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2012-12-18 07:28 29963496 Anonymous (tierlist.png 412x844 35kB)
Why aren't YOU part of the electronic payment technology masterrace, /g/?
2 min later 29963528 Anonymous
Because it's not anonymous
2 min later 29963533 Anonymous
>high tier: credit card
are you serious?
3 min later 29963557 Anonymous
>free benefits & rewards
>builds credit score
>no interest charges or other fees if you are a responsible adult who can pay his bill in full each month
Well, yeah.
4 min later 29963570 Anonymous
My phone doesn't support NFC.
5 min later 29963583 Anonymous
>almost 2013
>actively supporting fractional reserve banking AND data tracking.
It's like you hate all living things on earth with the ire of a billion suns.
6 min later 29963614 Anonymous
The added hassle of paying a bill makes them inferior to the simplicity of a debit card.
6 min later 29963617 Anonymous
7 min later 29963624 Anonymous
I just pay the guy when he's at my door.
7 min later 29963637 Anonymous
>$300+ of nontaxable money a month in rewards income (ignoring benefits) is not worth setting autopay up once in two minutes for a credit card
>let's ignore the liability issues of debit cards (vs. credit)
9 min later 29963675 Anonymous (jew.png 315x396 86kB)
Yes, good goy.
Debt is good for you. Fractional reserve banking is good for you.
Good goy.
11 min later 29963703 Anonymous
>debt that rewards me and I'm charged no interest for and don't carry from month to month is good for me
Seems like a logical statement.
12 min later 29963732 Anonymous
Yes, good goyim.
Debt rewards you. Get into more debt, more rewards, right goy?
13 min later 29963748 Anonymous
I don't carry the balance from month to month, so it's like using debit. Yes, more rewards are good.
14 min later 29963767 Anonymous
Debit should be higher than coins
Also, you might wanna throw bitcoins on there in the wrong spot to generate responses, since that's what you're trying to do anyway
15 min later 29963777 Anonymous
>more debt in the country than actual money.
>a good idea
For banks, who will get the real items bought with the fiat money.
But since it's so diffused throughout the population it looks like it's the peoples fault for managing their finances badly, when it is inevitable that someone has to take the fall in a system that has not enough money in total to pay off the debt in total.
good goy.
16 min later 29963790 Anonymous
Yes goy. More debt = more rewards.
Get into more debt goy. It feels so so good.
18 min later 29963816 Anonymous
ITT: Goyim.
18 min later 29963825 Anonymous
You'd have to be able to spend buttcoins on more than 4chan passes and fake drugs from China for them to be considered a payment technology.
20 min later 29963853 Anonymous
a lot of websites have started taking them. Easy way to accept donations.
21 min later 29963872 Anonymous
You can get prepaid credit cards and Amazon gift cards with them
also like >>29963853 said they're common for donations these days
also they're very easy to trade with
24 min later 29963922 Anonymous (1349815646887.jpg 960x960 232kB)
>not paying with cash
27 min later 29963981 Anonymous
Only an American would think that paying with a credit card (money you don't own) is a good thing. No wonder their country has been taken over by the Jew.
31 min later 29964034 Anonymous
>Only a fiscally irresponsible American would think that paying with a credit card (money you don't own) is a good thing. No wonder their country has been taken over by the Jew.
FTFY, it's a great system for those who know how to play it
The smart ones make money off it, and all the idiots paying fees makes it cost lest for us
You can build up a great credit score (which is needed for a lot of things) and get tons of free shit if you do it right
32 min later 29964067 Anonymous
What are these benefits which you and your goyim friends refer to?
33 min later 29964074 Anonymous
Might as well directly give me your money
34 min later 29964102 Anonymous
Cheaper gas with a mobile card
Store points / discounts (LL Bean is the store we get the best deals at)
Lollipops and Android phones from the bank you open the credit account at
35 min later 29964119 Anonymous (220px-Honey_badger.jpg 220x177 14kB)
You must not have many of those fiscally responsible Americans, then.
Credit rating got lowered again not too long ago.
>impoverishing a huge chunk of the population
>thinking it's a good thing
So short sighted, but that's ok, there will just be more sacrificial lambs whenever a bubble pops or the money sine wave goes in the bad direction again.
38 min later 29964161 Anonymous
>He thinks he's playing the system
You're cute anon, enjoy your inevitable debt as soon as shit doesn't go exactly as you planned.
40 min later 29964193 Anonymous
>spending less than you have liquid assets to cover on credit
Difficult concept, I know.
40 min later 29964201 Anonymous
Why do you people think that we all spend exactly what we make each month. Some of us have savings for those situations. In fact, you should have at least 3 month of spendings in savings in case shit happens.
40 min later 29964203 Anonymous
Sorry, our country is not eternal debt to China due to illegal, stupid, NWO warfare. Oh, and we crave no lollipops nor Android phones.
Long live Scandinavia.
41 min later 29964214 Anonymous
We have close to zero responsible people here, no one teaches their kids good financial practices anymore because lol boomers. I agree that it's a bad situation overall. That's the 'Murrican mentality though, spend spend spend then enjoy economic crisis and blame the jews, and invade other countries to get the economy moving again
45 min later 29964279 Anonymous
>the credit card system
>steadily running western economy and society into the ground by relying on mindless consumerism, one investment bubble after the other, a lifelong hunt for good credit scores and spreading the national debt on individuals to make capitalism look less like a failure
>also heavily supporting a monitor mentality where institutions can keep track of your lifestyle and habits
Pick all.
46 min later 29964314 Anonymous
>$300+ of nontaxable money a month in rewards income
How the fuck do you get that much cashback
48 min later 29964346 Anonymous
NFC: can only use it in McDonalds, Marathon and BP stations. And yes, I live in a civilized area, not middle of nowhere.
Also, debit cards are indistinguishable from credit cards to most point of sale systems. For the few that recognize it, it gives you the option of running as debit or credit. Your image is wrong. You're thinking ATM cards, which can't be run as credit.
51 min later 29964411 Anonymous
Doesn't build your credit score. At all.
Buy a shitty piece of furniture, or a rug from a local store that lets you finance. Financing a $300 rug over a year will build your credit score if you pay everything on time. Spending $300 on your credit card and paying it off on time, won't.
If you don't have a store like that around you, you can get a small purchase loan from most credit unions. Buy yourself adobe creative suite or something.
52 min later 29964452 Anonymous
>buy something you don't need and pay it over a year
58 min later 29964583 Anonymous
Not purely, since the goal is building your credit score. And you buy something you actually need that way. If there's anything you actually need. Are there any you need?
1 hours later 29964630 Anonymous
But you described it as shitty furniture, which implies you really didn't want it to begin with.
1 hours later 29964636 Anonymous
5% cashback on hotels and rental cars for work, and 5% on restaurants. 6.25% with redemption bonus
1 hours later 29964684 Anonymous
Because the Jews at Google wallet haven't made a version that works with my phone (LG Optimus G) yet. Not sure why. I have NFC on this phone and not even using it right now. I use LevelUP in stores that accept it though.
1 hours later 29964695 Anonymous
Granted. I never like the furniture at those places for some reason. Reminds me of model homes in prefab communities. To be looked at, and not sat on. I tend to like old furniture I can't afford, so I garbage pick or get it from resale shops and refinish. It's enough for me.
1 hours later 29964699 Anonymous
You spend something like $5000 per month on hotels, restaurants and rental car?
1 hours later 29964739 Anonymous
probably work pays for everything and he keeps the rewards. if it's a corporate card, then he should be handing in the reward, but if it's a personal card that work pays off for him, then I guess the reward is his to keep
1 hours later 29964748 The Warden
the fuck is wrong with debit cards?
1 hours later 29964761 Anonymous
Professional giggalo. Expenses add up.
1 hours later 29964881 Anonymous
Nothing except for MUH CASHBACKS in the states. OP image is intentionally wrong to stir up a discussion.
1 hours later 29964917 Ambien
>High Tier
>Credit cards
Why haven't you left your shit hole country yet, OP?
1 hours later 29964957 Anonymous
I don't live in USA and I have a credit card for emergency payments like car breaking down.
Slowly phasing it out with savings though.
1 hours later 29965326 Anonymous
Work card or personal card, rewards are mine to keep, and expenses are 100% reimbursed. The rewards are gravy, and aren't subject to 30% tax like my income.
1 hours later 29965337 Anonymous
...Except in the USA liability on debit cards is much, much, much higher for unauthorized charges compared to credit.
1 hours later 29965369 Anonymous
This, who in their right mind would use debit under such conditions.
1 hours later 29965371 Anonymous
> Spending $300 on your credit card and paying it off on time, won't.
Oh boy, do I have to debunk this again? You are 100% wrong.
>Myth No. 4: "You need to carry a credit card balance to have good scores."
>Fact: You don't need to be in debt or pay a penny of interest to have good credit scores.
>Your credit reports and scores don't "know" whether you're carrying a balance or paying it off in full every month. That's because the balance reported to the credit bureaus typically is the balance from your last statement, not what was left over after you got that statement and paid the bill. So you might as well pay in full and save yourself the interest.
>This myth encourages people to carry unnecessary debt, putting them at the mercy of credit card issuers and eroding their financial security.
>The credit bureaus are privy to your payment history and the balance on your monthly credit card bill, "but they don't know if you're paying interest or not," Nazari says. This means deciding to pay the minimum each month isn't going to do much more than cost you money, especially if you're carrying a particularly high annual percentage rate. The lesson? Don't forgo payments just to carry a balance month to month.
1 hours later 29965380 Anonymous
>>29965371 here
>Build Credit With A Balance
>One of the most popular credit score myths is that you need to carry a balance in order to build credit. Fortunately, that's not true. In reality, 35% of your credit score is based on your payment history and creditors don't care whether you carry a balance or not. In fact, your credit cards will report your statement balance each month with no other information. No one knows, or cares, whether you've carried a balance from month to month or just racked up the charges on the statement in the last month.
People in their right mind don't use debit under such conditions.
1 hours later 29965387 Anonymous
Becuase you didn't make the BG of that image opaque.
We've been through this before, just make the background opaque and stop being one of the most difficult people in the world an Autist even.
1 hours later 29965396 Anonymous
>People in their right mind don't use debit under such conditions.
Have you read the thread?
1 hours later 29965412 Anonymous
>people in their right mind
>people who live in the US and are subject to extremely high liability when using debit, but choose to use it anyways
Two completely separate groups of people.
1 hours later 29965464 Anonymous
I have been for a long time.
I seldom ever have physical money on my person. I can't stand it.
What grinds my gears is only a handful of places actually have support for NFC payment cards like Visa and Mastercard. Not even having to remove the card to pay for something is godly, but so far I've seen it at Petro Canada, McDonalds, and, while very erratic, Tim Hortons.
No other places seem to have it.
I wish I could live in the GTA so I would never actually be required to carry cash for public transit.
1 hours later 29965477 Anonymous
NFC/Contactless payment can't exactly be its own thing in this list. My credit cards have contactless payment and my brother's debit card has it too.
Also canadian tire money is God tier
1 hours later 29965485 Anonymous
>Using IE6
1 hours later 29965557 Anonymous
Why are you using some ancient browser that doesn't support transparency?
1 hours later 29965755 Anonymous
It really is a shame more places don't support NFC.
Although a lot of places with readers don't have them hooked up correctly anyways...
2 hours later 29966125 Anonymous
>GOD Tier
>Not insecure as shit tier
what the fuck?
2 hours later 29966163 Anonymous
>Believing some stupid video from 2011 that says Google Wallet is insecure
2 hours later 29966209 Anonymous
2 hours later 29966252 Anonymous
>No need for PIN
Well guess what, you need a PIN for GWallet.
2 hours later 29966293 Anonymous
This is absolutely false.
>Cardholder: gender, first name and last name
No gender in the US. less info than on track 1 or on card.
>PAN (Primary Account Number)
True, but account # useless on own.
>Expiration date
No US issuer puts this on the NFC chip.
>Magnetic stripe data
No US issuer puts this on the NFC chip
>But no CVV! (just a one-time-CVV functionality)
US issuers now require dynamic CVV responses where the card processes the challenge using a secret and the response is unique based on this.
2 hours later 29966294 Anonymous
well guess what, NFC != GWallet
2 hours later 29966322 Anonymous
What the fuck? Are you that dumb?
2 hours later 29966350 Anonymous (1355802559353.png 259x291 101kB)
'cause I don't want to pay for anything, also I don't trust most companies with my money and data.
2 hours later 29966354 Anonymous
I am 20 years old I still don't have credit/debit card.
2 hours later 29966467 Anonymous (1345082755836.jpg 850x637 271kB)
2 hours later 29966711 Anonymous (1355824203693.jpg 634x568 65kB)
All those thing are not free, basically you're selling your data and spending habits.
2 hours later 29966811 Anonymous
Are any of you morons scrolling down? Its a bogus presentation, empty pages past slide 3. Fuck you're all so gullible.
3 hours later 29967526 Anonymous
I'd gladly give some of my spending habits info to anyone if they give me free gas. It's not like I care if they now where I do my groceries or buy electronics.
>Oh no they are gonna send me targeted and relevant ads!!
3 hours later 29967557 Anonymous
Cash is king.
3 hours later 29967558 Anonymous
I am, I use bitcoin
3 hours later 29967599 Anonymous
You might be as well paying with Monopoly money.
3 hours later 29967638 Anonymous
>Master race
>Master race online
Credit Card
>Good tier
Debit card
>Meh tier
Cash (sterling), Credit for real world transactions, coins for <£3
>WTF tier
Coins for anything over £3
>Oh shit what are you doing
EU or US monopoly money
3 hours later 29967662 Anonymous
Oh I missed bitcoin as "not quite master race" after cc for online
3 hours later 29967701 Anonymous
>retards think anything is even close to the god tierness of cold hard untrackable cash
3 hours later 29967751 Anonymous
I fail to see the relevance
3 hours later 29967835 Anonymous
3 hours later 29967842 Anonymous
>not backed by anything important
>only used for scammers scamming eachother, scammers selling vaporware to idiotic lolbertarians and buying drugs
>most users don't comprehend investing, saving and anything economy related in general
>the aforementioned users have a cargo cult approach to economy, as well
>Bitcoin itself is a slog to use, forcing you to download ALL THE GODDAMN TRANSACTIONS EVER (gigabytes worth of them) for something as simple as transferring a single bitcoin
And lets not even speak of Bitcoin mining itself.
3 hours later 29967872 Anonymous
>literally thinking google botnet payments/credit card jews are less trackable then cash
3 hours later 29967891 Anonymous
don't forget that it's now a federal crime to try and exchange USD<->BTC without going thrfough all the anti-money laundering steps which means you're giving up your SSN/etc ID just to do it
3 hours later 29967900 Anonymous
>Selling my data
3 hours later 29967981 Anonymous
Say what?
Wellget on and rewrite the software to not need it, the creators admitted in the future it may well change that only the big exchanges need ALL THE DATAZ
3 hours later 29968028 Anonymous
Really? Holy shit I missed the drama.
3 hours later 29968043 Anonymous
>not backed by anything important
It's backed by the tens of thousands of enthusiastic users
>only used for scammers scamming eachother, scammers selling vaporware to idiotic lolbertarians and buying drugs
I think the percentage of bitcoin transactions that are scams or buying vaporware is the same percentage as USD transactions. A bit higher on drugs, possibly, but why is this a bad thing?
>most users don't comprehend investing, saving and anything economy related in general
I find most bitcoin users are much more economically savvy than average. In fact that's often why bitcoin interests them.
>the aforementioned users have a cargo cult approach to economy, as well
see above
>Bitcoin itself is a slog to use, forcing you to download ALL THE GODDAMN TRANSACTIONS EVER (gigabytes worth of them) for something as simple as transferring a single bitcoin
Only if you use the bitcoin-QT client, which shouldn't be recommended to casual users.
3 hours later 29968059 Anonymous
Yeah, no, it's not.
3 hours later 29968080 Anonymous
Good luck finding a single BTC<->USD exchange that hasnt' been fucked in the ass by jews and their """Anti money laundering""" laws
3 hours later 29968148 Anonymous
Every single user on https://localbitcoins.com/
Using registered exchanges is for suckers, trading between individuals is much easier, cheaper and you don't need to provide your fucking SSN. And no, it's not illegal to buy bitcoins this way.
3 hours later 29968188 Anonymous
>debit card
>low tier
0/10 OP confirmed for debt-loving faggot
3 hours later 29968193 Anonymous (1271439851684.jpg 500x330 19kB)
paypal and debit card
3 hours later 29968224 Anonymous
> Why aren't YOU part of the electronic payment technology
Three little words --
3 hours later 29968242 Anonymous
my fucking SIDES SON
3 hours later 29968258 Anonymous (1350277144098.jpg 428x510 87kB)
>Literally cannot find a SINGLE exchange that hasnt' been controlled by the jews
3 hours later 29968302 Anonymous
I think you're the one missing the point here. Very few people on that site meet in person when buying, instead they do bank transfers, or even send cash in mail or whatever.
3 hours later 29968328 Anonymous
>It's backed by the tens of thousands of enthusiastic users
Retarded children are equally enthusiatic.
>I think the percentage of bitcoin transactions that are scams or buying vaporware is the same percentage as USD transactions. A bit higher on drugs, possibly, but why is this a bad thing?
Proof. Now.
>I find most bitcoin users are much more economically savvy than average. In fact that's often why bitcoin interests them.
I don't think "up uP UP" or "buy high, sell low" is considered economically savvy. Nor are the trillions of shoddy "investments" (actually ponzy schemes, whole pyramids of them)
>see above
When you have everyone calling themselves "CEOs" or "investors" of whatver basement fake company for fake money, speaking business speak without even understanding what they're talking, how can you still think it is not cargo cult?
>Only if you use the bitcoin-QT client, which shouldn't be recommended to casual users.
Fair enough, but it is still defective by design.
Wait, not really. It was never designed to be a currency.
3 hours later 29968360 Anonymous
You know the other option?
1) Put "dirty fiat money" in an envelope
2) Send to buttcoiner
3) Wait for bitcoins to come in
4) Keep waiting until the heath death of the universe.
3 hours later 29968505 Anonymous
This. I have a friend who thought he was playing the system with credit cards. An accounting major too. Know where he is now? Broke and crying.
3 hours later 29968515 Anonymous
>Bitcoin wasn't designed as a currency
4 hours later 29968558 Anonymous
Your friend is an idiot, accountant or not.
4 hours later 29968568 Anonymous
>Getting someone else to pay for something
4 hours later 29968633 Anonymous (1317380842001.jpg 427x427 120kB)
>People actually think they are getting free money for using a credit card.
4 hours later 29968687 Anonymous
>not paying interest or annual fees or anything above purchase price
>making over $300 in rewards per month (tax free income).
4 hours later 29968692 Anonymous
>Retarded children are equally enthusiatic.
Doesn't change the fact that this is pretty strong backing when considering the total market cap of bitcoin
>Proof. Now.
The total number of bitcoin even stolen/scammed etc is roughly 500000-1000000 BTC according to this site:
Sounds a lot, but then consider that nowadays over 2000000 BTC is sent on average EVERY DAY. http://bitcoincharts.com/bitcoin/
So the total number of fradulent transactions equals half a day of the ~two years bitcoin have been popular, in other words around 0.07% of transactions. Now consider the real world, the black market is absolutely huge, entire countries like mexico, colombia, much of the middle east, is pretty much dependendent on criminal economy, drug trade, etc. Every day a shitload of people are getting scammed. I'd say AT LEAST 0.07% of the USD's in circulation is used in criminal activity.
>I don't think "up uP UP" or "buy high, sell low" is considered economically savvy.Nor are the trillions of shoddy "investments" (actually ponzy schemes, whole pyramids of them)
This does not describe the average bitcoiner
4 hours later 29968747 Anonymous
You are a short sighted moron. Fuck around and lose your job and see how well you play the credit card game.
4 hours later 29968810 Anonymous
I have enough money in my bank account now to pay off all my credit card debt and continue living with my current lifestyle (I would cut back if I did lose my job) for six months).
4 hours later 29968828 Anonymous (1355812898641.gif 311x240 1344kB)
4 hours later 29968853 Anonymous
>>29968810 here
Also, I consider 6 months to be insufficient, but I just started working. I'm working up to a one year emergency fund.
If your accountant friend couldn't balance his own balance sheet, he's a moron. Sorry.
4 hours later 29968887 Anonymous
That feel when you hate carrying coins and wish your silly country would adopt $1 notes.
I would dump my change into the charity tins at the counter but they make so much noise...
4 hours later 29968929 Anonymous
Coins are economically better since they last so much longer than bills...but they're such a pain in the ass...
4 hours later 29969007 Anonymous
My bank, ANZ, is trialling phone based contactless payment and are hoping to have it available mid-2013. I also have a Snapper card that is used for buses, taxis and in many shops.
4 hours later 29969024 Anonymous
True that on both points. I wish they had some way to prevent them from gathering black muck on them and make it so they don't make your hand smell terrible after holding them for too long.
4 hours later 29969041 Anonymous
It was just a proof of concept for a criptocurrency, barely even qualifies for alpha, in software development terms.
So, bitcoin isn't all for scamming and illegal crap because US dollars are used in the black market? What kind of logic is that?
4 hours later 29969166 Anonymous
if you don't meet in person you WILL get scammed for your buttcoins
someone has to pay first, and both transactions are non-reverseabl and untrusted
4 hours later 29969181 Anonymous
>3) Wait for bitcoins to come in
and hope out of the goodness of their heart that anonymous neckbeard doens't scam you and not send you shit lmao
4 hours later 29969218 Anonymous
No, bitcoin was a pyramid scheme created to cash in on lolbritarian retards, drug addicts, CP traders and a bunch of other people
they came up with the idea, mined coins for a few y ears, then hyped it across the net, got the price way up, and dumped literally millions of dollars of their worthless currency into real god tier USD $$$$.
Basically like a super inflated stock.
4 hours later 29969429 Anonymous
Bitcoins have actual use for druggies and pedos.
4 hours later 29969453 Apple
You described now every financial system.
4 hours later 29969465 Anonymous
5th dimensional being tier:
4 hours later 29969506 Anonymous (whatiuse.png 1400x700 689kB)
4 hours later 29969540 Anonymous
Oops, wrong thread.
4 hours later 29969570 Anonymous
5 hours later 29970132 Anonymous
>not using canadian tire money for ALL purchases
5 hours later 29970288 Anonymous
>Acceptable Tier: Cash
>Low Tier: Debit Card
What? Debit card is just cash in a plastic card. It's a lot more convenient to swipe a fucking card than to count out change and bills and touch ridiculously unsanitary physical money.
Also, I don't see forms of payment like Paypal on this tier list, despite this being payment tier list.
This entire thread is shit.
5 hours later 29970368 Anonymous
Debit has a shitload of liability issues.
5 hours later 29970406 Apple
Every such thread is shit.
Maybe I don't get it partially because I'm not American and don't have problems with debit cards.
5 hours later 29970459 Anonymous
It's cashed wrapped up in a botnet with no liablity protection
5 hours later 29970485 Apple
Explain me the liability part, could you?
5 hours later 29970553 Anonymous
No dude. Credit not only builds credit score, necessary for more things than you might think you need. As of yet I only use debit, but I want to start getting some credit built and because I want to reap the rewards of being a responsible credit user.
Having credit is important for buying a car, a house, and many more things. Do you really think you can pay 30K upfront for a car, and still have enough to go about the rest of your expenses for the next few months? What about 100K to 300K for a home (depending on real estate values, house size, and housing prices in your area)?
Credit is very much like having 'good rep' on an online trading site, like eBay or anything. The better your credit score, the more reliable of a credit user you are. You're entitled to many more benefits this way. Credit has to be built because MasterCard and Visa don't trust just anyone with spending unlimited amounts of THEIR money. And this is the difference between Debit vs Credit. In one you spend your own money, but this doesn't build up any 'trustworthiness'. In the other, you're explicitly spending someone else's money on the premise that you pay them back in full, or pay it with interest added if it takes longer to pay it off.
5 hours later 29970769 Anonymous
>credit score this
>credit score that
And this is why a lot of people got brainwashed into thinking that credit>debit.
5 hours later 29971037 Anonymous
How old are you?
Do you own a credit card?
Do you own a car (which you have paid for, not something gifted by parents, etc.)?
Do you own a home (which you have paid for, not something gifted by parents, etc.)?
You must live in some kind of imaginary world or something. I don't know how you expect to purchase a car or house upfront when earnings from a professional job (like Computer Engineering, the field I'm in) can earn 70K a year or so. To buy a modest house in some areas can be 300K. Do you really think you can save over 5 years worth of your paycheck before you your first house and car? And what about the money you need to live on, pay for food, living expenses, etc? That'll make it 10 years if you save half of your paycheck towards those more expensive purchases.
Face it. There are things that are unfeasible to really pay upfront. This is the notion you get for being a young adult who's never dealt with credit cards and the only things you buy are games on Steam and computer parts. There are much more important, and expensive purchases a typical person has to make.
5 hours later 29971074 Anonymous
>buying a house when a nice apartment is more feasible
muh equity
5 hours later 29971234 Anonymous
If you pay off credit card bill in the first month, does that mean you don't pay interest?
5 hours later 29971248 Anonymous
5 hours later 29971276 Anonymous
Yes. If you pay your bill in full every month, you don't pay interest.
I've forgotten to pay the bill in absolute full twice ever and they've waived the interest charges. This is because they make money on interchange even if you pay the bill in full every month. Since I pass a lot of money over the card, they know the $10 they'll get in interest from me now is not worth the $10 they'll get in my swipes every month (including my reward redemption).
5 hours later 29971358 Anonymous
Or I could get a loan, and buy a cheaper car/home.
5 hours later 29971462 Anonymous
What are the best UK banks for credit cards. Ideally I'd like one that offers some kind of phone insurance or extended warranties.
6 hours later 29971527 Anonymous
So pretty much this boils down to the importance of having a steady income and not spending money on frivolous shit.
6 hours later 29971563 Anonymous
>literally pissing away money every single month on something you DON'T OWN
these are the kind of retards who lease cars
6 hours later 29971668 Anonymous
Says the one that buys things on credit.
6 hours later 29971670 Anonymous (idonotthink.jpg 500x277 15kB)
>literally pissing away money
6 hours later 29971706 Anonymous
Yes. If you can, use credit. If not, suffer with debit.
6 hours later 29971732 Anonymous
contactless is bullshit
6 hours later 29972319 Anonymous
Why would you want a house and a car in the first place unless you absolutely need it because of family or distance to work? Guess 'murican public transportation still sucks dick.
6 hours later 29972369 Anonymous (1353950131025.jpg 240x320 14kB)
>babbies who hate on credit cards because they fell into debt
7 hours later 29973766 Anonymous
I found this post highly amusing. I imagined some ripped black dude from /fit/ laughing at a /g/ neck beard.
9 hours later 29976229 Anonymous (spock5.jpg 352x349 32kB)
>Not paying for your weed with Canadian Tire Money
>Sandy McTire not being president of Canada
3.071 0.225