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2012-10-02 04:43 28005674 Anonymous Mechanical Keyboards (1348988436421.jpg 500x688 83kB)
So /g/, I've bought into the hype and decided to try a mechanical keyboard. Someone recommended Rosewill since they use the parts from some filco keyboards, which they said were good: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823201044 From the descriptions I've read I'm looking for a good one with cherry red switches. Should I get this one, or something else? The negative reviews are people complaining about a loose USB port or something, which I don't really care about if the keyboard itself is good.

1 min later 28005693 Anonymous
Leopold FC200R

2 min later 28005702 Anonymous
Well Rosewill is your Wal-Mart of computer supplies, so you get what you pay for. Why don't you just get glorious Razer Black Widow for less and be happy with it? Blues...but Blues are masterrrace.

30 min later 28006090 Anonymous

31 min later 28006099 Anonymous
>>28005702 But I heard they use OEM filco parts, can't be that bad.

33 min later 28006129 Anonymous
http://www.overclock.net/t/491752/mechanical-keyboard-guide#post_6009482 >these gifs >"onii-chan....don't press me so hard!~"

35 min later 28006167 Anonymous
>>28005702 >Razer >gaymer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6FC9AmKRsw NO

40 min later 28006244 Anonymous
>>28006167 Thanks man. No Razer then. So, I'll be getting the Rosewill unless you guys suggest any better ones with cherry red switches.

42 min later 28006279 Anonymous (1341392556719.jpg 863x752 236kB)
>Mechanical keyboard >not ibm model m shiggy diggy do wop

51 min later 28006407 Anonymous

0.379 0.023