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2013-07-01 09:28 21005752 Anonymous Eating as soon as you wake up (no brenda she's not food.gif 266x199 858kB)
I have a question, /fit/ >Is eating upon waking up necessary/beneficial for health? I feel sick whenever I eat breakfast and then do any sort of physical activity; I have to wait a few hours after eating or I have to lift/run on an empty stomach. Is it okay if I wake up at 7 am and eat at 10-10:30 am? Or should I just deal with it and eat within an hour of waking up I'm mainly concerned about its effect on weight loss. I've heard some people mention that eating as soon as you wake up will 'kick-start' your metabolism, but I don't see any evidence Thoughts?

1 min later 21005777 Anonymous
So you want our permission to tell you when you can and can't eat?

5 min later 21005817 Anonymous (barcelona track dance.gif 261x391 1021kB)
>>21005777 No, I want to see if there are any persuasive arguments for either case From what I see all the 'breakfast=health' studies are correlational, because most people who skip breakfast are the type who will eat little yet calorie-dense food that is bereft of nutrients

8 min later 21005858 Anonymous
>>21005752 it doesn't really matter, it's the big picture that one should care about, which is what you stuff into yourself during the space of 24 hours

9 min later 21005886 Anonymous
>>21005858 Alright IF and such seem to work and after doing a bit more research, it seems meal frequency and timing isn't all that important Thanks

9 min later 21005887 Anonymous
No, it doesn't matter so long as you're eating sufficient food overall. However, if you lift/run in the morning, it might be a good idea to make a smoothie or something before if you can stomach it then eat breakfast afterwards. I usually blend a banana, milk, greek yoghurt, some oats, and add honey and cinnamon to taste. Doesn't fill me up or feel like eating, but it gives me an energy boost and then I can have breakfast after exercise.

9 min later 21005891 Anonymous
I think the whole metabolism thing is bullshit. I've heard breakfast is only important so that you don't engorge yourself later in the day. Anyway, if you're hungry, eat. If it makes you sick, eat less.

10 min later 21005901 Anonymous
>>21005817 She looks so hot and kinky in a not whorish way

12 min later 21005937 Anonymous
>>21005886 even berkhan says that but leangains can be helpful in making the big picture feel easier

32 min later 21006200 Anonymous
(I wrote this on another thread) From what I have experienced, it doesn't really matter when you eat. I wake up around 5am for work, then go gym then eat breakfast/lunch anytime between 10-12pm. (I only work part time at the moment). I had no problems losing weight and my body fat is 13.5 down from 20-25% I think. I workout a lot better on an empty stomach too, hence why I don't eat.

1 hours later 21006757 Anonymous
What about eating before you work out? I like to do light body weight exercises right when I get up. Should I eat first?

1 hours later 21006805 Anonymous
>>21005752 I always had trouble eating in the morning, just had to find something that didnt make me sick eggs for some reason are the only thing i can stomach when i wake up

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