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2012-10-02 02:57 28004119 Anonymous Soundcard General (shittek.jpg 320x240 38kB)
Girlfriend's onboard audio is picture related garbage. I purchased a Xonar DG for myself a while back and was quite pleased with the performance:cost. Should I just scoop another one up for her?
Requesting infographics and [spoiler]opinions[/spoiler] for edumacating.
2 min later 28004151 Anonymous
Sure whatever
3 min later 28004171 Anonymous
bump for interest
7 min later 28004228 Anonymous
My sound card fucked up max Payne 3. $60 wasted.
16 min later 28004375 Anonymous
>implying it wasn't shit anyways
44 min later 28004786 Anonymous
We're going to need pics of your girlfriend, OP.
You know, for clarification.
47 min later 28004829 Anonymous
For the average use recent onboard codecs are just as good as those crappy soundcards that range from 50 to 200$.
Unless you specifically need to input at a decent quality you might as well give her your soundcard.
1 hours later 28005745 Anonymous
this. how else would we be able to figure out what she really needs.
2 hours later 28005895 Anonymous
Why does everyone want pictures with words on them? Not just words, but walls of text? On image files? When you can type what you want to learn about into Google search and it gives you more information than you'd possibly want to know about that thing? As text, not giant pictures.
I just... ugh. Fuck you people.
0.714 0.080