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2012-10-02 05:42 28006524 Anonymous (wtfisapaddock.jpg 297x301 32kB)
Is it just me or are the Captchas getting harder to input?
Even when I'm sure I spelled it right, it will reject my verification for 2-3 times before approving my post.
Is this moot's attempt to get more people to purchase his 4chan pass?
0 min later 28006536 Anonymous
moot? More like POOT.
Like a fart, get it?
3 min later 28006581 Anonymous (captcha.png 502x242 27kB)
harder captchas = more passes
Brilliant!they will never see it coming.
4 min later 28006611 Anonymous
Not just you.
6 min later 28006650 patachu
some of the captchas are rejected. you klnow my idea? before accusing moot or the devs, uploading a pic gives it latency, by this time, google's captchas auto refreshes and expect another entry, but it's too late, your post is gone like this.
0.348 0.017