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2012-10-02 12:34 28002480 Anonymous (1186293288943.jpg 770x1100 96kB)
Quick question. I have noticed lately that I am using my mouse less and less. The only real use that I have for it anymore is just for clicking on links. Is there any extension to firefox that would allow me to click on a link on a page from pure use of the keyboard?

2 min later 28002506 Dr_Venture (Screen Shot 2012-10-02 at 3.36.27 AM.png 1394x1052 534kB)

3 min later 28002521 Dr_Venture (Screen Shot 2012-10-02 at 3.37.04 AM.png 1440x900 719kB)
This is what happens when you do shift F

4 min later 28002535 Anonymous
Vimperator or Pentadactyl. I suggest Vimperator.

8 min later 28002546 Anonymous

10 min later 28002577 Anonymous
>>28002506 >>28002521 Thank you very much. Deleting my thread now.

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