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2012-10-02 03:19 28004467 Anonymous (xerox.jpg 640x480 71kB)
AMD Keeping the coolermarket at business

1 min later 28004492 Anonymous (1349179240284.jpg 1500x1465 95kB)
The only thing AMD is good at is GPGPU

4 min later 28004531 Anonymous
>>28004492 >The only thing AMD is good at is GPGPU No current Intel system works with a free BIOS.

4 min later 28004540 Anonymous
>>28004531 Neither does AMD

7 min later 28004584 Anonymous
>>28004540 False. http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_AM3Plus/M5A88V_EVO/ http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards

9 min later 28004612 Anonymous
>>28004531 Go away Stallman

10 min later 28004624 Anonymous (intelbad.png 1253x988 348kB)
>>28004612 I'm not Stallman. It's just that Coreboot is infinitely more capable than all closed BIOS and EFI.

10 min later 28004633 Anonymous
>>28004492 nope, look at their firepro's, rubbish where it counts

11 min later 28004644 Anonymous
>>28004612 Go away, Gobbels.

12 min later 28004656 Anonymous
>>28004624 amd needs propaganda posters to sell now

14 min later 28004684 Anonymous
>>28004656 Can't handle the truth? Face it, your BIOS sucks and you don't even have the source code.

15 min later 28004691 Anonymous
>>28004584 Not sold anymore and bulldozer is not really current gen when a fucking pentium probably beats it at single threaded stuff

16 min later 28004706 Anonymous
>>28004684 Haven't posted in this thread but I feel it would be relevant. I wish to run coreboot on my machines (desktop+laptop) what are some good choices for mobo+cpu and laptop?

17 min later 28004714 Anonymous (Selection_023.png 767x861 147kB)

19 min later 28004745 Anonymous
>>28004714 I only speak english

19 min later 28004752 Anonymous
AMD doesn't even give you the sourcecode to their CPUs microcode updates which is needed to fix bugs WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW, AMDFAGS?

19 min later 28004753 Anonymous
>>28004745 Bulldozers do fine in grown-up tasks like kernelbench which is representative for compiling any large software project.

20 min later 28004763 Anonymous
>>28004752 It's still better than Intel who don't give you the source code for the microcode AND no free BIOS. AMD is the lesser evil, objectively.

22 min later 28004791 Anonymous
what's with all this good vs evil shit, all companies will screw you, get the better product

23 min later 28004801 Anonymous
>>28004791 /g/ is full of 12 year olds

26 min later 28004845 Anonymous
>>28004706 ok

39 min later 28005028 Anonymous
>>28004633 Firepros rip up Quadros in raw power, but Quadros have the support of the software devs because nvidia did what jewtel did and paid them all to use quadros.

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