU'LL MAKE BACK YOUR $25,000 INVESTMENT IN 15 SECONDS" are neglecting to mention the fact that you're all competing with each other over the same limited supply of BTC.

20 min later 32077659 Anonymous
>>32077636 would it? Supply and demand means that the price goes up as demand goes up. If the supply outstrips the demand, then the price shouldn't be going up... yet we are in exactly that position, and it IS going up...

20 min later 32077663 Anonymous
How do I go about creating a secure wallet? Looking to buy some buttcoins.

21 min later 32077687 Anonymous
>>32077642 I don't want BTC. I want a few Batch 3's.

21 min later 32077694 Anonymous
>>32077663 Multibit, keep it backed up many places

22 min later 32077704 Anonymous
>>32077663 guys seriously if you just use the damn wiki it answers like 99.999999999% of questions you all have seriously put this shit in the OP or something https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Pag e

23 min later 32077718 Anonymous
>>32077636 either way the price would stabilize and then there would be no point in hording btc

23 min later 32077724 Anonymous
>>32077687 That is fucking dumb. Why waste your money on specialized mining hardware that will take over a year to pay for itself?

23 min later 32077735 Anonymous
>>32077642 Here's the thing about that though. /g/ said it would crash at $20... it didn't /g/ said it would crash at $30... it didn't /g/ said it would crash at $40... it didn't Nobody here understands basic economics. Other than the price going up, there is little indication of a crash.

24 min later 32077736 Anonymous
>>32077704 Having that in the OP would also make these threads easier to find in the catalog (Not really hard, but still) and easier for the people who don't like it to filter.

24 min later 32077753 Anonymous
>>32077651 M-m-m-m-m-marketing at its finest

24 min later 32077756 Anonymous
>>32077724 They will literally, never, ever not be making money. Because they're the most efficient devices possible.

25 min later 32077769 Anonymous
What's their limit on how many i can order to the same address/etc? Can i get 10? Or will they limit me to 2 or 3?

27 min later 32077793 Anonymous
>>32077735 Today wasn't even a crash, it was just some bears trying to make some money, which anyone can cash in on if they're watching the market, so it's not really a crash. People don't realize that the entire market for bitcoin is completely different than that of the 2011 crash. You're not going to see a massive crash like that again, and if you do, I can pretty much guarantee it's going to go up again, so you better buy in. Nothing short of closing down silk road will kill bitcoin. That's the final line.

27 min later 32077801 Anonymous (bitcoin-bubble.jpg 1342x741 73kB)
>>32077735 >there is little indication of a crash you mean apart from the collective history of all economic bubbles ever?

27 min later 32077806 Anonymous
>>32077756 wrong, current ASICs are running on 90nm, reduced node size will make faster ASICs. in 1-2 years, 2nd gen ASICs will be around and first gen ASICs will be obsolete.

28 min later 32077823 Anonymous
>>32077735 all it takes is someone with a shitload of bitcoins for price to crash. All they have to do sell it all and it will crash (just like a majority stock owner)

29 min later 32077838 Anonymous
>>32077806 >asics >obsolete confirmed no idea how their effiencies Ghash/s/$ line up

31 min later 32077864 Anonymous
>>32077806 >>32077838 What'll probably end up happening is this: Think of miners in three tiers ATM: 1: ASICs 2: Serious miners with quad 7990s 3: People who don't really know what they're doing After the second gen, you'll probably see this: 1: New ASICs 2: 1st Gen ASICs (maybe) 3: serious miners from before

31 min later 32077869 Anonymous
>>32077838 Pentium III NEVER obsolete!

32 min later 32077885 Anonymous
>>32077651 >All miners are fighting over the same 3600 Bitcoins each day. >All miners are fighting over the same 3600 Bitcoins each day. >All miners are fighting over the same 3600 Bitcoins each day. >>32077838 >Ghash/s/$ this is a meaningless unit of measurement.

33 min later 32077901 Anonymous
>>32077885 No it isn't you fucking faggot retard, it's the LITERAL fucking raw ultimate decider of what computing platform can be economically viable and which cannot.

33 min later 32077903 Anonymous
>>32077864 GPU miners have already been offset by the FPGA miners.

34 min later 32077913 Anonymous (sad frog extreme.jpg 396x385 234kB)
>that feel when I built a new rig back in the summer and wanted to do some bitcoin mining, but for whatever reason couldn't get it set up properly ... I could've been rich, man. Fucking rich.

36 min later 32077943 Anonymous
>>32077901 Yes... so, what happens when the difficulty is an order of magnitude higher than it is now, and you get 1/10th the profit from a ghash?

36 min later 32077949 Anonymous
>>32077921 Except other ASICs, which I think is the point they're trying to make.

36 min later 32077952 Anonymous
>>32077913 >mining in the summer

36 min later 32077962 Anonymous
>>32077901 >it's the LITERAL fucking raw ultimate decider of what computing platform can be economically viable and which cannot. and yet it completely ignores the fact of fixed supply

36 min later 32077967 Anonymous
Keep in mind that is serious (wall street) investors get into this, they'll set up their own pool, with the top-of-the-line ASICs, and other advantages they set up. What's more, if BTC dies, a normal person who bought an ASIC will be devastated. For Mr. Investor, it's probably just a slightly poor investment, nothing big.

37 min later 32077975 Anonymous
>>32077921 Yes, what happens when 2nd gen ASICs are doing 100 and when 3rd gen ones are doing 250 and when 4th gen ones are doing 500? What happens when 1500ghashes/s is for chumps and you could barely mine a coin a day with that kinda processing power?

37 min later 32077981 Anonymous
NSA quantum computers powered by the tortured souls of detained terrorists mine 83% of Bitcoins today.

37 min later 32077987 Anonymous
>>32077967 Yeah right. Wall street will just trade like they do with everything else. Why would they get into mining?

37 min later 32077989 Anonymous
>>32077975 You don't understand ASICs. They won't break 100. Not with any fab or technology we know of today. Maybe in 15 years.

39 min later 32078020 Anonymous
>>32077989 Yah yah, moores law and all that bullshit... What happens when 5th generation ASICs can do 10x the hashes/s as 1st gen ASICs? What happens when there are so many ASIC miners out there that your piece of the pie is the size of the "give to charity" slice.

39 min later 32078031 Anonymous
>>32077901 >>32077962 Mining will ALWAYS be economical for the most efficient units. Period. It's impossible not to be, because everyone stops mining instantly if it's not.

40 min later 32078039 Anonymous
>>32077987 I didn't mean wall street literally. I meant tech-savvy traders. People who just want money (I'm aware there are already people like this) out of it. They'll mine all the bitcoins they can, and then dump them, crashing BTC.

40 min later 32078049 Anonymous
Ok guys i'll play along :^) YUP ASICS ARE SHIT DON'T TRY TO BUY ANY THEY'RE ALL A SCAM (more for me :)))))

42 min later 32078076 Anonymous
>>32078049 ASICs? More like ASSICS amrite?

44 min later 32078120 Anonymous
>>32078039 http://blockchain.info/charts/n-tra nsactions That's not possible anymore, if you see above the amount of transactions per day now you'd have to be moving 10s of thousands daily to make an impact. And for that to be a viable tactic you'd have to own 100s of thousands.

45 min later 32078141 Anonymous
>>32078049 scam and vaporware. it's retarded.

46 min later 32078150 Anonymous
>>32078120 these people literally can wipe their ass with 100,000,000$. They Can Easily Destroy You. God Himself Help You Should The National Security Agency Attack Your Chain. They'll Have PetaHashes Per Second under Their Absolute Command.

47 min later 32078169 Anonymous
>>32078150 but that's not a reason to try to not ride the wave

47 min later 32078170 Anonymous
How much heads up will i have for Batch #3?

47 min later 32078173 Anonymous
>>32078150 Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?

47 min later 32078181 Anonymous
>>32078173 Same Reason you Capitalize God.

48 min later 32078192 Anonymous
>>32078173 >>32078181 Because you're an idiot?

48 min later 32078205 Anonymous
>>32078181 The entire sentence is just a list of pronouns?

49 min later 32078217 Anonymous
>>32077568 A libertarian (or 3) with deep pockets.

50 min later 32078238 Anonymous
>>32078217 No. It's Batch #3 of Avalon. You have to have 1500$ worth of bitcoins per ASIC READY TO GO in order to have ashot in HELL of getting them there's litearlly 60,000 people trying to buy presumably about 600 asics.

55 min later 32078303 Anonymous
>>32078181 >implying

57 min later 32078328 Anonymous
Aitakatta! Aitakatta! Aitakatta! Yes! Aitakatta! Aitakatta! Aitakatta! Yes! Kimi niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii

58 min later 32078343 Anonymous
>>32078328 i miss you too :3

58 min later 32078349 Anonymous
>>32078238 I'll amend my statement to "60 000 libertarians with money to burn"

58 min later 32078351 Anonymous
>literally every asic "manufacturer" makes you >PAY UP FRONT WITH BITCOINS ONLY >NO ESCROW >some of them LITERALLY say "you have to trust us we won't prove shit" TOTALLY NOT A SCAM GUISE

59 min later 32078362 Anonymous
>>32078349 >implying 60k libertarians have that kind of cash

1 hours later 32078376 Anonymous
>>32078362 >implying i don't have 10k to drop

1 hours later 32078381 Anonymous
>>32078351 yup, Butterfly Labs says "If our shit don't work, you don't get any ASIC"

1 hours later 32078387 Anonymous
>>32078381 > will not be responsible if a Bitcoin bug is introduced rendering it useless between the period of time which a batch of Avlaon units are build. ahaha oh wow and people are literally sending them thousands of dollars

1 hours later 32078394 Anonymuos
>>32077290 You can buy 4chan pass with it

1 hours later 32078400 Anonymous
>>32078376 I do too, but that's because I'm part jew (at heart, not by blood). People owe me another $1.5k

1 hours later 32078412 Anonymuos
>>32078394 I wonder if moot invests in it.

1 hours later 32078442 Anonymous
>>32078238 >there's litearlly 60,000 people trying to buy presumably about 600 asics. no there isn't batch #2 didn't sell out right away

1 hours later 32078453 Anonymous
>>32078412 Nah, he just decided to allow BTC recently, after a lot of whining.

1 hours later 32078454 Anonymous
>>32078442 Which is why there's a marketing push on /g/ right now.

1 hours later 32078468 Anonymous
>>32078394 >4chan pass >useful

1 hours later 32078511 Anonymous
Sold a bunch of gold and silver coins when 1 BTC = $13. Cashed out when it was barely going over $20. What have I done.

1 hours later 32078524 Anonymous
>>32078511 You've done goof'd, of course.

1 hours later 32078525 Anonymous
>>32078468 Typing the captcha on a tablet is annoying.

1 hours later 32078543 Anonymous
>>32078511 Made roughly 50% profit. Which is respectable.

1 hours later 32078555 Anonymous
>>32078511 >What have I done. you've realized a profit. well done.

1 hours later 32078567 Anonymous
>>32078525 >tablets >useful

1 hours later 32078585 Anonymous
>>32078394 I bought mine with it. It didn't work properly and m00t had to manually email me my pass.

1 hours later 32078604 Anonymous
>>32078525 >buy tablet >buy more things because it's difficult to use >"they're useful" No, they're not useful because the tablet isn't useful.

1 hours later 32078605 Anonymous
>>32078567 I really like mine.

1 hours later 32078619 Anonymous
>>32078604 It's almost, but not entirely analogous to saying your crutch is useful because you had the brilliant idea to saw your leg off.

1 hours later 32078640 Anonymous
>>32078605 >you >useful

1 hours later 32078702 Anonymous
Ignore anyone telling you to buy bitcoins at the present time. They are trying to screw you over. Period.

1 hours later 32078726 Anonymous (1360544503116.jpg 433x411 30kB)
>>32078702 Oh thank you, Master of the Obvious

1 hours later 32078755 Anonymous
>>32078702 the fuck... i just bought 5. someone told me its going up to like 70 bucks.... it went up from 38 or whatever right?

1 hours later 32078960 Anonymous
>>32078442 >batch #2 didn't sell out right away [citation needed] I just read through their thread. the site fucking crashed. people were getting "out of stock" less than 30 seconds after they went on sale.

1 hours later 32078990 Anonymous
alright fellas, heres the deal bitcoin has to stabilize before it sees any sort of widespread adoption, these $10-15 +/- spikes will scare any retailer looking to adopt bitcoin as a form of payment far, far the fuck away. don't expect it to drop to $1-2/btc ever again, but further correction down to $30 might be expected, and we'll (hopefully) see steady gain from there.

1 hours later 32079065 Anonymous
>bought buttcoins for 37 euros because it temporarily stopped dropping >at 37.2 starts dropping again, can't sell because of fee, would lose money >drops down to 31 euros FML

1 hours later 32079080 Anonymous
>>32079065 Why the fuck would you do that? I hope you learned your lesson.

1 hours later 32079098 Anonymous
How do you actually mine? I'm using GUIminer and Bitcoinpool, but guiminer keeps quitting after awhile, and getting errors.

1 hours later 32079105 Anonymous
>>32079098 Unless you have specialized expensive hardware, you dont' make money mining.

1 hours later 32079117 Anonymous
How much of a heads up will we have on Batch #3? 2 days? Less? More?

1 hours later 32079133 Anonymous
Do you need to provide your passport/drivers license for Mtgox? Also, does country matter at all when buying/selling?

1 hours later 32079142 Anonymous
>>32079133 Yes and yes.

1 hours later 32079169 Anonymous
I don't fucking understand bitpay.. So, say a seller wants 100$ in USD. That means i have to have, at that instant in time, 100$ WORTH of bitcoins, and then i SEND those to a bitcoin address, which is then transparent to the person who gets them? So. I basically have to have USD on hand AT THAT EXACT INSTANT in order to make the sale. If you have to BUY the BTC and THEN send them, you're fucked to hell Is this right?

1 hours later 32079175 Anonymous
>>32077290 Every year you guys say this, and it keeps coming back. What is this, the third time?

1 hours later 32079215 Anonymous
>>32077801 The same fucking thing happens every year.

1 hours later 32079267 Anonymous
>>32079169 Roughly, it's a mess. Sellers don't post the price in USD, but in BtC. If BtC goes in a direction that they stop making profits, then change their price. When you buy, you are "fixing" the price in BtC. You then buy the BtC with USD (or you have them already), send to seller, seller converts BtC back to USD. If BtC moves a huge amount in either direction between you closing the sale, you can refuse to honour the sale. As can the seller. An honest seller will return your BtC I such a case. And you end up paying to much for a bunch of ones and zeros. Note this assumes the seller wants USD and not to keep the BtC for a bit because they might rise in price, raising his profits margin.

1 hours later 32079319 Anonymous
They cost a dime when they first came out. Don't you wished that you dropped 1000 dollars on them back then?

1 hours later 32079327 Anonymous (lel33.png 1485x336 78kB)

1 hours later 32079347 Anonymous (cry.png 1280x720 434kB)
>>32079080 I did OH YES that post made me horny

1 hours later 32079352 Anonymous
>>32079327 Hopefully I can buy during the despair bit, then cash out during the next bubble.

2 hours later 32079514 Anonymous
Is this really happening?

2 hours later 32079531 Anonymous
quick /g/ i need to buy bitcoins ASAP what's the fastest way do i have to get a MtGox authorized account?! is there a better exchange?!?!

2 hours later 32079544 Anonymous
>>32079267 All i fuckign need to know is this I need to send someone about 3000$ worth of bitcoins in a few days Do i need to buy that right fucking NOW, or can i wait. stupid fucking asshole bullshit system making me go usd -> btc just so i can send the btc to someone who converts it back to usd instnatly stop being such libertarian faggots AND ACCEPT THE UNITED STATES DOLLAR AS PAYMENT.

2 hours later 32079572 Anonymous
>>32079544 If you're going USD to USD, just use Paypal or Dwolla or a bank transfer or something. Or write a fucking check.

2 hours later 32079619 Anonymous
>>32079531 https://coinbase.com/buys

2 hours later 32079738 Anonymous
>>32079572 No, i can't do that. the point is the faggots that are doing it are ONLY accepting bitcoins, but you KNOW damn fucking well they're instnatly cashing out to USD. so i HAVE to buy fucking buttcoins to send to them.

2 hours later 32079769 Anonymous
>>32079738 If they were going to cash them out to USD, they would just accept USD.

2 hours later 32079871 Anonymous
>>32079769 not him but if you cant see what he is refering to you're a dickhead.

2 hours later 32079877 Anonymous
where's the fastest place to buy bitcoins

2 hours later 32079891 Anonymous
>>32079877 See >>32079619

2 hours later 32079892 Anonymous
>>32079871 what i'm referring to is literally the reason the market is so high there's probably several MILLION dollars USD that have been converted to bitcoins in prepration for the third batch.

2 hours later 32079900 Anonymous
>>32079619 >>32079891 don't trust it, mtgox way better.

2 hours later 32079911 Anonymous
hmm, i have a mtgox account i used like 2 years ago.

2 hours later 32079929 Anonymous
>>32079900 But is it faster? Because that's what's being asked about.

2 hours later 32079949 Anonymous

2 hours later 32079958 Anonymous
>>32079892 That's exactly what bitcoins are for. It's a cryptocurrency, it's for secure transactions that only two parties have record of. Money orders are not secure.

2 hours later 32079967 Anonymous
>>32079929 It's not a scam It goes without saying, i want the fastest, non-scam exchange i can get.

2 hours later 32079980 Anonymous
>>32079958 No you fucking retard The only reason prices are high at all is because Avalon's third batch of ASICs can O.N.L.Y be bought with approximately 1500$ USD worth of bitcoins PER. And fucking EVERYONE wants one.

2 hours later 32080009 Anonymous
reminder there's no proof avalon won't scam you

2 hours later 32080030 Anonymous
>>32079980 And this is a problem, why? >buy $40 of bitcoin >bitcoins go to avalon >avalon converts to $40 >you just spent $40 safely and securely

2 hours later 32080076 Anonymous
>>32079892 >there's probably several MILLION dollars USD that have been converted to bitcoins in prepration for the third batch. the fucking second batch SAT FOR DAYS IT DID NOT SELL OUT RIGHT AWAY jesus christ you guys are fucking insane

2 hours later 32080145 Anonymous
>muh pocket change Bitch, PLEASE. http://falkvinge.net/2013/03/06/the -target-value-for-bitcoin-is-not-so me-50-or-100-it-is-100000-to-100000 0/

2 hours later 32080171 Anonymous
>Bitcoins >real You guys are fucking idiots.

2 hours later 32080178 Anonymous
>>32080159 see >>32080076 you have no idea what is going on

2 hours later 32080218 Anonymous
>>32079065 Dude you have to know something here: The people telling you to buy into bitcoin are the same people who own lots of bitcoins. Why is this important? By buying bitcoins now you are giving them money.

2 hours later 32080220 Anonymous
>download bitcoin >hm i have to get a wallet >oh cool it will make one for me >Syncrhoizing with network.. ~200 blocks of 250,000 it's like the emerge sync of currencies.

2 hours later 32080226 Anonymous
>>32080186 are you being paid by avalon or something? you're completely exaggerating and spewing complete bullshit >YOU ARE LITERALLY GUARANTEED FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, TO MAKE CLOSE TO SIX FIGURES PER YEAR FROM THESE THINGS MINING, ALONE.

2 hours later 32080235 Anonymous
So, buy Bitcoins during the next crash, and watch it skyrocket right afterwards?

2 hours later 32080243 Anonymous
>>32080186 >THESE THINGS LITERALLY PRINT FUCKING GOLD No they don't you dipshit. They figuratively print gold.

2 hours later 32080246 Anonymous (1310498787127.jpg 1010x1036 112kB)

2 hours later 32080250 Anonymous
Is it true that "lite coins" are the next thing?

2 hours later 32080251 Anonymous
>>32080076 [citation needed] look at this thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?t opic=139704.560 Look Within FOURTY FUCKING FOUR SECONDS IT WENT FROM LIVE TO SOLD OUT

2 hours later 32080267 Anonymous

2 hours later 32080283 Anonymous
>>32080226 I've run the numbers. There is literally no situation where i can lose.

2 hours later 32080288 Anonymous
>>32080267 I can tell you that selling ASICS is how to make money. want to get together and start an ASIC business?

2 hours later 32080307 Anonymous
>>32080288 Here's a hint : The reason Avalon isn't shipping is because they're mining. With all the ASICs they can get. The REAL money is in doing Both.

2 hours later 32080323 Anonymous
>>32080283 so I'm assuming you're speeding your life savings on these? You'll be a guaranteed millionaire right?

2 hours later 32080346 Anonymous
>>32080283 >I've run the numbers. According to your numbers, what percentage of the 3600 BTC generated each day do you believe you'll be receiving?

2 hours later 32080353 Anonymous
>>32080307 You're not looking far enough ahead. Once the gold rush really gets started, ASICs will be selling by the hundreds of thousands. There will be a point in the future where the cost of making an ASIC will be more than the mining you can get done with it- but people will still be buying them in huge, huge numbers, hoping to stockpile buttcoins.

2 hours later 32080354 Anonymous
>>32080288 the ironic part is i could do everything except the asic layout. just finished up a 9 layer board with a few 384 LGA FCBGAs

2 hours later 32080366 Anonymous
How are these ASICs going to help when Bitcoin hits its 21 million limit?

2 hours later 32080374 Anonymous
so is there no alternative to MtGox?

2 hours later 32080382 Anonymous (1273992120761.jpg 301x292 36kB)
The only thing bitcoin is good for is reading threads about it for 2 damn years. I enjoy so much watching the shitstorms by the sidelines.

2 hours later 32080392 Anonymous
If you had a lot of bitcoins and were smart, you'd start up something like mtGox They're the real winners here.

2 hours later 32080404 Anonymous
what exactly are these buttcoins I hear of

2 hours later 32080409 Anonymous
Sure people will make money off them. However, I'm just waiting for the system to go bust. I doubt everyone that has purchased bitcoins has an understanding of exchanges and fiscal policy. Bitcoin Bubble > Housing Bubble

2 hours later 32080451 Anonymous
>>32080409 You forget miners are literally printing free money.

2 hours later 32080464 Anonymous
>>32080451 >literally printing free money. >literally no >printing no >free no >money no

2 hours later 32080479 Anonymous
>>32080464 It is money though, Why do you think bitcoin isn't money / a currency?

2 hours later 32080484 Anonymous
>>32080464 >>32080479 Also, i literally wrote a script that sends any successful hashes to cups. So it quite literally, literally prints the money.

2 hours later 32080491 Anonymous
>>32078173 He's A Capitalist

2 hours later 32080492 Anonymous
>>32080404 fake currency online a way to stick it to the man.

2 hours later 32080505 Anonymous
>>32080491 10/10

2 hours later 32080509 Anonymous
Shit, I wish I'd bought some coins back when they were worth $5 each. Oh, well, I'll just wait until the next crash.

2 hours later 32080540 Anonymous
>>32080404 >what exactly are these buttcoins I hear of it's a way of turning stupidity into money

2 hours later 32080542 Anonymous
>>32080509 why not just get into the real stock market?

2 hours later 32080543 Anonymous
>>32080366 They'll help during the hard coins. They'll be useless after the limit and if the coins isn't high or they didn't pay out right, there are going to be regrets so pure, babies will cry simultaneously.

2 hours later 32080553 Anonymous
>>32080542 because BTC exchanges aren't completely dominated by institutional investors and high frequency trading systems... yet

3 hours later 32080652 Anonymous
>>32080171 #YOLO

3 hours later 32080659 Anonymous
>>32080652 you only mine once

3 hours later 32080660 Anonymous
I can't log into mtgox on my old account from like 2010/2011. Why?

3 hours later 32080673 Anonymous (1290056805807.jpg 696x535 46kB)

3 hours later 32080731 Anonymous
Where can i buy bitcoins on a credit card or paypal like a normal non-autistic human being would do.

3 hours later 32080774 Anonymous

3 hours later 32080792 Anonymous
>>32080774 It's as difficult as buying pure gold. Try getting it locally.

3 hours later 32080805 Anonymous
>>32080792 that's fucking stupid idiotic and defeats THE PURPOSE OF AN ONLINE DIGITAL ANONYMOUS CURRENCY.

3 hours later 32080820 Anonymous
> Buy $125 worth of bitcoins in January > It's worth $375 in March Sell now or wait?

3 hours later 32080825 Anonymous
Dwolla is the best way, i guess, it will still take fucking 3-5 days to add the funds.

3 hours later 32080827 Anonymous
>>32080805 So is trying to buy it with a digitally connected bank transfer or credit card. Fiat dollars is the most anonymous you could get. That and a hat and sunglasses.

3 hours later 32080852 Anonymous
>>32080827 All of this could be avoided if avalon weren't such fucking faggots but herp derp gotta inflate dem btc prices

3 hours later 32080916 Anonymous
Couldnt say normalfags who have legit money, buy buttcoins at reduced rates from drug dealers with cash? This would involve knowing them in person though right?

3 hours later 32080934 Anonymous
btc train has no stops only all aboard choochoo to the TOP

3 hours later 32080958 Anonymous
>>32080774 >buying at the top of the market my god, why are people this fucking stupid?

3 hours later 32080986 Anonymous
Coinbase still sucks, it takes at least 2 days between when you WANT to buy bitcoins and when you ACTUALLY GET THEM.

3 hours later 32080994 Anonymous
>>32080030 Because this fucking happens >buy 40 BTC for 1600$ today >tommorow, BTC crashes and they are worth 5$ >the next day, avalon goes on sale YOU HAVE TO HAVE 1500$ IN BTC READY TO GO INSTANTLY INSTANT TRANSFER NO ESCROW, PAY NOT AND PRAY. TO BUY AVALON.

3 hours later 32081000 Anonymous

3 hours later 32081007 Anonymous

3 hours later 32081009 Anonymous
Is there a good place to buy and sell coins where I can use some form of easy payment like Paypal?

3 hours later 32081109 Anonymous
>avalon builds asic >delay release and mine ginormous amounts of BC with them >make people buy the asics with BC >demand rises, price inflates >everyone buys avalon's freshly mined BC at a hefty premium >people pay avalon with the BC avalon mined themselves >avalon cashes out twice on each sale the people at avalon are pretty clever

3 hours later 32081128 Anonymous
>>32081109 yup jokes on them though, i can move usd to btc instantly.

3 hours later 32081134 Anonymous
>>32081009 Looking for this still.

3 hours later 32081167 Anonymous
So, should i buy or will it crash?

3 hours later 32081192 Anonymous
>>32077564 >1-1 ratio to the USD Never going to happen again unless bitcoin completely falls out of favor

3 hours later 32081210 Anonymous
>>32081167 >Will it crash, lel it just did by over 15 USD.

3 hours later 32081243 Anonymous
What's the expected payout if buying the Avalon 3rd batch?

3 hours later 32081258 Anonymous
>>32081243 A conservative estimate is $20k within a year

3 hours later 32081282 Anonymous
What is the best way to mine bitcoins?

3 hours later 32081295 Anonymous
>>32081258 It really sounds too good to be true. Is there a BTC estimate rather than something trying to predict the price of bitcoin?

3 hours later 32081298 Anonymous
so there's no way to move from cold hard cash to BTC within a few hours, is there?

3 hours later 32081303 Anonymous
>>32081282 FPGA boards when bitcoins get shitty again use it to crack wpa2's

3 hours later 32081312 Anonymous
Does this little thing really make 4500 mhash/s? How is this possible?

4 hours later 32081321 Anonymous
>>32081312 Forgot the link http://products.butterflylabs.com/4 -5gh-bitcoin-miner.html

4 hours later 32081353 Anonymous
>>32081295 >It really sounds too good to be true because it is the whole thing's a very smart and elaborate scam they've sent out less than 6 units total now they got everyone clamoring to buy them and you can only buy them with bitcoins SUPRISE : AVALON IS MINING WITH ALL OF THEM AND YOU'RE BUYING THEIR BITCOINS, DRIVING THE PRICE UP, GIVING THEM EVEN MORE MONEY WHILE MINING!

4 hours later 32081373 Anonymous
oh wow bitinstant is pretty fast with cash, but max of 500$/day useless.

4 hours later 32081376 Anonymous
Is it safe to say ids habbeding?

4 hours later 32081451 Anonymous
>>32081258 20K seems to imply bitcoins will go to $80.

4 hours later 32081478 Anonymous
>Everyone gets bitcoins >Starts to crash >Nobody can get USD out of it Yeah bitcoins are great and so superior to dollars. Oh wait.

4 hours later 32081519 Anonymous
>tfw Bitcoins drops back to $5 and everyone stocks up expecting it to climb to $45 again

4 hours later 32081532 Anonymous
Is there an easy way to buy coins? I just want to use Paypal or something.

4 hours later 32081533 Anonymous
>>32081519 Dissemination of wealth. That's good for the economy.

4 hours later 32081536 Anonymous
The only reason the price of the butt nuggets going up is in preperation of the avalonlaunch. Sort of like the snake eating its own tail.

4 hours later 32081542 Anonymous
Has anyone actually gotten an avalon batch #2 unit?

4 hours later 32081577 Anonymous
>>32081258 At 65gh/s at current difficulty you're looking at 9k/month at $40 per coin My $20k estimate factors in the difficulty increase as people get ASIC miner and potential price drops, and it's still conservative

4 hours later 32081595 Anonymous
>>32081577 meant to link >>32081295 also 227 btc per month at current difficulty

4 hours later 32081596 Anonymous
>>32081542 no.

4 hours later 32081601 Anonymous
>>32081595 The difficulty is going to go up by more than an order of magnitude within a month. Not a viable estimate.

4 hours later 32081666 Anonymous
>>32081577 I'm surprised you call your estimates conservative. There are other estimate out that that peg the lifetime profits to be around $3000, conservatively. Enough to profit, but value proposition +risk makes me wary.

4 hours later 32081697 Anonymous
Does anyone know if you have to sync your copy of the transaction history in order to make a transfer? I know I have a certain amount of bitcoins, but it's going to take ages to resync my client and I want to sell before this little bubble pops.

4 hours later 32081709 Anonymous
>>32081601 >>32081666 >actually thinking difficulty is going to go up that much

4 hours later 32081733 Anonymous
>>32081697 Import your wallet to blockchain.info. Otherwise you may need the whole chain, since you could have addresses whose value has changed.

4 hours later 32081747 Anonymous
>>32081733 >giving someone else my wallet Isn't that a terrible idea?

4 hours later 32081782 Anonymous
>>32081747 I trust it enough to only have the public address there, and only completely spend to addresses that they don't have the private key to. (I input private key only when I fully spend the amount). You could just sweep the wallet into a paper wallet address immediately after importing. Or just download the whole chain, you impatient cunt.

4 hours later 32081897 Anonymous
>>32077290 >Daily reminder that Bitcoins will collapse overnight, year 5

4 hours later 32081908 Anonymous
>>32081312 >>32081321 Please respond?

4 hours later 32081990 Anonymous
Are these bitcoins compatible with linux? Im about to make the switch over to linux , and i want to know if they will still work? Im also gonna get quad titans so i can do some heavy mining. Avalon sounds like a total vapor scam, so im goin with the titans.

4 hours later 32082003 Anonymous
>>32081908 No one knows because no one fucking has one

4 hours later 32082073 Anonymous
>>32082003 Actually found it out. It is a big scam. They could get the price they want back in 10.8 days

6 hours later 32083436 Anonymous
>>32081782 I emailed the trading service I use and they didn't have a problem with it, but the client wouldn't let me. So I ended up using that site you mentioned. "We have received your bitcoin deposit and your order will be processed within one business day." Fuck yes. Gonna wait until it goes back down to $10 or less and reinvest it all.

6 hours later 32083618 Anonymous
>>32081990 >Are these bitcoins compatible with linux? Windows only for now, unfortunately.

7 hours later 32083691 Anonymous
>>32081990 On ubuntu do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt

7 hours later 32083715 Anonymous (picture-of-the-day-a-sunken-boat-in-the-antarctic.jpg 640x385 30kB)
Question: What do you guys do to secure your bitcoins? Please don't tell me you have an unencrypted wallet.dat sitting at the default location on your main machine... Pic semi-related, I'm considering cold storage using Armory

7 hours later 32083865 Anonymous
>>32083715 >no answers brb writing a bitcoin ticker widget that silently emails me your wallet.dat or maybe a pony screensaver

7 hours later 32083879 Anonymous
>>32083715 not using https://instawallet.org

7 hours later 32083895 Anonymous
>>32083879 >online wallet >secure wut

7 hours later 32083906 Anonymous
>>32083715 That's exactly what I have, but the wallet is empty because I just sold them all. And I never had all that much in the first place. I'll be monitoring this thread for solutions for when I buy more, though.

8 hours later 32084832 Anonymous
>no answers >/g/ being in charge of security jesus even rddit has more to say than you guys: /r/Bitcoin/comments/19hpla/securing _bitcoins/ >>32083906 how'd Armory go for you?

9 hours later 32084930 Anonymous
>>32081519 >goes down to $5 >then Everybody's buying >supply and demand And then the price does come back up.

9 hours later 32084988 Anonymous
>>32077347 Why? What drives bitcoin price to rise? Is there a "real" demand for them?

9 hours later 32085161 Anonymous
>>32083715 truecrypt container

9 hours later 32085198 Anonymous
>>32081990 >quad titans >willing to drop $4000 on a rig >failing to do even the basic research on mining

9 hours later 32085222 Anonymous (dafuck-is-dis-shit.png 619x258 17kB)
What's the best way to convert bitcoins to USD & safely extract the BTC these days? I have a MtGox account I could sell from, but it looks like you can't withdraw via Dwolla anymore without doing some bullshit. There's a bank transfer option, but it's just a bunch of gibberish -- I think it might be wire transfer (which is typically expensive) instead of a normal EFT.

10 hours later 32085543 Anonymous
I'm going to crash the bitcoin stock for you guys soon I'll post a thread right before I do it

10 hours later 32085607 Anonymous (1361355120810.jpg 200x199 9kB)

10 hours later 32085621 Anonymous
>>32080553 >BTC exchanges aren't completely dominated by high frequency trading systems they've been that way for the last six months

10 hours later 32085696 Anonymous
Is Bitfloor better to use than MtGox? It seems like it would be easier/cheaper to get money out of Bitfloor.

10 hours later 32085789 Anonymous
>>32085161 >implying that's immune to ANY keylogger wrong answer billy try again plox

10 hours later 32085931 Anonymous (CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKER.png 475x800 502kB)
so seriously, you guys aren't securing your bitcoins AT ALL? I'm seriously looking into writing you guys an awesome trading tool (open-source, of course) that way you'll all pretend to be able to review the code, deem it legit because you won't see the part that emails me your unencrypted wallet.dat, and everybody'll be happy!

10 hours later 32086005 Anonymous
So, are we in the "return to 'normal'" phase, or did we manage to avoid the crash we were all hoping for?

10 hours later 32086014 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1016x347 22kB)
>>32086005 Oops, forgot pic.

10 hours later 32086043 Anonymous
I think bit coins might actually be a scam.

10 hours later 32086067 Anonymous (questionable.jpg 200x314 14kB)
>>32086043 >decentralized project with nobody in control >scam

10 hours later 32086078 Anonymous
>>32077408 You wont

10 hours later 32086084 Anonymous
>>32086067 Decentralized? Where do you get IP's of all the miners?

10 hours later 32086114 Anonymous
>>32086067 >nobody in control Every little faggot that knows a little about computer is in control of the system

10 hours later 32086202 Anonymous (1357591112586.jpg 125x120 2kB)
>>32080382 my brotha

11 hours later 32086898 Anonymous
>>32086114 If everybody is in control, then nobody is in control. Get wrecked, homosexualist.

12 hours later 32088067 Anonymous (wut.png 637x298 16kB)
What's going on here? I'm new to mining........ why am I getting all stales,and 0 kH/s?

13 hours later 32088284 Anonymous
>>32088067 Mining is dead. Don't waste your electricity.

13 hours later 32088591 Anonymous
>>32078076 nice, bro.

13 hours later 32088615 Anonymous
>>32077253 Bitcoin will fall hard when all the original CPU miners try to cash in their tens of thousands of bitcoins.

13 hours later 32088643 Anonymous
>>32088615 >implying they won't just spend them on drugs

13 hours later 32088691 Anonymous
>>32088284 Is it not worth buying an ASIC? There must be a year left at last to make a profit

13 hours later 32088697 Anonymous
>>32088691 least*

13 hours later 32088722 Anonymous
I have the equivalent of $2500 and live in South America. Want to be ready to invest in bitcoins once it plummets. What's the best way to do so?

13 hours later 32088802 Anonymous (itshappening.png 1237x660 139kB)
its happening!

13 hours later 32088815 Anonymous
>>32088722 Don't. Invest in the stock market because you will make a lot more money that way.

13 hours later 32088838 Anonymous
>>32088815 I want to invest in bitcoins. Do you know what's the best way to do so, based on the amount I have and my location?

13 hours later 32088862 Anonymous
>>32088815 Of course not. Bitcoin is much more volatile, and believed to skyrocket in the next few years.

13 hours later 32088993 Anonymous
I've still yet to see anybody show evidence of them cashing their buttcoins in for real dollars.

13 hours later 32089051 Anonymous
>>32088993 >the fraud >the genius

13 hours later 32089089 Anonymous (bitcoin.png 755x301 10kB)
>>32088993 Do you fail at everything, or just at life?

13 hours later 32089121 Anonymous (Screenshot--g- - Technology - Chromium.png 1024x723 94kB)
>>32078468 It can be.

13 hours later 32089126 Anonymous
>>32089089 Is coinbase adequate to my situation, described in >>32088722 ? Another concern of mine is to have at least a certain degree of privacy (no need to tell my address, name, etc.)

13 hours later 32089133 Anonymous
>>32083715 you could just encrypt the file with openssl.

13 hours later 32089164 Anonymous
>>32083715 I keep my wallet in ~/Private. I don't use Bitcoin on Windows.

14 hours later 32089186 Anonymous
>>32088722 *Will* it plummet?

14 hours later 32089200 Anonymous
>>32089186 Most likely. If it doesn't, I simply won't buy. But I want to be ready. my money is laying around, waiting for suggestions.

14 hours later 32089210 Anonymous
>>32089126 Coinbase doesn't require anything beyond an e-mail address to sign up, but you have to link to a bank account in order to purchase/sell. Coinbase won't necessarily know who you are, but if law enforcement were involved they could figure it out pretty quickly. Also I don't know if they support non-US bank accounts. Check here for lists of exchanges and other services: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Buying_b itcoins https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Selling_ bitcoins

14 hours later 32089214 Anonymous
>>32089126 There's a waiting period with them before you actually get your coins right now. BitInstant would be better, except that they've disabled sending straight to an address to atm, and in either case, I think there's a limit to how many you buy at once. Mtgox would probably be better for you, or if you want an alternate, bitcoin-24. You should set up the account and send the money to them now, whichever you choose (except bitInstant, can't presend money) because processing various things might take a while (again, except on bitinstant).

14 hours later 32089217 Anonymous
>>32089200 >my money is laying around, waiting for suggestions. Not let your money just sit there. Put it in a time deposit for a month.

14 hours later 32089219 Anonymous
>>32089200 Buy at 16-18 in a couple weeks or months.

14 hours later 32089224 Anonymous
>>32088691 >There must be a year left at last to make a profit Better invent your own coin.

14 hours later 32089249 Anonymous
>>32089210 Thank you. Now, on to the next question: if I buy bitcoins trough a credit card, what is the natural step to ensure I become anonymous? As far as I understand, all transactions are logged? So, the only way would be to buy bitcoins in cash in the first place? If so, they aren't really an anonymous currency, are they?

14 hours later 32089252 Anonymous
The crash is imminent. Currency just doesn't double in value almost overnight without consequence. Best advice would be to keep what you have and hope for the best. Do not buy them at all though.

14 hours later 32089258 Anonymous
>>32089214 >they've disabled sending straight to an address to atm, *too at the moment. My keyboard lost an o.

14 hours later 32089271 Anonymous
>>32089214 >>32089258 Thanks! Mtgox requests to much information, though. Even my address, it seems. And I'm not sure if I can buy from it, since I'm in South America. I will check the other sites out.

14 hours later 32089281 Anonymous
>>32089249 Bitcoin is fully anonymous starting from the moment after convertnig real currency to BTC.

14 hours later 32089288 Anonymous
>>32089249 >what is the natural step to ensure I become anonymous? Gift card or https://localbitcoins.com/.

14 hours later 32089296 Anonymous
>>32089252 >Do not buy them at all though. Why not buy them after the next crash? Bitcoin should rise at least a few times more.

14 hours later 32089326 Anonymous
>>32089249 All transactions are logged by bitcoin address, which is a random assortment of letters and numbers that can only be linked to you when you give it and your other info to the same person. Just get a second wallet and send it there.

14 hours later 32089336 Anonymous
>>32089326 Thank you.

14 hours later 32089340 Anonymous
>>32089296 Well I meant, don't buy right now. Wait until the crash when they're <$10-15. Then sit on them for a few months until the price is ~$30 and sell. Wait for the next crash, and repeat.

14 hours later 32089350 Anonymous
ok - that's 5 btc. I'm talking about significant amounts of buttcoins. Like people that say they have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth. Who is buying them from those people?

14 hours later 32089360 Anonymous
>>32089350 this is in response to

14 hours later 32089391 Anonymous
>>32089360 >>32089089 4chan x is fucking up for me...

14 hours later 32089417 Anonymous
>>32089340 Are you sure about $10-15? I'd say more like $20-25, and I think that there'll be another bubble in a few months that goes higher than this one before it crashes. the mean is going up overall in addition to the bubbles, after all, and there have been smaller bubbles before, so there will probably be bigger ones in the future.

14 hours later 32089480 Anonymous
Hey guys. Total cost of 4chan pass: $20. One bitcoin is like $41 right now. Does this mean I can buy a 4chan pass with about 0.5Bitcoins?

14 hours later 32089532 Anonymous
>>32089480 Yes.

14 hours later 32089595 Anonymous
>>32089224 Litecoin, bro.

14 hours later 32089613 Anonymous
>>32089595 It isn't dead yet?

14 hours later 32089636 Anonymous
What's the relation between bitcoin and litecoin? It seems litecoin does the same bitcoin does (bitcoin goes uo, so does litecoin. Now bitcoin goes down, so is doing litecoin)

14 hours later 32089670 Anonymous (Untitled.png 988x335 30kB)
Can we get the bulltrap, beartrap, etc pic again? Something doesn't look right here. Are we still in the "Return to normal" phase, or is it actually stabilizing? What the fuck?

14 hours later 32089671 Anonymous
>>32089613 It's never been really alive.

14 hours later 32089691 Anonymous
>>32089636 It's a lot of the same people doing basically the same thing, but on a smaller scale. Litecoin is easier to mine and worth less.

14 hours later 32089703 Anonymous
>>32089636 bitcoin : litecoin :: money : mmm

14 hours later 32089716 Anonymous
>>32089691 >Litecoin is easier to mine and worthless. FTFY.

14 hours later 32089739 Anonymous (inb4_FEAR.png 1241x351 31kB)
>>32089670 You need to change your perspective, grasshopper... What do you see now?

14 hours later 32089743 Anonymous (1335889343163.jpg 311x336 23kB)

14 hours later 32089769 Anonymous (image1.png 783x511 25kB)

14 hours later 32089792 Anonymous
>>32089739 It looks like it might take another day and a half before we hit "despair," which is way longer than i want to wait. >>32089769 Thanks.

14 hours later 32089797 Anonymous
>>32089739 >>32089769 Shit I need to learn how to bitcoin until despair starts.

14 hours later 32089853 Anonymous (EIjLuXK.jpg 640x439 45kB)
>>32089792 >>32089797 /!\ WARNING /!\ THIS IS NOT HARD SCIENCE These are to be interpreted loosely, while keeping tabs on what's going on with the actual market, trends, psychology, etc... It is NOT a graphical tool to automagically know when to buy/sell Pic related, another illustration

14 hours later 32089924 Anonymous
>>32089853 It's not rocket surgery. I will buy IF the price drops low enough, if it doesn't, I just won't. I don't think I can do anything wrong if I buy them while they're at 5-10USD.

14 hours later 32089986 Anonymous (untitled.png 783x511 36kB)
>>32089853 Well, what I need to know is, is this thing to scale?

14 hours later 32089997 Anonymous (btc=gold.png 910x905 179kB)
>>32089924 but it definitely is brain science lol pic unrelated, but Bitcoin can be looked at as the new gold >>32089986 >>32089965 No. It's purely an illustration

14 hours later 32090027 Anonymous
>>32089997 How are they related?

14 hours later 32090037 Anonymous
>>32089997 Okay then. I hope it crashes before tonight then. Also, i hope gold crashes too.

14 hours later 32090043 Anonymous
>>32089997 loose graphical similarities for the purpose of making people shit brix

14 hours later 32090059 Anonymous (hoovy.png 250x250 17kB)
>>32089997 Jesus christ they're identical. Except the bicoin one happened about 20 times faster.

14 hours later 32090212 Anonymous
>tfw i invested in cheap land in the 80s >tfw i sold it all during the housing bubble >tfw i took that money and bought gold >tfw i took my gold money and bought bitcoins

14 hours later 32090287 Anonymous
>Full month goes by >bitcoins don't crash >more and more money is invested in bitcoins >price doubles every year >2023 >65% of the world economy is now bitcoins >$50,000 per bitcoin >Investment companies buying bitcoins with money lent at low interest by the Federal Reserve >suddenly bitcoin crash >they go back to $1 in a single day >all banks ruined >US economy ruined >European economy ruined >Asian economy ruined >richest country in the world is now Nigeria >they take control of 4chan >yfw 4chan is now an officially nigger website >yfw the whole world is run by niggers >yfw you have no face >yfw you have no internet or clean water

14 hours later 32090288 Anonymous
>>32090212 >tfw when you wake up

14 hours later 32090290 Anonymous
>>32090212 How rich are you?

14 hours later 32090327 Anonymous
>>32090287 Bear story, bro.

15 hours later 32090383 Anonymous
>>32090290 Im young , rich, and bi polar

15 hours later 32090402 Anonymous
>>32090383 prove it

15 hours later 32090412 Anonymous
>>32090287 >2023 >65% of the world economy is now bitcoins >$50,000 per bitcoin your math is off. that'd be over $1,000,000 per bitcoin

15 hours later 32090418 Anonymous
>>32090383 >invested in cheap land in the 80s >young

15 hours later 32090463 Anonymous
>>32090418 Im young at heart >>32090402 I go on vacation 9 months every year, and i dont have a job

3.132 0.348