4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 09:26 21005723 Anonymous (1349908019736.jpg 279x320 24kB)
what are some good books to help me be /fit/? I already read the Brothers' Karamazov
1 min later 21005741 Anonymous
Go be 16 elsewhere faggot
/fit/ - Health & Fitness
Images and discussion related to dieting, exercise, healthy living, and workout plans is welcome here.
Relationship, dating advice, and "mental health" threads belong on /adv/.
3 min later 21005772 Anonymous
I inquired about books directly related to /fit/ness.
6 min later 21005800 Anonymous
Is it possible to develop social phobia? or pretty women phobia?
Because i dont remember being this awkward in elementary school.
8 min later 21005834 Anonymous
OP I'm reading Brothers Karamazov now. I'm not very far in, at the moment I'm at the bit where Mitya intercepts Alyosha at night time and begins rambling drunk to him. Does it go anywhere? Why is this book praised so much?
12 min later 21005888 Anonymous
did you already read the grand inquisitor part?
it's like an epic of religion and doubt, basically Fyodor dostovesky's own doubt idk,
16 min later 21005962 Anonymous
nah, i don't think so. fyodor is definitely an interesting character.
24 min later 21006078 Anonymous
>Brothers' Karamazov
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