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2012-10-02 12:22 28002311 Anonymous IBM = best company EVAR (IBMSystemzEC12mainframe.jpg 344x437 15kB)
IBM is the most important company in the history of computing, discuss. Being nice to others is not required in this thread.

1 min later 28002331 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Xerox

2 min later 28002338 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Intel

2 min later 28002343 Anonymous
That's not how you spell GNU plus Microsoft

7 min later 28002407 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Apple

10 min later 28002448 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Foxconn

11 min later 28002467 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Gentoo.

12 min later 28002488 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Cisco

12 min later 28002489 Anonymous
that's not how you spell minix

14 min later 28002509 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Samsung

14 min later 28002515 sage
That's not how you spell NASA.

15 min later 28002522 Anonymous
That's not how you spell America

16 min later 28002528 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Sword Art Online

21 min later 28002558 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Nokia

25 min later 28002593 Anonymous
That's not how you spell I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

25 min later 28002595 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Blizzard Interactive

25 min later 28002600 Anonymous
They were important, but wasn't AT&T more important?

27 min later 28002608 Anonymous
>>28002600 C-C-C-Combo br-Why am I posting this. This isn't /b/, and I am no longer 12.

27 min later 28002613 Anonymous
They were important, but wasn't Google more important?

27 min later 28002619 Anonymous
>>28002311 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39jtNUGgmd4

27 min later 28002620 Anonymous
>>28002608 The combo had grown old a long time ago.

27 min later 28002622 Anonymous
>>28002600 They both did pretty big things. I'd wager that IBM was more relevant in early computing, whereas AT&T had a stream of improvements in the 60s and 70s (UNIX, etc.)

32 min later 28002663 Anonymous
>>28002622 Makes me sad that these days IBM is so background in every day life.

32 min later 28002665 Anonymous
my girlfriend works for IBM in a management role, she comes home from work, and rages at how fucking pants-on-head retarded they are, Technical Architects are forced to be conservative and weary of new tech. whatthefuck.png R&D they are amazeballs, actually getting that tech out on the market? Not so.

36 min later 28002702 Anonymous
>>28002665 When you think about it, it makes sense, they just don't want to go the way Google goes, throwing any idea a pack of money and shooting it at a blank wall.

38 min later 28002714 Anonymous
>>28002702 when i say >Technical Architects are forced to be conservative and weary of new tech. I mean, they would rather use 10 year old tech, this pisses off the client, who actually has packs of money, and wants constant innovation.

39 min later 28002724 Anonymous
>>28002714 >>28002665 This is the reason I didn't apply at IBM, I know they were interested in me, but fuck that shit. I want a fun and challenging job, not the same ol' same ol' on a daily basis.

40 min later 28002732 Anonymous (ibmisawesome.png 393x144 14kB)
It's true, OP.

41 min later 28002743 Anonymous
>>28002724 if you were to get into R&D, you'd have fun, but corporate is all /pol/itics and /b/ullshit.

43 min later 28002760 Anonymous
I work at IBM. It's shit. >Open source software? Fuck off. >Want to use something other then Java? NOOPE. >Want to only work with shitty Oracle software? Of course you do.

45 min later 28002783 Anonymous
fun company to work at

45 min later 28002784 Anonymous (feel - dont want to feel anymore.jpg 550x453 99kB)
>>28002760 >Want to only work with shitty Oracle software? Of course you do. >only Oracle software >Oracle software >mfw

45 min later 28002785 Anonymous
>>28002760 What do you do there?

48 min later 28002814 Anonymous
>>28002760 Really? I would think that you'd use Eclipse over JDeveloper, Derby and DB2 over Oracle RDBMS, Rational over whatever shit Oracle has, and so on.

48 min later 28002815 Ambien
>IBM is the most important company in the history of computing. I'd say they're probably the most important company in the history of the age we currently live in.

48 min later 28002820 Anonymous
>>28002785 janitor

50 min later 28002834 Ambien
>>28002665 >Technical Architects are forced to be conservative and weary of new tech. That's why IBM currently has the worlds most advanced manufacturing plant of graphene transistors.

50 min later 28002843 Anonymous
>>28002834 He did say >R&D they are amazeballs, actually getting that tech out on the market? Not so.

50 min later 28002846 Anonymous
>>28002834 and they do not use them for their corporate contracts.

51 min later 28002851 Anonymous
>>28002846 which, coincidentally, is what they do.

51 min later 28002855 Anonymous
>>28002785 I have one of the few developers roles that haven't been outsourced to IBM's Indian "Delivery Centres". >>28002814 Officially we have licences to Rational software but everyone uses Eclipse because Rational just added MOAR BLOAT. 99% of the clients use Oracle, DB is confined to places where we were there from the beginning or replacing a client's software completely.

54 min later 28002876 Ambien
>>28002843 Well, they've become a services and patent company. They are the gatekeepers, they are holding all the keys etc. They've been doing this for ages now. The IBM Battery 500 is probably the only major development going into LiAir at the moment (which isn't a new technology), and one of the few legitimate advancement efforts away from fossil fuel cars. When they succeed, they will save the world. The car culture will no longer be the worst thing to ever happen, and we will look back on this age and laugh, when a centralised public system paid for by the people was obviously a better route than cars, cars everywhere.

54 min later 28002880 Anonymous
>>28002855 the european delivery center is now in dublin, there is also one in the czech rep. and one in argentina, but thats shite

55 min later 28002893 Anonymous
IBM is a good company. Would love to see them get back into the OS biz. While it'll never happen, it'd be nice if they bought back the rights to the ThinkPad brand so Lenovo will stop running it into the ground.

55 min later 28002896 Anonymous
>>28002855 I fucking hate working with Indian ITers. Not to be racist or hate, but they have a different culture, bad accents and a tendency to fuck shit up beyond repair.

56 min later 28002899 Anonymous
>>28002896 not met an argentinian IT personage then?

56 min later 28002902 Anonymous
powercare reporting in

59 min later 28002927 Anonymous
>>28002896 IBM ones are better then the Accenture ones, not by much but still. >Guy who I work with is a BA doing Java dev why.jpg

1 hours later 28003029 Anonymous
>>28002927 Shivers, shivers everywhere. >>28002899 I haven't had the pleasure

1 hours later 28003086 Trust me, I'm an (1347111111364.jpg 1611x1076 81kB)
>IBM sold the ThinkPad line to Lenovo >Java everything

1 hours later 28003111 Anonymous (IBMSystemz10mainframe-OpenFront.jpg 375x500 213kB)
>>28003086 They still have these marvels.

1 hours later 28003250 Anonymous (IBMSystemz09mainframe-OpenFront.jpg 603x444 41kB)

3 hours later 28004808 Anonymous (IBMSystemz196mainframe.jpg 1000x665 419kB)

4 hours later 28005752 Anonymous
>>28002311 I agree with you as without them the Holocaust never could have happend.

4 hours later 28005766 Anonymous
That's not how you spell Hyperdimensional Neptunia

4 hours later 28005810 Anonymous (Supermuc-02.jpg 620x406 72kB)
10^15 FLOPS

4 hours later 28005884 Anonymous
>>28003111 >>28003250 >>28004808 >>28005810 lol, those computers are huge. IBM can't into miniaturization. I bet they still use tape drives for backups, too.

4 hours later 28005896 Dr Faget
>>28005752 They didn't do a very good job then. Apple would have got it done

4 hours later 28005958 Anonymous
>>28005884 Idon'twanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.jpg

4 hours later 28005981 Anonymous
>Tape storage systems what the hell, IBM? i didn't realize this was 1952

4 hours later 28006007 Anonymous
>>28005981 >>28005884 >doesn't realize tape is cheapest and best to keep for long hauls you niggers don't belong on /g/ hand in your pass at the lobby and get the fuck out

4 hours later 28006083 Anonymous
>>28006007 >2013 >physical storage get a load of this guy

4 hours later 28006100 Anonymous
>>28006007 >cheap I believe that part. Maybe they should realize this isn't the 60's anymore. No cheap-ass tape-drives and a form factor that doesn't need a fucking hangar to fit in. I seriously hope these pieces of shit don't run linux, too.

5 hours later 28006245 Anonymous
>>28006083 What are you storing your back-ups on then?

5 hours later 28006941 Anonymous
>>28006245 The clowd, lel u so dumb wit uar fisikal storage.

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