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2012-10-02 05:29 28006338 Anonymous (df34208744bd27db1b58faad96d349bd-5865238-700_700.jpg 525x700 92kB)
So /g/ i found this second hand macintosh laptop.
It's about 20$ and it's very old.
It's a Apple Macintosh Power Book 145b, from 1991 i think.
I don't use apple products and i never used apple products.
Is 20$ a good price ? I want to sell it for more to an apple fanboy.
What do you think ?
1 min later 28006359 Anonymous
You could probably get ~$200 for it on ebay if it works.
1 min later 28006360 Anonymous
its not metal and shiny, a mac faggot won't want it
it's a nice novelty item if you like collecting antique computers though.
3 min later 28006375 Anonymous
I think it works, it only has a missing power cable.
Well yeah, you've got a point there but maybe somebody would pay some cash for it.
Thanx /g/uys/
5 min later 28006396 Anonymous
oh yeah, anyone who collects antique computers would love it, especially if it works.
11 min later 28006501 Anonymous
That's some Hackers shit right there.
13 min later 28006532 Anonymous
Collectors item for faggots. Resell it 10* that.
Go for it.
15 min later 28006556 Anonymous
Dat huge-ass bezel.
37 min later 28006963 Anonymous
you can hijack this thread and post old computer stuff or whatever you want.
thanx for advice and have a nice day!
55 min later 28007271 Anonymous
This one's monochrome (1-bit per pixel). I had a grayscale (4-bit) one back in the day. PowerBook 165, I think.
1 hours later 28007766 Anonymous
I have an 90's laptop that looks exactly like this. Manufactured in Poland I think, has some neat stuff on there. Windows for workgroups, lotos office, one of the first ever anti virus programs (on msdos).
1 hours later 28007833 Anonymous
the guy selling it says it's a Apple Macintosh Power Book 145b.
That should be pretty nice. I think you should keep it 20-30 years and sell it then. It should be very valuable.
1 hours later 28007872 Install (QNVEESNBPBPTLZEXNZN.jpg 315x315 16kB)
1 hours later 28007902 Anonymous
>Apple Macintosh Power Book 145b
Yeah, as I said, it's monochrome and pretty low-end. If you had a high-end model you'd be able to resell it for way more because it would actually be fun to run System 7 or 8 on. This? Less so.
1 hours later 28007944 Anonymous
I suppose that *puts on sunglasses* it just works.
1 hours later 28008283 kiki
>sa cumperi macbook
>sa cumperi un macbook vechi de 20 de ani
>2012 ani de la nasterea lui Isus.
Chiar sper ca nu vei face asta.
2 hours later 28008397 Install
Sunt prea rotund sa ma rostogolesc
2 hours later 28008436 Anonymous
hey, I had one of these
2 hours later 28008495 Install
hey OP , unde esti?
2 hours later 28008991 Anonymous
sunteti de pe chanon? bravo voua.
Bai omul daca scoti profit, poti sa cumperi si sa vinzi si cacat in pungi de plastic.
Trebuie sa stii doar ce si cum sa cumper si sa vinzi.
Nu a zis nimeni ca il cumpar, ceream doar o parere.
Ce pula mea intrati pe 4chan si vorbiti in romana, sunteti plebei ?
2 hours later 28009133 Install
esti tigan?cum sa intri pe ceaunul ala infect?
2 hours later 28009196 kiki
>Ce pula mea intrati pe 4chan si vorbiti in romana, sunteti plebei ?
Oh the irony.
2 hours later 28009211 Anonymous (1349201947071.jpg 287x303 55kB)
>>Tigan, eu geniul romaniei
>>tigan eu
Impuscate, nu stii cu cine vorbesti.
Si in plus de asta postezi in romana pe un site in care limba majoritara(cea mai folosita, sau ce fel de exprimare doresti tu) este engleza.
also, folosesti trip deci tripfag retard.
ai assburgers cumva ?
2 hours later 28009260 Anonymous
Retardule, voi ati inceput cu romaneasca pulii mele. Inteleg ca sunteti patrioti si patria mama romania si whatnot, dar pula mea cand esti in roma faci ca romanii, nu ca romanii prosti si inculti.
>>limba romana
>>eu tigan
>>eu starnesc ironia
cred ca tu esti cel retard prietenas
2 hours later 28009301 kiki (mad.png 400x365 81kB)
Seems to me someone is a little mad.
2 hours later 28009334 Anonymous (Rape-Ewok-PREPARE-YOUR-ANUS.jpg 890x704 432kB)
2 hours later 28009347 kiki (satana mic.jpg 1024x768 190kB)
3 hours later 28009371 Install (1349182343619 (1).jpg 313x343 32kB)
> >> retardatule, doar o sageata pentru quote
>Impuscate -> corect = Impusca-te
>nu stii cu cine vorbesti -> normal, doar esti anonim
> >> din nou double forward arrow, nice
stay plebian
3 hours later 28009578 Anonymous (fuck-you.jpg 288x288 15kB)
>>>>>nam voie sa pun cate sageti vrea penisul meu ? care e problema bai ?
se opreste rotatia pamantului daca pun 2 semne mai mare decat in loc de 1 singur ?
AI assburgers grav, dute la un medic.
SI in legatura cu impuscate impuscapule, ma doare undeva sunt obosit, nedormit, beat, drogat si ce vrea pula mea pentru ca am de unde, si imi permit.
Intru odata pe /g/ sa fac si eu un cacat de thread si sariti ca retarzi ca ati vazut okazii acolo in coltz.
Pula mea de ce nu puteti sa va comportati ca niste anonimi? Voi chiar sunteti mandri ca sunteti romani ? Nu sunteti, in pizda mamii voastre de copii grasi si handicapati.
3 hours later 28009608 Install (621168_418760021495203_182272368_o.jpg 2048x1536 376kB)
3 hours later 28009629 Anonymous (phpxqonam.jpg 320x267 98kB)
3 hours later 28009662 Install (1349197507237.jpg 766x1024 243kB)
3 hours later 28009689 Anonymous (dsfa.jpg 450x451 30kB)
adkeywel course
3 hours later 28009726 Install (1348940392736.jpg 645x512 64kB)
3 hours later 28009788 Anonymous
What am I looking at?
3 hours later 28009798 Anonymous (1330022923274.png 444x353 125kB)
What in the name of fuck is going in this thread?
Why are there Romanians in here?
3 hours later 28009815 Anonymous
maii hii maii hoo maii haa maii haha
3 hours later 28009816 Install (1345448659377.jpg 800x670 235kB)
3 hours later 28009854 Anonymous
I guess you could say whoever made that picture was really butthurt.
3 hours later 28009869 Install
ching chong ping pong?
3 hours later 28009912 Anonymous
Einki sker í hendan tráðin.
3 hours later 28009939 Anonymous
>implying the jews didn't ruin western civilization
3 hours later 28009962 Anonymous
i was told the tripfags were slow but not this slow
3 hours later 28009977 Anonymous
>implying they have multiple penises
3 hours later 28009978 Anonymous
It was a Jewish contribution to an Iranian anti-Jewish drawing competition.
Jews make fun of themselves the most.
3 hours later 28009994 Anonymous (wes.gif 444x353 93kB)
My stupid romanians, came to /g/ saw the picture was taken from an romanian licitation site ( romanian ebay) and came here and ruined a thread that already died.
Not everybody in ROmania is retarded like these two:
pic related, my brain right now.
3 hours later 28010030 Anonymous (image.jpg 225x225 15kB)
>jews make fun of themselves the most
3 hours later 28010171 Install
5 hours later 28012460 fag
I like Romania and Romanians... I even like Gypsies (some of them)
5 hours later 28012502 Install
give me s3x
0.701 0.076