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2013-02-08 03:06 31356712 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt Bitcoin General (BitCoinIconX_270x270.png 270x270 117kB)
bitcoin general thread
Where do you get bitcoins?
What do you use them for?
Do bitcoins have a future?
How much BTC do you have?
Also I've been trying to buy fucking 1.1 btc for like 3 hours now and I can't seem to do it, and my rig isn't good enough to mine any, what the fuck do I do? I need to buy with a visa pre paid gift card. Thanks for help in advance /g/
11 min later 31356940 Anonymous
bitcoin sucks ant it's doomed to failure. there is no way this bullshit is ever going to get widespread, why the fuck do you need bitcoin anyway?
13 min later 31356970 Anonymous
14 min later 31356988 Anonymous
are you kidding? a decentralized currency that's almost entirely online? I can't use it without internet, and as of yet there are little to no legitimate uses for it other than buying drugs off the silk road.
15 min later 31356997 Anonymous
plus what's deciding the value of bitcoin? it's not tangible, it's not backed by anything except the market, it's fucking absurd.
15 min later 31357007 Anonymous
the same reason anyone needs tulips.
16 min later 31357029 Apple
I don't have any yet. I've learned about the architecture of the system, except for scripts (which is really interesting).
>why the fuck do you need bitcoin anyway
Untraceable payments, currency not controlled by any single entity.
17 min later 31357045 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
I'm using it to buy an anonymous VPN subscription, that's a damn legitimate use.
17 min later 31357061 Apple
Law of demand and supply. The same as with most other currencies.
17 min later 31357065 Anonymous
I have 5BTC currently, I pay out every time I hit 5. I've generated ~500 in the last year with my equipment. I bought hardware during the bubble and paid everything off, I've been running it since then less electricity for profit.
17 min later 31357070 Anonymous
>can spend them on this very site
>no legit uses
The US dollar isn't backed by anything but their word, and to be honest a CURRENCY shouldn't be backed by anything, as if it is it becomes a commodity.
18 min later 31357073 Anonymous
total bitcoin noob here- what do you mean by scripts?
19 min later 31357086 Anonymous
what's your rig like?
20 min later 31357105 Anonymous
>Anonymous VPN
>Legit use
If you're a pedophile maybe. Then again this is /g/, home of the loli lovers.
20 min later 31357111 Anonymous
I just need a new PC that doesn't suck. Can I do some buttcoin mining to pay for the cost of the build and then just keep it running on occasion for the mildest of profits?
20 min later 31357116 Anonymous
US dollars
0.10483632 BTC
20 min later 31357119 Apple
The transactions are actually scripts, small programs, written in FORTH. The most common such script is one that tells how to transfer money and tells to verify the transaction using ECDSA keys. But others are possible. I don't know the details, I need to read about it some time.
21 min later 31357151 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
lol no, what's wrong with being anonymous for the sake of being anonymous?
22 min later 31357169 Anonymous
... That's really fucking interesting. I wish I would have heard about this earlier.
23 min later 31357199 Anonymous
it depends, if your PC sucks you're going to be mining forever before you make any kind of money at all.
25 min later 31357245 Apple
Yeah it is. If you want to learn about it, check out bitcoin.it and ask on #bitcoin on freenode (the people there are knowledgeable and helpful).
25 min later 31357255 Anonymous
>not bitcoin.org
26 min later 31357278 Anonymous
Can I do any mining with an nvidia card + ivy i5?
Looking to make some money. Electricity Is free for me
27 min later 31357296 Anonymous
>casually sliding in your address
27 min later 31357297 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
I mean you *can* mine, fucking go for it and see what happens, join a pool and download guiminer and take off.
28 min later 31357306 Apple
I just linked to a wiki that contains the information. Bitcoin.org actually links to that wiki.
You don't, it's pointless.
28 min later 31357315 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
fuck. they're on to me.
Seriously though I'm probably just going to buy off a friend or something tomorrow.
28 min later 31357316 Anonymous
You can't mine effectively with nvidia.
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_H ardware_Comparison
30 min later 31357351 Anonymous
asic mining hardware is top dog right now, to buy a box though it would cost about 1300 though you will make your money back + some
30 min later 31357354 Anonymous
well could you spare some for a poor fag who tries to mine with his only laptop
30 min later 31357365 Anonymous
i have a 7870 sitting in its box next to me and even then mining seems like less reward than its worth if it dies
31 min later 31357373 Anonymous
My current PC does suck. I wondered if it was possible to build an new one that would pay for itself via mining.
31 min later 31357385 Anonymous
32 min later 31357393 Anonymous
Time frame for payoff you were looking for?
32 min later 31357412 Anonymous
HOLY FUCK butterfly labs is way cheaper
33 min later 31357422 commissar
i use my schools imacs to mine buttcoins, as my laptop doesn't have a discrete gpu.
after a month of that, i have .01 bitcoins, and prob half of that is from mining on the gtx 260 at home
34 min later 31357445 Anonymous
>butterfly labs
no its not, not if you want the same gh/s it costs exactly the same for that power.
34 min later 31357450 Apple
ASICs will make using this hardware pointless.
35 min later 31357472 Anonymous
I mine when I'm not using my PC. I've got a 7950.
A bit of extra cash? I don't pay for electricity.
Yeah, but I think the mining scene will change when ASICs start to become widespread.
I have ~1BTC currently.
38 min later 31357535 Anonymous
should have phrased it better, cheaper to start out
39 min later 31357555 Anonymous
well i didn't buy the card for mining in the first place, i bought it for a work machine
39 min later 31357556 Anonymous
Employees at AMD must be generating a ton of bitcoins with their GPUs. Almost makes we want to become an AMD tester.
41 min later 31357599 commissar
pools might use a more... exponential scale for their own delivery rates, maybe deliver blocks more slowly to those generating over like 1000 mhash/s
42 min later 31357608 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
And think of the people who work at Butterfly labs. Those bastards.
43 min later 31357617 Anonymous
But how will I buy drugs online?
43 min later 31357622 Anonymous
>the thoughts that go through my head when they have working rigs but aren't shipping
44 min later 31357638 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
seriously. If I were them I wouldn't even have announced that I had rigs that worked. I would have just kept it on the DL while raking in delicious cryptocurrency.
45 min later 31357673 Anonymous
>doesn't know mining difficulty goes up as more people mine with faster hardware
45 min later 31357674 Anonymous
If I post my bitcoin address in this thread would anyone make a donation to it?
47 min later 31357726 commissar
i want a jalapeno NOW. 4.5 ghahs, $150
47 min later 31357728 Anonymous
6 months?
48 min later 31357749 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
>implying some big wheels at butterfly aren't sitting on super fast rigs for themselves and not releasing them to the public
51 min later 31357801 Anonymous
can anyone know if just five mini-rig was turned on today based off of the difficulty?
53 min later 31357863 Anonymous
>that feel when 51 percent attack by butterfly lab cause they are actually a government company.
1 hours later 31357998 Anonymous (getmoneygetpaid.png 274x88 2kB)
Check it
1 hours later 31358006 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt
... are they really?
1 hours later 31358040 1FwFsTVb9mTPF6HE8vdk89wc6xxu2Z3JWt (hollahollagetdollaaaaa.png 866x376 57kB)
how does it feel to be a baller?
pic realted- my wallet after about a month of mining a while back
1 hours later 31358073 Anonymous
I rather just buy and sell them. I bought them a month ago for 14 a peice and can sell them now at 22 a piece though I only have 23 coins but im going to buy drugs with them anyway to make even more money on their sale.
1 hours later 31358242 Anonymous
it would make sense seeing as they can destroy bitcoin if they had powerful machines to commit a 51 percent attack
1 hours later 31358624 Anonymous
BTC has gone up 64% in value in just the past month. If you know when to buy and sell this stuff, this is actually one of the absolute best investments you can get. Seriously, nobody gets a 64% ROI in a fucking month anywhere else.
Although It looks to me like there will be another crash soon. It will get up to $30 and then have another massive drop down to $15. That's what happened a year ago or so.
1 hours later 31358649 Anonymous
$15 is still pretty fucking high
1 hours later 31358717 Anonymous
Mined about 50 of them back when it was easy. They were only worth 3-5 euros that time. Only have 11 now. Had some fun with the other 40 though.
1 hours later 31358833 Anonymous
this is a complete myth. google "neutralizing 51 attack" etc
1 hours later 31358876 Willard The TripGeinus (david blane.jpg 223x249 8kB)
google "your mom is a fat whore" you may find some results because its true heh
1 hours later 31358916 Anonymous
its impractical because you would need old BTC to keep up the DDOS followed by the processing power of unimaginable proportions
1 hours later 31358942 Anonymous
What do you guys think? Given the massive price increase, is it wise to wait before buying? Historically, what has the price been? MtGox only shows the past month. How's the price been over the past 6 months to a year?
1 hours later 31358980 Willard The TripGeinus
i think ur gay
1 hours later 31358991 Anonymous
it fluctuates massively, wait until it hits something really low
1 hours later 31359030 Anonymous (itisstillshitposting.jpg 750x850 314kB)
1 hours later 31359035 Anonymous
So your mom is a fat whore? dude you shouldn't talk about your mom like that.
1 hours later 31359055 Anonymous
What's considered low? Like is $15 considered low or will it ever go back down to as low as $5 or what?
1 hours later 31359059 Anonymous
In the last year alone it went from 4USD to 23USD where it is now
I mean like, shit dude, that's nuts.
1 hours later 31359089 Anonymous
a one digit number
1 hours later 31359104 Willard The TripGeinus
real mature
1 hours later 31359127 Anonymous
I'm this guy here.
so far made 2 cents
2 hours later 31359633 Anonymous
I have a ATI 4770hd, is it ok for minin? does it werks on lumix? how much bitcoins for lsd?
2 hours later 31359673 Anonymous
2 hours later 31359769 Anonymous
9000 bc for lsd?
2 hours later 31360003 Anonymous
That could work. Maybe I'm just jealous of 68 GH/s. My 7950 does admirably at about 500 MH/s, though.
2 hours later 31360119 commissar
that's pretty good. the imacs here get like 30 mhases/s
2 hours later 31360174 Anonymous
it's just never going to happen and even in the worst case scenario it is just a nuisance, not a catastrophe. the end
2 hours later 31360208 Anonymous
If anybody knew stuff like this they would be millionaires. Unless you're both very smart and very informed it is all speculation.
2 hours later 31360265 Anonymous
people do and are
2 hours later 31360365 Anonymous
sure boss. especially randoms on /g/
all the talking points for either buying or selling mentioned in this thread are already common knowledge and hence priced-in.
2 hours later 31360528 Anonymous
you said people not /g/entoomen autists
2.938 0.080