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2012-12-20 08:04 30004560 Anonymous (457729_380786998632418_2104791449_o.jpg 851x315 20kB)
so i just ordered a pair of these. 2dollars short of 70. Good? Bad? Headroom really showed a rather great freq response and 50Mhz square wave response.

2 min later 30004600 Anonymous
mdr500? fucking awesome, I love the bass. and so comfy

9 min later 30004719 Anonymous
I am truly hoping for even Bass distribution as Headroom charts made me believe. they don't seem to being doing too piss poor at the rest of spectrum. a minor drop around 12kHz. The rest of the benches looked ok. So I jumped on it. BTW, I am planning to going to work with them. would people around me complain? [at moderate dBs]

11 min later 30004776 Anonymous
>>30004600 p.s. yep, mdr-xb500.

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