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2013-07-01 09:33 21005806 Anonymous story time (delete.jpg 519x161 20kB)
>be 19
>go to party last night
>blah blah blah party shit
>random girl starts coming on to me
>solid 7/10
>shes wasted
>twerking, touching my ass, hugging me, ect
>time to leave, get her number
>text her today
>says she want to meet up on teusday
>she asks what i want to do
>i literally say "sex haha"
>she agrees
>talking to my friend about her
>find out she has a boyfriend
>they have been together over 2 years
wut do?
pic related, thats her bf
0 min later 21005819 Anonymous
fuck her, and move on
1 min later 21005829 Anonymous
Fuck her then tell her BF
2 min later 21005842 Anonymous
>asking me to imagine two jpegs as well as pay attention to the actually attached one
you'rereallystretchingmyabilitiesto thelimitheremate.jpg
3 min later 21005861 Anonymous
sorry about the summer
4 min later 21005868 Anonymous
fuck her all the posible ways her bf dosent
5 min later 21005897 Anonymous
Sounds like she's easy as fuck. I doubt you will be the first or the last she cheats on him with.
6 min later 21005909 Anonymous
Winter here mate. It's cold too so thanks for rubbing the fact that you're not cold in my face. Fuck you.
6 min later 21005911 Anonymous
I'd personally not fuck her and tell the boyfriend what has been happening, that way you're being a bro and helping a guy out of a relationship that would have otherwise ended much worse.
Unless they're swingers, then fuck her and fuck her good.
8 min later 21005929 Anonymous
*sigh* I wonder how many times I've been the ignorant slob whose whore girlfriend was fucking random guys. Shit will fuck with your mind.
8 min later 21005946 Anonymous
You're good people.
9 min later 21005957 Anonymous (Battlefield 3 Icon.jpg 125x125 3kB)
WAIT guys i left out the best part: she denied even having a boyfriend
a text from her
>"well i don't have a boyfriend or anything so i don't see y not"
10 min later 21005967 Anonymous
This if you have morals. Fuck her if not.
They both have their merits and downsides.
10 min later 21005972 Anonymous
Tell the dude about it.
10 min later 21005976 Anonymous
yeh no swingers here, just a normal 19 year old couple. "normal".
11 min later 21005977 Anonymous
fuck her then her boyfriend then both
>alpha mode
11 min later 21005980 Anonymous
pump and dump
but if the bf finds out where you live
the consequences will nvr be the same
11 min later 21005986 Anonymous
fuck her dude, if it's not you she's gonna fuck someone else
tell her bf later for maximum lols
12 min later 21005995 Anonymous
Also guys, I'm a virgin. Kissed a couple girls but nothing else. Yeah.
12 min later 21005998 Anonymous
Well if you have the boyfriend's number you could forward the whole conversation to him. Or screenshot and message it to him on facebook or something.
Or just fuck her. Let's be honest, if you had any moral qualms you would have already told him. Clearly you don't, so just fuck her.
12 min later 21006000 Anonymous (1371978783486.jpg 320x313 32kB)
Either bang her once and never talk to her again, or show the texts to her boyfriend before you do.
12 min later 21006005 Anonymous
No, don't be a dick.
Fuck her, because human nature, and then tell her bf so he knows to gtfo of that relationship
12 min later 21006007 Anonymous
dew it nigga
13 min later 21006017 Anonymous
i would also do this
13 min later 21006025 Anonymous
morals are not an issue, dont think i have any
13 min later 21006030 Anonymous
Fuck her then.
14 min later 21006039 Anonymous
14 min later 21006044 Anonymous
so i def shouldn't fuck her then tell the boyfriend right? that would be the most fun option, for me at least.
15 min later 21006058 Anonymous
Fuck the dude, tell girl about it.
15 min later 21006060 Anonymous
I assumed that when you asked an anonymous image board wat do. Fuck her good OP, god speed.
15 min later 21006061 Anonymous
Is the edginess enhanced by 905 not being a multiple of 420 in addition to one of the numbers being 420? That's some seriously multilayered edginess going on right there.
16 min later 21006064 Anonymous
Best option.
16 min later 21006069 Anonymous
sounds like this relationship can only end badly for the guy, I'd show him the conversation but let him know you didn't know he existed until after you started talking to her
17 min later 21006076 Anonymous
18 min later 21006093 Anonymous
fuck her, seriously.
Never persue a relationship, be her bit on the side if you must, but who cares.
>its not cheating if you're not the one in the relationship.
No alpha/beta shit here, just sex.
18 min later 21006096 Anonymous
While the start of that status is acceptable, the fact that he celebrates 1 year and 10 months is weird and gets worse with the ending.
I'd classify him as slightly beta.
Anyways, tell him what she's up to, there's no need for you to dip the stick in leftovers.
19 min later 21006101 Anonymous
19 min later 21006111 Anonymous
Do this, but fuck her before hand
19 min later 21006112 Anonymous
In that case, fuck her then tell him what she's up to without confirming you dipping your stick in leftovers.
23 min later 21006140 Anonymous
If you don't do it, someone else will.
23 min later 21006141 Anonymous
We've all come to a consensus
do it OP
now shut the fuck up and come back when you got pics or something
23 min later 21006143 Anonymous
i like this
24 min later 21006157 Anonymous (1371851146941.jpg 400x400 24kB)
OP, this your only option.
You'd be a fasg not to
25 min later 21006166 Anonymous
Alright guys, I've decided. I'll fuck her then tell her boyfriend. And possibly lie about my penis's involvement to him.
Since I'm a virgin, is there anything sex-wise i should know before hand? besides condoms
26 min later 21006180 Anonymous
you blew it, the football team will be waiting to throw eggs and laugh at you
27 min later 21006194 Anonymous
When you tell him without fucking her, he might be Beta enough to stay with her.
You'll do him a favor because chances are higher they break up.
Except if he stays with her, knowing you fucked her, he deserved it.
27 min later 21006195 Anonymous (1312149912908.jpg 3648x2736 1535kB)
that finger might be coming into your anus
28 min later 21006204 Anonymous
If you truly have no morals
>fuck her
>tell her boyfriend
>pretend you only found out after you fucked her
>"im sorry bro, she told me she didn't have a boyfriend"
If you are truly truly moral-less
>"When she rolled over and said 'my boyfriend has never fucked me like that', I knew I'd made a mistake"
28 min later 21006208 Anonymous
>she agreed after he said that
Don't cum quickly. For me at least cumming follows a bathtub curve: either I'm going to cum quite quickly or not cum for a long time. So if you're the same, and you can avoid cumming quickly with slow, regular breathing and not tensing your body, you should be set for the long haul.
29 min later 21006225 Anonymous
Hole is really close to the anus.
Gently play with the clit.
That's what you need.
30 min later 21006232 Anonymous
i actually really like that logic, it makes sense
that picture is me like 6 months ago no lie
31 min later 21006247 Anonymous
dude who told you not to do that? literally the whole thread is like "fuck her, then tell her bf"
stop acting stupid on purpose
32 min later 21006255 Anonymous
my best advice is to just own it. first time i had sex she was pretty genuinely surprised that i was a virgin since we had such a good time and i never let on that i was clueless until after
32 min later 21006260 Anonymous
This. Fucking while spooning will let you reach the clit a lot easier (please tell me you know how to find it) but you may accidentally fall out.
33 min later 21006271 Anonymous
>losing your virginity to a slut
Have some self respect you faggot
34 min later 21006282 Anonymous
>thinking having sex degrades a woman's worth
neckbeard pls go
34 min later 21006284 Anonymous
Meh dine and dash if you want but she sounds like a slut mos def. I'd pass if I were you but w/e.
34 min later 21006288 Anonymous
Seems like you don't know her bf so why would you care? Go fuck her brah erryone gonna make eet
35 min later 21006289 Anonymous
some people were like tell the bf dont fuck her. but obv i will fuck her if i can contain the spaghett
i >>21006255
my biggest fear is cumming in like 2 seconds, as long as that doesn't happen i should be able to manage, shit ive watched hella porn
why does it matter? i've been thinking about that, but honestly unless you're religious, it doesn't seem like it matters.
37 min later 21006311 Anonymous
Porn will have made it worse if you wank really fast, because then you will have conditioned yourself to cum quickly.
If you're going to watch porn at least play Cock Hero.
37 min later 21006312 Anonymous
> Fuck her, because evolution
> Tell the boyfriend, emphasizing she never told you she had a boyfriend
> Offer to meet him up with some cute girls
> At one point, 3 months down the road, kiss him in front of a lake when you find out how longly he is
39 min later 21006332 Anonymous
If you finish in 1min or so smile at her and start chatting immediately about some non sex stuff
39 min later 21006342 Anonymous
>my biggest fear is cumming in like 2 seconds, as long as that doesn't happen i should be able to manage, shit ive watched hella porn
If this happens, don't worry. Just rest a bit and try again.
42 min later 21006376 Anonymous
>our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate, our biggest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
43 min later 21006385 Anonymous
Alternatively if you already went down on her beforehand you could go back down and pretend like nothing happened. Of course for this to work there will have to be several things in your favour:
a) you don't take too long to reload
b) you then stop partway through the next round of fucking to go back down, keeping up the pretense
c) you weren't wearing a condom, because if you were you'll have to switch it
d) you didn't look like you were cumming
e) you're not averse to having your mouth in your own cum
f) she didn't feel you cum
43 min later 21006390 Anonymous
also wank a few times before that day, it'll help
48 min later 21006453 Anonymous
Yea and having a tiny load and no hornyness at all. Fucking dumb
51 min later 21006484 Anonymous
also guys should i take adderall before hand? i have a shitload sitting around because i usually only take it during school
should i stop fapping until then?
54 min later 21006534 Anonymous
tap that ass, son
bonus points if you take a pic of her sucking your dick and send it to her beta bf
you'll be doing him a favor
54 min later 21006536 Anonymous (fitinnutshell.jpg 938x633 103kB)
fuck her and have her make her bf put on a cuckold and watch. He sounds beta enough that he might just do it so she doesn't leave him.
55 min later 21006544 Anonymous
idk about you
but a lot of stimulants (adderal,mdma,coke) make my dick useless (vasoconstrictors kill me)
yet they make me social as fuck
if it doesnt harm your ability to get hard, go for it
55 min later 21006545 Anonymous
using this motivational quote in this context was pure genius, I award plentiful gainz to you anon.
56 min later 21006568 Anonymous (1357036489358.jpg 205x246 14kB)
She just wants to fuck bruh .. do it and move on with your life
56 min later 21006571 Anonymous
Fuck the boyfriend and tell her.
57 min later 21006583 Anonymous
why do you care about how big your load is when using a condom?
59 min later 21006614 Anonymous
i'd rather be not horny then get it up and last 15-20 than get it up and PE in 30 seconds.
then again, i lost my v's bareback so i've always hated condoms
1 hours later 21006624 Anonymous
Fuck her then tell boyfriend about it afterwards, might as well get some pussy. If you aren't that desperate for it just skip the fucking and tell him, the man deserves to know.
1 hours later 21006629 Anonymous
My suggestions are
>don't fap
>fuck her
>moan a bit, breath kinda heavy
>finish in 2 min
>blow a huge load in/on her
>bitches love that
>rest short period
>look in her eyes smiling bit dirty
>compliment her about non sex related stuff, what you see in her house, things she did before or smth
>she will see you don't give a fuck about shit and not being insecure aspie
>fuarking alpha
>fuck her for 45 mins straight
1 hours later 21006638 Anonymous
You're not alone. I can't really get the feeling when I do it with condoms, nor did my now ex gf.
1 hours later 21006643 Anonymous
>using condom
1 hours later 21006662 Anonymous
enjoy the clap with an attitude like that.
i'll fuck my girlfriend without one but as a single dude, i'll wrap it before i tap it.
1 hours later 21006675 Anonymous
it's expected, just fuck her and move on, if they were like mid twenties or above then I'd tell him
1 hours later 21006678 Anonymous
Thanks a bunch kind sir
1 hours later 21006688 Anonymous
diabeetus coming his way.
but yeah
1 hours later 21006690 Anonymous (1342511751687.png 289x330 231kB)
I wouldn't do it, but that's just me.
If I find out a girl is cheating or has cheated I immediately lose so much respect for her that I can hardly stand talking to her.
But then again, if I knew the bf was a massive douche I'd probably do it.
1 hours later 21006691 Anonymous
1 hours later 21006710 Anonymous
Do you really believe that shit ? lol
1 hours later 21006717 Anonymous
oh /fit. never change pls
1 hours later 21006725 Anonymous
fuck off newfag
1 hours later 21006726 Anonymous
Do it man, that will be a lol as fuck "How i lost my virginity" Story.
1 hours later 21006736 Anonymous (1371004891402.jpg 640x960 40kB)
Do a houdini and fuck her, then get her boyfriend to switch in and fuck her butt lol.
Then use your pinkie in her butt hole and then stick it in his mouth so he has to taste shit haha.
1 hours later 21006773 Anonymous
Why wouldn't you? It's not like they are married or anything. Pretty much every girl you will ever hook up with will be in a "relationship" at the time.
1 hours later 21006795 Anonymous
America pls.
Man that is some shit the inhibited society tells you, how about start living ?
I sticked my peenor in some pussies, even on feativals, never had problems
1 hours later 21006823 Anonymous
Fuck her. Tell her boyfriend. Act like the victim.
Would b laff.
1 hours later 21006846 Anonymous
I've never used a rubber, and I've never caught anything at all, and I've fucked some dirty bitches too.
I might have been a carrier though lol.
1 hours later 21006849 Anonymous
Australia bud.
dang son, i'm up to 21 sizzled grills, and I'm careful about who I wrap with or not, ever since i got the clap. never would have picked her for it, either... luckily it was a quick pill to fix but the clap sucks.
1 hours later 21006861 Anonymous
Hit her bf up and arrange a spitroasting.
1 hours later 21006865 Anonymous
not all STI's are symptomatic - have you ever been tested?
1 hours later 21006876 Anonymous
What's your name cunt, I just found out my girlfriend was texting some guy and he asked her for sex, she told me, so I told her to text back yes and get a meeting time so I can get some of my buddies and we'll go fucking bash him.
I hope this is you fuckstain. Can't wait to post a pic of your beat ass
1 hours later 21006909 Anonymous
would be funny if I am Chlamydia Chris, and been giving the crusty clam girls for years without knowing it.
1 hours later 21006913 Anonymous
hahahaha post some more information about the local area and i'll believe you faggot
>u wot m8
1 hours later 21006914 Anonymous (troll.jpg 470x600 54kB)
1 hours later 21006917 Anonymous
>clam to* girls
1 hours later 21006921 Anonymous
fuck off faggot I'm not fucking scared I'll meet up with your woman and fuck both of you in the ass. Yeah I'll fuck u til u love me faggot. Losing my Vs in a 3some would be Alphalpha as fuck yeah come the fuck at me brah
1 hours later 21006935 Anonymous
OP here btw
1 hours later 21006944 Anonymous
I wouldn't fuck her, but honestly that proabbly depends on my mood.
Like if I'm lusting for her and she's williing to coe to me? Yeah I'd tap it heavy.
Only one girl has ever got me in that headstate though. Straight wanted to make love and rough fuck in the middle of class ON THE DAILY.
M, I dunno if you read these boards but 1st hour nigga seriously; I would KILL to sex with you.
honest 2 god that I don't believe in
But nah OP, morally, just let the dude no. Get your proof, stock up on those texts, play it out if you have to, and show him the shit. Meet up if you have to.
No one deserves this shit.
1 hours later 21006952 Anonymous
Yurop here bro, sexually open life. I once had an itchy rash but turned out it was noting, my doc is a bro I went to him like" wtf my dick man look at it"
1 hours later 21006978 Anonymous
ehh, ive been more careful since getting the clap. but if the bitch is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine i make exceptions
1 hours later 21006983 Anonymous
lmao OPs gonna get bashed
1 hours later 21007036 Anonymous
except that i only know what she told me. see >>21005957
I only know she does cause my close friend knows everyone in my area, and she doesn't know that
>plausible deniability
1 hours later 21007046 Anonymous
You do know this site is for persons 18 and up?
1 hours later 21007051 Anonymous (MYnigger.jpg 1200x806 453kB)
1 hours later 21007061 Anonymous
Yep, that's how I lost mine last year. Dat sweet cheating pussy
1 hours later 21007081 Anonymous
1 hours later 21007159 Anonymous
also /r/ing story
1 hours later 21007171 Anonymous
A: Fuck her. Ignore other man.
Cons : You miss out the opportunity to be a greater person. You get the risk of a punch and a bad rep, I don't know if you have a conscious but this is the kind of thing that you never forget you did. If you are trash you add pride if you are honest you add shame.
B. Fuck her and tell him.
Cons: By far most middle ground option and what many baboons would do for both moral satisfaction and sex. Although you are generating pain on their life he is probably better off w/out her. As she is clearly whoring around. You as a man in a sense don't have a reason to turn down sex if its not inconvenient for you.
C: Don't fuck her. Tell him
Although it would cost you face, and pussy. You are aiding another person who you don't even know. Opportunities to be this empathetic are great tests of great maturity. Satisfaction for acts like this will help you throughout life, it will better your confidence and self image.
1 hours later 21007200 Anonymous
does he lift?
1 hours later 21007221 Anonymous (AVDSQe0.png 500x438 112kB)
>being a greater person by telling a guy you don't know that his girl cheats
Are you a moron? For all you know, he could be one of those weak-ass pussy worshipers who push their girls on pedestals, enabling their cheating behavior in the first place.
There is no greatness in telling a weak man that he is weak.
1 hours later 21007242 Anonymous
Oh fuck I can smell the fedora
>proud about fucking women
>feel shame about fucking women
holy fuck
1 hours later 21007259 Anonymous
why should i give a fuck? there's nothing of meaning in this life anyway, i don't need to waste my energy worrying about being a greater person, everyone's a piece of shit
1 hours later 21007267 Anonymous (ughhhh.png 410x416 336kB)
>be at house party at school
>talking tofriend in the company of a girl
>he yells out "he wants to fuck you"
>I tell him to stop
>He yells at her "Hop on the Anon-train, it only comes one!"
>are you fucking kidding me dude
>Fuck this, leave them be
Cut to 1 hour later
>She sends her friend over to talk to me
>Asks if I want to fuck her
>"Y-yeah sure I guess"
>She says she'll see what she can do
End of the party another hour later
>Talking to her in the kitchen
>Her friend says she's leaving
>Tell her it was a nice night
>She says "aren't you going to walk me home?"
Walking Home
>We're attached at the hip, her grabbing my ass a little bit
>Got a semi going
>Walking up to her place there is a puddle
>I'd been lifting a little bit
>Lift her easily over the puddle
>She blushes a bit
At the door
>We walk up to the door
>Me, her, her friend, and some dude her friend wanted to fuck
>Tension in the air
>Key goes in the door
>I say...
>"Well it's been fun, I'll see you around"
>Walk away, other dude can't recover
>He spends walk home bitching me out
Anyways we banged the next weekend and hooked up 6 times over the next month. Good times
1 hours later 21007285 Anonymous
1 hours later 21007300 Anonymous
Wouldn't you like to know?
It is up to him what happens next.
1 hours later 21007302 Anonymous
shit nigga that's hot, it's a strange phenomenon when girls just decide "i'm going to have sex with you". Has happened two times in my life; both of which are the only times I've had sex. I'm 19 btw
1 hours later 21007303 Anonymous
glad it ended well. op here, i could have fucked her at the party, but i pussied out. but things are turning out well anyway.
1 hours later 21007311 Anonymous
fuck the boyfriend, then tell her
how does it feel to be cheated?
also send her pics of sex
no homo ofc
1 hours later 21007320 Anonymous
pics or it didnt happen
1 hours later 21007325 Anonymous
Do you even Nietzche brah?
1 hours later 21007334 Anonymous
Because the world is just like /fit/ when you turn off the computer isn't it?
1 hours later 21007361 Anonymous (yes.png 300x303 105kB)
Yeah it's hot. She was a 6/10 (I'm a 5 at best so I can't complain), but she wasn't my type as she was only 5' tall.
However, as soon she was in "I wanna fuck you" mode, instant boner.
1 hours later 21007365 Anonymous
not familiar with him. philosopher or something?
1 hours later 21007379 Anonymous (1370942735273.jpg 590x600 299kB)
You aren't off to a hot start m8, pace yourself mostly. Vary your positions, pay attention to her clit. You want so shoot for at least 15 minutes of actual fucking.
Also, if you're nervous, your penis might have a hard time getting hard. Be confident and dominate her to a degree, as long as she thinks you know what you're doing you'll be fine.
Protip: Lots of girls like thumbs in their asses while you're fucking them, are you a bad enough dude to slip her the thumb?
2 hours later 21007409 Anonymous
This is not about the world. This is about a fedora-wearing full-blown autist who thinks that a man rolls up in his shower and cries after having a good fuck.
2 hours later 21007430 Anonymous
> you are eaten by a grue
2 hours later 21007441 Anonymous
>Wouldn't you like to know?
Why the hell would I want to know they boyfriend of a girl that fucks around? I fucked her because I wanted to get my dick wet, not to talk to a guy about his relationship. Holy fucking shit
2 hours later 21007459 Anonymous
>ignorance is bliss
amirite? i wouldn't want to ruin a 2 year relationship now would i!
2 hours later 21007492 Anonymous
it's simple
if the bf is scrawny fuck, fuck her
if he is a mma fighter, forget her
2 hours later 21007503 Anonymous
>Just moved into my new place with a few roomies
>Roommate dating this hot piece of ass, easy 8/10
>Roommate in question throws party with all his shitty friends over
>Chillin', making conversation with some of the girls
>Decide to retire to my room
>Roommate's girl comes into my room and asks what I think of her kinda fat friend
>Tell her I'm not interested, she bitches about why and shit, just tell her I'm not and that I'm sorry if I ruined her night. She says it's okay and gives me a hug
>Lift her up easily, her thighs brushes against my obvious boner
>She smiles and says good night
>Feel like I made the right choice.
3 hours later
>She comes back in my room wearing just a tshit
>we start making out
>I end up fucking her that night with her panties in her mouth to keep her from knowing
>Roommate never finds out
We still fuck regularly, am I a bad person /fit/?
2 hours later 21007530 Anonymous
nah, thats good shit dude. proud of you.
2 hours later 21007543 Anonymous
Ignorance would be ignoring the fact that other people relationships are none of your business. Ignorance is ignoring your common sense and trying to play a white knight for someone who you don't know.
Do it for a friend? Yes.
Do it for a stranger? Fucking moron.
2 hours later 21007578 Anonymous
> meet girl at a friends party
> exchange numbers
> fucked her daily
> see her come to the theatre I work at with a guy
> she comes up to me and hugs me and introduces me to him
I didn't even know what to say, I just said I was busy and walked away. She still texts to meet up, but it just make excuses
2 hours later 21007580 Anonymous
Feminists and nice guys will hate you
2 hours later 21007590 Anonymous
You are a king amongst men, keep laying that pipe thick, long and strong brother.
2 hours later 21007593 Anonymous
It was her boyfriend.... And here we go Dubs
2 hours later 21007594 Anonymous
That picture is a reddit meetup.
2 hours later 21007604 Anonymous (4l4dCpibmfll.jpg 594x334 53kB)
That tips the otherwise close decision.
Do it.
2 hours later 21007606 Anonymous
>She still texts to meet up, but it just make excuses
Good. She showed up with another man to instill the good old male-on-male drama. Not worth your time if you ask me.
2 hours later 21007607 Anonymous
why make excuses? why not just keep fucking?
2 hours later 21007609 Anonymous
are you 10?
2 hours later 21007621 Anonymous
Fuck her, deny that you knew of his existence, and show her the texts. Easy. He's ignorant, and it's just a shame for him that she's a whore, he probably deserves better (even though he sounds like a beta faggot)
2 hours later 21007639 Anonymous
This, then offer to lift with him.
2 hours later 21007647 Anonymous (47328194.jpg 308x309 17kB)
>The Year of Our Lord, 2013
>wanting to fuck sluts who cheat on their boyfriends
2 hours later 21007652 Anonymous
Would advice against that. Get your fuck and get out of there. Long-term flings with girls who do shit like introducing their boyfriend to her fuckbuddy are an unstable mess with control issues.
There is nothing to gain here that you could get from fresh pussy too.
2 hours later 21007659 Anonymous
OP you get no where being the good guy.
As Machiavelli once said: "to play the good man in a world where most people are not good, you'll end up badly"
Machiavelli was speaking about this situation OP. You just need to fuck her, then leave her.
2 hours later 21007685 Anonymous
>panties in her mouth to keep her from knowing
Did u put chloroform in her panties and then raped her
2 hours later 21007701 Anonymous
2 hours later 21007702 Anonymous
That was supposed to be *moaning
thanks bros
2 hours later 21007708 Anonymous
2 hours later 21007710 Anonymous
Son i am not disappoint. Live strong brother.
2 hours later 21007725 Anonymous
Fucking your roommates gf is playing a dangerous game.
Not recommended
2 hours later 21007741 Anonymous
2 hours later 21007788 Anonymous
Tell her bf, don't fuck her. Imagine tfw if that happened to you. Top kek jk fuck her then hold the cum in and run to boyfriend's house and cum on his face, no h-homo
2 hours later 21007811 Anonymous
>my doc is a bro I went to him like" wtf my dick man look at it"
my fuarkin sides
on the topic of condoms
>hang out with poly people
>basically the entire group of >10 people are fuckbuddies
>everyone is dating 2 or 3 people
>everyone on BC
>group STD testing sessions every 2 months
>condoms for outside-the-group sex
2 hours later 21007828 Anonymous
>"Hop on the Anon-train, it only comes once!"
not sure great wingman
or joke about one-and-done in bed
2 hours later 21007836 Anonymous
how does one be poly? this sounds awesome
2 hours later 21007851 Anonymous
If you tell her bf without fucking her, she could escape of this being all "sorry, I wasn't thinking, I almost did a mistake, but it's ok babe, nothing happened". Then someone else will fuck her.
So no reason to not fuck her. It feels good for you and it makes her bad behavior real for her.
But you should do tell her bf after this.
She's a whore, she should face the consequence of her acts.
And the poor guy, beta or not, deserves to know who he is dating. He could be dumb and forgive her, but then he chooses the miserable life coming at him.
2 hours later 21007852 Anonymous
Fuck her in the ass then in the mouth then cum where ever you want. Do all the nasty raunchy shit she is too afraid to do with her boyfriend.
2 hours later 21007875 Anonymous
wot is poly?
2 hours later 21007944 Anonymous
find other poly people, usually
bit of a crapshoot as to whether the poly group is a bunch of awesome people who want maximum fun times
or a bunch of retarded ugly slags and neckbeards who love drama and can't get any other relationships
>sex as often or as little as you like
>only go on dates or hang out with grills for their good qualities (ie if you enjoy conversations with her, you can do that a bunch, if it's purely physical, you don't have to endure boring ass dates you can just fuck)
>that whole "grills like a man in a relationship" thing works in your favour SO HARD, going from 0 to 1 is hard but going from 1 to 3 or 4 or however many you can handle is easy
>much much higher chances of threesomes, group sex, orgies (if thats your thing)
>your girls will wingman for you so fucking well and you can pretty much pimp girls out to guys at will, we go on slutfucking expeditions every now and then
>if you have ever been jealous, you will find it agonising
>seriously you need to be born without a sense of jealousy to survive poly relationships
>i'm not kidding you have to be HAPPY for your girl when she fucks another guy
>i cannot overstate how much jealousy will ruin your life if you let it
>relationships will take up a lot more of your time, not in a bad way, you will want to spend that time, but it makes having a fulltime job and absorbing hobbies a little tougher
>you have to be really level-headed and thick skinned about relationships, 3x the partners means 3^2 times the chances to get hurt
>did i mention jealousy
relationships with more than one person
"polyamory" google it
2 hours later 21007953 Anonymous
2 hours later 21007956 Anonymous (1372334626058.jpg 902x600 147kB)
2 hours later 21007970 Anonymous
polygamous people
2 hours later 21007990 Anonymous
bf = betamax
2 hours later 21007996 Anonymous
i could deal with/overcome jealousy for the insane benifits. how old are people in the group? whats the average #/10 of the girls?
2 hours later 21008002 Anonymous
yeh I would be driven mad by the jealousy. Idk how people can do that.
2 hours later 21008047 Ruby
Don't fuck her. Scold her for hiding the fact that she has a boyfriend. Some day, someone else might do the same for you.
2 hours later 21008054 Anonymous
tripfag fuck off
2 hours later 21008060 Anonymous
So because there is more evil than good, you should be evil too?
Peer pressure and pure faggotry right there.
2 hours later 21008084 Anonymous
I would tell her bf. Don't get me wrong. I love to put my dick inside of something but dat feel when you make somebody (who deserves it) life a living hell... idk why but it feels better then cumming.
2 hours later 21008086 Anonymous
what is the fucking poing of not being evil? please explain that to me.
2 hours later 21008120 Anonymous
>how old are people in the group?
22-31, girls generally young side, guys old side. i'm the youngest guy at 24, and im the fittest one too (the rest are DYEL but cool guys), so i get passed around as a fucktoy a bit (which i am totally fine with). Oh and one girl is 19, a little bit nympho/slut, she kinda gets passed around a bit too.
>whats the average #/10 of the girls?
probably 6.5? 5s and 6s that I don't really date but are really nice people, a 7 who's super tiny and super cute, an 8 who's a total girlbro. No 9s or 10s, they don't seem to be poly (get enough attention without the lifestyle probs).
it seriously ain't for everyone. like how some people are born gay, some people are born without jealousy. then, IF they encounter the lifestyle, they can handle being poly. jealous types trying to be poly really fuck it up for everyone.
one of our members is effectively a refuge from another state:
>she is dating a poly guy
>his other girlfriend wants to go mono
>he tells her he will go mono
>he doesn't tell our girl that he said that
>he keeps fucking both of them
>she kinda realises but rationalises it cause she likes him too much
>he makes her sneak out of the house when his gf comes over
>eventually she gets caught sneaking out
>guy lies through his teeth about everything, paints our girl as a stalker, totally sides with his gf, misrepresents everything
>our girl gets super fucked up for a year or so about it
>we slowly help her get better
don't be that guy, he completely ruined someone's life for a little extra pussy without the extra effort
why do you trip
2 hours later 21008137 Anonymous
It's a mindset, if you're a honest hardworking person the satisfaction you get is going to be much higher than if you just lie and con people.
think of it like natty scoobs vs not natty joff
3 hours later 21008218 Anonymous
i really dont understand the metaphor you used at the end. what is that supposed to mean?
3 hours later 21008382 Anonymous (1336789127732.png 485x390 25kB)
sex then to boyfriend. i found out your grill is a slut. sorry didn't know until i banged her and she told me she lied to me about not having a bf.
or fb bf right off the bat
or sex grill and do or do not feel the water for if you could blackmail her into doing sex shit or else you'll tell her bf. make her give you her promo mew card from pokemon 2000 premiere.
or don't contact her anymore and get a useful degree and help reduce the suffering in the world.
first seems good because you can fuck her in 2 ways first literally then figuratively and you may even feel like a good guy for helping this bro out letting him know his grill is a dumb sloot
3 hours later 21008401 Anonymous
this just means your slut was lying as the OP wouldn't lie about this because he didn't know.
3 hours later 21008613 Anonymous
won't work. most girls minds work very different. they don't consider it's cheating untill AFTER you fuck them.
3 hours later 21008665 Anonymous
Any grills in this thread? Do they have anything to say about this?
3 hours later 21008826 Anonymous (319395_2137697335999_2768343_n.jpg 396x658 33kB)
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