4chan archive /g/ (index)
2012-11-12 01:20 29003245 Anonymous Galaxy S3 or Razr Maxx HD (razr maxx hd.jpg 615x400 77kB)
I know /g/ would go for the Gs3, but that battery life on the Razr is pretty appealing

2 min later 29003305 Anonymous
>>29003245 Go with whatever your usage requires. If you work "in the field" and need more than a day's usage from your phone, get what's appropriate.

3 min later 29003324 Loonix
Galaxy S3 w/ extended battery.

5 min later 29003367 Anonymous
>motorola >post startac ishygddt

6 min later 29003380 Anonymous
>>29003245 the skin on the Razr is much less shitty than Touchwiz

6 min later 29003381 Anonymous
you can get backup battery for SGSIII

28 min later 29003844 Anonymous
>>29003324 >>29003381 The GS3 is already huge as it is, but anyways, is the battery life a drastic difference between the two?

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