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2013-02-11 09:59 31456111 Anonymous Bitcoin (image.jpg 2136x1424 595kB)
1 min later 31456147 Anonymous
and only $39 of electricity to do it!
2 min later 31456176 Anonymous
If you live in New York, sure.
51 min later 31457489 Anonymous
>and only $39 of electricity to do it!
that's not how bitcoin works.
mining is like 2% of economy. the rest is people buying bitcoins for real money.
53 min later 31457522 Anonymous (1360525273389.jpg 1333x850 236kB)
55 min later 31457589 Anonymous (questionloli.jpg 535x668 73kB)
so you are telliing me that with a 6k machine and the triple of my electricity bill (per month) i will have 24 bucks?
56 min later 31457601 Anonymous
Puffy vulva fang?
59 min later 31457656 Anonymous
I'm not a drug addict, I don't need it
1 hours later 31457695 Anonymous
Guys, you do know that those new dedicated mining machines, they generate about minimum wage after you figure in the cost of electricity, right?
Also they do it 24/7 and without your intervention
1 hours later 31457712 Anonymous
At least the prices on the road fluctuate with bitcoin prices now.
1 hours later 31457732 Anonymous
No, if you buy one of those new machines made specificly for bitcoin mining, you will make about minimum wage after you pay the bill
1 hours later 31457820 Anonymous
Can we stop bringing up mining whenever bitcoin is mentioned? GPU mining is dead, and if you haven't preordered an ASIC yet, you've missed out on that already as well.
Instead, why don't we talk about the many advantages of actually using bitcoin? You stallman-worshippers have every reason to like it.
1 hours later 31457844 Anonymous
1 hours later 31457855 Anonymous
unless you are a pedo there's not realli an adventage
1 hours later 31457865 Anonymous
most people buy bitcoins as investment, not to buy drugs.
1 hours later 31457882 Anonymous
so they are investing in drugs then...?
1 hours later 31457897 Anonymous
>no fees
>instant worldwide transfers
>P2P, open-source, community-managed
1 hours later 31457907 Anonymous
how about a paypal alternative that doesn't rape you on transaction fees?
1 hours later 31457915 Anonymous
You are simply a dumbass.
I'm not going to prattle on, but here's the best example we have: they are being used by people countries with fucked up governments as a way to bypass trade sanctions
1 hours later 31457924 Anonymous
are you some kind of a retard?
1 hours later 31457925 Anonymous
What reputable establishments take buttcoins?
1 hours later 31457933 Anonymous
No use beyond pedomerch and drugs.
1 hours later 31457941 Anonymous
1 hours later 31457949 Anonymous
Not every government is someone you want controlling your money, bitcoin bypasses this issue
1 hours later 31457951 Anonymous
I said reputable.
1 hours later 31457969 Anonymous
4chan, some VPNs. I vaguely remember some online store that does
Also bitcoins aren't taxed
1 hours later 31457971 Anonymous
so they didn't payed taxes?
fucking leechers
are you a terrorist?
are you a poor?
1 hours later 31457974 Anonymous
1 hours later 31457976 Anonymous
Mtgox, Bitcoin-Central, etc.
They sell dollars.
1 hours later 31458005 Anonymous
>not paying taxes makes you a leech
I bet you think that tipping pizza delivery guys is the company's strategy to not pay their employees too.
1 hours later 31458006 Anonymous
I would really like to see bitcoins, or another similar currency, become popular. It's so futuristic. Especially if they could be used via nfc, all the anonymity of cash with the speed of a card
1 hours later 31458010 Anonymous
But I make dollars, American ones, at my job. I am in no short supply of them on my own, good sir.
1 hours later 31458029 Anonymous
>so they didn't payed taxes?
They aren't ALLOWED to pay taxes in that case, once again, dumbass
1 hours later 31458039 Anonymous
Thousands, no, tens of thousands of stores.
Some notable ones:
Bitmit.net (ebay for bitcoin)
Silk road (inb4)
bitcoinstore.com (/g/ related items, cheaper than newegg most of the time)
Lots of VPN/Hosting providers
1 hours later 31458062 Anonymous
Well, there's that thing, bitcoin transactions take 10 minutes to get confirmed.
And you still need an Internet connection, NFC or not.
1 hours later 31458090 Anonymous
bitcoin isn't going anywhere until technology isn't required to make them
1 hours later 31458103 Anonymous
Most payment providers don't require to wait 10 minutes for the confirmations. It makes little sense even from a security POV to wait if the transaction is less than 25 btc (610 usd). Most bitcoin transactions are safe instantly.
1 hours later 31458117 Anonymous (Untitled.png 2560x1440 1505kB)
how many anons can confirm? Would be nice.
right, i forget about that. Still they are a step in the right direction
also mfw friends ask me why bitcoins cant be faked and other questions i don't know the answer to
1 hours later 31458146 Anonymous
sorry about size forgot to resize that one
1 hours later 31458189 Anonymous (whiteandproud.png 302x389 63kB)
>tens of thousands of stores.
>4chan and silkroad
1 hours later 31458192 Anonymous
>how many anons can confirm? Would be nice.
Here's a thread about it:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?t opic=122190.0;all
It's run by the same guy as memorydealers.com , a very reputable and established company.
1 hours later 31458194 Anonymous
> hash cracking arms race
1 hours later 31458226 Anonymous
(Almost) Full list is here: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade
1 hours later 31458265 Anonymous
Thanks that's good to know, not that i have any kind of bitcoins or setup for them but perhaps one day
1 hours later 31458311 Anonymous
Anyone have experience with buying from SR? Any horror stories? I just got a good paying job and I might buy a PO box to give it a try.
1 hours later 31458322 Anonymous
Basically: the "network" keeps a huge-ass file containing every transaction ever made. When you transfer 100BTC to someone you just announce it publicly, and then everyone substracts 100 to your bitcoin balance and adds 100 to theirs.
1 hours later 31458330 Anonymous
Don't worry, Moore's false law has shown us it won't last, and after that will flatten out
1 hours later 31458368 Anonymous
that is until everything is parallelized
1 hours later 31458375 Anonymous
So i've read you need to back up your file, cfg i believe, to not loose your money, so if you were to try to fake the info in the account the "network" would realize your account doesnt match or what?
1 hours later 31458435 Anonymous
No, you can't fool it, don't even bother.
1 hours later 31458441 Anonymous (obama-smiling.jpg 411x594 64kB)
>people taking bc seriously
1 hours later 31458466 Anonymous
It's BTC hippy
1 hours later 31458467 Anonymous (1281663803541.jpg 409x410 22kB)
>This same post on every single bitcoin thread
1 hours later 31458487 Anonymous
Report it then.
1 hours later 31458494 Anonymous
the fuck
can't I find the shipping rates and locations in that page.
1 hours later 31458505 Anonymous
but why can't you? I'm trying to gather knowledge so i can pass it on to others if the time comes
1 hours later 31458515 Anonymous
>tens of thousands
You have to be joking
1 hours later 31458562 Anonymous
Repetitiveness is not banned on 4chan.
Otherwise 80% of the posts would have to be removed.
1 hours later 31458598 Anonymous
>libertarian dream currency with hard coded limit for ULTRA PRICE STABILITY
>fluctuates more than the dollar ever did
nice pyramid scheme
1 hours later 31458655 Anonymous (lel.png 312x220 7kB)
Nevermind, I found it.
1 hours later 31458658 Anonymous
>Implying price fluctuations are a bad thing for BTC.
1 hours later 31458660 Anonymous
>pyramid scheme
stop using words you don't understand
1 hours later 31458670 Anonymous
It's nice that they use buttcoins but everything is ridiculously priced
1 hours later 31458674 Anonymous
>implying it doesn't go against the libertarian wet dream
1 hours later 31458733 Anonymous
>dose Jew prices
1 hours later 31458745 Anonymous
Um....that...do you know what a pyramid scheme even is?
1 hours later 31458751 Anonymous
it is a bad thing for merchants and their customers.
it is a great thing for speculators.
i just have a bot to buy bitcoins on every dip in price, and sell them as soon as it recovers. foolproof way to make money doing nothing.
1 hours later 31458775 Anonymous
>expecting logic on 4chan
1 hours later 31458786 Anonymous
the whole thing is set up to benefit speculators and screw over anyone who actually wants to use them for anything
meanwhile speculators drive price increases then get out whilst everyone's buttcoins drop down to $.20/coin
1 hours later 31458802 Anonymous
I don't want something with a solid reliable value. I have collectable silver dollars for that. BTC is about making money by buying low and selling high.
1 hours later 31458811 Anonymous
That's still...that's still not a pyramid scheeme, that's just...a scheme I guess
1 hours later 31458817 Anonymous
around how much do you make?
1 hours later 31458828 Anonymous
So the only purpose of buttcoins is to rip off gullible libertarians through speculation?
Actually I am fully for this
1 hours later 31458872 Anonymous
that pretty much defines any fiat currency
1 hours later 31458895 Anonymous
nope, real fiat currencies are mediums of exchange and have stable value
1 hours later 31458925 Anonymous
fiat currency isn't back by anything other than faith. that's pretty much every non-precious metal backed currency ever.
1 hours later 31458947 Anonymous
it's backed by government fiat which is, in every way, the best way to manage a currency
1 hours later 31458952 Anonymous
and hell, even gold can be price fixed by the powers that be, the folks that own most of the gold
1 hours later 31458953 Anonymous
>the whole thing is set up to benefit speculators
even if it was, that does not make it a pyramid.
btc market is so volatile because the trade volume is still small - a single trade can cause a big jump in price.
1 hours later 31458973 Anonymous
Not necessarily. There have been plenty of examples of "real currencies" being even more unstable than bitcoins, yet nobody questions that they're currencies.
1 hours later 31458974 Anonymous
the fed isn't the government
1 hours later 31458997 Anonymous
FIAT money is backed by taxpayers
1 hours later 31459010 Anonymous
Unless your government is unstable or becomes divided or anything like that which seems to happen to every state after a few hundred years.
1 hours later 31459013 Anonymous
no, that's not a define factor to fiat money.
1 hours later 31459029 Anonymous
1 hours later 31459038 Anonymous
the US government uses dollars
even then gold is a shit-tier currency
1 hours later 31459046 Anonymous
The only reason why I'm interested in buttcoin is because I'm in serious need of something that allows me to concentrate on the same thing for more than 15-30 minutes before I start to daydream or my mind wanders off.
I already dropped out of Uni because I couldn't get anything done.
Does anyone know how much appropriate medication would cost?
1 hours later 31459090 Anonymous
No it isn't. Actually, I'm not even sure how something could be "backed by tax payers." Backed with what? Itself?
1 hours later 31459121 Anonymous (bitcoin_chart1.jpg 905x373 53kB)
Everyone keeps saying that Bitcoins are an unstable currency. WRONG! Bitcoin production is so precise that it's algorithmically determined; the only currency ever to be so. By definition, this makes it the most stable currency the world has ever seen. And only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be made so the Fed simply can't print more money with Bitcoins like they do with dollars.
Any fluctuation you see in the price of Bitcoins is not due to Bitcoins changing value. It's actually the the dollar that's changing. The dollar is inherently unstable. Bitcoins are, for the first time, a way for us to accurately visualize and see just how unstable the dollar is and how its value fluctuates.
1 hours later 31459143 Anonymous
he's just a guy who thinks taxes in america have always existed. i guess he didn't pay much attention in history class.
2 hours later 31459327 Anonymous
>And only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be made
which means, everyone will be hoarding them as a long -term investment.
there will be a lack of supply, and the price will continue to increase.
and since the coin is divisible only to 8 decimal places, we will arrive at a point where 0.00000001 BTC is too large amount to use for practical transactions.
i wonder, what will happen then?
2 hours later 31459400 Anonymous (mysides.png 196x195 56kB)
I hope your Ron Paul Funbux can buy me some new sides, because you owe me some.
2 hours later 31459407 Anonymous
30% ROI in the last month
2 hours later 31459420 Anonymous
having a predetermined limit to the money supply is stupid. there can be no growth once its all gone.
2 hours later 31459436 Anonymous
Where can I buy one of those specialized buttcoin machines? I steal my neighbors electricity so that wont be a problem....
2 hours later 31459461 Anonymous
What were those mini-computers for mining called? Jalapeno or some shit?
2 hours later 31459482 Anonymous
>Using bitcoins as a reserve currency.
>In an economic collapse you wont have any internet.
Retard general
2 hours later 31459484 Anonymous
Found that shit, its from Butterflylabs.
2 hours later 31459497 Anonymous
Yeah butterfly jalepeno. They exaggerate their power though.
2 hours later 31459516 Anonymous
Butterflylabs is snake oil shill astroturfing bullshit.
They have moved up their ship date 6 times now and were supposed to have shipped last September.
Avalon is the only ASIC company.
2 hours later 31459529 Anonymous
Will it pay out enough to generate enough buttcoins to pay for itself. Disregarding electricity.
2 hours later 31459539 Anonymous
Why don't you do some high school level math to figure that out?
2 hours later 31459556 Anonymous
Because I don't know the formulas
2 hours later 31459561 Anonymous
so i should wait for the 2nd bubble burst and buy many once they dip below $5.
does that sound right?
2 hours later 31459573 Anonymous
you can't add and multiply?
2 hours later 31459593 Anonymous
That $1300 ASIC should theoritically be earning almost $200 a day. What am I missing here?
2 hours later 31459613 Anonymous
Will drug dealers ever accept buttcoins?
2 hours later 31459639 Anonymous
yeah it's pretty volatile. wait for an inevitable low, buy up, wait, cash out. and don't get greedy before trying to sell. it's far better to think "i could have made more" than "i lost it all".
2 hours later 31459679 Anonymous
Nothing. It does.
2 hours later 31459784 Anonymous (chart.png 940x657 32kB)
it's likely there won't be another crash
2 hours later 31459807 Anonymous
2 hours later 31459828 Anonymous
It depends. There are still a bunch of people with huge amounts of BTC from the very beginning that could destabilize the entire thing if they wanted to.
2 hours later 31459839 Anonymous
There will be cashout at 30, and another HUGE cashout at 32 (previous record)
2 hours later 31459860 Anonymous
Eventually, they'll all be worth $0. That's what happens with finite money.
2 hours later 31459888 Anonymous
the opposite, actually. see >>31459327
2 hours later 31459917 Anonymous
What good will buttcoins be if not everyone can get them? The next big thing will come along and people will move to that.
2 hours later 31460011 Anonymous
There's no issue with the project expanding or being forked. See the zillion current forks of it (Litecoin, Ixcoin, Solidcoin, etc)
2 hours later 31460018 Anonymous
That's like asking what good a dollar is because not everyone can get them from the source (the federal reserve). You can still get bitcoins in every way you get other currencies.
2 hours later 31460023 Anonymous
>letting the government steal from you
2 hours later 31460093 Anonymous
Dollars are plentiful though, and there are no signs of that changing. Buttcoins are plentiful now, but they won't be in the future. Many people holding on to a finite amount of money effectively makes the currency worthless. You think shops don't honor them now, wait until they are hoarded by a handful of people.
But those are buttcoin. That's it's inherent downfall.
2 hours later 31460140 Anonymous
> 2.1e15 bitcoin parts
> 8e13 us cents
2 hours later 31460171 Anonymous
yesh, but you can always print more dollars. you can't do that with bitcoins.
2 hours later 31460175 Anonymous
This is actually why bitcoins exist
2 hours later 31460218 Anonymous
>Many people holding on to a finite amount of money effectively makes the currency worthless
No, it doesn't. Bitcoins are highly divisible, beyond any point people will need for a very long time. There is also something wrong with your rationale that holding onto something makes it worthless. Most gold is hoarded. Tell me, is gold worthless?
2 hours later 31460237 Anonymous
Why would you need to? Printing more dollars is just an indirect tax on everyone that owns a dollar.
2 hours later 31460261 Anonymous
>Buttcoins are plentiful now, but they won't be in the future.
You think they're going to just disappear?
2 hours later 31460298 Anonymous
>Many people holding on to a finite amount of money effectively makes the currency worthless.
That's not how it works. At all.
2 hours later 31460334 Anonymous
Printing money in small minute values sounds good for me. Implying I'm the only one getting that bank roll. Sure it'll just further decrease the value of the american dollar but fuck, I wouldn't mind the top 10 most expensive vehicles on ebay. I always wanted a truck big enough to put a super car in the cabin or a quad turbo sti.
2 hours later 31460341 Anonymous
I wish I invested…
2 hours later 31460342 Anonymous
Dollars were not always taxed and don't need to be now. That is a bad example.
2 hours later 31460357 Anonymous
You don't understand the word indirect.
2 hours later 31460367 Anonymous
Gold only has the value we give it. If one person had all the gold, I would find a substitute for my gold needs.
2 hours later 31460382 Anonymous
That's what people do with gold. That's why we use copper instead of gold for wiring.
2 hours later 31460394 Anonymous
this, it doesn't seem the same when you can actively know the amount of bitcoins that are out there and the amount that will ever be made.
2 hours later 31460402 Anonymous
*even though gold is a better conductor.
2 hours later 31460404 Anonymous
its not solely based on trust, also on scarcity
2 hours later 31460412 Anonymous
>tfw I missed the opportunity to buy 100 bitcoins for 80c each
2 hours later 31460424 Anonymous
No, gold has intrinsic value because it has several properties not found in other materials.
2 hours later 31460433 Anonymous
incorrect the coin is actually theoretically infinitely divisible if you modified the protocol slightly
2 hours later 31460435 Anonymous
>I would find a substitute for my gold needs
Until someone finds something else that doesn't corrode and conducts fairly well, we'll be using gold for a while in electronics.
2 hours later 31460437 Anonymous
But that isn't why gold has value.
2 hours later 31460451 Anonymous
He's going to argue that it is.
2 hours later 31460467 Anonymous (2013-02-11_992x456.png 992x456 114kB)
Whats the return on investment on this?
2 hours later 31460479 Anonymous
Bitcoin has intrinsic value — you ain't gonna find dem hash solutions anywhere else!
2 hours later 31460512 Anonymous
Yes it is. Beyond that initial value it's because it's scarce and people place faith in that.
2 hours later 31460523 Anonymous
you seem to be looking at that chart and imagining that you can predict the future. that's not what charts are for; they only show the past. the rest is down to your imagination.
2 hours later 31460543 Anonymous
Butterflylabs is a scam. See >>31459516
2 hours later 31460573 Anonymous
>Beyond that initial value it's because it's scarce and people place faith in that.
Now put that value beyond the initial value in perspective to the value derived solely from its scarcity, and realise why you appear naïve.
3 hours later 31460581 Anonymous
gold is not a better conductor of electricity than copper.
3 hours later 31460583 Anonymous HEY
What kind of faggot btc mining equipment do I need to buy in order to turn a profit these days?
3 hours later 31460589 Anonymous
if the bitcoins becomes the world currency, modifying the protocol could trigger an economic crisis
3 hours later 31460591 Anonymous
Pretty sure it is.
3 hours later 31460605 Anonymous
a better conductor.
3 hours later 31460607 Anonymous
>Thinking the current value of gold is justified
You kids are so stupid.
3 hours later 31460608 Anonymous
Its intrinsic value in industry has no bearing on why the price of gold is inflated. It really truly doesn't. Gold prices are colluded by the few price fixers, plain and simple. There is no other determining factor as to why it costs so much.
3 hours later 31460633 Anonymous
Because cryptography nigger.
3 hours later 31460727 Anonymous
>*even though gold is a better conductor.
http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol _1/chpt_12/5.html
Lower is better:
>Tungsten ----- Element -------------- 31.76 --------- 5.28
>Aluminum ----- Element -------------- 15.94 --------- 2.650
>Gold --------- Element -------------- 13.32 --------- 2.214
>Copper ------- Element -------------- 10.09 --------- 1.678
>Silver ------- Element -------------- 9.546 --------- 1.587
3 hours later 31460730 Anonymous
The information isn't coming from you, it's the whole network.
And each bitcoin transaction takes the form of a cryptographic hash. Think of git commits, they are always signed by a little hash that verifies the time and person who made the change to the repository. Except instead of code, it's the economy.
3 hours later 31460732 Anonymous
this, you would have to have to have tons of old, high priority BTC and enough power to emulate the whole network's power
3 hours later 31460776 Anonymous
Fuck ALL of you fucking niggers.
None of you gave a shit after it crashed last time and you stopped being able to print free money with your gaymen cards. And now the only reason its back on this autistic board is because its over 20 again. The fundamental usefulness of bitcoin never changed whether coins are worth $2, 20 or 200. You posers dont even care about that, you just want free money again.
Well guess what fuckers, i bought in big time after it crashed instead of losing interest like a 2 year old, and now im LAUGHING.
3 hours later 31460784 Bathroom Humor
Lets say, for shits, that one day a sole group of people own and hoard 90% of the btc ever made.
How will the rest of the btc spenders possibly have enough to buy everything they want, unless you inflate the price of each coin substantially? At that point, no more than 10% of the possible spending can be going on at any given moment, and people will start simply running out and have no way to get more.
3 hours later 31460795 Anonymous
You fuckers make me sick. Get out of this thread and re-educate yourselves on what it is to have free software. I have put up with your shit for long enough, you ignorant assholes. I'll have you know that the Linux community is growing beyond the likes of which you could possibly comprehend- and then some; we're stronger, and much more tech-literate than Windows or OS X users, and we will use it as one of our many advantages to make Linux the most popular and significant kernel you will ever fucking see. For long enough have you been using your proprietary software and acting as if we're all just a fucking joke, but you are all just caged animals who perceive us as people who want to be free as idiots. No matter what it fucking takes, I swear to the motherfucking Penguin that the Linux community will grow to be the biggest and most significant community in the technological industry- and we will bring the end to proprietary software. Do you even know what proprietary software even fucking is? Either way, the Linux community and kernel is, and always will be, the best community on the motherfucking planet- and the most efficient kernel in human history.
3 hours later 31460963 Anonymous
>theoretically infinitely divisible
What is a floating point?
Who are discrete mathematics?
How do I computer science?
3 hours later 31460966 Anonymous
did you sell yet?
3 hours later 31460996 Anonymous
No shit. You are changing the argument. I originally responded to
>Gold only has the value we give it.
Which is bullshit. Gold naturally has value.
3 hours later 31461034 Anonymous
>floating point
how do i CS, indeed
3 hours later 31461043 Anonymous
Sure, he was being a bit dramatic but it's not much different to say "99% of golds value comes from the value we give it".
3 hours later 31461046 Anonymous
>logarithmic scale
nigger, please.
3 hours later 31461047 Anonymous
I think I love you. Wanna go out some time?
3 hours later 31461054 Anonymous
Spoilers: The US Dollar encounters the same thing. That's why prices usually aren't fixed. You sell for what people will pay.
3 hours later 31461070 Anonymous
You could say that the value of ANYTHING is just the value we give it. It's a pointless argument.
3 hours later 31461078 Anonymous
They're called BIT coins ffs. You can't divide them infinitely, you know that's wrong. Stop pestering me about words n shit.
3 hours later 31461088 Anonymous
But that IS the point. We could make dirt our currency if we truly wanted to.
3 hours later 31461104 Anonymous
>Gold naturally has value.
yeah, in the same sense that dollar bill has value because you can recycle the paper it's made of.
3 hours later 31461110 Anonymous
So apparently you've come full circle to what I said earlier. I'm not even sure what you're arguing anymore, but whatever it is, is pointless.
3 hours later 31461131 Anonymous
What did I say earlier? I probably didn't say what you think I did.
3 hours later 31461144 Anonymous
Not even close. You could smelt the gold down, use it in products and then later on it can be recovered and used as currency. That is not true for the dollar. If you recycled it, its value is gone forever.
3 hours later 31461147 Anonymous
Ugh, we are talking about degrees here. Don't be so fucking obtuse.
Not everything is valued as closely by supply/demand.
3 hours later 31461152 Bathroom Humor
Even we start running out of dollars to spend, they print more. If a few people are holding the majority of the money, the price of goods don't need to go up or down, and neither does the value of the dollar. Just make more and give it to the new spenders.
Cash money also just falls apart on its own. If btc had THAT problem, it would be essentially useless unless we kept inflating it.
3 hours later 31461156 Anonymous
There are only 2 kinds of people that really benefit from bitcoins and find real value in them.
Drug dealers and conspiracy lunatics.
Guess which is more relevant.
3 hours later 31461161 Anonymous
I don't give a shit about bitcoin I just want to use SR
3 hours later 31461170 Anonymous
ASICs are total bullshit for a few reasons
the first being, if a company developed them and they were nearly as great as they claim they will be, it would be more profitable to make them and run them than to sell them.
Secondly before ASICs can ever get very popular, they could change up just a little for mining bitcoins and fuck over asics since their advantage can be turned into a disadvantage, a small change could potentially turn them into useless circuits, meanwhile FPGAs (with a regprogramming) and GPUs would still work just fine.
3 hours later 31461172 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461176 Anonymous
You need bitcoins to do that.
3 hours later 31461184 Anonymous
>If a few people are holding the majority of the money, the price of goods don't need to go up or down, and neither does the value of the dollar.
Yes they do. If a single person owned 99% of the dollars in circulation and then they printed the same amount to recirculate it, prices would be fucked once he starts spending his money.
3 hours later 31461190 Anonymous (kid_laughing1.jpg 320x320 22kB)
>mfw he pretends only one person here thinks he's retarded
3 hours later 31461201 Anonymous
are you autistic? I know that, hence why I specified SR
dont care about BC other than that
3 hours later 31461206 Anonymous (log_scale.png 508x400 29kB)
3 hours later 31461207 Anonymous
You are the one being obtuse. You are arguing something that is a given. Stop it. Literally everyone already knows that value is just a human creation. That is obvious.
3 hours later 31461210 Anonymous
Beyond buying LSD (it won't be real acid it will be NBOME-e) there's a chance that it will be found.
3 hours later 31461233 Anonymous
reminder that bitcoins LITERALLY only exist so drug uers, pedophiles, and other illegal traffickers of goods have a currency to use for their illegal off the books activity
reminder the whole retarded lolbertarian thing is just a side effect to give it an air of legimitacy
reminder that without TOR that bitcoins would collapse literally overnight because there is no point to use them for anything that is legal.
3 hours later 31461248 Anonymous
please dont' tell me you actually believe the sale floor is real and not a combo of silkroad and lolbertarians trying to prop up their money laundering black market "currency"
3 hours later 31461257 Anonymous
Think of the children!
3 hours later 31461264 Anonymous
if you tried to cash out even a million dollars from buttcoins the market would collapse nearly instantly
3 hours later 31461270 Anonymous (111208035225-germany-hyperinflation-banknote-kite-horizontal-gallery.jpg 640x360 41kB)
You can make a kite out of dollar bills.
3 hours later 31461271 Anonymous
You are a crazy person.
3 hours later 31461273 Anonymous
>strawmanning this hard
3 hours later 31461283 Anonymous
Good luck using them as currency afterward.
3 hours later 31461293 Anonymous
I don't think you know what word means. Everything you said was either to spread fear or just an unfounded conspiracy theory. You are literally insane.
3 hours later 31461297 Anonymous
Reminder that TOR is legal and has legitimate uses for anyone living with censored internet or a strong desire for privacy.
3 hours later 31461301 Anonymous
>You are arguing something that is a given. Stop it. Literally everyone already knows that value is just a human creation
Not arguing that at all, just pointing out that the degree at which gold is valued intrinsically is extremely high compared to its practical value.
3 hours later 31461307 Anonymous
you clearly weren't here during the last crash
there was a multi-million dollar "floor" at 13$
suddenly it approachs it
now they reapper at 12$
suddenly it approachs it
3 hours later 31461320 Anonymous
Reminder literally 90%+ of its uses are for illegal things and 99.99% of its uses in first world countries are for illegal activity
Reminder tor has literally proven that privacy and "anti-censorship" is code for "illegal activity, pedophiles, drugs"
3 hours later 31461329 Anonymous
You have LITERALLY never spent even 5 minutes on TOR
I have
i know what these "people" are
I know that TOR is almost entirely illegal activity top to bottom
3 hours later 31461334 Anonymous
>HURRR bitcoin is for drugs and crime
you FUD-spreaders don't realize you're actually making an argument FOR bitcoins.
drugs and crime will never go away. if you're right, neither will bitcoin.
3 hours later 31461348 Anonymous
I have been here since the beginning. I'm actually kicking myself because I knew about them before Forbes did their initial article on them (causing people to actually start buying them) but never had faith in them so I didn't mine any.
Everything you just said is an exaggeration by the way. They didn't just "appear" at $13 any more than say a stock "appears" at $13 one day.
3 hours later 31461349 Anonymous
>a literal lolbetarian buttcoinner callling someone else insane
my fucking flanks
3 hours later 31461354 Anonymous
but it would
bitcoin will collapse instantly once SR gets taken down
3 hours later 31461356 Anonymous
Then can only be able to be a finite number of buyers though. Drug dealers prefer liquidity.
3 hours later 31461364 Anonymous
Wow, someone who actually gets the point of bitcoin and why it will become a sustained currency but not a major one.
3 hours later 31461371 Anonymous
bitcoins are a currencly literally backed by drugs and the very few other illegal things you can buy with them.
3 hours later 31461380 Anonymous
Good job assuming things about me. I'm not a libertarian! In any rate, just because there are other crazy people in the world does not make you sane. You are mentally ill.
3 hours later 31461386 Bathroom Humor
>prices would be fucked once he starts spending his money.
Not necessarily, I don't think.
He owns 99% of the money currently existing. But if someone with another form of currency decides to convert over to the dollar, it isn't like they will say "nah, fuck you". They could print out more money of proportionally equal value to the 99% that one guy owns.
Also, one person owning 99% of the money is highly unlikely due to just how much stuff there is out there being purchased for that money, and how long this line of currency has existed (going back before the dollar, anyway).
Many people were around in the early stages of bitcoin production, making it very easy for them to gain huge amounts with relatively little work. The current world economy most likely doesn't have people in that same position, that would mean them being worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
3 hours later 31461388 Anonymous
What happens when bitcoins are made illegal in every 1st world country and governments prosecute anyone who connects to a bitcoin chain?
Your P2P can't save your pathetic ass when you can't encrypt Layer 3.
3 hours later 31461394 Anonymous
And your point is...?
3 hours later 31461395 Anonymous
Because theres no alternatives to SR
3 hours later 31461396 Anonymous
not really, they have real LSD... sorry you got ripped off but should have read the avengers thread or gone with a reputable dealer. also people get 20+ grams of MDMA shipped to them all the time lol.... shipping drugs is NOT a new thing. Most things will not be found.
3 hours later 31461401 Anonymous
Fuck no. Nowhere near the top.
Even held my nerve during the couple of retraces weve had. It might not even be worth my while to sell at all, given the long term potential of this thing.
I sunk $1000 in @ $3.50 ish low, you do the math. Imma buy a fuckin mustang.
3 hours later 31461403 Anonymous
if the SR gets taken down, another exchange immediately takes it's place.
3 hours later 31461406 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461419 Anonymous
>And your point is...?
My point is governments will shut it down hard, both because of this, but even more so because people are using it for money laundering
you already cannot trade USD:Bitcoin without submitting Socialy security ID and other AML documents
3 hours later 31461426 Anonymous
>What happens when bitcoins are made illegal in every 1st world country and governments prosecute anyone who connects to a bitcoin chain?
You should probably protest at that point because your rights are being violated pretty fucking hard. I don't even care about bitcoins but people have the right to use them.
3 hours later 31461432 Anonymous
Try cashing out and realize those "buy" orders are phantoms.
3 hours later 31461436 Anonymous (tor_logo.png 200x127 5kB)
3 hours later 31461440 Anonymous
Then fascism will be so blatant that "every 1st world country" will collapse internally.
3 hours later 31461442 Anonymous
People don't have the right to something that has nothing but illegal and criminal uses.
3 hours later 31461447 Anonymous
>you already cannot trade USD:Bitcoin without submitting Socialy security ID and other AML documents
That more likely has to do with fraud than anything. The exchange is just trying to prove that you are who you say you are and aren't giving them a stolen credit card.
3 hours later 31461451 Anonymous
Any form of money printing would defeat the purpose of the example, because the guy would then hold less than 99%.
3 hours later 31461453 Anonymous
>this is what lolbertarians actually believe
can't buy buttcoins without submitting AML documents brah
i guess you could drop 50,000$ on an asic lmao
or spend 5x the amount in electricty to get one
3 hours later 31461454 Anonymous
Gold has high value because of rarity, there is only so much of it in the earths crust, a very tiny percentage and it's difficult to extract. Steel is cheap as shit because there is so god damned much iron in the earth and thank god for that.
Butt coins are not like elements, they have no rarity because they aren't physical and thus have no intrinsic value. Anyone can make their own buttcoin system and generate as many buttcoins as they want.
3 hours later 31461460 Anonymous
Except it doesn't only have those uses. You are lying.
3 hours later 31461465 Anonymous
The devs can add more decimal places no problem. Its up to the community whether to then adopt that code.
If 1 satoshi becomes huge eeryone has an incentive to do that.
3 hours later 31461469 Anonymous
what do you mean? I buy and sell bitcoins all the time without having to give social security details or any other identifying documents.
3 hours later 31461474 Anonymous
Go fuck yourself with a rake.
I don't even want to imagine living in a society where the law is enforced with 100% efficiency.
3 hours later 31461476 Anonymous
>the government shut down some tubonerds money laundering and drug currency computer thing
>oh my god the usa is falling apart :((((( john q public won't stand for this!!!!
3 hours later 31461478 Anonymous
>Imma buy a fuckin mustang.
or wait a few years and buy a house.
3 hours later 31461480 Anonymous
u literally mad?
3 hours later 31461482 Anonymous
Bullshit, there are no exchanges left that do this
3 hours later 31461494 Anonymous
You can't buy bitcoins without submitting AML on any public exchanges
you literally either have to do it in person or KNOW a guy who knows a guy
3 hours later 31461501 Anonymous
Yeah, people can ship drugs in the mail, but if you ask anyone that does large scale importing they'll tell you that they loose plenty of packages.
3 hours later 31461507 Anonymous
then name 3 legitimate uses for buttcoins
3 hours later 31461511 Anonymous
>What happens when bitcoins are made illegal in every 1st world country and governments prosecute anyone who connects to a bitcoin chain?
CP is illegal in every 1st world country and it's still 90% of TOR traffic
3 hours later 31461515 Anonymous
I dont understand it.
I picture you sitting on daddy governments lap while blurting this shit out and attempting a trollface, and daddy governments dick is rock hard and so long its pressing the roof of your mouth.
Hows it feel to be a coward?
3 hours later 31461516 Anonymous
The people of the USA will stand for anything.
I bet they could make it mandatory for you to submit to a sexual assault every time you travelled, and nobody would do jack shit to stop them.
3 hours later 31461517 Anonymous
I dont use an exchange.
3 hours later 31461518 Anonymous
dont know how butt coins work
they are very computer intensive, everyone competes for the next one
3 hours later 31461519 Anonymous
>buttcoiners literally think the government is going to sit on its thumbs while this develops
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assas sination_market
you've been lucky so far, buttcoiners have mostly just done drugs and shit. just like it takes 3-5 years for the government to ban any given designer drug, it'll take them a while to shutdown buttcoins.
3 hours later 31461525 Anonymous
But we, as a society, don't use that much gold to begin with as far as industry and manufacturing is concerned. The price is inflated by the majority gold owners, because they are the central bankers colluding the price.
3 hours later 31461531 Anonymous
the NSA could drop literally less than 0.01% of its annual budget and take absolute control of the blockchain with nothing stopping them, if they so desired.
3 hours later 31461543 Anonymous
this site isnt meant for large scale importing though some people on there like to do it mostly for MDMA cause the dutch sell it cheap as sin.
3 hours later 31461562 Anonymous
Pretty sure some guy in syria smuggling a video of an atrocity out of the country is "illegal" too.
Your eyes would be opened if you stopped equating "illegal" with "wrong"
And dont give me BUT PEDOS, if underground pedophilia is the price of freedom then so be it.
3 hours later 31461573 Anonymous
i'll give you one, that should be enough:
3 hours later 31461582 Bathroom Humor
He owns a certain amount. But if someone comes in and earns more money, in some way, then the current world economy can make more money for them. In BTC land, it would be impossible to convert your dollars to BTC to an extent.
The relatively extremely young age of bitcoins I think is a huge setback for them, since there is a finite amount to be made and they are currently worth way less than they could be per coin.
If Bill gates, for instance, decided to cash out all of his money for BTC, how would this be handled? I'm genuinely curious about that.
3 hours later 31461588 Anonymous (Untitled-1.png 428x52 5kB)
Fucking spam filter
3 hours later 31461595 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461603 Anonymous
why do you retards think that TOR somehow magically allows them to avoid censorship?
3 hours later 31461606 Anonymous
This this fuckity this.
Law has nothing to do with right and wrong, stop being nationalist morons.
3 hours later 31461609 Anonymous
>the NSA could
>if they so desired
>literally less than 0.01%
Oh boy, it's an unfounded idea inside another.
3 hours later 31461615 Anonymous
I have about 7 bitcoins at this point, and they've already grown to double their value. By the looks of things, I'm starting to wish I had more money to invest.
>Well, there's that thing, bitcoin transactions take 10 minutes to get confirmed.
Bank transactions take a DAY to get confirmed, so that's not a problem by any means.
>And you still need an Internet connection, NFC or not.
So does a PoS. If you need some sort of alternative to cash, there's always physical Bitcoins.
3 hours later 31461617 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461619 Anonymous
that's illegal
but it's not a currency
3 hours later 31461627 Anonymous
I can only objectively agree with you good sir.
3 hours later 31461632 Anonymous
only in shit countries like america
3 hours later 31461633 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461639 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461641 Anonymous
>buy buttcoins when price low
>wait price to rise.
3 hours later 31461642 Anonymous
It's like you do not understand that BTC can be divided. If that happened the value of a bitcoin would skyrocket.
3 hours later 31461647 Anonymous
>Assassination market
oh, cool.
BRB starting a tor hidden service for this.
3 hours later 31461648 Anonymous
Hint: Money laundering is a fake crime that didnt really exist 25 years ago.
Money laundring is code for financial privacy.
3 hours later 31461649 Anonymous
if an organization that was actually fucking competent designed an actual high quality asic (at a superior node, not this 65nm shit) and ordered it in mass (which also drives down price) they could take over the buttcoin network for at least a decade, for less than 15 million dollars, easily.
3 hours later 31461671 Anonymous
>then name 3 legitimate uses for buttcoins
To buy stuff, just like regular currency.
If you need three uses, then say, a captcha-free 4chan, buying a car, buying a new computer.
3 hours later 31461675 Anonymous
>but it's not a currency
What isn't?
3 hours later 31461678 Anonymous
transactions for what?
oh yeah
illegal things
you will end up paying literally twice as much if not more with your precious buttcoins than you would with USD
the only economic, objective mathematically reason to ever use buttconis is to conceal illegal activty
it's no suprise over 70% of bitcoin traffic goes through SR and its anonymizer mixer network
3 hours later 31461679 Anonymous
>physical bitcoins
Ah yes, those physical bitcoins that can telepathically connect to each other and validate the blockhain without an internet connection.
3 hours later 31461681 Anonymous
If you are mining bitcoins you are either a pedophile or drug addict.
3 hours later 31461697 Anonymous
>muh taxes are theft
3 hours later 31461705 Anonymous
come back when asscoin hits $50
3 hours later 31461711 Bathroom Humor
How would dividing it do anything?
if you gave him a divided coin, he would currently have less than the people who don't have divided coins. Unless the coins in your bitwallet thing are automagically adjusted against the current number of coins in existence or how much they're worth.
3 hours later 31461720 Anonymous
Bitcoins are not naked children or drugs. Anyone who likes money likes bitcoin. After all, that is all bitcoin is, money.
3 hours later 31461721 Anonymous
they have a seal on them so you break the seal to get the code inside
3 hours later 31461726 Anonymous
reminder every single bitcoin transaction is final
reminder the concept of dispute negotation literally does not exist with bitcoins so you're a fucking retard for buying anything with it that you could otherwise buy with USD
reminder it's full of scammers because of this fact
reminder it can never take off as a currency for anything other than illegal goods because of this inherent characteristic
3 hours later 31461735 Anonymous
don't be such a smartass
3 hours later 31461743 Anonymous
Or a cryptography enthusiast, libertarian, geek, or person who's bad at math.
All of those are legal, half of them are even good!
3 hours later 31461744 Anonymous
Money can be used to buy a vast, vast majority of goods and services at an economic rate
Bitcoins can be used to buy drugs, child porn, illegal weapons, or perhaps a handful of legal items (at 2-3x what you'd pay with USD, and with no ability to dispute a transaction)
3 hours later 31461755 Anonymous
make dollars while you make dollars
3 hours later 31461760 Anonymous
3 hours later 31461762 Anonymous
geeks are good at math though
or is that nerds
are geeks just the hipsters of nerds now
3 hours later 31461767 Anonymous
>but it's not a currency
it is, by definition.
people use it as a medium of exchange.
3 hours later 31461770 Anonymous
China is the master of this. They still cant stop a determined tor user.
Its like trying to shelter from the rain by flicking each individual drop away with your finger. This is the power of distributed networks.
3 hours later 31461772 Anonymous
Don't mention that, it bursts their bubble.
Bitcoin is as reliable as sending someone cash for Ebay/Craigslist purchases.
3 hours later 31461775 Anonymous
Bill Gates could own 20.99999 million coins and leave the rest of the world with just one and it would work the same, we just divide it in tiny pieces. Aren't computers magic?
3 hours later 31461776 Anonymous
but this isn't 2011, you can't make money mining buttcoins anymore
3 hours later 31461788 Anonymous
I have no idea how you do not understand this
3 hours later 31461790 Anonymous
its like he thinks tor has all the bitcoin shops in existence
3 hours later 31461794 Anonymous
Currency Requires Official Certified Government Backing.
3 hours later 31461802 Anonymous
Ah ok, genuinely never heard of this. Seems reasonable actually, you just have to trust that they are not fake, and the only way to validate that would be with an internet connection surely?
3 hours later 31461812 Anonymous
Who really "launders" the most money around? Would it be the class of people who makes things like AML laws?
Hmm yes i think it would. Stay statist.
4 hours later 31461819 Anonymous
oh lord do you think ther's a new MUH SECRET DARKNET CLUB that isn't tor?
4 hours later 31461821 Anonymous
yeah if he could somehow generate all the rest of the coins and buy out every currency exchange and hack every wallet ever
4 hours later 31461829 Anonymous
So August?
4.177 0.244