4chan archive * /fit/ 16M * page 1 prev next * (index)
2012-11-26 16002334 Were any of you /fit/izens at this year's living history far (13)
2012-11-26 16002349 I'll keep this short:>male, 20, 180cm / 5'11'' >lifting for (32)
2012-11-26 16002358 > be a sad depressed 294 lbs NEET > get heart broken > find (12)
2012-11-26 16002359 eyyy man u tryin to build some muscle man? das good das real (1)
2012-11-26 16002362 Heavy squats + noise. (26)
2012-11-26 16002377 Lifting hurts, /fit/. No one told me how your muscles scream (28)
2012-11-26 16002397 >year of our Lord 2012 >not doing glorious master race balle (21)
2012-11-26 16002422 /fit/ I have a month to cut do you think its possible? I hav (6)
2012-11-26 16002431 _̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡ (4)
2012-11-26 16002445 What are the cons of doing a total body workout 3 times a we (7)
2012-11-26 16002484 NO FAP (2)
2012-11-26 16002499 my friend seriously believes in p90x. Please help me explain (49) ★
2012-11-26 16002504 >you will never be aesthetic or alpha enough to walk around (5)
2012-11-26 16002578 So my roommate set up a small home gym in the kitchen with a (4)
2012-11-26 16002614 240 pounds and want to lose weighti'm fine with the working (9)
2012-11-26 16002620 Beta thread?Beta thread. (384) ★
2012-11-26 16002623 flexibility (1)
2012-11-26 16002655 Roid thread.Go. (196) ★
2012-11-26 16002687 when you see people lifting more than you or that look bette (5)
2012-11-26 16002705 HAHAHA this site is hilarious, isn't it /fit/? (1)
2012-11-26 16002733 > be a sad depressed 294 lbs NEET > get heart broken > find (1)
2012-11-26 16002762 So now that it's been proved that Pyramidhead is genetically (87) ★
2012-11-26 16002774 what the fuckhttp://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a79_1353870664 (4)
2012-11-26 16002788 Hey /fit/izen'sGoofy question but have any of you ever dated (11)
2012-11-26 16002844 Anyone ever have a labral tear or labrum tear? What was your (1)
2012-11-26 16002851 Sup /fit/ anybody have any past or current experience with F (5)
2012-11-26 16002916 1.25 mg of finasteride daily is not stopping my hairline fro (20)
2012-11-26 16002941 i'm starting this workout now that i'm done with SS. how lon (1)
2012-11-26 16003039 >try no porn / barely ever fap (like once a week) >hardly ev (5)
2012-11-26 16003047 Okay /fit/ I need some advice. A few years back, I was very (6)
2012-11-26 16003082 /fit/ im looking online to find out how many calories to eat (3)
2012-11-26 16003099 >TFW you didnt workout this weekend because overwhelmed of h (3)
2012-11-26 16003100 what is the perfect size to be /fa/ but still relatively /fi (6)
2012-11-26 16003180 Overhead holds PSAI've never had such a full shoulder workou (8)
2012-11-26 16003200 FORGIVE ME /FIT/ (4)
2012-11-26 16003228 What do you think of my physique 4 chan? (40)
2012-11-26 16003229 Buy expensive pants, get so /fit/ I cant fit into them. Cut (1)
2012-11-26 16003233 You have 10 years to live (6)
2012-11-26 16003239 How many boiledeggs is ok to eat a day? (10)
2012-11-26 16003277 Guys can someone please give me ideas.I am so tired of video (126) ★
2012-11-26 16003293 Does escaping reality ever get boring? Do I need it to be sa (3)
2012-11-26 16003297 Good evening folks, can someone explain how to execute the f (2)
2012-11-26 16003312 Sale (1)
2012-11-26 16003350 Do you guys ever see miniature dogs and think of whipping yo (4)
2012-11-26 16003366 Why are some people more motivated than others? (24)
2012-11-26 16003370 >meet 6/10 girl, she starts texting >text back >she's obviou (3)
2012-11-26 16003449 popquiz (17)
2012-11-26 16003531 That feel... (6)
2012-11-26 16003541 >fit, why don't you dance? The girls will be all over you. h (69) ★
2012-11-26 16003542 Help me with this. So I am trying to prove to my nieces abou (4)
2012-11-26 16003563 No fit girl thread ? cummon guys (277) ★
2012-11-26 16003635 Hey /fit/I am trying to reach my goal BF% of 8% but have bee (6)
2012-11-26 16003660 > tfw rest day > tfw I feel anxious and nervous > tfw this i (3)
2012-11-26 16003666 MOTHERFUCK (2)
2012-11-26 16003700 I'm in need of help my fellow /fit/izens. I feel the onslaug (9)
2012-11-26 16003712 Mfw my dads epilleptic and had a seizure while driving, hit (65) ★
2012-11-26 16003723 How do I go into Alistair Overeem mode?>inb4 steroids (26)
2012-11-26 16003725 >tfw german >tfw cant sleep >tfw 3am >tfw have to get up to (3)
2012-11-26 16003727 >pic related Anyone pulling off this look? Although I'm not (40)
2012-11-26 16003752 Hit 175# on the snatch today. Felt good bros. Anybody else h (2)
2012-11-26 16003792 Apprentice (3)
2012-11-26 16003794 What are your thoughts on the insanity workout, /fit/? I'm a (28)
2012-11-26 16003808 routine thread? (17)
2012-11-26 16003867 D-hacks labs is down.Share your DNP sources. Dumpin teens in (23)
2012-11-26 16003912 /fit/ xmas list? (6)
2012-11-26 16003961 How can I get my arms looking like this? (6)
2012-11-26 16004031 ITT: yohimbine hclI don't know much about it besides it bein (12)
2012-11-26 16004032 front squats vs backsquatswhich ones better and why (24)
2012-11-26 16004066 Hey fit,If I am carb cycling, and it's a rest day (taking in (3)
2012-11-26 16004098 /fit/, why is it that the day after a good mosh pit, when I (3)
2012-11-26 16004138 Welll fuck guys I did it. I went and fucked myself up.After (11)
2012-11-26 16004150 MOTHERFUCK (26)
2012-11-26 16004153 I'm not a /fit/ regular but I have a bit of a situation rega (7)
2012-11-26 16004164 Found my new goal body (9)
2012-11-26 16004194 Is running every day a good substitute for the ECA stack? I (1)
2012-11-26 16004255 Carb UP! (7)
2012-11-26 16004324 >2012, almost 2013 >still not considering fruit to be the pe (2)
2012-11-26 16004447 noko (3)
2012-11-26 16004484 (2)
2012-11-26 16004495 >at party >limited amount of pizza, everybody must take one (1)
2012-11-26 16004534 Could we get a routine critique thread going? Basically my p (2)
2012-11-26 16004539 what's up guysbeen thinking about getting into lifting I gue (7)
2012-11-26 16004583 is /fit/ impressed by yoga feats?also; general progress thre (12)
2012-11-26 16004606 HE KNOWS (5)
2012-11-26 16004626 Hey /fit/.I have a quick question.I recently changed my diet (4)
2012-11-26 16004682 I need some inspirational stories to get my ass off this com (3)
2012-11-26 16004694 hey /fit/i have gyne. not as severe as this case but its clo (22)
2012-11-26 16004726 Looking for the rest of this set, any help /fit/?Dumping the (6)
2012-11-26 16004745 ITT: Basic advice for new liftersI've never lifted before, a (24)
2012-11-26 16004769 Crossfit Not Even Once (7)
2012-11-26 16004927 So far so good. (39)
2012-11-26 16004941 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2238201/Diane-K (7)
2012-11-26 16004948 So I had surgery, lost about 30 pounds from not eating solid (15)
2012-11-26 16004956 Post pictures of your abs and pelvic area please. (36)
2012-11-26 16004959 hey /fit/I'm just getting into strength training. I've been (11)
2012-11-26 16004961 /fit/, my dick is too big for my girlfriend.She's a virgin a (20)
2012-11-26 16005082 I think I have a pear shaped body. Help?Currently doing ligh (22)
2012-11-26 16005171 gf went on a date with this swagfag ;_;fuck this shit /fit/ (1)
2012-11-26 16005186 I took my first cold shower a little bit ago, and it felt gr (13)
2012-11-26 16005189 Am I the only one who loves the feeling of sore muscles. It (6)