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2012-10-02 05:22 28006232 Anonymous (pccasegear.com PC Parts Estimate (use with the word document).jpg 726x920 128kB)
Sup /g/men. A couple of nights ago I went shopping around a bit for hardware for my first PC build and then posted what I found and got some good feedback. I did some more shopping yesterday and tonight and here’s what my current parts list is. Got some extra little goodies in there too, aftermarket coolers, optical drive, etc. It’s probably what I’m buying as well unless there’s anything better you /g/uys can bring up?? As I've mentioned, I want to move away from my console and start gaming on my PC and my current specs are pretty average so yeah, time to upgrade. I want to max out most games like BF3, ICE Enhancer for GTAIV and so on. Basically excellent graphics, on a moderate-gaming basis. Nein to overclocking and all that enthusiast shit. Rate my first evar fucking build /g/.

1 min later 28006248 Anonymous
>>28006232 Also, am Ausfag. Used PC Case Gear this time round for reference if interested.

1 min later 28006261 Anonymous
>Nein to overclocking Darf ich dich angermanen?

4 min later 28006307 Anonymous
>>28006248 Oh well, don't take the corsair vengeance because they're too big. Don't save on your mobo. Take a better CPU. OC'ing isn't that hard. You will need a stronger PSU for this GPU

5 min later 28006319 Anonymous
>>28006261 Engrish preeze from now on hahahaha

5 min later 28006328 Anonymous
>>28006307 I mean't CPU cooling, the CPU is just fine

5 min later 28006330 Anonymous
>why not a 2500k or 2570k? >what do you need the sound card 4? > get wb black insted of blue

7 min later 28006349 Anonymous
Your freedom won't be able to be respected with that GPU, I suggest a 9500GT!

12 min later 28006412 Anonymous
>>28006328 I guess I can scratch that aftermarket fan off then! >>28006330 If it's necessary, better audio. I want to record music in the future when I pick up electric guitar. Unless a card isn't necessary. I was told the Black was necessary for this system. Not too sure on comparing the specs of either CPU with my chosen one mate.

13 min later 28006432 Anonymous
>>28006349 What's performance difference between the 670 and the 9500GT? Similar besides price?

16 min later 28006482 Anonymous
>>28006349 >>28006432 The 9500 GT was a terrible GPU, I was so glad when mine died within a year time so I could get a 5770.

18 min later 28006503 Anonymous
>>28006307 Too big... for... the mobo ports? Or the amount of RAM?? I don't want to overclock, it's not really necessary for me. About 750W for a PSU is about a good amount?

18 min later 28006508 Anonymous
>>28006482 I have a 9500GT and a 5770, I use the 9500GT because the 5770 doesn't respect my freedom. >>28006432 Lol don't wory, just joking man, the 9500GT is old as fuck and outdated.

20 min later 28006543 Anonymous
>>28006482 Fair enough. I'd much prefer the 670 anyway, I haven't any complaints on it so far.

24 min later 28006618 Anonymous
>>28006503 the plastic cooling thing on the back of the vengeance is unnessecary big they're blocking some good cpu fans

26 min later 28006657 Anonymous
>>28006503 You'll probably want to overclock in the future. just get the unlocked CPU you will not regret it. If you're short on money you can: 1. Skip the sound card you don't need it and if you want to record I suggest getting better equipment than a sound card. 2. Get cheaper non heatsink RAM. since you're gaming you will not need it. 3. Don't get the M motherboard. Get the P8Z77-V or something along the lines of that. Don't get the M. 4.Get a cheaper blu ray drive. 5. Get a 500w PSU, you don't need 600W. 6. Don't get LED fans, unless you really like shiny things.

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