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2012-10-02 02:09 28003520 Anonymous (1080p-Generic-Phone[1].jpg 300x373 12kB)
How significant are these 1080p phones gonna be?

0 min later 28003535 Kosan
I'd rather have 1920x1200 phones so I can still see my status bar while watching 1080P content.

1 min later 28003537 Anonymous

1 min later 28003543 Anonymous
>watching anything on a mobile phone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKiIroiCvZ0

4 min later 28003580 Anonymous
I want my phone to have bigger screen, like 16" or so. Having physical bigger qwerty keyboard would also be nice.

5 min later 28003589 Anonymous
>>28003535 Why would you want to watch a 1080p content, maximised, and still need to see the status bar?

7 min later 28003611 Anonymous (why.jpg 404x267 51kB)
>>28003580 >16" phone

8 min later 28003621 Anonymous
>>28003537 This. It's all marketing and shit to make you pay more

9 min later 28003630 Anonymous
pointless battery waste.

10 min later 28003640 Anonymous Population control 101
Anything to make the cattle more fond of the mechanisms which control and monitor their every move.

11 min later 28003653 Anonymous
>>28003611 Dat face.

16 min later 28003702 Anonymous (IMAG0043.jpg 2016x1136 949kB)

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