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2012-10-02 12:59 28002699 Anonymous (c475870b_NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX560-Ti-1GB-PCB.jpg 800x374 362kB)
Stock cooler on EVGA 560ti DS was a bit shit and lately the fan bearing has gone so I'm in the middle of fitting Arctic Cooler Accelero Twin Turbo 2.
This is the first time I've ever taken apart a GPU so I'm cautious and don't want to wing anything. So, it says to "fit insulation tape onto circuit components in order to prevent short circuit caused by RAM & VR heatsink interference". The picture is incredibly vague. I know which parts the RAM chips are but I can't figure out where exactly to put the tape and google/youtube isn't turning up anything. Do I put place it between each RAM chip or what?
Would anyone be kind enough to points out where I put it on the picture or if I even NEED to at all?
0.505 0.038