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2013-03-06 05:30 32052922 Anonymous (1b.jpg 225x225 4kB)

12 min later 32053171 Anonymous
Haha like fuck did it

13 min later 32053189 Anonymous
U forgot a decimal op

15 min later 32053229 Anonymous (1356640405689.jpg 413x395 26kB)
>>32052922 >IT HIT $100 https://mtgox.com/

16 min later 32053255 Anonymous
No one believes you, and probably no one checked. You think your joke is hilarious, you're probably going "hurr durr everyone just wasted 5 seconds on google because of my great prank" But no one believes you, no one checked, and you're not even funny. Everyone dies eventually, and what you should do is save yourself some time and kill yourself now.

17 min later 32053270 Anonymous
>>32053255 I checked 45$ still extremly high

27 min later 32053457 Anonymous
>>32053255 >being this mad

29 min later 32053498 Anonymous (asscoin.png 1090x608 35kB)

30 min later 32053529 Anonymous
>>32053255 This guy checked.

34 min later 32053593 Anonymous
>>32053255 settle down sport

37 min later 32053649 Anonymous
>>32053457 >>32053529 >>32053593 I'm not mad, this is just how I speak

2 hours later 32055764 Anonymous
>>32053649 People must really dislike you.

2 hours later 32055803 Anonymous
>>32055764 I like him.

2 hours later 32055865 Anonymous
No, but it is pretty high right now. I wonder if it'll come down for the weekend.

3 hours later 32056047 Anonymous
http://falkvinge.net/2013/03/06/bit coin-hits-100

3 hours later 32056079 Anonymous
When is the crash coming? I want to buy cheap btc

3 hours later 32056096 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1283x655 423kB)

3 hours later 32056103 Anonymous
>$45 what da fuck

3 hours later 32056112 Anonymous
$46 its happening

3 hours later 32056345 ashkenazi intelligence
how much money would it cost to apply enough pressure to the bitcoin markets to cause the increase we have seen over the last few weeks? i imagine the parties that hold millions of dollars worth of bitcoins (those few hackers, illegal market types) might have enough cash on hand to artificially inflate the price and then dump a large percentage of their coins at the increased price. when the price starts to really tank again, they just continue applying upward pressure to prevent a crash and then repeat the cycle. over the last 7 days only 14 million USD was traded on mtgox. that seems like a ton but only a % of that would need to be the manipulaters snap buying in small increments to apply pressure. they could then sell in large chunks back to themselves, fast enough that it wouldn't influence prices much. yea, I have no doubt there is some serious manipulation going on here. the sick thing is so long as bitcoin is only functioning as a unit of exchange it doesn't affect the average user too much. a bitcoin could cost 1000 dollars it wouldnt matter so long as they are valued the same when you buy them as when you use them to purchase something. the manipulators wealth is made by fucking the people who buy (or mine) high and then use undervalued bitcoins to make purchases, but so long as the swings aren't too severe their losses should be negligible.

3 hours later 32056488 Anonymous (1361720734496.jpg 1024x1536 536kB)
>>32056047 Falkfingers put all his money in bitcoin publicly. It crashed. he sold it for $7 per bitcoin after paying around $25 per bitcoin. He disappeared from the bitcoin community for a year. now he's back, flapping his pie hole like the piece of shit Danish whore that he is

3 hours later 32056493 Anonymous (casey.gif 650x423 50kB)

3 hours later 32056513 Anonymous (1293681428894.jpg 210x210 10kB)
Anybody else gonna load up when the prices come back down?

3 hours later 32056550 Anonymous
At $46.2 a piece my buddy has $12k worth, ha. I'm glad we converted out kitchen into a farm.

3 hours later 32056562 Anonymous
Dammit, I want to use bitcoins as a normal currency. Why isn't it stabilizing?

3 hours later 32056574 Anonymous
>>32056493 It already did that 2 years ago.

3 hours later 32056604 Anonymous
>>32056562 Because it's not a currency but a pyramid scheme.

4 hours later 32056994 Anonymous
>>32056345 >a bitcoin could cost 1000 dollars it wouldnt matter so long as they are valued the same when you buy them as when you use them to purchase something The problem is, right now, there's a non-negligible chance of the price dropping to $4 in the few hours it takes to buy bitcoins and order something online. So I'm gonna use dollars instead. Plus I don't see why the price would be so high. There's not exactly a shortage of bitcoins yet.

4 hours later 32057023 Anonymous
>mfw I didnt buy any when it was $7 So much regret.

4 hours later 32057063 Anonymous
>>32057023 this

4 hours later 32057073 Anonymous
>>32057023 >mfw I didnt buy any when it was 10,000BTC for a pizza

4 hours later 32057107 Anonymous
>>32057073 >yfw you have no bitcoins and loan sharks cut off your faace

4 hours later 32057122 Anonymous
>>32057107 >yfw >cut off your face >yf >face (there are loan sharks that take bitcoin?)

4 hours later 32057150 Anonymous
I just remembered the story of the buttcoin miner who forgot that his dozen or so GPU's can work at high temperatures but the human body cannot. Off he went to the hospital.

4 hours later 32057161 Anonymous (ngbbs4bcfe3bcbea67.jpg 452x339 30kB)
>>32057122 >mfw he didn't post a face with it

4 hours later 32057174 Anonymous
>>32056994 there is kind of a shortage... the verification queue at mtgox is around 2000 or more people strong. this creates a panic. The price seems high, but who knows...

4 hours later 32057180 Anonymous
>>32057174 Let's pray for a crash. The butthurt will be glorious.

4 hours later 32057211 Anonymous
>>32057150 oh shit I remember that, didn't he get some brain problem from prolong dehydration and heat exposure??

4 hours later 32057262 Anonymous (tumblr_lmj26t2yR21qki5xfo1_1280.png 628x258 8kB)
>>32057211 Yep. He posted on 4chan no less: http://buttcoin.tumblr.com/image/63 53795002

4 hours later 32057290 Anonymous
>>32057262 The body doesn't react to this? Jesus. I've only woken up in a sweat from some fever as a child and severe food poisoning, needless to say my body was severely incapacitated for both.

4 hours later 32057302 Anonymous
>>32057262 man I wonder how he feels given the current situation with bitcoins did he ever post what exactly 'minor brain damage' meant??

4 hours later 32057317 Anonymous
>>32057174 Thanks for the insight. I randomly check up on bitcoin prices and apparently I have 6 left. I'll probably just use BTCbuy to convert them to Amazon cards before it crashes again, but I'm pretty keen on buying some bitcoins... from an exchange I guess when it bottoms out. The amount of faith people have in the currency going up no matter what over time is crazy though.

4 hours later 32057330 Anonymous
>>32057262 he was clearly brain damaged before any of that ever happened

4 hours later 32057331 Anonymous
>>32057262 >not employing some sort of AC system

4 hours later 32057359 Anonymous
>>32057262 Sometimes I feel like I'm going to experience the same thing with my Fermi while playing something. On the summer my room's temperature is constantly over 30 ºC. Combined with its fan, it feels like I was sent to a noisy hell. (for americans: if you don't know what ºC means, there is an article on wikipedia about that)

4 hours later 32057361 Anonymous
What are you talking about? You mean 1 buttcoin is worth $100 now?

4 hours later 32057388 Anonymous
I knew about bitcoin when it was still like 7 or 8 dollars. What the fuck why didn't I just buy them, I was being a scared little pussy because I thought it was secret underground money that can never take off. FUCK

4 hours later 32057390 Anonymous
>>32052922 You guys do realize this is just a bubble and its going to crash right?

4 hours later 32057401 Anonymous
>>32057359 30C is around 100-110 F right?

4 hours later 32057412 Anonymous
So is it a good time to buy right now? I know the whole "buy low/sell high" thing applies, but what exactly is "high' in this case? How much higher could it possibly go? I want to buy bitcoins so i can get high, by the way. On drugs and money.

4 hours later 32057423 Anonymous
Any NZfags here know if this is legit? https://bitnz.com/ I get raped in international currency exchange using MtGox

4 hours later 32057430 Anonymous
> TFW I sold at 23€ and am going to buy four time the amount of coins with the same money as soon as it hits 8-10€ again.

4 hours later 32057432 Anonymous
>>32057388 We know that feel, anon. There's plenty of regretbros lurking and sighing out loud.

4 hours later 32057451 Anonymous
>>32057430 I can't into maths btw.

4 hours later 32057452 Anonymous
>>32057430 Thus you and everyone else (they have the same idea) fuel another bubble. You aren't special.

4 hours later 32057460 Anonymous
>>32057412 To infinity and beyond

4 hours later 32057466 Anonymous
>>32057430 >if it hits 8-10€ It obviously wont, but I am with you.

5 hours later 32057479 Anonymous
Just a question about economics in general: What are the benefits of buying high selling low instead of buy low sell high?

5 hours later 32057490 Anonymous
>bought tons at $9 >held to $15, as it crashed, sold at $8.90 >still got 1 lone bitcoin >holding on and not buying any more. ill wait till $1000

5 hours later 32057505 Anonymous
>>32057479 What the fuck man? You don't need to be an economist to figure that out. It's exactly as it sounds. [spoiler]There are no benefits. You lose money[/spoiler]

5 hours later 32057509 Anonymous
>>32057479 You help other people make money?

5 hours later 32057516 Anonymous (DAMN SON.jpg 744x419 73kB)
>>32057359 >30 ºC

5 hours later 32057528 Anonymous
>>32057509 >>32057505 well there must be some benefit. so many people do it.

5 hours later 32057532 Anonymous
>>32057505 Well sorry I don't have masterdegree economics. Companies do all kinds of weird shit and somehow earn money like selling stuff at a loss so it isn't such a weird question.

5 hours later 32057534 Anonymous
>>32057452 >You aren't special. Not special, just rich. The key will be selling right before the next crash happens. I can already smell the future greed-sweat of thousands of filthy neckbeards.

5 hours later 32057538 Anonymous
Anyone want to buy some tulips?

5 hours later 32057552 Anonymous
Just cashed out to a gift card, it's dropping like a rock. We'll see where it recovers. How do I best go about buying bitcoins with money?

5 hours later 32057553 Anonymous
>>32057528 >>32057532 They do it because they're fucking failures. Like all the people in the Bitcoin game right now. Some people make money, most people lose money.

5 hours later 32057572 Anonymous
Notice that long candlestick coming out the top of the last bar? If tomorrow is completely flat in a narrow range, it will sink like a stone the day after. If tomorrow is slightly lower, follow a couple slight downward days with another enormous jump. Stay tuned.

5 hours later 32057573 Anonymous
>>32057534 Except you don't know when the next crash will happen. The clue is that you sold at $30 when it's at $46 now. So I'm guessing you feel silly for being so conservative. You vow to hold out longer next time. Next time you'll wait too long and lose it all. It's a thin line my friend.

5 hours later 32057580 Anonymous
>>32057532 >somehow earn money like selling stuff at a loss They do this to 1. get rid of the competition 2. get rid of old products: better get a little bit of money for them than no money at all

5 hours later 32057586 Anonymous
>>32057534 You *are* one of those greedy neckbeards. Only, you think you're special. You're not. You're the same as them. I mean do you honestly think that thousand of other people don't share your pathetically simple idea?

5 hours later 32057588 Anonymous
>>32052922 no it didnt you piece of shit

5 hours later 32057597 Anonymous (sandwich-de-zoidberg.jpg 225x144 11kB)
>>32057573 Once again the conservative sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.

5 hours later 32057600 Anonymous
>>32057580 Ah I see, so they buy high sell low to get rid of the competition.

5 hours later 32057605 Anonymous
How the fuck is it going up so fast? Does anyone have an explanation or is it just computer sorcery like the internet itself?

5 hours later 32057610 Anonymous
>>32057572 This is what I'm looking at right now. Is there another website logging the value of coins being traded? I glanced around and it seemed like not a lot of currency was shifting relative to past events yet.

5 hours later 32057612 Anonymous
>>32057586 that's why he smells greed-sweat

5 hours later 32057627 Anonymous
>>32057586 I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of all the future money I'm going to make.

5 hours later 32057640 Anonymous
>>32057605 No, it's nothing special. It's just a bubble. People believe they can make a buck buying into Bitcoin. So many people are buying into it right now (a bubble). Something will happen very soon that will shake confidence in the currency and it will spark a chain reaction of buyoffs (i.e. the bubble bursts). A lot of people will lose money.

5 hours later 32057642 Anonymous
>>32057627 sounds like you're deaf.

5 hours later 32057646 Anonymous

5 hours later 32057647 Anonymous
>>32057640 I mean chain reaction of selloffs.

5 hours later 32057653 Anonymous
>Last price:$45.30854 High:$46.93000 Low:$38.48373 Volume:106456 BTC Weighted Avg:$42.01643 u wot m8?

5 hours later 32057663 Anonymous
>>32057627 >I can't hear you over the sound of all the future money I'm going to make. Actually that sound is just the ringing in your ears indicating the onset of schizophrenia

5 hours later 32057674 Anonymous

5 hours later 32057680 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1006x345 33kB)
>>32057640 Something happened an hour ago. Now we watch to see if it can get below $30 again in the next few days so we can buy more to sell during the next bubble.

5 hours later 32057690 Anonymous
>>32057359 30C isn't even anything to worry about what the fuck. That's a normal temperature in summer.

5 hours later 32057693 Anonymous
>>32057663 Being foolish != schizophrenia That guy from A Beautiful Mind was pretty smart.

5 hours later 32057698 Anonymous
Oh golly gee gosh I'm so excited /g/. Just a few hours or days until this spectacular bubble bursts. Oh gosh oh gosh! The tears will blot out the sun! How excited are you /g/?

5 hours later 32057720 Anonymous

5 hours later 32057723 Anonymous
>>32057698 I've already sold half my bitcoins that I bought at $15 and made a nice profit. I'm going to buy a Macbook Air.

5 hours later 32057756 Anonymous
>cash out >price rebounds and is steadily going up again fuck. oh well, made 200€ on this, might as well quit.

5 hours later 32057774 Anonymous
>>32057698 I am highly aroused by this.. I don't know if it will happen in some days or some weeks or some months but it will surely happen, there is nothing of value to backup this "currency" absolutely nothing

5 hours later 32057798 Anonymous
>>32057774 >there is nothing of value to backup this "currency" absolutely nothing Sort of like all currency. It's just paper, right?

5 hours later 32057811 Anonymous
>>32057798 Backed by the trustworthiness of the AMERICAN government towelhead bastard!

5 hours later 32057819 Anonymous
>>32057723 i had some respect for you until i saw "mac"

5 hours later 32057831 Anonymous
>>32057798 backed up by country resources/production this currency is backed up by people which most valuable possession may be some servers.. and even then their location is shady at most

5 hours later 32057837 Anonymous
>>32057819 Well, I can afford it now so I might as well buy the best computer available.

5 hours later 32057839 Anonymous (btc=gold.png 910x905 179kB)
>mfw bitcoin is the new gold >mfw it will soon be time to buy

5 hours later 32057841 Anonymous
When will id habbid?

5 hours later 32057861 Anonymous (IDS HABIDDING.jpg 600x446 127kB)
>>32057841 oh trust me, the time is now

5 hours later 32057895 Anonymous
>>32057532 they can do a short sell or a naked short sell, this means they buy stock at it's market value in eg:2 weeks. they then sell it at it's market value today, dumping enough stock like this ensures the price drops meaning they make a profit because they pay market value in two weeks, Naked short sell just means they finance these deals with zero capital down. The stock market is a den of thieves.

5 hours later 32057916 Anonymous (bitbubble.jpg 1200x900 138kB)

5 hours later 32057930 Anonymous
>>32057916 >we fotoshoop now the whole point is that it's going to crash soon, making it a good time to buy

5 hours later 32057992 Anonymous
>>32057930 >making it a good time to buy not really, try harder

5 hours later 32058001 Anonymous
Wtf i was looking at bitcoins back in like november and they were only 11 dollars

5 hours later 32058019 Anonymous
in the very beginning of march how was the price so high even with the volume so low?

5 hours later 32058027 Anonymous
It's basically already recovered. Shoulda put more stock in the trading numbers, fml. Oh well

5 hours later 32058035 Anonymous (Raining-Money.jpg 520x373 46kB)
Just sold mine

5 hours later 32058036 Anonymous
>>32058027 Recovered? It hasn't even begun.

5 hours later 32058046 Anonymous (Txyqn.jpg 1200x900 227kB)
>>32058019 actually a good question

5 hours later 32058062 Anonymous
>>32056550 Is he selling on SR?

5 hours later 32058076 Johnny 5
2nd this shit crashes im gonna get in.

5 hours later 32058096 Anonymous
>>32058076 You and everyone else. Then we have a third bubble. Bitcoin never ceases to entertain.

5 hours later 32058103 Anonymous (g's wall of shame.jpg 1451x5000 1348kB)
Oh, bitcoin. People still caught in this scam? Good laughs were had, particularly when /g/ made its own mining pool and was scammed by the dude who left pretexting a "hack". Oh, and /g/ putting things in his ass for scam money.

5 hours later 32058105 Anonymous
>>32053498 Tfw if I had invested all my money in bitcoins in early 2012 and sold now I would never have to work again.

5 hours later 32058119 Anonymous

5 hours later 32058124 Anonymous
So if i want to bite and buy sum bitcoins, and then sell a week later, where do i start? I can get money on a paypal account, but can you buy/sell bitcoins from/to paypal?

5 hours later 32058144 Anonymous
>>32058119 Which one are you?

5 hours later 32058149 Johnny 5
>>32058096 I'd just wait till I saw an impending bubble. for example: lets say I bought $100 worth of bitcoins when the crash occurs at speculating, uh $.50 (just for example sake, im not saying it'll fall that low) I'd just sell it when I could double/triple my money back, and only sell that amount and just leave the rest to play. it's the same thing I do when I gamble at casino's, the second I make my money back I put that shit away. And play as much as I can with the house money. Only thing to be concerned is, if the "Bitcoin" Currency/Community will actually invest in it again.

5 hours later 32058166 Anonymous
>>32058124 not unless you're ready to pay a huge fee go to MtGox for example

5 hours later 32058186 Anonymous
>>32058166 What is "huge" in %? MtGox acceps paypal? As soon as you want to sell they sell you at the current price? No waiting?

6 hours later 32058199 Anonymous
>>32055803 guess ur a fucking nobody then OWNED

6 hours later 32058209 Anonymous
>>32058186 go FAQ yourself https://support.mtgox.com/forums/20 105883-faq

6 hours later 32058237 Anonymous
i can't believe you faggots deal in this worthless monopoly money used by couple of neckbearded losers and bunch of cp dealers

6 hours later 32058241 Anonymous
>>32058166 Get a Dwolla account instead. Bitcoins were designed to get around Paypal. They don't really work well together.

6 hours later 32058250 Anonymous
>>32058237 Don't forget the druggies!

6 hours later 32058254 Anonymous
>>32058209 >All methods below are subject to a withdrawal limit of 1000 USD per 24hr period and 10000 USD per 30 Day period: >If you plan to send more than 10000 USD as an International Wire, we need to know who you are. Now I understand why it is "stable", they make it impossible to cash out enough to crash the market (since 90%+ transactions are probably made on this website). Oh, and nice anonymity, by the way....

6 hours later 32058257 Anonymous
>>32058237 >neckbeared losers I bought my first Crysis game with bitcoins! Then I bought C2 and C3 at the shop.

6 hours later 32058259 Anonymous
>>32057262 is that some sort of bad troll? there is no way a GPU can have any significant effect on room temperature

6 hours later 32058265 Anonymous (1336513507128.jpg 600x456 52kB)

6 hours later 32058274 Anonymous
>>32058259 >implying I don't heat my bedroom by running occt Maybe you should return on /v/, where you belong..

6 hours later 32058280 Anonymous
i only wish i started mining back when buttcoints started, there is no purpose in it now since you can't compete with huge mining projects

6 hours later 32058284 Anonymous (1359726938363.jpg 863x752 134kB)

6 hours later 32058290 Anonymous
>>32058280 I have mined back then in 2010, I have like 2000 btc, but I don't feel like scamming somebody to get rid of these.

6 hours later 32058292 Johnny 5
>>32058280 That's why you don't try to break in via minning, you now play against it's economy, When shit hits the fan, buy at very cheap prices then resell when it's high. Easy profit, just need to keep an eye on it.

6 hours later 32058298 Anonymous
>>32058292 >When shit hits the fan the gpu fan that is >>32057262

6 hours later 32058306 Anonymous
>>32058254 It's not meant to be anonymous... Is your bank account anonymous?

6 hours later 32058307 Anonymous
>>32058103 >/g/ made its own mining pool and was scammed by the dude who left pretexting a "hack". what? elaborate

6 hours later 32058308 Anonymous
>>32058290 Thats 80 thousand dollars right there. Sell.

6 hours later 32058309 Anonymous
>>32058259 nigga u srs even my GTX 260 heats up my room noticeably. try running dual 6990s at 97°C for days on end and tell me they don't heat the room.

6 hours later 32058310 Anonymous
>>32058259 mining builds have multiple GPUs, and yeah, they really do pump out enough heat to noticeably warm a room. if the room is already warm and has poor ventilation it can get pretty hot.

6 hours later 32058311 Anonymous
>>32058254 >what is reading comprehension you can trade as many BTCs into dollars at any moment, it's just that there are limits on how many USDs you can have wired to your bank account at any time

6 hours later 32058314 Anonymous
>>32058290 Fuck. I'll take them.

6 hours later 32058319 Anonymous (slots-full-above.jpg 1280x960 366kB)
>>32058310 even rigs such as one of these is inefficient now

6 hours later 32058322 Anonymous
>>32058290 1FuRhSmbbAJVFjc4gB4pzfBmsURandaCqj feeling generous?

6 hours later 32058326 Anonymous (13ESPDRCRKMTY7Wus3cntBBYcwdhHWUKfD.png 256x256 1kB)
>>32058290 do you feel like wiring a couple to a smiling anon? 13ESPDRCRKMTY7Wus3cntBBYcwdhHWUKfD

6 hours later 32058331 Johnny 5
>>32058290 and so the begging begins

6 hours later 32058334 Anonymous (1362475569983.jpg 327x348 36kB)
So...having 500-600 BC's from 2010 should net a pretty decent sum now? Or should I wait longer?

6 hours later 32058340 Anonymous
>>32052922 OP is suffering from FOSS -- Full Of Shit Syndrome.

6 hours later 32058345 Anonymous
I got 5000 buttcoins. Come at me broz.

6 hours later 32058347 Anonymous
>>32058314 >>32058322 >>32058326 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058352 Anonymous
>>32058347 >The number of bitcoins credited to this wallet, of which a total of 0.0 btc is pending confirmation. It may take 20 to 30 minutes to confirm pending transactions. :C

6 hours later 32058353 Anonymous
i did some mining few years back when i was into shit like this, i have about 450 coins, do you think they will go up alot more or are they at peak price now?

6 hours later 32058354 Anonymous
>>32058334 Don't wait longer. This might be your last chance. Take the $27000. Don't try your luck like a greedy neckbeard.

6 hours later 32058358 Anonymous
>>32058331 You can't walk into Harlem waving hundred dollar bills and expect to not get asked for 'em.

6 hours later 32058361 Anonymous
>>32058352 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058371 Anonymous
>>32058358 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058373 Anonymous
>>32058259 But you're wrong. I have a tiny room so I actually play crysis when it's cold out to warm up. Even when I'm not my room is always the warmest in the house.

6 hours later 32058374 Anonymous
>>32058306 buttcoin was made to be anonymous

6 hours later 32058378 Anonymous
>>32058334 The price is probably going to rise up over the next few days before plummeting down to nothing when everyone sells off their BC's.

6 hours later 32058381 Anonymous
>>32058378 >sells off their BC's. so other people will have those BCs it's not like they will dissapear

6 hours later 32058382 Anonymous
>>32058361 you're trying to break my f5 key, aren't you

6 hours later 32058385 Anonymous
>>32057490 >>bought tons at $9 > >held to $15, as it crashed, sold at $8.90 > >still got 1 lone bitcoin > >holding on and not buying any more. ill wait till $1000 how's it going in stupidland?

6 hours later 32058388 Anonymous
How could one crash the BC market if he has over 200k buttcoins?

6 hours later 32058401 Anonymous
>>32058381 The price is so high right now because people are hoarding them. When people start selling them off the price will start to drop.

6 hours later 32058411 Anonymous
>>32058388 make account at mtgox.com, deposit bitcoins, create sell order

6 hours later 32058414 Anonymous
>>32058388 It sets off a chain reaction. If he sold all his coins the price would take a hit which would make people anxious and they would sell lowering the price further etc.

6 hours later 32058415 Anonymous
>>32058382 lmao

6 hours later 32058421 Anonymous
>>32058385 i'm in crazyland, although i stop by there occasionally

6 hours later 32058429 Anonymous
>>32058361 Do you think you could kindly donate something to someone like me? 16WQa9ZEhi9yELRY7BhcZ5BirmYC37oy8X ~Of course you don't have to if you don't want to.

6 hours later 32058431 Anonymous
>>32058385 BURN!@

6 hours later 32058433 Anonymous
>>32058414 How exactly does selling lower the price? THere need to be other people who buy them so it just goes to them, changing nothing..

6 hours later 32058434 Anonymous
Why am i feeling so bad for seeing bitcoins just mnths ago at 11 dollars It just seemed so fake, like it wasnt even real money and there were only a few shops and everything in the shops seemed way too over priced. It seems like its getting better, is it happening? Does this mean the economy is crashing? Is this happening? Why do i feel butthurt?

6 hours later 32058443 Anonymous
>>32058433 Supply&demand

6 hours later 32058448 Anonymous
>>32058429 betas gon bate

6 hours later 32058450 Anonymous
>>32058388 You have 10M floating in the market. 200k might get a few moving, but I don't know if it would crash it.

6 hours later 32058456 Anonymous
>>32058434 Hindsight is 20/20 m80, don't worry about it.

6 hours later 32058463 Anonymous
>>32058429 Bitch, do not patronize me. I know I don't have to. And I won't.

6 hours later 32058470 Anonymous
>>32058450 selling 200k would drop the price to 5.84 dollars. check the mtgox order book

6 hours later 32058472 Anonymous
>>32058429 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058473 Anonymous
selling off my 100k and investing it all in gold.

6 hours later 32058496 Anonymous
>>32058308 >80 thousand dollars I just can't sell them, morally, it is a scam. Any idea what I can do with these bitcoins (without having to scam some naive dudes, or put my name somewhere)?

6 hours later 32058504 Anonymous
>tfw creators of the bitcoin probably have millions of bitcoins stashed somewhere since they could make as much as they wanted when they had the bitcoin system only in their computers and could therefore fully edit it

6 hours later 32058512 Anonymous
>>32058496 Share them! >tfw broke or go on bitcoin forums and buy games and shit off people there.

6 hours later 32058515 Anonymous
>>32058496 What , do u have to meet the ppl in a parking lot or something?

6 hours later 32058518 Anonymous
>>32058496 You can send them to me. 1Gi2yxmiTB47SWZu48rZDcHdA1S9BrA9ih I'll just hoard them.

6 hours later 32058519 Anonymous
>>32058504 tfw that's exactly what they did

6 hours later 32058526 Anonymous
>>32058473 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058532 Anonymous
Anyone want half a bitcoin?

6 hours later 32058534 Anonymous
>>32058518 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058542 Anonymous
>>32058515 Uh? >>32058512 >>32058518 Like I am going to give you shit so you scam people with it....

6 hours later 32058544 Anonymous
>>32058504 Duh. It's a pyramid scheme.

6 hours later 32058545 Anonymous
>>32058504 B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT IT'S NOT CENTRALIZED MONEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 hours later 32058551 Anonymous
>>32058534 Received ;P

6 hours later 32058554 Anonymous
>>32058532 received =]

6 hours later 32058557 Anonymous (1361904286447.jpg 1871x1420 892kB)
>>32058496 I appreciate your morality, I really do! But could you please explain why you think it's a scam? If it's because you're afraid the price drop you'd cause could harm some, you could sell over a distributed amount of time (lowering your risk as well). Also, I think you might want to look into how you'd declare your profit as a revenue, the IR$ would most certainly want to know more about your operation >>32058532 yes plox! 13ESPDRCRKMTY7Wus3cntBBYcwdhHWUKfD

6 hours later 32058558 Anonymous
>>32058307 reply faggets

6 hours later 32058561 Anonymous
So is this a good thing for the drug dealers? I mean this currency makes their risks pretty low right? Couldnt these buttcoins be good for the world as a whole by putting more power back with the goyim?

6 hours later 32058564 Anonymous

6 hours later 32058567 Anonymous
i know /g/ has some pretty nice looking cocks. i would suck any of you off to completition, without any bitcoins being involved at all. just because you're real bros.

6 hours later 32058568 Anonymous
>>32058496 Morally? Really? You're on 4chan and you care about morality? Its not a scam, its economy. You sell them and get money. Its that simple. You don't scan anybody. You don't even interact with anybody. You just click a button and receive money. If you really have what you say you do, you're rich.

6 hours later 32058571 Anonymous
>>32058504 so? i would too, you get few people to fall for this scam and you never have to work again

6 hours later 32058572 Anonymous
>>32058557 sent ;) >>32058561 silk road, or some shit like that

6 hours later 32058577 Anonymous
>>32058558 Somebody here made a pool for /g/ and when the block was done, instead of sharing, he said the pool was hacked and was never heard from again.

6 hours later 32058578 Anonymous
>>32058557 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058586 Anonymous (1362280312854.jpg 224x358 34kB)
>>32058561 >the currency makes their risks pretty low >mfw you think having a currency less stable than your mother is good for any economy

6 hours later 32058588 Anonymous
>>32058572 >>32058578 THANK YOU BASED ANONS

6 hours later 32058589 Anonymous
>>32058577 lel that is such a /g/ thing to do.

6 hours later 32058590 Anonymous
>>32058470 Checked the charts. Doesn't look like that at all--the price has been sitting somewhere between $5 and $10 for a while the last year and a half.

6 hours later 32058601 Anonymous
>>32058586 I'm pretty sure he means legally less risky

6 hours later 32058604 Anonymous
>>32058578 received =}

6 hours later 32058605 Anonymous
>>32053255 You mad, bro? xD le trickery face

6 hours later 32058606 Anonymous
>>32058557 It is a vulgar ponzi scheme. >>32058568 I am not "rich", I can't buy shit with this "currency".

6 hours later 32058611 Anonymous
>>32058590 Not the charts, the order book: http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/mt goxUSD_depth.html If you sell 200k BTC at once, it will drop to 5 USD.

6 hours later 32058612 Anonymous
>>32058577 I find it hard to believe that people here would be retarded enough to fall for this incredibly obvious scam.. Anyone who is stupid enough to not mine his own fucking block, deserves to be scammed, it will take little longer but the money gain/time ratio is identical

6 hours later 32058619 Anonymous
>>32058606 Give me some and I'll happily spend an hour with you and demonstrate how you can buy something with it, completely legally, at the mcdonalds down the road from you.

6 hours later 32058636 Anonymous
>>32058612 >I find it hard to believe that people here would be retarded enough to fall for this incredibly obvious scam They are "bitcoiners", dude, they are gullible retards.

6 hours later 32058639 Anonymous
>>32058619 1FuRhSmbbAJVFjc4gB4pzfBmsURandaCqj

6 hours later 32058652 Anonymous
>>32058639 sent ;)

6 hours later 32058657 Anonymous
>>32058586 If it were to become stable , it could be a good thing for trade no? And for the goyim?

6 hours later 32058658 Anonymous
>>32058639 Sent ;)

6 hours later 32058659 Anonymous
>>32058611 You can't sell for more than $1000 a day, and $10000 a month (on gox).

6 hours later 32058661 Anonymous
>>32058612 >I find it hard to believe that people here would be retarded enough to fall for this incredibly obvious scam.. They're libertarians. They believe anything that's FREE MAHKET and against GUBMINT.

6 hours later 32058667 Anonymous
>>32058658 >>32058652 received >.<

6 hours later 32058668 Anonymous
>>32058657 sure, but it will never be stable. it will deflate perpetually.

6 hours later 32058675 Anonymous
>>32058659 You can. You just can't withdraw more than that limit from MtGox to your bank. Also, there are higher limits for Verified and Trust accounts.

6 hours later 32058678 Anonymous
>a currency whose purpose is pure speculation Absolutely not a scam.

6 hours later 32058685 Anonymous
>>32058606 Just fucking sell them. Once you have your money, and you're happy, you'll thank that one anon on /g/ who didn't beg but rather told you to sell them for yourself.

6 hours later 32058686 Anonymous
If gookx handles 85% of all butt trades then buttcoins are no longer decentralized and are exactly the same as normal money except you pay with them in 99,9% less places than with real money

6 hours later 32058692 Anonymous
>>32058678 any idea how much it costs to move $200k from the USA to australia, and the legal drama involved in doing so? it definitely has some good uses.

6 hours later 32058697 Anonymous
Moralfag with his 2000BTC again. Is it possible that I troll exchange, like selling my 2000 for 1 cent? Would it make bitcoins decrease in value?

6 hours later 32058698 Anonymous
>>32058678 just imagine if people took these skills to the real stock market. the only reason people really are into it is because it's more exicting.

6 hours later 32058701 ID in email
>>32058612 Problem is that the time it takes to solve a block is enormous now, and not guaranteed. I've got some reading to do on mtgox and buy/sell orders.

6 hours later 32058706 Anonymous
>>32058697 they'd sell at current market price. probably wouldn't even make a dent.

6 hours later 32058709 Anonymous
>>32058685 Agreed. Selling them is no more a scam than selling gold or silver, or some stock that you deem worthless.

6 hours later 32058714 Anonymous
>>32058697 You don't have 2000 BTC. Please fuck off with your bullshit.

6 hours later 32058717 Anonymous
Heads up to everybody here because I consider you my friends, even though you're all dicks. I figure I won't take too big of a hit telling you early because there's probably only about 6 of you here. I'm selling my 6533 coins I mined last year tomorrow at 10 am CST.

6 hours later 32058720 Anonymous
>tfw young richfag /fa/ggot with loadsa money from early investments >tfw invested early as fuck before the bloat >tfw sold all my shit >tfw don't need a job but already have $300k starting

6 hours later 32058725 Anonymous
>>32058706 You mean you can't set a price on your own?

6 hours later 32058727 Anonymous
>>32058697 It would drop the price to 44 (from 46). Might pop the bubble.

6 hours later 32058730 Anonymous
>>32058720 >tfw nobody believes you

6 hours later 32058731 Anonymous
>>32058697 lol who do you think you are? rotschild? you would need about 20 000 000 bitcoins to influence the market and don't think for a second that anyone here believes you have even those smelly 2k.

6 hours later 32058741 Anonymous
>>32058717 Do it now while it's still high, before some other faggot crashes it.

6 hours later 32058742 Anonymous
>>32058731 >being this insecure

6 hours later 32058743 Anonymous
>>32058730 I'm young, rich, handsome, and bipolar. I only care somewhat.

6 hours later 32058749 Anonymous
>>32058731 There are less than 20 mil BTC in circulation.

6 hours later 32058753 Anonymous
>>32058678 Yeah but according to forbes ppl are starting to use it for global money transfer and moneynlaundering, and we already know the stock market is seeded withncartel money, etc, etc. if this is what is happening why wouldnt it be a viable currency? Maybe its going up because the gubment knows the dollar is about to crash. Maybe they are moving goyish currency to paperless, and this will help.

6 hours later 32058764 Anonymous
>>32058701 How long does a decent rig take to produce 1 bitcoin? Say running at 70-80 Mh/s

6 hours later 32058781 Anonymous
I don't understand how any one can still buy bitcoins safely since all sites shut down their banking transfer systems.

6 hours later 32058782 Anonymous
>>32058753 Serious money doesn't want it because it's a deflationary currency rigged against them. If it gains too much steam the NSA will destroy it by taking out all the exchanges destroying confidence.

6 hours later 32058784 Anonymous
>>32058568 > You sell them and get money. Really, it's more like you trade them for another (worthless) currency. Meanwhile, the coinshavers are busy buying diamonds and gold.

6 hours later 32058790 Anonymous
>>32058764 >80 MH/s >decent Even my HD5850 gets > 300 MH/s. What the fuck are you doing. > inb4 nvidia ISHYGDDT

6 hours later 32058793 Anonymous
>>32058753 Because I don't see a lot business taking a currency that can lose 90%+ of its value anytime.

6 hours later 32058794 Anonymous
>>32058717 dude, sell them NOW while they are still above 40. last year it went from 32 to 10 in a couple hours

6 hours later 32058796 Anonymous
>>32058749 [citation needed]

6 hours later 32058800 Anonymous

6 hours later 32058805 sage-o-tron (duress.png 478x458 16kB)
>>32053255 >maximum duress

6 hours later 32058807 Anonymous
>>32058796 >mtgox Volume:101935 BTC

6 hours later 32058811 Anonymous
>>32058790 That's what my machine produces if I'm working on it at the same time. Which I need to do most of the day. Wondering if it's worth while running it while I'm at work

6 hours later 32058816 Anonymous
>>32058764 More miners means more difficulty, there is huge number of minning farms making the difficulty huge, with home desktop pc you would need to mine 24/7 for a month to get a single bittcoin

6 hours later 32058817 Anonymous
>>32058796 You don't know the first fucking thing about Bitcoin and you act like an authority. There are only 21 million maximum BTC and they are released gradually. We won't hit 20 million for decades. Now fuck off.

6 hours later 32058821 Anonymous
>>32058800 It clearly is, I'm making 1 per week. It's not very much, but if it's free, why not take it.

6 hours later 32058839 Anonymous
>>32058807 http://blockchain.info/charts/total -bitcoins

6 hours later 32058840 Anonymous
>>32058816 on neato, i don't have any allowance so $40 / month is pretty good, considering there are no expenses and it's pretty much free money

6 hours later 32058846 Anonymous
>>32058821 What about power usage?

6 hours later 32058847 Anonymous
i sold in the 46s. buying again at lower 20s since it'll crash this weekend latest

6 hours later 32058848 Anonymous
>>32058811 >worth while Unless electricity is cheap as fuck where you live: Not at all. And less so if you're using nvidia for mining, those were never close to being 1/3 as efficientas Radeon cards.

6 hours later 32058853 Anonymous
>>32058821 Because that's 1 dollar an hour of working full time and it's not worth hearing a jumbo jet 24/7 for anyone other than the direst or poorfags.

6 hours later 32058858 Anonymous
>>32058846 Work is unsuspectingly paying

6 hours later 32058860 Anonymous
>>32058840 >no expenses >200.000$ electricity bill

6 hours later 32058861 Anonymous
>>32058853 Oh and given the power usage, your margins are probably what? 20% maximum? So you're making about 20 cents an hour. Great job m8.

6 hours later 32058862 Anonymous
>>32058731 The vast majority of Bitcoins are owned by only a few individuals. The could precipitate a crash if they wanted. I like to think they're smarter than that, though. Time will tell.

6 hours later 32058868 Anonymous
>>32058846 thats not an issue for me, since my parrents pay the electrical bills

6 hours later 32058871 Anonymous
>>32058853 I work with computers anyway, one more in the corner isn't noticeable.

6 hours later 32058877 Anonymous
>>32058868 >>>/v/

6 hours later 32058878 Anonymous
>>32058743 >handsome Nice ego you got there.

6 hours later 32058879 Anonymous
>>32058853 >tfw i have a job a make $2 hour so this is still pretty good deal for me

6 hours later 32058882 Anonymous
>>32058817 http://blockchain.info/charts/total -bitcoins GET WRECKED

6 hours later 32058886 Anonymous
>>32058868 They're going to ask you why the bill is so high, you might get kicked out. It's your life though.

6 hours later 32058888 Anonymous
>>32058877 >implying /g/ isn't full of NEETs

6 hours later 32058904 Anonymous
>>32058886 >implying they will have any idea it's me who is using all this electricity

6 hours later 32058907 Anonymous
>>32058860 lol where the fuck do you live that running a single system costs that much in eletricity. I have 2 rigs running off the solar panels on the roof ffs

6 hours later 32058909 Anonymous
Some ppl who get caught growing weed , steal like 20000 a month in power. I could see /g/ getting caught runningna big wharehouse buttfarm and stealing this much power, and getting caught.

6 hours later 32058913 Anonymous
>>32058727 >thinking a $2 drop in price will lead to a positive feedback loop

6 hours later 32058917 Anonymous
>>32058904 >being such a shitty son >implying they wont notice the extremely loud noise of a graka fan spinning at 100%

6 hours later 32058921 Anonymous
>>32058861 >implying I don't steal power

6 hours later 32058924 Anonymous
>>32058907 >Solar panels >~1000 Watts output pick one

6 hours later 32058928 Anonymous
>>32058917 I have water cooling. Check & mate.

6 hours later 32058932 Anonymous
>>32058913 >thinking it won't happen again like from 32 lrn2 bubbles

6 hours later 32058935 Anonymous
>>32058909 Ha, imagine cops raiding a warehouse expecting a plantation and finding a server room.

7 hours later 32058946 Anonymous
>>32058924 You jelly of Australian summer?

7 hours later 32058954 Anonymous
>>32058946 Yes

7 hours later 32058964 Anonymous
>>32058946 >2013 >Living in Australia

7 hours later 32058965 Anonymous
>>32058839 so where are the ones not shown on volume?

7 hours later 32058967 Anonymous
>>32058878 >$300k for doing nothing other than transferring a bunch of data and mindless investments >not being egotistical its like ur not even human

7 hours later 32058979 Anonymous
>>32058935 And a bunch of neckbeards eating greasy fast food

7 hours later 32058981 Anonymous
Why do buttcoins threads attract so many bullshit artists?

7 hours later 32059000 Anonymous
>>32058967 I'm not. Humans are a disease and I refuse to relate myself to them.

7 hours later 32059013 Anonymous
>>32059000 2edgy4u

7 hours later 32059048 Anonymous (1361436114651.png 500x296 291kB)
>>32058954 >>32058964

7 hours later 32059049 Anonymous
>>32056994 Would I be right in saying that when the bitcoin ceiling is reached that the price of them would increase heaps? If so, when this bubble collapses I'm going to spend $1000 on btc and wait until the maximum is reached.

7 hours later 32059095 Anonymous
>>32059049 That's the game friend

7 hours later 32059104 Anonymous
>>32059000 I know that feel bro, I'm a dragon myself.

7 hours later 32059108 Anonymous
>>32059049 >wait until the maximum is reached. Except you have no idea when the maximum is reached.

7 hours later 32059126 Anonymous
>>32059108 Did you really feel you needed to point this out. I'm sure the guy understands how a basic stock market works.

7 hours later 32059138 Anonymous
>>32059126 I'm not so sure that anyone knows how anything works.

7 hours later 32059143 Anonymous
so is it safe to say that miners work as independent banks? considering they work as a means to transfer the currency and whatnot? >>32059000 trips confirm truth ;)

7 hours later 32059152 Anonymous

7 hours later 32059164 Anonymous
>>32058935 >>32058979 Now that would be funny! :))

7 hours later 32059190 Anonymous
>>32059164 :) ;)

7 hours later 32059218 Anonymous
>>32059143 answer me fags

7 hours later 32059220 Anonymous
>>32058935 :DDD

7 hours later 32059261 Anonymous
>>32057359 > 30C > hot It's 46C outside in summer here. Quit your yapping. That guy probably got up to 60C at least

7 hours later 32059290 Anonymous
>>32059108 I mean the maximum number of bitcoins

7 hours later 32059297 Anonymous
>>32057412 err day if the price rose the day before, buy 10 BC, sell the 10 at the end of the day. If the price is going down, do nothing. Guaranteed easy profit. Looking at the graphs you can easily see that there's more chance of an upward trend continuing than the chance of a reversal. Do some calculus and figure out how many coins you need to trade to cover trading costs.

7 hours later 32059305 Anonymous
>>32059261 >Quit your yapping 2.5 hour old post...

7 hours later 32059306 Anonymous
>>32059290 21M bitcoins will be reached in 2140 better prepare enough fap material

7 hours later 32059326 Anonymous
>>32057479 > Take out a 100BC loan and agree to pay back X interest > Sell BC high, wait for BC to go low > Buy 100BC plus the interest you owe > Repay your loan This is how you profit on a downward trend.

7 hours later 32059329 Anonymous
>>32059306 >10863325.00000000 >implying http://blockexplorer.com/q/totalbc

7 hours later 32059359 Anonymous
>>32059143 > so is it safe to say that miners work as independent banks? They're just generating a hash that works as a Bitcoin, just like a coal miner or a gold miner. Maybe it's just a matter of degree. If you have a lot of bitcoins, you could operate an exchange. That would be as close to a bank as any of this gets. Bitcoin likes to present itself as decentralized, but really, Mt.Gox is the central bank for Bitcoins.

7 hours later 32059363 Anonymous
>>32059329 >what is exponential decay go FAQ yourself you dumbass https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/FAQ#How_ long_will_it_take_to_generate_all_t he_coins.3F

7 hours later 32059381 Anonymous
>>32059359 Who are mt.gox

7 hours later 32059428 Anonymous
>>32059363 I was under the impression that the bitcoins generated at a fixed rate, and if they were made too quickly the difficulty would increase. But apparently I was wrong/

7 hours later 32059468 Anonymous
>>32059428 no. blocks are released at a fixed rate but the amount of btcs per block halves every now and then so as to cater to the exponential decay I was talking about

7 hours later 32059475 Anonymous (spiceandwolf21[1].jpg 640x360 40kB)

7 hours later 32059532 Anonymous
>>32059475 Horo has taught me a lot, but I can't make BC smell like apples sadly :(

7 hours later 32059549 Anonymous
>>32059475 >>32059532 >>>/a/ Back on topic: How do you declare profit made from Bitcoin to the IR$?

7 hours later 32059635 Anonymous
>>32059549 You don't. You use your proxies and you don't give IRS shit. Unless you want to, then just declare it as income as you normally would - talk to your local tax advisers - it's basically the same as if you make money on ebay etc.

8 hours later 32059660 Anonymous (ISSYe.jpg 2957x1741 657kB)
>>32059549 I mean, I get how you'd compute your earnings from pure trading, but in the case of mining, how exactly do you do that? Declare a business? >>32059635 Hello, I'm agent Mully, this is agent Scullder, It seems that you have received large amount of money on your bank account, and that we're unable to link them to any declared income - care to elaborate?

8 hours later 32059702 Anonymous
>>32059660 >I'm agent Mully, this is agent Scullder Must have been the Cigarette-Smoking-Man.

8 hours later 32059903 Anonymous
>>32059468 Thanks for the explaination

8 hours later 32059974 Anonymous
>>32059660 Whoever made that rig used way too much cable.

8 hours later 32060099 Anonymous
I hope you realize you could have mad 13% profit within the last 24 hours alone

8 hours later 32060333 Anonymous
In two days of doing some ads and I suspect some people from /g/ I've made 23c

9 hours later 32060912 Anonymous
>>32058717 SELL THEM NOW!

9 hours later 32060934 Anonymous
>>32059297 Buying 10 BC will cost 400 USD. That pasta is not good right now.

9 hours later 32060981 Anonymous
Holy shit /g/, I bought 100 buttcoins for 500 USD a piece. If I sell them now I will have 4000 USD, should I do it?

9 hours later 32061002 Anonymous
>>32060981 Yes you should. The bubble is gonna pop any minute now. You should Sell. I already sold most of my BC. Im drowning in cash right now.

9 hours later 32061039 Anonymous
/g/ should I wait to buy butt coins or should I buy them now?

27.312 0.343