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2012-10-02 03:01 28004181 Anonymous (hero_blac-100005996-large[1].jpg 580x388 69kB)
I'm dissapointed over pricing. You can either build a new AMD trinity pc without Descrete GPU for $450.
While on the other hand, you can build an i3 3220 + 7770 HD based PC for $500 (roughly $50 more).
Take in cosideration the Trinity consumes shitload of power.
4 min later 28004238 Anonymous
The highest end Trinity chip starts at $122.
ASRock and ASUS both had boards at launch for Llano in the $60-80 range. Toss in a $40 1866 RAM kit, and a 300 or 350watt PSU and you're good to go.
6 min later 28004272 Anonymous
The Gygabyte board is $124 for MATX and $129 for ATX. ASrock and Asus don't have mobo's yet.
7 min later 28004283 Anonymous
Everybody is testing the 5800k unlocked 100w part, and nobody seems to be testing the 5700 the locked 65w version.
I somehow expect that a 65w processor+gpu is going to do a lot better in comparison to a 55w cpu + discrete video.
8 min later 28004301 Anonymous
lol, yes they do. They're even in stock on newegg.
$60 FM2 mobo right here:
9 min later 28004312 Anonymous
Oooo, nice. Is there an ATX version too?
10 min later 28004332 Anonymous
Can someone catch a newbie up?
What is OP disappointed about price of?
Is trinity better and cheaper or what?
10 min later 28004337 Anonymous
For $80, right here:
11 min later 28004363 Anonymous
Trinity is a nice APU. The pricing is okey, But if you're looking to get into gaming, Might as well buy a Intel CPU + Descrete GPU.
This is more for people who can't Add descrete GPU's
But everything else is Nice, Trinity overclocks are glorious, No need for reboot and you can do it with a stock fan they provide.
13 min later 28004388 Anonymous
I don't get why hes disappointed either.
Its solid progress for AMD with their module design.
Single threaded performance with these chips is higher than Llano and Bulldozer.
Its also launching considerably cheaper than what Llano launched at.
13 min later 28004405 Anonymous (1aGh.png 1173x567 86kB)
Allright, Is this okey?
14 min later 28004408 Anonymous
and descrete is a GPU card?
APU is CPU+graphics right?
14 min later 28004421 Anonymous
Yup. It's integrated to the chip.
It can run Sleeping Dogs at 30fps in Default settings, according to a video. Can't link it atm.
15 min later 28004432 Phosgene
not to mention his pricing is way off, you can build a decent A8-5600 trinity desktop for around $300
16 min later 28004447 Anonymous
okay, thanks.
Anyone have an Idea of what the new FX line will be able to do when the time comes? worth waiting for?
17 min later 28004462 Anonymous
Thats not bad. Might be able to save $10 or so on a power supply if you shop around, but its solid.
17 min later 28004469 Anonymous
No info yet, Wait til the 24th I guess. Or whenever they remove the NDA over the FX chip.
18 min later 28004473 Phosgene
also could get a cheaper case and save $15
18 min later 28004476 Anonymous
Should I get this or an Intel CPU + GPU?
19 min later 28004496 Anonymous
I'm not why you'd bother on full atx (case/mobo) for a build like that. Seems like a total waste of space.
Power supply could go lower, but can you even buy decent 300-350W ones?
20 min later 28004505 Phosgene
you can get this for $350 or so, or you can spend around $500 and get an equivalent intel solution
20 min later 28004508 Anonymous
damn, alright thanks
20 min later 28004515 Anonymous
Is there even a date for the new piledriver based FX chips yet? I've heard they may skip piledriver entirely for the FX line just like they skipped bulldozer for the APUs.
21 min later 28004530 Anonymous
What is trinity marketed for, gaming, editing, movies?
22 min later 28004539 Anonymous
>amd produces more rubbish
>/g/ eats it up
oh /g/ you so amd
23 min later 28004562 Anonymous
excuse my poorfaggotry.
25 min later 28004583 Anonymous
I'd say the best use of it is for HTPCs, "light" gaming, and also possibly for very small builds.
For general browsing/media consuming SB/IB pentiums would likely be sufficient, cheaper (?) and consume less power.
25 min later 28004586 Anonymous
your stupidity can't be excused, there's a better intel offering at every price point
26 min later 28004600 Anonymous
I was gonna say. Seems too cheap to do anything very well even for AMD.
28 min later 28004623 Phosgene
>at every price point
not under $500
29 min later 28004641 Anonymous
I smell faaanbooooy
30 min later 28004653 Phosgene
its too obvious not to notice, you dont have to smell for it to find it when its glaringly obvious
31 min later 28004667 Anonymous
If what you want to do is general computer use + gaming and you're comfortable with 720p then Trinity is going to be almost as good as a CPU + $100 GPU for ~$120 while an i3 with comparable graphics is going to be more expensive and less capable when it comes to multitasking.
That seems like pretty good value to me for anyone who isn't an enthusiast.
33 min later 28004693 Anonymous (Capture.png 1445x769 141kB)
Something I made for the poorfag in the thread did I miss anything?
33 min later 28004694 Anonymous
Wow AMD really is pro-poorfag.
The days when poorfags couldnt afford light gaming PCs are over.
35 min later 28004723 Phosgene
>spends more money for less capable components than an overclocked A10-5800
also, trinity shits all over i3 line
35 min later 28004726 Anonymous (le+american+bear+and+le+happy+merchant_9406be_3850730.jpg 658x519 66kB)
36 min later 28004735 Anonymous
>Refurbished HDD
>395 CPU/GPU/Mobo combo
Dude that isnt even worth it. sit back and think for a second.
36 min later 28004738 Anonymous
>$45 for 250GB
That seems rather terrible.
But otherwise, you can drop the cpu to a pentium without great loss, and if you want to go lower then the 7750 is a good option.
37 min later 28004750 Anonymous
Really can I see link to a chart of this or benchmarks?
38 min later 28004769 Anonymous
Whats wrong with 4 gigs of ram with my 8 I rarely use more than 3 at any given time.
40 min later 28004784 Anonymous
APUs are for mainstream users. People who do a bit of light gaming, browse the web, play flash games, mess around in photoshop a bit, maybe edit a bit of video for youtube, stuff like that.
AMD actually has an advantage over intel in regards to video encoding this time around. They still don't touch QuickSync times, but using VCE a Trinity chip will spit out a video thats only a fraction of the size without any loss of quality or color accuracy whatsoever.
You can take a 171mb source file, and compress it down to 38mb with Trinity in 44 seconds.
An i7 in high quality mode with QuickSync would return a 110mb file in 39 seconds.
Thats a pretty big advantage in AMD's favor.
40 min later 28004792 Phosgene
the A10-5800 outperforms the i3 at every benchmark
41 min later 28004805 Anonymous
For a straight up gaming PC, would an FX-8150 get the job done paired with a 7970? Or is it worth it to go Intel for gaming?
41 min later 28004809 Anonymous
He just did that shit to reducethe price to make it seem like Intel was a better offering. Even with all those price cuts its still more expensive.
42 min later 28004816 Anonymous
But nobody uses that shit anyways.
42 min later 28004819 Anonymous
Well, I'd never thought I'd see the day that Tom's Hardware favored AMD over Intel.
42 min later 28004823 Phosgene
for that price you would be better off with an i5
43 min later 28004838 Anonymous
>Any year
I'm all for AMD, but Bulldozer is so bad that it's really hard to suggest people choose it over the i5.
44 min later 28004848 Anonymous
FX is still using Bulldozer while Trinity is using the new improved Piledriver CPU modules. If you're going to spend that much you might as well buy a cheap i5 or wait and see how the Piledriver FX chips perform.
45 min later 28004864 Anonymous (1318290028548.jpg 640x480 37kB)
45 min later 28004867 Anonymous
Thanks, wanna start a build within the month.
46 min later 28004871 Anonymous
Wait call me stupid but is the intel benchmark using the integrated video card of the cpu?
47 min later 28004894 Anonymous
Well it would have to be right?
We all know AMD's CPI cores cant compete for shit and the only way for them to pull ahead is to rely on their GPU division to produce good stuff to mix with their CPUs.
48 min later 28004905 Phosgene
yes, its a benchmark comparing both CPU intensive programs and GPU intensive programs seperately and trinity outperforms on both
53 min later 28004963 Phosgene
as said before, even when comparing the CPUs, trinity still outperforms the i3
56 min later 28005011 Anonymous
On what specifically?
59 min later 28005055 Phosgene
in every application tested
59 min later 28005059 Anonymous
People asking me why I want an ATX etc
I would like to buy a nice GPU later down the line.
1 hours later 28005112 Anonymous
Oh god
1 hours later 28005144 Anonymous
The only ones I see where the i3 is being tested is video game and from what ive gathered the i3 is using its integrated video.
1 hours later 28005157 Phosgene
holy fuck, thats impressive
1 hours later 28005175 Anonymous
You can put a graphics card on micro-atx, and I think mini-ITX too.
1 hours later 28005179 Anonymous
The application benchmarks went up today and were a pleasant surprise since the gaming/application split made me think they were going to fail totally again.
1 hours later 28005188 Phosgene
compression has nothing to do with GPU, not that i know of
1 hours later 28005207 Anonymous
winzip and 7 zip and this is proof I guess.
1 hours later 28005213 Anonymous (opencl%20winzip.png 450x331 12kB)
All the benches that use OpenCL specifically state it.
1 hours later 28005227 Anonymous
>112 watts
I think we're getting to the point that we can say "yes, it consumes more than the i-3 alone it's not enough to be a big deal.
Also you're not factoring in the power nom nom nom from the 7770.
anandtech had it nailed pretty good in their end, it's a very subjective thing depending on what you want to use it for. Trinity on the desktop is just what everyone expected, which is good. AMD has a long road ahead of it before they can make Intel worry, and they wont finish it next year or probably even the next, but all they need to do is be there for a good amount of competition right now.
1 hours later 28005241 Phosgene
those dont say whether they do
1 hours later 28005255 Anonymous
I thoguht we already went over the fact that archiving is the only thing Bulldozer beats SB/IB on.
Before you mention it, I am aware that Trinity is not Bulldozer. Yes it is Piledriver, but that is simply an improved Bulldozer.
1 hours later 28005262 Anonymous
The two you linked to were software only
1 hours later 28005278 Anonymous
Uh, yeah they do. The green lines are CPU, the blue lines are OpenCL.
1 hours later 28005318 Phosgene
i was talking about these
1 hours later 28005347 Anonymous
Neither of those use OpenCL, or at least the Winzip one doesn't. The OpenCL times for the trinity chips were much faster.
1 hours later 28005369 Anonymous
>benching i3 against things that take use of 4 cores
>surprised when 4 cores outperform 2 cores
>i3 would still shit on trinity with a discrete gpu
>not all that much more expensive.
6/10 almost got mad.
1 hours later 28005392 Anonymous
You can also upgrade the cpu with an i5 or something what can you upgrade with trinity?
1 hours later 28005407 Anonymous
I don't think you're looking at this from the right angle.
1 hours later 28005412 Anonymous
Next gen Kaveri APUs, and Excavator core based APUs after that.
1 hours later 28005421 Anonymous
SB/IB integrated graphics will still have better drivers on linux.
1 hours later 28005437 Anonymous
Oh really at least AMD is keeping that business model I always loved that about them.
1 hours later 28005438 Anonymous
>comparable performance to GTX 460
1 hours later 28005615 Anonymous
After reading several reviews of Trinity vs SB/IB i3 it's clear, that CPU-wise 2M/4C/4T Trinity performs nearly identically to 2C/4T Core i3. But:
1. AMD IGP is way better even when compared to HD4000 (I say Intel IGP architecture is flawed by design and even if they manage to improve it's performance someday it'll still be crap. But that's another story).
2. Trinity systems can into overclocking, Core i3 systems cannot.
3,4. Trinity + MOBO (1) is probably a bit cheaper than i3 + MOBO (2), but it's considerably cheaper than i3 + MOBO + poorfag-grade GPU (3). Remember that (2)-type system is too crippled for everyday use, you actually need to spend money on (3)-type system, and this is where the price difference can't be denied. The same applies to power consumption: i3 alone may consume less than Trinity, but i3 + GPU won't.
1 hours later 28005635 Anonymous
>I say Intel IGP architecture is flawed by design
Please continue
1 hours later 28005720 Anonymous
>I say Intel IGP architecture is flawed by design and even if they manage to improve it's performance someday it'll still be crap. But that's another story
I can see that, a crippled GPU ensures both that they won't get into anti-trust trouble from Nvidia, and it slows down adoption of GPGPU.
1 hours later 28005734 Anonymous
I find it kind of humorous that you pretend that Intel GMA hasn't been absolute shit for over a decade now.
1 hours later 28005785 Phosgene
more than a decade, the 815 series, released in the late 90s was notoriously terrible
1 hours later 28005796 Anonymous
I wish AMD would have gave Intel a nice competition for them to drop their core pricing.
I mean shit, 2500k is stil on the $200 mark.
1 hours later 28005818 Anonymous
Intel never lowers the price on their processors.
1 hours later 28005825 Anonymous
I'm looking for a m-ATX case/PSU for my Trinity build.
What is /g/'s opinion of the built-in power supplies in Chieftec cases? Any good? Or should I buy a PSU separately?
1 hours later 28005830 Puscifer
1 hours later 28005853 Anonymous
>nVidia Anti-Trust
This is VERY, VERY important.
Intel IGPs since GMA950 have been based on nVidia IP (part of the nVidia-Intel lawsuit) so actually outperforming an nVidia GPU could spell trouble again for Intel.
Results of last nVidia-Intel Lawsuit:
Gets $1.5billion from Intel over 10 years
FSB license forever.
NO DMI or QPI license - ever.
nVidia graphics IP
nVidia can't make modern Intel chipsets (no FSB or QPI license)
1 hours later 28005881 Anonymous
They have no reason to. If just they had some competition.
1 hours later 28005887 Anonymous
You're an idiot.
The Phenom 955BE is 125W and it's massively outperformed by a 3570K which is 77W.
TDP does not equal processing power.
1 hours later 28005924 Puscifer
You know, I was thinking about using the newest line of AMD's APUs for a Minecraft server. Would those chips be more powerful than a Sempron or Pentium 4?
2 hours later 28005937 Anonymous (Plebian_orange_juice.jpg 1024x921 233kB)
>Look at me and laugh
2 hours later 28005968 Anonymous
Just get a G860 based pc.
2 hours later 28005996 Anonymous
How much you willing to spend?
2 hours later 28006255 Anonymous
What is this design philosophy they have that is so unredeemable?
2 hours later 28006320 Anonymous (sanic.png 134x73 20kB)
>mfw H61, g645(64$) and 6670
2 hours later 28006343 Anonymous
They still have bugs even in most basic things like texture filtering, they have very limited application support. And if something works properly, framerate distribution is very uneven compared to "proper" graphic cards. It's very uncomfortable. Also look at absolutely insane frequencies they have to operate on under turbo boost. This fact explains the framerate distribution issues. It also helps big time to shine in benchmarks where peak FPS value is a measure of success and makes one think: "Holy crap, Intel almost did it, the rest should tremble in fear!" But what good that peak fps value is when it's achieved for like 5-10% of the time, and the rest 90-95% of the time you are below the average value?
As for GPGPU, I don't know how strong Intel position is, but I doubt it's even worth mentioning. "Intel GPGPU" sounds like "bees agains honey" to me.
2 hours later 28006369 Anonymous
>They still have bugs even in most basic things
Isn't that the same case as AMD's own APUs?
2 hours later 28006384 Anonymous
Haha, no.
APUs are pretty much flawless inside of Windows.
2 hours later 28006410 Anonymous (YOUAMD.png 1170x784 63kB)
Show me an APU setup that is cheap than this
2 hours later 28006460 Anonymous
[citation needed]
2 hours later 28006480 Anonymous
Your GPU+CPU combo is $120. 4/6 trinity models retail for less than that.
2 hours later 28006497 Anonymous (Crysis-2virgoi3htpc.jpg 450x337 106kB)
they are also 50% as powerful AND motherboards cost a bit more
>dude look it RAPES the intel setup on crysis look at those FPS
2 hours later 28006498 Anonymous (AnandTech - Bench - CPU.png 603x2238 160kB)
>biostar mobo
I hope you enjoy that for the 5 days that it actually works.
Trinity kills it in virtually everything aside from a few poorly threaded games.
The A10 5800k generally performs better in most all things against the i3 2100 as well.
2 hours later 28006506 Anonymous
do they perform as well gaming wise?
2 hours later 28006540 Anonymous
Looks about even
50% of wins going to AMD 50% of wins going to the g850
Keep in mind the g850 is a 64$ cpu
Also keep in mind its a dual core
Also keep in mind it has a 1ghz lower clock speed
Also keep in mind motherboards are cheaper
Also keep in mind LOLUAMD?
2 hours later 28006550 Anonymous
>I hope you enjoy that for the 5 days that it actually works.
Biostar make good boards, what now?
>Trinity kills it
Of course it does, it costs far more.
2 hours later 28006565 Anonymous
He said cheaper, not better. But yes, the A10 is $130. Assuming you can get other parts in the similar price bracket (apparently not, since more expensive motherboards?) I'd prefer the trinity at such a low end platform.
2 hours later 28006591 Anonymous (skyrim-beyond-50.png 480x182 3kB)
I have two Llano PCs, a 3650, and a 3870k.
No issues with either of them, not a single driver issue, or blue screen ever.
The issues with intel's integrated graphics isn't just with low raw frame rates, a huge portion of the problem stems from latency issues. Though HD4000 is a big improvement over HD3000 its still far behind Llano.
APUs simply don't have problems.
You should really learn how to read, thats just embarrassing.
Higher is not better in every bench.
2 hours later 28006599 Anonymous
>cockroaches aren't food
Cockroaches taste like BBQ sauce, what now?
Anyone can make shit up.
2 hours later 28006631 Anonymous
>Anyone can make shit up.
Obviously, that's why people have to make sure to correct brand whoring faggots like you at every point.
2 hours later 28006788 Anonymous
I was stating that Biostar boards are garbage. No need to get buttpained.
2 hours later 28006801 Anonymous (image.jpg 500x500 46kB)
Let me guess: you didn't pay attention to those "higher is better" and "lower is better" notes, did you?
Maybe it's just me, but I can see but 7 wins on Pentium side, 4 of which are poorly-threaded games (what a surprise), other 2 are in single-threaded Intel-loving Cinebench, and the last one is remarkable 4% victory in SYSMark Web development.
Tags: Pentium, Celeron, 2012, shiggy diggy.
2 hours later 28006842 Anonymous
>biostar mobo
Holy shit, I hope you don't do this,
>G850 + 6770
>Saying its better than A10
Can you overclock?
A10 is slightly better than G860 + 6770 combo, but you can overclock it with AMD stock fan.
3 hours later 28006901 Anonymous
G860 + 6670 = Same Cost of an A10. Little more performance, 4 cores vs 2 cores and it's overclockable.
3 hours later 28006914 Rei
Can't you just OC the 6770 instead for better gaming performance?
3 hours later 28006984 Anonymous
let's just skip the fact that it's still "half cores" that share resources.
3 hours later 28006995 Anonymous
cant you just get a better gpu and beat the performance of the A10 also gotta love how the A10 is the one that is mainly being used for this argument.
3 hours later 28007004 Anonymous
What difference does it make with Dual-Core Sandy/Ivy without hyperthreading?
3 hours later 28007042 Anonymous
>Biostar boards are garbage
Fun fact, biostar have previously held world overclock records for both AMD and Intel.
Their modern boards use many of the same parts as Asrock (including PWMs, Mosfets, SATA controllers, LAN controllers, Audio Chips, etc), but /g/ love Asrock and hate Biostar. Odd isn't it?
They are often recommended by reviewers. Nice mention hear from anandtech for their suggested build last year;
"I've recommended the Biostar TZ68A+ in previous guides and it continues to be my go-to Z68 chipset-based LGA 1155 motherboard"
Or Jonnyguru;
"I've always respected Biostar as a low cost, no frills company. I've used them in builds since Socket A days with little incident"
But fuck that, someone on /g/ told me they were bad.
3 hours later 28007063 Rei
Yes, yes you can. I still believe these APUs are good pics if someone wants a good HTPC and light gaming setup. It won't play everything at 1080 but that is why you go for a cheap intel CPU and a good GPU still. Now we'll need to see Piledriver CPUs and not APUs.
3 hours later 28007174 Anonymous (amd_apu_trinity_13.png 450x376 12kB)
And this is what you get on your Trinity system with an addition of Radeon 6670 when you enable Dual Graphics.
3 hours later 28007204 Anonymous
>Wanting frame jitter
3 hours later 28007259 Anonymous
I've owned one too. I bought it because the model held the P45 overclock record. The board was still a piece of junk that would not boot first try after 6 months of use and would require 2-3 attempts to post after a year.
When I tried to get warranty service I was told as long as it would eventually post that they wouldn't honor the warranty.
Gutted the system and replaced the mobo, CPU and memory. The other components have worked flawlessly since on another board.
But fuck that, someone on /g/ told me they were good. Guess I'll go back.
3 hours later 28007293 Anonymous
frame jitter is only a problem when the dual gpu's render below and sometimes above monitor refresh.
I would know, been doing dual gpu since 2004
3 hours later 28007418 Anonymous
So will the A10 APU and another GPU work together?
I have an e6750, 2GB of RAM, and a GTX 260. Looking to upgrade.
3 hours later 28007493 Anonymous
Nope, you need a few AMD cards that it supports for CrossFire
3 hours later 28007500 Rei
WoW isn't as graphic intensive as it used to be when it first came out. A good CPU and a mid GPU will net you similar results. It is still running on DX9 maybe?
3 hours later 28007558 Anonymous
Average user here
I read some thread about this new APU. Is it really efficient for that price? Like playing most of new games with normal or high setting. I dont want to buy it and later realize it isn't powerful enough and have to rebuild Intel + GPU.
Also I dont care about overclocking? Should I go with 5700 for lower ATP?
3 hours later 28007593 Rei
High setting is pushing it. A demo from AMD shows Sleeping Dogs getting ~30FPS on medium at 1680x1050. 7850 + cheap Pentium will get you what you want.
3 hours later 28007610 Anonymous
The reviews I've seen pegged 1920x1080 performance as largely unplayable, but 1280x720 performance looked quite good.
I'm still trying to decide if its a decent upgrade for my aging core2/9600gt system.
3 hours later 28007614 Anonymous
Apparently it can run Battlefield 3 1080p on low with a A10 stock clock (3.8ghz)
You can achieve this with a G540 + 4440 Radeon (look up on youtube g530 battlefield 3)
3 hours later 28007628 Anonymous
>buying *K intel processors
Enjoy your removed features, then again all you guys do is gaming
3 hours later 28007677 Rei
You forgot chinese cartoons.
3 hours later 28007694 Anonymous
Name one thing that uses more CPU and GPU together that's not gaming. You cant.
3 hours later 28007752 Anonymous
Virtualization with PCI passthrough. Oh, and that is disabled on K processors.
3 hours later 28007755 Anonymous
0.912 0.178