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2012-12-02 04:15 29538596 Anonymous (weird_Old_man_of_no_particular_signifigance.jpg 298x298 24kB)
>Kill bill? US says dollar coins would save $4.4B
We're going to get rid of dollar bills for coins? Dafuq?
Why should we switch from an old, reliable small bill to dirty, heavy, easily lost or counter fitted coins?
Also, why the fuck isn't the US issuing any polymer bill yet? Even Canada is ahead of us on this one.
1 min later 29538621 Anonymous (monopoly_money.jpg 620x475 206kB)
polymer bills suck
pic related, don't leave your polymer bills near your PC
3 min later 29538645 Anonymous (sad-frog.jpg 400x388 33kB)
>But Brittney Halldorson, a teller at the Interior Savings Credit Union in Kelowna, B.C., says that she’s heard of cases where several of the bills have melted together inside a hot car. A Halifax man reported that he’d laid his wallet on a toaster oven, and after toasting a bagel, noticed that three $100 bills were transformed into the shape of a “Coke bottle.” The Cambridge Times did an article in January about a man who left eight $100 bills he had received as a Christmas bonus in a tin box near a heater, only to discover a day later, that they had shrivelled up.
If only Canada could into currency
5 min later 29538689 HitlerDidNothingWrong
O.O I store my money next to my computer, they're still in old twenties but I was going to get the newer 100s in Canada soon
7 min later 29538724 Anonymous
How could it get that hot in a car in Canada?
They have polar bears for pets instead of dogs, for christs sake
8 min later 29538738 Anonymous (m00t.jpg 618x494 32kB)
>using cash
>not credit
stay pleb
9 min later 29538758 Anonymous (jew.png 438x512 136kB)
10 min later 29538761 Anonymous (tire-money.jpg 2041x1476 397kB)
That is not Canadian currency.
Pic related, REAL Canadian currency.
10 min later 29538771 HitlerDidNothingWrong
>wanting to be tracked everywhere
11 min later 29538782 Anonymous
lol'd softly
11 min later 29538795 Anonymous
>buying drugs
11 min later 29538799 Anonymous
Being from Europe, I really don't see the benefits of really small bills. We have everything up to 2€ as coins.
13 min later 29538824 Anonymous
We don't carry man purses around in the US like girly European women, so it's more convenient to have them fit in your wallet as a bill rather than having coins jangle around and scratch the shit out of everything in your pocket.
14 min later 29538837 Anonymous
Americans hate coins for some reason. Probably because we have been conditioned to view them as worthless--because they are in many respects. The only coin we have that can practically be used for small purposes is the quarter dollar and even that is a hassle for anything more than 1-2 dollars. Pennies are fucking worthless, as are nickels. Dimes (our 10 cent piece) are fairly worthless too.
So Americans think coinage = worthless, when really it's just our retarded denomination choices that make it so.
14 min later 29538838 Anonymous (1297120463489.jpg 442x302 51kB)
>US congress in charge of saving money
This is going to end up costing us 23 billion dollars a year. Somehow.
14 min later 29538844 HitlerDidNothingWrong
you can't put coins down a strippers thong, trust me
14 min later 29538845 Anonymous (shoulder-bag.jpg 205x246 9kB)
It's a shoulder bag.
Not a purse.
14 min later 29538847 Anonymous
It's really not a big deal to carry a half dozen large coins in your pocket.
14 min later 29538849 Anonymous
>putting your coins in the same pocket as your electronics
>implying european men use purses and not wallets
>Implying I use either and don't just dump my money in one of my pockets
15 min later 29538859 Anonymous
Coins of some actual value are fucking awesome, when you're fucking broke/hungry in America and you find some change on the ground, you'll still be hungry because you can't buy shit with it.
Find some coinage on the ground in Canada, a loonie or toonie and you just move down to your nearest timmies and you'll have something to eat.
We have those sacagaweas, but Americans fucking hoard them instead of spending them like they're just some sort of bullshit QVC collectible.
We should also just eliminate pennies and nickels, seriously fuck them.
16 min later 29538869 Anonymous
You give single dollar bills to strippers? That's fucking embarrassing.
16 min later 29538875 Anonymous
what the fuck are you saying?
16 min later 29538881 Anonymous
>easily counterfitted
Currency is not technology.
16 min later 29538882 Anonymous (1343724017936.jpg 704x396 35kB)
I always keep coins and throw them into my car
>mfw I buy 5$ in gas in change
16 min later 29538890 Anonymous
you put them down their thongs one at a time... makes them work for it.
it's also why a lot of strip clubs get $2 bills from banks: forces twice the contribution per bill.
17 min later 29538892 Anonymous
Actually currency is one of the earliest forms of technology. Technology does not have to be a physical item.
17 min later 29538894 Anonymous
loonie = $1 coin
toonie = $2 coin
Timmies = Tim Hortons (I assume)
And I'm from Califoria. Read a fucking book.
17 min later 29538899 Anonymous
Currency has no technologies to prevent counterfeiting, nope, no siree. Payment is totally devoid of technology.
Oh wait, that's wrong, because you're an idiot.
17 min later 29538902 Anonymous
This is a legitimate problem. What happens to the stripper business if one-dollar bills become coins?
18 min later 29538913 Anonymous
>not-Canadian detected, administering double double
18 min later 29538915 Anonymous
That wouldn't even be 1 litre in some parts of Europe.
18 min later 29538922 Anonymous
Know what else has technology? Video games.
18 min later 29538926 Anonymous
why do they call the one dollar a loonie
because canadians are nuts for thinking their socialized medicine is sustainable?
18 min later 29538929 Anonymous
Everything is some form of technology if you're stupid enough.
18 min later 29538930 HitlerDidNothingWrong
Idk ask your mother
19 min later 29538944 Anonymous
Are you honestly suggesting there should be a subchan just for coins?
Fucking idiot.
20 min later 29538951 Anonymous
You give the stripper ten bucks at a time and get a short dance for it instead of those awkward moves every minute where she squats in front of you and waits for you to insert another dollar like a fucking carousel.
20 min later 29538952 Anonymous
It is sustainable. They actually tax their citizens at a rate commensurate with the amount of services the government provides and don't blow it all on useless military adventures.
20 min later 29538956 Anonymous
I prefer dollar coins to dollar bills. What is with all the fuss?
Also, if history is any indication, we will be switch to dollar coins about the same time we switch to the metric system.
20 min later 29538957 Anonymous (tierlist.png 412x844 35kB)
Coins are worse than bills, for sure.
21 min later 29538967 Anonymous
Strippers will just wear card sliders between their buttcheeks, you'll quickly swipe your card during strategic pole moves and give them a tip.
Everybody wins.
21 min later 29538980 Anonymous
Not really. The population is aging without enough younger people to fund it as healthcare costs soar. Over half of Canadian provinces now spend the majority of tax income (not the largest portion, a majority as in more than 50% of taxes go towards) healthcare.
21 min later 29538981 Anonymous
Protip: There are boards without specific subjects. Like /b/.
22 min later 29538994 Anonymous (are you shitting me.png 719x465 289kB)
>all this strip club talk
>acting like it's a huge issue
>no one in this thread has ever even set foot inside of one
22 min later 29538996 Anonymous (twodollars_1990_noHH.jpg 125x125 9kB)
First they take away your dollar bills.
Then they put niggers on your two dollar coins.
22 min later 29538997 Anonymous
Payment technologies make the world go 'round. Coins have counterfeiting, card networks have sophisticated electronics, etc.
Technology is not just consumer electronics.
23 min later 29539008 Anonymous (1350397979282.jpg 919x1000 100kB)
>get account statements
>a hundred $1 transactions to a strip club listed on them
>wife's face when
23 min later 29539009 Anonymous
You fill up a gallon at a time?
23 min later 29539010 Anonymous
I was just thinking the other day how awesome it would be to have $1 coins instead of bills
23 min later 29539014 Anonymous
>canadian tire money
OK what is this? is this a joke? or something? please explain.
24 min later 29539020 Anonymous
As long as they can invent a Wallet that holds coins decently somehow then sure... the extra weight sucks but us Amerifats can use the exercise
24 min later 29539022 Anonymous
>paperless estatements
>not having a secret checking account
24 min later 29539024 Steve Ballmer (the_more_you_know-300x197.jpg 300x197 15kB)
It's because of the bird that's on it.
24 min later 29539030 Anonymous
Prepaid and disposable stripper cash card.
25 min later 29539042 Anonymoose
25 min later 29539054 Anonymous
Temporary blip. Once the baby boom generation dies off it'll return to normal. There's just going to be a small bump to get over.
And those fuckers can't die fast enough. Boomers have caused nearly all the problems we're facing now. Worthless entitled cunts who got theirs and said "fuck you" to their kids.
26 min later 29539070 Anonymous
26 min later 29539075 Anonymous (220px-LineartPresRev.png 220x221 108kB)
But they already exist. They're just uncommon for whatever reason. You'll get a bunch if you $5 into a vending machine though.
26 min later 29539076 Anonymous
The baby boomers are not just going to die. They're going to rack up TRILLIONS in healthcare costs. You underestimate how many of them there are.
27 min later 29539083 Anonymous
>I've been on internets for 8 years
>can't into google or wikipedia
>behold my superior American genetics.
27 min later 29539091 Anonymous
I don't drive much
currently 3$ gallon here, with 5$ that's a good 40-60 miles in my car. I should get a bike, 5$ would last me like 2 weeks of driving.
29 min later 29539127 Anonymous (1351200542259.png 968x634 314kB)
Boomers are only retiring now.
It hasn't even begun.
29 min later 29539128 Anonymous
Please be assured, not all of us are that retarded.
30 min later 29539144 Anonymous
>Brian Golden, a professor at University of Toronto's Rotman School of Business, said provinces are weighing new sources of funding, including "means-testing" and moving toward evidence-based and pay-for-performance models.
>"Why are we paying more or the same for cataract surgery when it costs substantially less today than it did 10 years ago? There's going to be a finer look at what we're paying for and, more importantly, what we're getting for it," he said.
>Other problems include trying to control independently set salaries for top hospital executives and doctors and rein in spiraling costs for new medical technologies and drugs.
Looks like the problem stems from a system that doesn't incorporate evidence based medicine and is controlled by greed. Perhaps they should try to fix those first before giving up on socialized healthcare
32 min later 29539179 Anonymous
Fucking worthless dollar bills.
They need to axe the penny, nickel, and dime as well.
33 min later 29539193 Anonymous
>mfw murrifats call a loonie toonie flim n' roonie a "one dollar bill"
33 min later 29539214 Anonymous
Fun fact: In the 70's, an hour of minimum wage could buy a movie ticket, a music album, and a gallon of gas.
33 min later 29539218 Anonymous (1326339566793.jpg 600x600 283kB)
>Almost 2013
>Carrying physical currency
35 min later 29539240 Anonymous
>get post-1982 penny
>file off a small part of the copper plating
>submerge in hydrochloric acid
35 min later 29539256 Anonymous
Could save a lot more money if we just all switched over to electronic payments like any sane civilization should in the 21st fucking century.
36 min later 29539267 Anonymous
>implying the dollar is not dirtier
>implying it's not easier to clean coins
37 min later 29539285 Anonymous (1301427883242.gif 175x200 2515kB)
>he actually thinks this is a good idea
37 min later 29539289 Anonymous
muh privacy
37 min later 29539291 Anonymous
>They need to axe the penny, nickel, and dime as well.
How do I get change for my dollar?
37 min later 29539297 Anonymous
I like the dollar coins a lot. They've got a nice tactile feel to them that paper money doesn't have, much more substantial than the other coins we have here. I've actually gone to the bank to exchange paper money for dollar coins on numerous occasions.
38 min later 29539315 Anonymous
How do I ensure this system is 100% anonymous? Are you suggesting we switch to bitcoins?
39 min later 29539329 Anonymous
It's highly probable a few of those coins have been in my ass.
40 min later 29539345 Anonymous
Round everything to nearest quarter dollar.
41 min later 29539370 Anonymous
You crazy motherfucker, I love that skit.
42 min later 29539392 Anonymous
>credit card
>high tier
enjoying that debt?
42 min later 29539394 Anonymous
43 min later 29539411 Anonymous
>implying bitcoins aren't the most private form of payment
45 min later 29539440 Anonymous
No. I pay my bills in full each month.
46 min later 29539446 Anonymous
>credit card
>doesn't pay entire balance every month
>doesn't earn cash back rewards
wtf, /g/, you're supposed to be smart
48 min later 29539476 Anonymous
You're either underage or retarded.
pls go
49 min later 29539497 Anonymous
Even if you immediately pay if off you're still in debt. (at least for a few seconds)
49 min later 29539499 Anonymous
link for anyone who hasn't seen it (warning it may only be funny to me)
50 min later 29539520 Anonymous
You do not understand how credit cards work.
Please stop posting.
50 min later 29539522 Anonymous
But by using a credit card you're supporting a system that allows people to get easy get into debt.
51 min later 29539539 Anonymous (1pd95r[1].jpg 280x281 21kB)
>Not using Coins
British Master-race reporting in. I honestly don't see the problem with coins.
51 min later 29539542 Anonymous
I know what you're all going to say, but... the environmental toll that making all those coins out of metal or polymers would be a lot more than cotton.
52 min later 29539555 Anonymous
I don't care if people get into debt through their own retardation.
52 min later 29539559 Anonymous
in the US there have been 1$ coins for a long time, iirc they are called Silver Dollars or some shit.
53 min later 29539570 Anonymous
Bitcoin is not private. Every single transaction is public. By default, it's not anonymous either. When routed through Tor, it can be anonymous, which makes it "private" for most intensive porpoises.
53 min later 29539573 Anonymous
>yfw the large amount of debt causes the economy to collapse
55 min later 29539600 Anonymous
>Go to England for the first time 10 years ago
>See £1 and £2 coins
>Think it's the greatest idea ever
>My parents think it's stupid
>Go back a few years ago
>Still think it's a great idea
>My friends all think it's retarded
Am I British?
55 min later 29539605 HitlerDidNothingWrong
if most people are retards and they go into heavy debt, and the economy collapses you don't care?
56 min later 29539615 Anonymous
How many liters of tea do you drink each day?
56 min later 29539617 Anonymous
>Why should we switch from an old, reliable small bill to dirty, heavy, easily lost or counter fitted coins?
Bills wear out faster than coins, making the net cost higher.
Coins don't sponge up everything they touch like cotton.
Coins A, are harder to counterfit than bills, and B who the fuck would even try to counterfit a $1 coin.
>Also, why the fuck isn't the US issuing any polymer bill yet? Even Canada is ahead of us on this one.
We've also had 1 / 2 dollar coins since 1996, are phasing out the penny, and have had better security in our currency for pretty much ever. As a side note, Australia has had "plastic" bills for a long time.
56 min later 29539620 Anonymous
I'm glad for you if you found a way to make use of the credit system to receive benefits with almost no drawbacks, but I hope you can sleep in the night knowing that you support the ideologies and mechanisms that brought western civilization on the brink of complete economic collapse in the first place. And for that matter, since you're probably an Amerifat, enjoy living in a country built on the glass stilts of debts and brachiating from consumerism bubble to consumerism bubble these days, both of which WILL eventually pop and shatter.
57 min later 29539638 HitlerDidNothingWrong
58 min later 29539650 HitlerDidNothingWrong
are you a poet? that made me hard
59 min later 29539662 Anonymous
>mfw I'll never be canadian master race ;__;
59 min later 29539665 Anonymous
Whenever I buy a MetroCard with cash, the machines always return dollar coins. They're the most fucking annoying thing in the world. I paid for a one trip card with a 20 dollar bill. Never again.
1 hours later 29539764 Anonymous
There isn't one
This anon can't think beyond the short term and yet he advocates credit cards. Oh the ironing
1 hours later 29539875 Anonymous
Having 1 and 2 pound coins is awesome, problem is 20,10,5,2 and 1 pence..
Since I moved here 8 weeks ago I have manage to fill up a jar of coins already and that is with me taking spending anything worth more than 20 pence.
1 hours later 29539923 Anonymous
The Dimwitcraps are intent on foisting this sham off on us again.
First we they minted that hideous Susan B. Anthony coin, aka the Carter quarter.
Then, Clinton gave us his version with Sacagawea.
Bags and bags of these crap coins have been warehoused.
When will Dummycraps learn.
1 hours later 29539975 Anonymous
Nobody wants them because they keep printing new Washingtons.
Stop the printing $1 bills and force people to use coins. Don't want to use $1 coins? Better take care of the ones currently in circulation, 'cause that's all that's left
1 hours later 29539997 Anonymous (1350111105556.png 390x320 97kB)
>counter fitted
1 hours later 29540001 Anonymous
All debunked on snopes you dipsticks.
I'm not even going to link it, you can find it so fucking easily.
1 hours later 29540019 Anonymous
> force people to use coins.
This out-of-control government better figure out
who gives the orders around here or they're going
to be FORCED out of office.
1 hours later 29540053 Anonymous
I did a pretty good job, but the caulking hid the uneven backsplash.
1 hours later 29540067 Anonymous
You are now being investigated by the secret service.
1 hours later 29540068 Anonymous
>I'm not even going to link it
That's because no such debunking exists you faggot
1 hours later 29540186 Anonymous
Did you vote out the people who killed the copper penny too?
1 hours later 29540211 Anonymous
Snopes' assertion is basically that the Bank said that the bills should withstand more in theory and that the bills *Shouldn't* have issues since they don't melt *easily*.
However, it ignores all the cases of bills melting when people wouldn't put their hands something (e.g. they say if the person can take the environment the bill will too, but you can put a bill on top of a toaster oven, etc., and forget about it, which is one case of the bills melting earlier.
Snopes' debunking really is quite shit in this case.
1 hours later 29540277 Anonymous
> US says dollar coins would save $4.4B
I don't know how, but you obviously haven't noticed
that the national debt is now over $16 TRILLION.
So this great $4.4 Billion represents 0.000275 of that.
It's also amortized over, what, 30 years.
Also, whatever is saved from this program will only
be reflected in government revenues. It will not benefit
taxpayers in any way.
Just more bait and switch from Dummycraps.
They have no intention whatever to reduce spending
and the deficit or saving taxpayers money.
1 hours later 29540352 Anonymous
I would hate to be on the ass end of history crying against change.
The hell kind of person does that? I though only old people with little or no neuronal growth left in the minds did shit like this?
1 hours later 29540383 HitlerDidNothingWrong
but with this shit they'll distract enough of the less intelligent people
1 hours later 29540394 Anonymous
the word is "counterfeited"
1 hours later 29540405 Anonymous (Sacagawea_dollar_obverse.png 524x524 532kB)
Do they not remember these bullshit things?
1 hours later 29540496 Anonymous
can you link the article?
1 hours later 29540519 Anonymous (Silver_Dollar.jpg 300x300 26kB)
never forget
1 hours later 29540536 Anonymous
Freedom is dead.
1 hours later 29540544 Anonymous
1 hours later 29540562 Anonymous
Then make the requirements for a credit card stricter.
It's not a fault of credit cards if people are too stupid to use them properly.
1 hours later 29540592 Anonymous
>Why should we switch from an old, reliable small bill to dirty, heavy, easily lost or counter fitted coins?
canadafag here. i don't think i've ever lost a loonie or a toonie and they're great for vending machines.
times of changed, inflation has done it's thing and now one dollar isn't what it used to be. in terms of purchasing power one dollar is small change, it can buy you a couple packet of noodles at most. and so i prefer not having wads of one dollar bills cluttering my wallet.
but that's my lifestyle, i understand that for some people the added weight of more coins might be an annoyance even if it saves the country 4.4 billion for many it's "not worth it".
>Also, why the fuck isn't the US issuing any polymer bill yet? Even Canada is ahead of us on this one.
yeah our polymer bills are pretty cash. the canadian mint is also now working on an electronic currency for canada, that might be neat. some forward thinking there from our mint dudes.
1 hours later 29540596 Anonymous (sba_dollar.jpg 380x200 85kB)
Remember this POS?
1 hours later 29540615 Faggot
Im ok with this, It'd be so much cooler to carry around a coin purse than fucking paper, I'm a fat skyrim playing /v/irgin so this sounds fine to me.
1 hours later 29540623 Anonymous
That's a half-dollar, ya dunce.
1 hours later 29540659 Anonymous
>the word is "counterfeited"
the word is "undiagnosed"
1 hours later 29540660 Anonymous
Why the fuck is the US government getting rid of the $1 bill and not getting rid of pennies which cost more to make than they're worth?
Fuck it, just get rid of nickels and dimes too.
1 hours later 29540667 Anonymous
look again, that aint Kennedy, kid
1 hours later 29540688 Anonymous
>>But Brittney Halldorson, a teller at the Interior Savings Credit Union in Washington, DC., says that she’s heard of cases where several of the US paper bills have caught on fire inside a hot car. A Colorado man reported that he’d laid his wallet on a toaster oven, and after toasting a bagel, noticed that three $100 bills were exploding in his face causing third degree cash burns. The Wisconsin Times did an article in January about a man who left eight $100 bills he had received as a Christmas bonus in a tin box near a heater, only to discover a day later, that they had turned to ash.
It's not hard to write bullshit
1 hours later 29540728 Anonymous
i've lived in nz most of my life, and now in au, both of which have polymer notes, never once have i seen a *melted* note (unless you count ones intentionally melted by holding a lighter to them), only the occational torn one (and it's not easy to tear a polymer note)
1 hours later 29540730 Anonymous
I dislike coins more than bills but that's why I primarily use my debit card, so I guess I'm indifferent.
1 hours later 29540745 Anonymous
have always had*, at least as long as i've known
1 hours later 29540765 Anonymous
>>You give the stripper ten bucks at a time and get a short dance for it instead of those awkward moves every minute where she squats in front of you and waits for you to insert another dollar like a fucking carousel.
1 hours later 29540769 Anonymous
>every other developed country in the world has replaced $1 or equivalent with a coin
>any proposal for change causes so much butthurt in america
>still holding on to imperial system
Srsly, what is wrong with America?
1 hours later 29540797 Anonymous
> Fuck it, just get rid of nickels and dimes too.
While we're at it let's just round taxes up to the nearest dollar. The government will *love* you.
Watch closely, as the dollar is magically transformed into a yuan.
1 hours later 29540811 Anonymous
Why are debit cards bad again?
1 hours later 29540836 Anonymous
we don't like carrying change
1 hours later 29540852 Anonymous
>tfw Canada already rounds income tax to the dollar
>tfw Americans still fight over a few cents with IRS
1 hours later 29540889 Anonymous
$1 coins are just cumbersome. The USA has tried multiple times to make them popular and every time people wanted bills.
Imperial system because science and industry has already switched to metric. Switching to metric for non-professional use has no advantages and would just waste even more money than we already are.
1 hours later 29540896 Anonymous
Use the coin slot.
They get all bitchy for some reason if you try to get change though
1 hours later 29540922 Anonymous
> Canada already rounds income tax to the dollar
Who said anything about income tax.
It would be sales tax that would be rounded up.
Much greater impact.
Oops, didn't mean to give the CA gubmint ideas.
2 hours later 29540955 Anonymous
I don't think you realize what the national debt is.
2 hours later 29541010 Anonymous
Shitty consumer protection when compared to credit cards. Somebody gets your cc and they're into your credit, but the cc company will help fix the problem. Somebody gets your debit card and they're in your actual bank account and you have to deal with it
2 hours later 29541048 Anonymous
Then please enlighten us, oh wise one.
2 hours later 29541061 Anonymous
that was pretty funny
2 hours later 29541083 Anonymous
not as heavy as $1 in other coins, besides, dont forget we have the $2 bill already
>easily counterfitted. n
$1 bills are easier to counterfiet
2 hours later 29541093 Anonymous
o the half dollar
2 hours later 29541113 Anonymous
This makes it easy.
2 hours later 29541122 Anonymous
>I don't care if people get into debt through their own retardation.
those retards effect us all, driving the entire economy down the shitter spending money they don't have and can't afford to pay back.
2 hours later 29541141 Anonymous
will they take nfc, if so, can i implant an nfc chip into my dick?
2 hours later 29541174 Anonymous
>implying 16.2 grams (worst case under semi-intellegent use) is significant
2 hours later 29541215 Anonymous
the dime, combined with a $.2 and a smaller $1/2 would be a better system
2 hours later 29541224 Anonymous
idk remove paper bills from circulation if you want people to use the coin?
2 hours later 29541240 Anonymous
Watch and learn --
2 hours later 29541285 Anonymous
> $1 bills are easier to counterfiet
Why would anyone waste his time doing this?
2 hours later 29541327 Anonymous
>and B who the fuck would even try to counterfit a $1 coin.
ihave seen about 5 counterfiet $1 coins in the past decade, all horribly off-spec (size and weight clearly wrong, design looked horrible, color way off)
2 hours later 29541345 Anonymous
also, we have had halves since way before 1964.
2 hours later 29541375 Anonymous
the problem is that nobody knows of them or is given the option of using them
2 hours later 29541402 Anonymous
every penny counts in accounting
2 hours later 29541438 Anonymous
2 hours later 29541464 Anonymous
>We've also had 1 / 2 dollar coins since 1996
The USA has had them for AT LEAST half a century.
>are phasing out the penny
too bad that isn't happening here instead of getting rid of the $1 bill.
>and have had better security in our currency for pretty much ever.
Your dollar has pretty much always been weaker or as weak as our dollar either way.
>As a side note, Australia has had "plastic" bills for a long time.
They can keep them.
2 hours later 29541501 Anonymous
we havent had $2 coin in the last century. but we have had small-size $2s since the great depression
2 hours later 29541556 Anonymous
Wat? No one said anything about a two dollar coin.
2 hours later 29541582 Anonymous
>>We've also had 1 / 2 dollar coins since 1996
>The USA has had them for AT LEAST half a century.
2 hours later 29541657 Anonymous
I read that as one half.
2 hours later 29541754 Anonymous (asdasdor.png 205x246 71kB)
>Intensive porpoises
3 hours later 29542348 Anonymous
this is a great video and i encourage everyone to watch it.
and the dude who posted that video or anyone who watched it should really view that first video i mentioned to put things in perspective
basically, we're going to be fine. china owns like 8% of the us debt and the vast majority of the debt is owed to ourselves, which is weird but there it is. in addition to that for every dollar of debt the us owes (mostly to itself somehow) the rest of the world owes the us 89 cents.
the only way there will be a debt crisis is if other countries lose faith in the us dollar and stop using it, this will drive up interest rates and make borrowing impossible. want to run the country like a business? lol, just try to to get some business going without borrowing money.
we all need to get things under perspective and fucking relax. this unnecessary panic over debt is only going to drive down confidence in the us dollar and thats only going to hurt us. everything is fine, fucking chill.
3 hours later 29542384 Anonymous
Sounds like a great idea.
3 hours later 29542740 Anonymous
Does this mean dollars will become the new spare change?
>back in my day we could buy a whole candy bar for one dollar
3 hours later 29542968 Anonymous
they already are.
3 hours later 29543544 Anonymous (image.jpg 1280x960 398kB)
Typical amerifats, only 30 years behind us
3 hours later 29543559 Anonymous
The Susan B. Anthony dollar was supposed to have 11 straight sides instead of being circular, which would have made it almost impossible to mistake for a quarter. But vending machine manufacturers got butthurt about a coin that wasn't perfectly circular and the government gave in.
8.996 0.276